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These stories happened in another universe, or more specific in a parallel universe ! |
PARALLEL STORIES! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ These stories happened in another universe, or more specific in a parallel universe where everything talks, walk... and alive! So don't be surprise in the future if you were beaten by the couch or the TV yelled at you or hugged by the bed!!! .01 "I pledge allegiance to be fried my whole life , and to be salted or dipped or how ever my eaters want to !" First of all my name is Tato and I'm a potato , yes a potato and proud to be one ! and this my story *starts smoking*.. We potatoes in the world are honored to be fried , please don't call us French fries , that's racist we are simply " fries" .. being fried is an honor , a duty to be served , as a famous potato once said :"being fried is becoming a hero who's ready to take ketchup on behalf of the others !" . "fried" is the highest post a potato could come to , the lowest would be .. Mashed ! no potato would want to be mashed , I Tato would like to be electrocuted rather than becoming a mashed portion in somebody's plate ! we love humans , the only problem is that they always bring the devil or its color "red" , u know the ketchup , that messy son of a plant ! do u know how awesome we taste without any dip , but nooo humans want to mix us , ketchup and potatoes don't get along , we hate each other .. now let me introduce you to my one and only (no seriously he is the only one I have) friend Tom Ato , he is a tomato with bad luck .. from day one his parents left him on our door without leaving any letter or mention and disappeared since then , so my parents decided to raise tom until he grow up .. oh I forgot to tell u that Tom is a fugitive , he is always hiding from the VGPD (Veggie Police Department) , that's because my dear friend is a bad tomato (bad shape or body ) and that's bad news cause bad tomatoes end up being Ketchup ( potatoes greatest enemies )*tam tam tammm* Tom is a shy person , he doesn't talk much , and a peaceful tomato , he doesn't ask much about his parents , maybe he still in shock from what happened and believes deep down they'll come back one day .. hopefully ! Tom and i are huge fans of comic books , when we were young we used to create and play characters who possessed super powers , i always played the role of the good guy who is going to save the world from the evil ketchup , and that's the role of Tom , cause u know a potato cant become a ketchup so its easier for tam and we cant save the world both we need a villain . I would always Win/Save the story and save the people of South Frizinia (Fray-Zi-Nia) , the city of our created stories , but once we switched the roles making Ato the hero and the story ended with half the citizens dead , it was the last time Tom Ever played the hero role ! my parents love Tom , they treat him as one of there potatoes , even my sister Pott adores tom and tells him everything , she hates me , she always sais "I wish u were born a tomato!" , she hurts me when she say that but I know she doesn't mean it .. I like that my parents love Tom , he would be comfortable and one of us now nothing could take him away from us ! our strong bond wont let no one come close to him , he is safe here in our house and he will always be .. he is *door bell rings* Father Fried yells :"who is it?!" Stranger replies : "Room service" FF : "always coming late !" said while opening the door and realizing that they don't live in a hotel and that was fake , only to be surprised by the VGPD .. Colonel Pepper :"we came here in the name of the great one Mayor Salt to search ur house father fried , cause we heard a lot of rumors that you and your family are hiding a .. *thunder in the background* Tomato ! " FF :"first of all we hate tomatoes , how could we hide something we hate here in our home !! " .. and then father fried dropped on purpose some money on the floor :"is that a big amount of money on the floor for u colonel?!" Colonel:" are you trying to bribe us Master fried by droping some money on the floor ?! " FF :"Cmon who would drop money on the floor .. yes I am are u in?!" CS :"SEARCH THE HOUSE!" *yelled Colonel Salt* at that time I took tom to hide him , but couldn't find any place to hide him , and then I came up with an idea , an idea that would make tom look like one of us .. so I painted him yellow ! Genius eh! The cops searched the house upside down , searching everywhere in the fridge , the oven, my mouth .. even under the couches for a second I thought they are searching for the remote controller ! at the end they lined up all of us to force us to talk in order first my father then my mother , my sister , me and Tom who is sweating all over the place ! "we wont say a word until Chips comes !"yelled my father in case ur wondering why my father is hungry and yelling he wants chips , well my dear reader Chips is the family's lawyer . they continue to ask us questions but we were determined not to answer to keep Tom safe , but toms sweating machine was working against us , the color that I sprayed started to melt and it seems like colonel pepper is feeling suspicious toward Tom "so tom tell me more about you !" said CP with an evil smile on his face Tom replied with some alien words .. I guess "euu aatta pottt .. #@!$" .. "Dear colonel love tom is sad and angry and cant talk in a good way right now cause he lost his friend his only friend !" i told the colonel with a big big big smile on my face .. the colonel approached tom and tapped his back .. colonel peppers yelling :" what is that yellow thing on my hand !?" tom sweated more and more , the color yellow disappeared , turning into that bad tomato , everyone stood still , not knowing what to do !!! "catch that tomato !!!!!!" said peppers in a high tone , Confused tom started running to avoid being captured , I couldn't help him neither my family , cause a potato cant help a tomato ! the number one rule . so I stand there watching my only friend beaten by the VGPD , I couldn't tell him anything , cops took him to prison where he will spend the rest of his life .. colonel peppers :" I am not done with you father fried , we will be opening an investigation to know why tom was at ur house !" ... 6months passed and tom wouldn't reply to my letters , I know he is mad at me , ill be mad at me if I was born a tomato ! am sure he changed , there is a lot of bad tomatoes there with him .. *breaking news on the tv* "a prisoner by the name of Evil-ato just escaped , leaving behind him a note that sais " im coming to get u toto" , pleases dear potatoes be safe cause this man seems dangerous and especial u toto ! may the fries be with you.." well that was interesting I wonder who might be that evil-ato , and my heart is with that helpless toto I should help him , thats what I was doing in these 6months , I blamed my self after what happened with tom and I decided that i would help everyone ..the next day I got an email from someone who needs my help *Dear tato , I need ur help , if u could meet me at 7pm alone behind ur house , I want to tell u my story ! ASAP !!* reading that email motivated me , finally people asking me for help ! I ran fast behind our house to meet that person .. I waited for 15 minutes , but no one came .. seconds later smokes filled the place , and a scary laugh was heard "muahahah .. tato tato my friend , or should I say toto?!sorry about the tv reporter , she red it wrong its tato not toto , stupid potato , Muahaha" , "what the .. who is it? Do I know u?!" "you are the only one who knows me my dear friend ! " *he crossed the smokes * "its me Tom , ur brother the one u left behind without any help , do u know how many time I dreamed of beating ur yellow ass , u pathetic potato !" , "Its not tom , you are some psycho , tom was peaceful !" , " here is my photo with you to prove it , you are the one with the fake moustache that i made !" , "but tom I couldn't do anything , I wanted to help u but u know the rule I cant !" , "u didn't even try u piece of potato-shit !" , "im so sorry my friend please forgive me !" , "enough ! I came here to mash u !" *evil-ato pulls ketchup-gun from behind and fires toward me!* *at that moment my life flashed in front of me , remembering the good old times with tom , laughing , playing ..* " not this time my friend .. u wont kill me , we will be friends again !" I tucked down , ketchup shots passed me , splashing on the wall ! and I started running , tom following me throwing ketchup grenade at me .. " all you have is ketchup?!" "I am a tomato what do u want me to throw at u mayonnaise u stupid idiot?!" .. and we kept running , I turned around and suddenly , tom jumped and knocked me down " taste my red fists!" his fists were raining on my face , then I pushed him off of me , and that was my life's biggest mistake , cause when i pushed him a fast car coming , hit tom and .. killed him ! "Nooooo , please no , are you okay , Tomm , tomm get up we need to go and talk , get up .. am so sorry , please get up ..." .. minutes later the ambulance came and took tom ! That accident left me devastated , I couldn't explain myself to anyone , tom was a bad guy in the eyes of everyone cause he tried to kill me , but for me tom will always be my friend from day one till the last day of my life Months later , and after a long time alone thinking , I came up with an idea to make a revolution , to make a world were a potato and a tomato could be friends and go out without being scared ! so I came up with plan to make a march calling it "we are all made from A-Toms !" so I started to visit the people one by one , informing them about the march , but no one was interested some were against the idea , few were happy with the idea ! and then the unexpected happened , as I was walking toward another home , the VGPD came fast blocked my way and two officers came down "u have the right to remain salted , anything u say or do will be ketchuped against u ...!" "but where are u taking me , I didn't do anything wrong !" "shut up and get in the car!" .. moments later we arrived at the states prison were Mayor Pepper was attending me ! "oh thank god the mayor is here , help me mayor I don't know why they took me !" I said with a look of relief on my face .. the mayor took me to an office and closed the doors , it was us inside .."are you insane you little stinky peace of potato ! do u think its so easy to rebel against us ! do you think its easy my sweet potato to change after all this years?!we hate tomatoes , they are not accepted here , to insure that u are going to spend some years here in the prison , and I don't think anyone would care about u! take him , take him now !" yelled the mayor at the officers , they took me to the smallest room u could ever imagine , no lights , trash all over the place and a small bed with bricks to rest my head , no pillows , no sheets , nothing .. two days passed and no one ever came to check on me , my parents were with the law and against what I wanted , so I was sure they wont come ! .. * meanwhile outside the prison * remember 'the few' people who were with the idea of tato well now they became more and more and more .. with the word spreading that tato is in prison , people were mad and furious ,so they kept preparing for tato's march , trying this time to free the march's leader .. *in the prison* officer:" what are u going to do sir , people are mad , they want to free him !?" "tomorrow the march starts , at this moment you take every one here , prepare them , we have some potatoes ready to be mashed" said the mayor .. the march day begins with huge number of people in the streets heading towards the city prison , protesting peacefully .. tato feeling depressed not knowing what is going on outside , feeling left alone ! One hour later , the PO-Testers area in front of the prison , yelling "we want Tato , we want our potato !" the mayor ordered the units to stop them from entering , the VGPD lined up , started chopping onions to make the po-testers cry (no one thought of buying tear gas grenades !) , but they failed to stop them , the VGPD were outnumbered , and after trying to enter , they were finally able to enter passing all , heading towards tato .. the mayor was afraid of letting other prisoners out , he released him without any fight ! Tato at the moment felt speechless , he thought no one would care , but all of the city was there next to him even his parents ! "Thank you , thank you my fellow rebellions , this is for you tom ! this change is for you my dear friend !" After that march , came April and Tato's idea became true .. Potatoes and tomatoes became friends for ever ! |