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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #2152236
So, I don't like my own writing. This might be bad, but I want to upload it for a friend.
The Seed of a brighter tommorow

He didn't know how long he was running through the trees. Two, maybe even three hours. Maybe he was wrong and it was less than one. Either way, he couldn't stop now. He could still hear them following, with the occasional gunshot, possibly directed towards him. He held onto the little bundle of cloth in his arms, careful not to damage it. The cloak on his back is waving in the win, trailing behind him.

Well hello there, care to tell me what you’re doing?

He jumped at the sudden voice in his head. He didn't hear that in a while now, yet he remembers fondly the times it was part of his day to day life.

„Not a whole lot, why you asking?“

Oh, no reason. Just decided to check my stuff and happen to notice that you’re running through mainland China. Care to explain why?

„It was an emergency. You know I still need to do something from time to time.“

John, there are others who can do this stuff. A new generation. People you helped going down the right path.

„Still doesn't mean I’m done for good, now does it?“

Well, no, but-

„And that’s my point. I know that I could slow down. But what kind of role model would just sit back and let someone else do their job?“

I get that. But you could dial it back a bit. Take things slowly. You know, not go to China and run through the woods from a terrorist group.

He chuckles.
„We both know I can’t dial it ba-„
He gets cut off by a thunderous bang, followed by a large metal harpoon ramming through his back and out his chest.

„Shit“ he mutters, making sure the bundle is safe. Before he can react, another bang, followed by another harpoon, this time into his stomach area. He can hear the laughing and cheering from the soldiers behind him, using large canons to launch more and more harpoons right into his body. One in his sides. One in his shoulder. One even in his kneecaps, causing him to fall to his knees.

Sooo, you need help?

„No, it’s fine.“

He gets back on his legs, almost as if nothing happened. He can hear the men taunt him, in a language he doesn't speak, as they watch the impaled white man try to get away. A few of the solider approach him, laughing as they come closer.
But, to their surprise, he keeps going. The trucks, in which the canons are stored, slowly slide forward, the force pulling them gradually increasing. The soldiers yell, trying to fixate the trucks but to no avail. They start shooting, but their bullets do nothing. They watch as the man slowly speeds up, when suddenly, he does the unthinkable and starts running.
The men yell in fear, believing that they angered the devil himself, as he pulls the trucks through the trees, almost as if they were nothing. The men still on them scream in terror, desperately trying to get off as the man drags them behind him, approaching a cliff. Just before he reaches the edge, he stops for a split second.
Followed by him shooting up into the air.
The sudden and immense force breaks the chains of the harpoons, causing the trucks to crash into trees, a few falling off the cliff. The man looks ahead, seeing a small village on the other side of the cliff.

„There we go.“

He crashes down in the middle of a marketplace, with a few people running away screaming. He stands there, kneeled down, before standing up straight, revealing the little package in his arms unharmed. People start gathering around him, before a woman runs towards him, crying. He smiles at her and hands her the little bundle. The removes the cloth to see the face of her infant daughter slowly waking up from sleeping.
The woman holds the baby close, crying harder, but now with joy. The people around the cloaked figure start cheering. Happy, that the child managed to return to her mother.
The celebration is however short lived. The amplified voice of a man is heard, the source being a large truck on the other side of the cliff.

Alright I’m back. What did I miss?

„Not a whole lot, I think I just made their leader mad.“

I bet.

„Any idea what he’s saying?“

Not sure. Something about a „Beast“.

The answer arrived shortly, in the form of a massive boulder, launching from the cliff with the truck and headed directly to the village. The people scream and scatter, the only one remaining behind being the cloaked man. The boulder lands on the dirt ground, unrolling itself to reveal a monstrous being, barely resembling a man, with skin as hard as rock. The creature spots the figure standing before it, unleashing a hellish growl towards him.

That sure is a big boy. Think you can do it alone? Haven’t been on the battlefield in a while.

John simply scoffs as he pulls his cloak off, revealing his sword, armor and various weapons beneath it.
„You kidding? I’m not rusty yet“
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