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This story is about a lady that had a hidden secret. |
On a beautiful warm sunny spring day in the burbs. Mike and his wife Jennifer were getting ready for work. Mike and Jennifer met by chance on the job where Jennifer was an attorney and mike was a bike messenger at one of the biggest law firms in Salt Lake. They had just bought their house two weeks ago, but with their schedules hadn't had the time to properly unpack all of their belongings. Jennifer and mike bought the property because it had two sprawling acres of land and an old rickety shed where mike had hoped to turn into a workshop. Jennifer was pressing Mike about his list of chores that he had promised he would get done around the house. Mike nodded in agreement in hopes to merely shut Jennifer up while he was enjoying his coffee and granola bar before heading off to work; Jennifer had caught onto what he was doing and threatened him that if he didn't do something about the chores that she would hire someone to do it. He then rapidly stood up and yelled at Jennifer " what do you expect from me, I cannot do everything by myself" realizing what just happened he instantly turned red out of embarrassment and quickly apologized. Jennifer's voice recoiled deep inside her body, she started crying and shaking out of fear because something had awaken inside of her. She felt a new invigorating sensation that she had never felt before. She was perplexed about what this new feeling meant, and pondered upon it throughout her busy work day with her growing sense of child like curiosity. She told herself that whatever this new sensation meant that she would embrace the good of it and disregard the bad parts like she had done quite often throughout her lifetime. Even though the more she thought about it the more it grew and the more it grew the more that her old self had retreated deeper into the depths of her soul leaving behind an empty egg shell for a corpse. The feeling had finally taken over her body and manifested itself into a human of sorts, at the begging the changes were slight ones that no one would notice and became bigger with time. Before getting into the car to go home that night she took off both her heels and her dress shirt reveling a sexy laced tank top underneath, let down her long hair and threw her brief case, her shirt and her heels into the back seat jumped into the front seat rolled down the windows and then she let off a sexy scream like laughter. Sped out of her parking garage and into the busy streets filled to the brim with traffic, started blasting her music and rapidly making her way through traffic screaming at everyone else. Finally out of traffic she decided to gun the car at full throttle just to see how fast her Mercedes could go, she had caught a glimpse of herself in the rearview mirror and was mesmerized by her own beauty and at that moment she felt as though she was 100 percent free. Jennifer was rapidly coming up to her exit, she had then decided to slow down to at least normal traffic speed although it suddenly bored her. She pulled into the nearest gas station where her and Mike were regulars. She then quickly reached into her back seat to grab her shoes and her shirt, once again she gazed upon herself in the rearview mirror soaking up all her beauty while the rest of the world seemingly passed her by. Dave the gas attendant had came up to her car and was trying to get her attention by knocking on her cars window. She very slowly turned her head towards the sound of the knocking, upon seeing who it was she then snapped in a low growl said " who dare disturb me." The gas attendant became frightened because he had never seen this side of Jennifer before. She snapped at him again and said " do your job peasant boy so I can get on my way." She quickly became bored of waiting for Dave to finish the job; She then decided to speed out of the gas stations parking lot letting off a booming evil laugh to be heard by everyone. Finally on her way home once more she grabbed her cell phone and dialed Mike's number it went straight to voicemail she told him " if you want dinner then I suggest you stop by the store and get yourself something to cook/eat as I am drinking my dinner now/" she then hung up her phone while speeding by a cop patrolling the highway. The cop then made an abrupt U-turn and decided to pursue her vehicle, she looked into her rearview mirror and two thoughts crossed her mind one how beautiful the lights were, and two her grin widened and she said " come on bad boy lets see what you've got." All the while once again picking up speed until she was going at a dangerous speed around winding mountain roads, and weaving in and out of traffic. She takes another swig of her beer chasing it by wine and further presses her foot down firmly on the gas peddle all the while never taking her eyes off the rearview mirror and laughing. The cop was keeping dispatch calmly informed of everything that was going on, when all of the sudden Jennifer had disappeared and at that time the officers voice came on the radio sounding panicked saying " dispatch this is car 1007, I have lost sight of the perpetrator I am calling it off." Dispatch- ten-four car 1007 head back to the station. The officer slows down and decides to take the next exit to get off of the freeway in order to jump back onto the freeway heading northbound towards the office. As he is slowing down to allow himself stopping time at the bottom he happens to look into his rearview mirror and sees that his perpetrator Jennifer is coming up quickly behind him without making an attempt to stop or slow down. The officer then starts to panic at the realization that he will be hit and possibly pushed into oncoming traffic by a seemingly crazy woman; that's smile was growing the closer that she got to the cops car. With a loud thud the two cars collided and then became one she romped on the gas and started pushing the police cruiser in to on oncoming traffic all the while wildly laughing evilly. She then got out of her car and started running on foot towards the camouflage of the trees. Jennifer ran deeper and deeper into the woods occasionally pausing momentarily for her beer/wine, knowing that it was going to become dark and cold soon she decided to run parallel the freeway. She came upon a house in the woods not too far from the freeway entrance and thought to herself that it would be much easier and less painful to drive than running through the forest barefoot with nothing but a long tank top on. She quietly approached the house and seen that no one was home although there were two cars in the driveway; she then cautiously approached the first car and tried the handle locked ran towards the second car when she hears a dog barking and growling at her. She tilts her head towards the dog jumps on all fours and loudly growls at the dog back, the dog then retreats; and she goes back to checking the second car that she finds unlocked with keys. She starts the car up and quietly backs the down the driveway, and heads out of the neighborhood towards the freeway where she can once again be freed. Cautiously entering onto the freeway looking for other patrol cars, she sees nothing but open roads. She then turns on the music and up the heat as it is starting to get chilly, and heads towards her house. By the time that she had reached her house it was nighttime, she was a lot calmer and ready to face Mike. She got out of the car and started to wipe it down and throw away all the evidence that the local cops to use and convict her of something. She then placed something heavy on he cars gas pedal and threw the car into drive all the while watching as it comes towards the bend in the road where there is cliffs on either side. The car hits the bottom of the ravine and explodes and she's happily dancing because she knows that the fire would erase all evidence of her stealing the car. As she's walking towards her house Mike comes out and greets her, he thinks that the reason that she shied away from his greetings of hugs and kisses was because she was still mad and or hurt about his reaction this morning towards her. She decided to let him think that he has won this time, all the while thinking of ways that she can get revenge on him. Mike asked her where the car was and how she got home, and although she is late he was glad that she made it home safely. Mike then started to follow Jennifer and remind her that she was the woman and therefore he thought that she needed to be in the kitchen making dinner after work. She thought to herself once again how wonderfully this day had become. Jennifer retreated up to the bedroom where she stripped off her remaining clothing and started a nice warm bubble bath with candles and music and a shower afterwards. Mike heard the music and thought that Jennifer might need his help, so walking happily towards the bathroom he paused for a minute thinking that he had seen something/ somebody inside his room. Mike froze because he knew that it wasn't Jennifer because he could hear her in the bathroom taking her bath humming along to the music. After what seemed like an eternity Mike decided to move on towards the bathroom because he didn't see anything happen while there, Upon getting closer to the bathroom door he feels like something is guarding the door preventing him entering into the bathroom. After her bath Jennifer grabbed her lotion and noticed that she felt not only rejuvenated, but refreshed as well. Sitting on the bed she pumps the lotion into the palm of her hand and rubs her hand together to warm up the lotion. After getting dressed in her comfy pajamas she decided to go to the kitchen and grab some hot tea and maybe a snack. Coming towards the kitchen she hears three voices one of which is her husbands and the other two are their mutual friends that they not only work with, but also hang out with whispering amongst each other. As she quietly approached the kitchen their voices became more audible with every step, she couldn't believe that they were whispering about her and the things that they noticed differently about her today. They sounded worried about her, but to Jennifer she thought that they sounded like ungrateful nagging people that didn't appreciate everything that she had ever done for them. Then she noticed that that same sensation was back that was slowly growing upon her, at first she decided to fight the feeling and go back upstairs and pretend like she didn't hear their conversation about her. She then quickly/ quietly ran back upstairs and into their room, trying to catch her breath again and make it appear like she was in the room the whole time. Jennifer snickered as she heard mike coming up the stairs although he tried his best to be stealthy and quiet, she then pretended just as he was reaching for the doorknob to still be applying lotion to her skin. Mike slowly opened up the bedroom door and peeked in on her and breathed a heavy sigh of relief when he seen her still putting on lotion. He then walked up to the bed and sat next to her, reaching for her hand he said" Jennifer I am truly sorry for snapping at you this morning babe, please forgive me." she then patted him on his hand and with the other hand reached for his face to bring it closer to her lips and says " I am sorry too babe." Glad to be over their fight this morning, they both stood up together and started walking towards the door of the bedroom. Upon reaching the stairs although not a great amount, it was still decent enough that it would hurt/kill someone if they had "accidently" fallen down them. She then heard that here friends were still at her house she put on he best happy face and ran the rest of the way to greet them as if she didn't know that they were not only there, but that they had all been talking about Jennifer behind her back. After greeting them, she asked them the normal questions that she usually asks them like " do you guys want/need anything to drink and or eat?" their usual response was no, but today they decided that they would like all the above. Jennifer reached into the fridge and pulled out the coffee creamers, and the soda's and the left over food/snacks. She couldn't help but feel once again that intensely wonderful sensation again, this time she decided to just go with the change instead of blocking it out seeing if she could control it. Once again the feeling had washed over her like a bath and the changes became what Jennifer thought that she wanted to have. Although Jennifer knew the possibilities of what could happen mike and the two friends were unsuspecting prey, therefore Jennifer decided to act as calmly and as normal as she could absolutely possible because once this beast inside of her was let loose she in turn knew that it would be eternal death for everyone. At that moment Jennifer realized just how alone she was, because she couldn't tell a single soul about her abrupt violent as she knew that it would only end in two ways either a psych ward or prison. The four of them were just sitting there chatting away when all three of them suddenly became pale and shrieks of terror escaped their mouths. Jennifer was trying to keep them calm and do her best to explain everything to them, although she knew of her future. The dark cold shadow jumped into Jennifer's body and tried to take control while others fought on the sane side. After the creature possessed her body, she ultimately knew the outcome for all three of the people and that outcome was death. Jennifer ran towards the cutlery set that she had recently bought, and upon grabbing the scissors of the set she had whipped around and faced Mike and the other victims. Mike thought that he could beg and plead for the safety and sake of his life, Jennifer thought about humorous plead for their lives. She turned to them and with a deep and angry growl asked " did you think that I wouldn't find out about your secret meeting where you guys have been so ungrateful and talked about me?" I should've killed you all along time ago. She then fully transformed herself into the beast of many peoples nightmares, towering at six-foot 5-inches tall with gnarly spikes that protrude throughout her back where her spine is supposed to be, massive teeth, breath that smelled like death itself. She grabbed mike and kissed him their last kiss before reaching through his body grabbing his heart and ripping it from his chest. The friends tried to run, but then quickly realizing that they had nowhere to go murdered them both with rusty gardening scissors by slashing their bodies in half and slicing their throats. Jennifer knew that she had to conceal the bodies somewhere, but the question was where? She thought about it that night. She then got up and drank her coffee all the while the bodies of her three friends were still on the floor, luckily it's hardwood. Going upstairs and getting dressed she decided that she needed some supplies from the local hardware store. Upon slowly wandering up and down the isle, hoping that no one had found her bodies nor discovered her secret. After getting what she needs she decided to first cut up the bodies and dig several shallower holes into the soil rather that three eight foot holes. After bodies were planted into the holes she then decided to throw some fresh rose bushes on top of them, because she figured that the dead decomposing bodies would fertilizer to the beautiful rosebushes and the rosebushes would help conceal the smell of the dead bodies. Jennifer to this day has this creature, although now she knows how to control the monster better that she did before. She never remarried, or even dated/ made other friends due to the sacredness of what might happen if the other person betray her. She has became more cautious as to who she lets into her life now and for what reason. She is going to therapy in hopes that she doesn't feel this presence as much, but without fail it always comes back therefore she has decided to become one against this monster. |