Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2151960-A-Most-Unusual-Curse-Part-Two
by Akie
Rated: XGC · Fiction · Adult · #2151960
Jacksons Transformation continues.
Jackson was slumped on the floor, leaning back against the end of the couch, staring down at the area where his legs once had been. In their place, resting upon the floor, was a pair of huge, beach ball sized testicles, encased in a thick, hairy sack. His toned, slender body was coating in thick white cum, which had periodically spluttered from his mouth, as well as streaking down his cheeks from his eyes as fear took him, causing him to cry.

He pulled his attention away from his huge balls and looked down a his body. Between his navel and the ball sack was nothing, just skin, his own cock and balls had been swallowed up by his new sack. Jackson watched as his abdomen began smoothing over, his bellybutton had already faded, but now the already faint hint of a six pack was fading away, his slender waist becoming more cylindrical, and his chest felt tighter. As he watches, his relatively broad best was compacting inwards, becoming narrower so as to form an equally wide shaft.

He had little time remaining as a human, he was sure of that. Help was needed, but who..who could possibly help him with a situation like this?! With a slight grimace, he knew just who he needed. Finnlay, his old friend. The two had not spoken since before summer, they had had a few drinks together, Jackson was heading to Japan for the summer and Finnlay back home to Norway. A few too many drinks and they had kissed.
Jackson was straight, very much so, and had explained afterwards that it was a stupid mistake, he had never meant it to happen and he was just drunk. For some reason Finn did not that it that well, and since that night they had not spoken. Which sucked a lot, Finn had helped Jackson with homework all semester, and the guy was a great house keeper as well. Yes, Jackson used him a bit, he admitted that.

However, Finn was a very smart guy, a little weird sure, but smart. He was well on his way to becoming an Archaeologist or a Professor or what ever...What that guy didn't know about ancient culture was not worth knowing, so he was Jacksons best shot.

He pushed himself up with his arms and rolled over onto his front with a heavy thud. He found that he could pull his balls towards himself, then shunt forward, much like a worm in a way. Dragging a monster sized pair of balls behind you was no easy task, and it took five minutes for him to reach the other side of the room where his laptop was open. He slumped to the floor, having managed to grab the laptop from the desk, panting.

His arms were exhausted and felt incredibly weak. Looking down at them he saw they were far thinner looking. His torso now had thick veins covering it, with a larger one running up his centre. With a horrified groan, more cum spluttered from his mouth, pooling on the floor next to him. He whimpered and started up the laptop, then opened facebook.

Finn, hey...I need your help, come over now. Please. emergency

Some three minutes passed before the chat window showed that Finnlay was replying.


Jackson groaned loudly in desperation. He reached out to the laptop and had to shimmy himself closer, his arms were receding. "fuck, fuck fuck..." he whimpered, typing fast.

Please, I need help!

Fine, I'll be there in about half an hour

Jackson felt a little better, then realised that there was still nothing Finn could do to help, not yet at least.

He would be a full cock by the time Finn arrived, so he opened up a word processor and began typing, explaining what had happened at the temple, and what was happening now.

He had just finished typing about how his chest had began changing, when his arms fell limp. He cried out in terror, the short, thin limbs pulling into his narrow body. He managed to roll onto his side, one of his large balls falling over the other.

His neck had widened to the same size as his chest. No...no that was not right, his chest and stomach...his shaft, was getting thinner?! He managed to look down and what he saw confirmed it. His balls were getting smaller, all of him was. Despite wanting to watch his balls shrink, Jackson found his head being forced to look upwards, and there it remained, he was unable to move it or look anywhere.

His vision as distorted now, it felt as though his face was swelling up and growing wider. Everything went dark and silent. This only lasted for a few seconds, however. His vision and other senses returned slowly, fading into being. He could see, smell and hear, though his point of view was very strange now. He was looking up at his laptop, which seemed massive. The strange sensations he had been feeling had all but faded away, and so he was pretty sure that this was it, his transformation was complete.

With trepidation, Jackson managed to pull himself up, sitting on his balls. The laptop screen had gone dark, and so offered a reflection. Before him sat a cock, with balls equal in size to tennis balls, and a shaft which must have been ten inches in length, and beer can thick when hard, though currently he was flaccid, but still impressively sized. His fat, egg sized head was hooded with a foreskin.

click here

Would he remain this way for good? Was this it? Or would he turn back, and be forced to change into this form again? What would cause him to change? There was no full moon or other noticeable trigger. Jackson sat wondering these details for a while, when the sound of footsteps brought him back to reality. Finn was about to enter, and see a cock on the floor...

As swiftly as he could, Jackson began crawling and moved a few feet away, coming to hide under the desk, but was sure to press a button on the laptop and wake it up once more, to display his account of what had happened.


click here

Finn knocked on the door "Jackson? Whats up?" he called, his tone irritable. He gave a sigh and tried the door, finding it unlocked, he entered the dorm room. It was empty, though Jacksons laptop was on the floor. "Hello?" he called, closing the door behind him and headed to Jacksons room, and then Jacksons roommates room, both empty, as was the kitchen and bathroom. "Jack?" he called, a little concern in his voice now. He picked up the laptop and saw his name.


This is no joke, please, read this and when the words stop, tell me you are finished...

What followed was a poorly typed out explanation of his trip to Japan, breaking an idol and... "The fuck?" Finn muttered, reading on. He sat the laptop down, frowning heavily. This was some fucked up joke or something. "Right..I read it all" he called out.

Nothing happened, or it certainly seemed that way "Jackson...You're a dick" he called out with a sarcastic laugh, then something caught his eye. He looked at the floor by the desk, but it was gone. Slowly he knelt down and looked under. "No fucking way...." he said softly, eyes wide. At the back, trying to hide was, "A cock...You're...no...how...the idol but...fuck!" he gasped, sitting back, looking amazed and confused and terrified at the same time.

"...Jackson?" he said, looking over at the space under the desk. "It's alright...come out..." he said, inside of his own head, he was freaking out, but tried to remain calm on the exterior.


Jackson inched his way out from under the desk. Finnlay looked huge, Jackson crawled a little closer, then came to a stop, trembling all over.

"...Fuck...this is impossible...it's amazing..." Finn said, kneeling and coming closer to the sentient cock. "You can hear me then...and see?" he asked, watching as the cock nodded slightly. "Man...I don't have a clue what to say....you're a cock...this is...fuck" he sat back, running a hand through his hair.

Finn looked back down at Jackson thoughtfully. This guy who had used him and then kicked him aside, was now a pathetic cock. He made a decision, he would help Jackson, or at least, he would investigate what was happening. Reaching out, Finn picked up the now squirming cock "Stay still...You want me to help right? I need to examine you, figure out everything I can" Finn said, standing up "Lets see if you function first...."
© Copyright 2018 Akie (akemikaneko at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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