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by Aayam
Rated: 13+ · Article · Educational · #2152185
A dissection of today's education system
We have come across, or heard of someone who has thrown his/her life due to the marks s/he gets in an exam. And, in the present state of the world, this is actually increasing really quickly. Why?

Lets start with a history of the current education system, then what has been changed in the present, and end it with a conclusion

History of the Education System
The current education system prevalent in the world started during and after the industrial revolution. Before that, there were no schools with formal education (I know you wish you were born at that time. But believe me, you are better off here), and knowledge was passed through family members. When the industrial revolution was at its full swing, suddenly people with high mathematical and scientific knowledge was needed by the government for innovation, invention and inevitable wars. Adding to that factor was the lack of properly enforced democracy and unbelievable amount of propaganda which motivated people to stop running after their hobbies, and instead focus on maths and science regardless of their talents and intellectual capabilities.

Shortly afterwards, the globalization that occurred made literature a top subject too. All the musicians, dancers, singers, etc. were forced to be mathematicians, scientists and literature specialists. slowly, to enforce that, a hierarchy of these subjects was made, which is illustrated below.

Top - Mathematics, Science, Literature

Middle - Humanities

Bottom - Arts

This was a highly clever move by the superpower government of that time. That very system has spread all around the world. It promoted what I call the “Greatest Mind Wash-up”. This enforced regulatory education system created a particular narrow-mindedness of almost all the people of the society. The following conversations are very common in many of the families of the world.

“Don’t play music, my son. Musicians cannot do anything in life except drugs and bad things”

“Dancing is not for educated people. It is no proper future for a fair maiden like you”

“What?! You want to paint? You are not Picasso. You’ll never earn name and fame. Go to a STEM field instead.”

All of this because of the aftermath of the industrial revolution, and probably the biggest mind wash-up in all of history.

The Difference: Then and Now
What’s so different then and now? Why didn’t the educational hierarchy create such a condition back then? There are many factors contributing to that:

1. People around the world are closer to each other through the internet. They can easily share their problems and solve them. But humans can’t live without problems, and thus have substituted physical problems for psychological problems.

2. There is an academic inflation. The amount of studies you require for a certain career years ago, and the same career today is very different. For example, if you needed a BA degree back then, you’ll need an MA now.

3. Democracy is highly enforced, and people are encouraged to speak their mind, without fearing for their own survival.

4. There is lack of world-changing innovations and inventions; instead work is being done to sharpen things that already exist.
Therefore, there is no dire need for mathematics and sciences manpower right now, that in the sense that people not bright in those fields shouldn’t be forced to study it.

People are studying unnecessary impractical theories and facts, which will have no effect in their life whatsoever. They should instead be motivated to do whatever they like, as long as it falls under proper social rules and moral regulatory principles. The world is changing rapidly, and in this state we should not force people to change in a particular way; instead they should be adaptable succumbing to a choice they feel is good of them. This is how universal mutual joy can be achieved.

Doing this has many other practical advantages. I remember reading one Sherlock Holmes novel. The author penned that civilization was a dull pale white cloth, without life. I think he must have indicated the monotonous way of life that was, and is quite prevalent. Radically changing the education system turns this dull fabric of the society into a vibrant cloth filled with vivid colours, each unique and eye-catching.

Everything has changed since the industrial revolution, except the education system. Don’t you think it is the time for a change?

There has been the waste if a lot of talent and creativity due to the education system. The hierarchy of this system must be utterly destroyed. A person must not be judged by the numbers and letters in their gradesheet or marksheet, instead s/he should be judged by the content of his/her character.

Stereotypes of different occupations must not be pictured in movies such that it demotivates anyone eager to get into that field. Pointless and meaningless careerism must not be chased throughout one’s life. The system must be made such that everybody can harness the inner talent and creativity, and work accordingly.

Now we must do the “Mind Cleansing”. There must not be a standard for something that is highly variable and uncountable. The society must remove its orthodox beliefs about education and what it means. Each individual must be allowed to contribute fully on what s/he actually can. People must be made aware of the scopes they can actually get into. Intelligence must be given more priority than blatant memorization.

In short, the education system is inherently flawed; we cannot just renovate it for the better. What we need to do is eradicate the current education system from its roots, and implant a new system in people’s minds. This is how humans can become the beautiful creatures they are meant to be, and enjoy their life.

Adventure is dangerous but routine is lethal.

When someone is allowed to purse their intelligence, they experience adventure, which is dangerous, but highly rewarding. But, if the contrary is done, the individual lives in a routine, nostalgic for something never done before, always hoping, but never stepping out, all because fo fear of the society.

We are a part of the society. So, I beckon you, come, join my hand and walk towards the new system, that will define us. Let us be the change our society so very needs. Let’s walk together toward the path that will ultimately make our humble Earth a paradise full of passionate and happy people, bursting with vibrant colors and happy souls. This is the future we’d all like to leave.

Isn’t it?

A version of this article was published in my blog. Constructive criticism is valued.
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