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Rated: 18+ · Script/Play · Writing · #2153964
The main Prompt for this month is Scene Descriptions. Each Genre reflexes that Prompt.

March Prompts

Main Prompt = Scenes Descriptions

A scene is a place where the action, dialogue, etc. takes place. Multiple scenes are what makes a movie or television script a script. Some say that writing dialogue is the hardest part of writing a scene. That might be true if you are writing a Comedy because most of it is dialogue, unless it’s a slapstick Comedy. Dialogue can be very hard to write, but scene description can be harder to do. Some doesn’t write too much detail when they write their scene descriptions, and some do. I’m the later. A lot of times I go into too much detail. What kind of a scene description writer are you? Your challenge this month is to describe at least one scene in your story in as much detail as you want to do it.

Genre Prompts

Action/Adventure = An antagonist hideout: Where is it at? What does it look like? Describing it should be both interior and exterior, but mostly interior. This type of Scene Description can be very detailed. How much detail you put into it is up to you. It all depends on what kind of a hideout it is.

Children’s = Is it a boy or girls bedroom? What does it look like? Do they live in there alone or do they share it with one or more others? Where is this bedroom? Is it in an apartment, house, etc.? The most important part is the bedroom, but what about the rest of where they live?

Drama = This is a hard one to do because there are so many possibilities involving Drama. I have decided on an Office for this one. Where is this Office? What kind of an Office is it? It is a small office or a large one. The size of the office depends on how much detail you put into it.

Fantasy = A tree is where you live. What kind of a tree is it? Is it a small one or a large tree? Who are you? What does it look like within it? Is there a door(s) and windows, or are they hidden from those around it? This is one description that can have a lot of detailed in it. It can also be a simple one.

Horror/Scary = You are in a haunted house. Why are you there? Are you there alone? What does it look like? Is it just a haunted house or is the haunted house just a cover for something more sinister and evil? The way that you describe this scene will probably answer all these questions. Maybe a few others.

Mystery = An old house is where a murder has taken place. You are a Detective, Private Eye, etc. who is there looking for clues as to who done it. How big is this house? What does it look like? You don’t need to describe every single room that they go into, but you can if you want to do it.

Romance/Love = A romantic restaurant: What kind of a restaurant is it? Where is it at? Is it at ground level or a high rise? What does it look like within it? This is another description that be a simple one to describe, but it can also be a hard one. It all depends on how much detail you want to put into it.

Science Fiction = Some SpaceStations are small with only a few individuals and some are large with several hundred individuals. How many individuals are on this SpaceStation? What does it look like both inside and outside? This type of description can be very detailed or very simple. It all depends on you.

Teen = Shopping malls is a popular place for teens to meet and hang out at. How big is this shopping mall? What does it look like? Where is it at? Is there a favorite restaurant, movie theater, etc. that they meet at? There is two many to handle this description: The whole mall or just a part of it.

Thriller/Suspense = This one is a little different than the other ones. A building has just fallen. How did it fall? Why has it fallen? What did it look like before it fell? Was it a tall building, a short one, or something in between the two? The possibilities are many with this one.

Westerns = There are two possible scene descriptions for this Genre. One is for a town. The other one is for a ranch or farm. You chose the one you want it to be, and how much detail you want to put into it. This is one scene description that you don’t have to put a lot of detail into it.

Young Adults = Dating is a big part of a young person’s life, and there are a lot of places where they can go. Your challenge is to pick at least one place and describe it in as much detail as you think that they need. This is another scene description that should be easy to do. Then again, maybe it won’t be.
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