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by Annwid
Rated: E · Chapter · Thriller/Suspense · #2151976
Chapter 1 new
Chapter 1

Three years later

Johnathan Grimes was a man of little words, a tall distinguished and well groomed gentlemen. He was a loner by nature, preferring to keep to himself only enjoying the occasional dining. A relaxed man with an inviting nature but there was a sense about him of strength and stability making it easy to spot him in a crowd. Being a man that liked to keep to himself, it was a trait he had to learned to live with. He was hard working and played by the rules without complaint and relishing in the world around him to enjoy all the things that life had to offer. Being wealthy had afforded him such luxuries. Living in a large mansion and proud to own his own resort. A member of the social elite. he was known to be one of the wealthiest man in the region earning him the respect he so desperately yearned for. He lived life to the fullest and worked hard to keep it that way.

Standing with his arms folded over his chest, he watched a sailing yacht make it way along the shoreline of Lake Michigan, looking for its port on a beautiful day in late June. The surface captured the sun's rays, leaving be hide a rippling effect that captivated Johnathan's full attention. Standing in a dark blue suit and a tie, he gazed over the scenery outside his son's therapist office window.

It was a perfect day for sailors. He wouldn't mind this kind of weather when it was his turn to finally take to the sea. He watched the beautiful vessel make port and settle in for the night but was a little bit envious, wishing that was him. Sailing was something he looked forward to everyday but he knew that dream for him was far beyond his reach. Now, that Scott was home from the hospital, he was suffering from a severe case of amnesia and the doctors didn't think he would ever regain his memory. Johnathan frowned at the thought. To lose ones memories was in itself, was a death of its own and he couldn't imagine what his son might be going through.

He looked over at His son, Scott and his therapist as that talked quietly just behind him. trying to get Scott to pin point Scott's memory loss.

"The memories from my childhood, I try not to think of them too often." He heard Scott say. His son staring down at a set of keys he fumbled around in his hand, the only thing he brought with him from his past. He lifted to keys to touch his full lips as he spoke. "I have to force myself to not go over my best memories." A hint of pity fell from his sons voice and Johnathan frowned. "Afraid that somehow I would get too use of them. That somehow, I would become immune. Feel like I've been talking to myself forever." Scott almost muttered to himself and Johnathan could feel his frustration as Scott got up from the chair and walked across the room. "I just wish I knew me better." Scott finally admitted, shaking his head.

Johnathan let his eyes study his oldest son as he watched him from across the room. Johnathan had always know Scott to be a man of great courage, someone he was proud to call his son and it pained him to see him suffer. When Scott walked into a room, he let it be known that he was there just by his mere physical presents. He was a strong independent male with a long lean body that still held some of his muscular form. He was taller the most, reaching his fathers height with blond hair and green eyes that burned into your soul with just one gaze. Wearing a white dress shirt neatly tucked into his black slacks he stood with his arms folded over his chest as if he was in deep thought.

But Scott was hard to live with. Temperamental with a chip on his shoulder, he was always on the look out for someone who may be lying to him. He would erupt in massive fits of anger for no reason at all and though the Doctors thought his temper had something to do this his accident. Johnathan wasn't so sure.

"Well, that's what we are here for Scott. We are here to help."Doctor Drew said as he rose to his feet. A small plump balding man with a clean shaven face. "Lets book him another appointment for next week sometime? Maybe we can have his brothers, Tim and Chris join us?"

"It has been three years," Scott said shaking his head. "I don't think there is anything anyone else can do for me know. I have come to except my life and what it is."

"Well, it is important for you to keep up with these appointments if you ever want to drive again."
The Doctor looked at him then. "Is there anything you want to add before we end, Johnathan?"
"Nothing that I already have told you. But I will keep that in mind for our next appointment."

There was a look on his sons face that was questionable and the Doctor picked up on it. He turned to Scott and asked, "Is there anything else you would like to add?"

"Yea, I don't know why you keep referencing to him?" He indicated towards his father. "He's to busy looking out the fucking window!" Johnathan didn't miss the sarcasm in his sons voice as he made his way out of the door.


He really did have a head ache now. Sitting opposite his father in the luxurious SUV on their way home, Scott cursed his weakness. He hated being driven around and dependent on others, especially by his father, a man he despise. But having no other choice he was forced to deal with it for now.

It was true, Scott gloated. He really had achieved every goal he had set out for himself. Ten years prior, he remembers wanting to be rid of his fathers grasp and he achieved that goal. He left his father and he didn't come back. Scott put a hand up to his lips trying hide a grin that was starting to form there. Feeling proud of himself, he gave himself a pat on the back and hoped the old bastard had suffered for it. But now he was stuck in a dilemma, Where did he go? He shot a hateful glance towards his father before looking back out the window. The only thing left he had to do now was to destroy him and that was the easiest task of all.

Anger built up inside of him and Scott slowly lost his grin remembering those days well. How could he forget? Being kicked out of the house and thrown into the manor was a slap in the face. His father might as well have thrown dirt and tossed him in the garden. He worked so hard to prove himself to his father and after doing everything his father asked of him, he still treated him like garbage. Johnathan put Scott in the same category as his two measly brothers, it tore at him. Scott knew he was better then that and hoped that his father thought more of him but apparently he was wrong.

Scott's mind drifted to what had caused the feud in the first place. Having not seen his mother in years, not since he was nine, Scott wondered why she never wrote to him when she promised she would. For years, Scott felt he wasn't worth her time, only to find out that he was wrong. She did write to him. His brother Tim was receiving the letters in the mail and hiding them in a draw in his room. Scott was furious, wanting to kill his brother, and he almost did until his father kicked him out of the house. Bastard! Feeling betrayed, Scott had every right to be angry but his father didn't see it that way. Too bad! Scott thought. His father would just have to deal with it. Scott would never forgive Tim for stealing those letters. Ever! Scott wanted to get as far away from them as possible.
his father had him under a tight control, financially disabling him from leaving and remembers that no matter what, he Scott would find a way out. And apparently he did! Good!
Somehow he was able get out from his fathers trap. He just needed to remember who that came to be.

The SUV rolled to a stop, pulling Scott out of his thoughts. He looked up at his fathers residence. Standing on a slightly raised hill and nestled within the beautiful landscape of South Detroit, the Victorian style home could be seen for miles. Large and diverse, it sat along lovely manicured lawns, and looked enormous against the darkning sky. Scott could never get over the shear size of the place. The red brick home with white trim was held up by 4 white columns.

Without saying a word, Scott stepped out of the car, shut the door and entered into the house. With high ceilings and white walls that were lined with massive wood beams. Scott stood in the foyer gathering the mail before stepping into the sunken living room. Two black leather sofas faced each other in front of a large mahogany fire place. A large portrait of his father graced the wall above it. Scott kicked the large black grand piano that sat near the kitchen door on the opposite side of the room. "That's still a stupid place for this." Scott shot back at his father as he looked over the mail

Entering into the kitchen, Scott poured himself a whiskey, leaned himself against the counter and looked over the mail.

"Anything for me?" Scott thought his fathers question was alittle too sarcastic as he approached him, He walked towards him like Scott had given him an invitation. Well, he didn't.

Scott raised an eye brow to him as he placed the mail on the counter. Well, they were all for him, Scott thought as a cool smile snagged at the corners of his mouth. "Just checking." He said, folding his arms over his chest. Just making sure I get what's mine."

Johnathan sighed. "Your still mad about that I see."

"Maybe or maybe I'm just being selfish?" Scott shot at him sarcastically. Throwing the words back into his face, words his father said to him all those years ago.

Johnathan made his way further into the kitchen and Scott eyed him suspiciously until he stopped just a few feet in front of him. Apparently he wanted to talk. Scott was in no mood.

"Are you ever going to let this go? It has been over 15 years." His father said. :What is that matter with you lately?"

"I meant what I said," Scott said defiantly. "I have no more trust for my brother the a man walking around at midnight wearing a sky mask."

"I guess it would be to rational to ask you to not hold a grudge?" Scott didn't miss the frown on his fathers face as he picked through his words. "I, myself feel no anger with you on what had occurred. I hope you can leave it in the past where it belongs. I feel that a lot has changed since then."

"Nothing has changed since then." Scott spat at him looking away, but he continued, "You don't understand or maybe you were not listening. I can't do that. Its like the doctor said. For me, it was yesterday." He paused but looked up at him before he continued. "He had no right to lie to me. He stole my mail. He stole your mail? I don't know how can you stand there and defend him?"

"He made a mistake." His father simply said and it angered him. Was he actually trying to piss him off?

Scott burst into a fit of laughter. "A Mistake? Oh, please! Is that what he told you? He made a mistake? It that what he calls it?" Scott tried not to raise his voice but he couldn't help himself. His voice just got louder and louder on its own. "It's too bad you think that way old man. You know, the two of you deserve each other." Scott said rolling his eyes. "And you can tell him to stay the hell away from me or I will have him shot!"

Something very much like hurt flashed across his fathers face. For some reason it shuttered Scott's defenses and shot an arrow straight into the emotional core of him. Scott studied his father. He couldn't help but notice something about the man that stood before him. He looked sad and Scott had an uncontrollable eager to care. How could that be? He seemed so defensive and yet, there was something about him that tugged at Scott that made him feel sorry for the man. Wanting to detach himself from his father more, Scott looked away.

Scott made an excuse to get away from him. "You know, I remember the first time you told me to stop drinking. I got drunk that night." Scott downed the last of his whiskey and placed his glass on the counter. "I am not my fathers son. And I will never do what you ask." He stated as a matter of fact. "Now if you will excuse me, It has been a long day. I have better things to do that to stand here and argue with you."
Scott topped his grass with more whiskey and headed up to his room from the stairway that was located in the kitchen. Leaving Johnathan by himself.
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