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Rated: E · Chapter · Young Adult · #2151644
2nd part to "The day we met."
First day at a new school.

         The next week flew by. Alexis and I spent the whole week together. I enjoyed ever second I got to spend with her.
         Alexis helped me find the street tires for my Camaro, just so I could take her to school in it. She was already sitting on the hood in my driveway when I walked out the door.
         "You look like an angel." I said trying not to stutter again. She had her beautiful blonde hair resting lazily on her shoulders. She was wearing short shorts boots and a white tee shirt. Her beauty absolutely took my breath away, and she knew it .She smiled slightly, blushed and I could barely hear a faint "thank you" escape from her cherry red lips. I walked to the passenger side of the car opened the door and held it while she climbed in.
         "I forgot my sunglasses in the house, would you like a pair?" I asked as I began to shut her door.
         "Yes babe I you love a pair." She said, I froze dead in my tracks. She has never called me "babe" before but to be perfectly honest, I liked the sound of it.
          When we pulled up to the school, all the kids in the parking lot INSTANTLY crowed my car. I got out and went to open Alexis' door.
         "Alexis!" I hear a girl yell. I scanned the crowds for the source but didn't have any luck, until.
         "Ashley! It's been forever." Alexis said her eyes lit up. "Come here, I want you to meet me best friend." She took my hand and guided me toward a brown haired girl that wasn't quite an inch taller than her.
         "Babe this is my best friend in the entire world, Ashley."
         "Nice to meet you Ashley, my name is Jasper."
         "Nice to meet you too Jasper, are you new here?"
         "Actually he has already been here in town a week now" Alexis said, slightly tightening her grip on my hand.
         "Well, welcome to our school and font worry Alexis can show you around. Have you already got your schedule?"
         "Yes I have and besides last hour I get to spent every class with Alexis." I could feel myself start to blush as I said this.
         "Well that's a stoke of luck, anyway I better get to class, see you two love birds second hour." Ashley said then, skipped down the hallway toward her class.
         Alexis and I took a tour of the school since class didn't technically start for another hour. Walking down the hall, I noticed a picture hanging on the wall with the words "Student Of The Year" engraved underneath. "Is that Ashley?" I asked taking a closer look.
         "Yeah, she got that right before we left for Christmas break."
         "That's amazing." I looked at the clock on the wall. "Class is about to start."
         "Yeah, we better go." We started making our way to class. I could see every one walking into their designated classrooms as I entered mine.
         When we walked into the room, everyone started staring. Their intense and direct stares felt as though a million tiny fireballs were scolding my skin.
         "Are you Jasper Jones?" A tall guy with grey hair and a clearly visible five o'clock shadow, whom I presumed to be the teacher asked.
         "Yes sir, I am Jasper." I said a little nervous.
         "Well, my name is Mr. Jackson, please take a seat." He said with a warm, inviting smile.
         We headed to the back of the class. When I realized that the seat next to where Alexis had sat down, I couldn't sit down fast enough. As soon as everyone was in his or her seats, Mr. Jackson began his lecture. I couldn't repeat a single thing we talked about that whole class because the only person in the room who had any bit of my attention was Alexis. As soon as the bell rang, Alexis and I left the classroom.
         "Jasper, Alexis!" I heard Ashley yes as soon as we stepped into the hallway.
         "I'm going to run to the little girls room." Alexis whispered in my ear, then disappeared into the restroom.
         I walked over to Ashley to ask her a question. "Are we aloud to leave during lunch at this school?"
         "As long as you have a vehicle you sure can."
         "Well in that case, would you like to join Alexis and I at lunch?"          
         "I would love to!' Her eyes widened and she got a smile on her face as long as a country mile.
         "I hope y'all aren't talking about me over here." Alexis said from behind me as she put her hand on my shoulder, causing me to jump straight out of my skin and my face to go pale.
         I spun around and gave her a kiss. "Actually, I was just inviting Ashley to go eat lunch with us."
         "Well." Alexis said with a smile. "Are you going to join us?"
         "Of course I am going to join y'all now, come on we are going to be late for class." We all three walked to class together.
         The next four hours where nothing but a blur, the only thing us three did was play around and laugh. As soon as fifth hour was over, the four of us headed to the parking lot. I raced ahead of the girls once we hit the parking lot so I could hold the door for them.
         "Oh my goodness!" Ashley shrieked with excitement. "Is this really your car?"
         "This is actually only one of them but yes it is mine."
         "It's beautiful but how are all three of us going to fit?"
         "There is a bench seat in to front we will just put all of our bags behind the seat." I said as the girls climbed in and situated themselves. Once they said they where ready, I shut the door. I walked around the car and got in the drivers seat."
         "Thank you for getting our door babe."
         "Yes, thank you you're a real gentleman."
         "Do you drag race?" Ashley asked as I fired up the engine.
         "Actually I do, why do you ask?"
         "Mainly the roll cage we just all climbed over, also the fact you are on street legal drag radials."
         "I'm shocked you could tell what kind of tires they are most people don't realize what they are."
         "She drag races too, and she actually really good." Alexis commented, making Ashley's cheeks turn cherry red.
         "My whole family races, we actually have a private strip two miles down the road."
         "That's awesome!" I said, sounding a little geeky about the whole situation. I was surprised a girl like Ashley knew anything about the sport much less raced herself.
         "I am going out there to practice after school, you and Alexis should come too we can race."
         "That's only if Alexis would like to go." I said, slightly hoping she would say yes.
         "Well Alexis, what do you say?" Ashley asked with a mischievous smile.
         "Sure, id love to watch my two favorite people in the world race." Alexis said as we pulled into the only cafin town.
         We finally returned to the school with barely even five minutes to spare before class started. Between Alexis and the thought of finally getting to race for the first time in three months, I was completely unable to focus. I guess I was also a little nervous because of the fact that last hour I had Chemistry and Alexis had home education.
         I could feel my stomach tighten up as we approached the last hour of school. Splitting up for the first time all day, I kissed Alexis bye and walked like a turtle to me last class. Approaching the door, I felt like I was going to vomit until, I got an amazing surprise.
         As I walked through the door, I noticed Ashley all the way on the other side of the room sitting alone. "Do you already have a partner?" I asked, hoping the answer wads no.
         "No, I've actually been alone all year now."
         "Well, we can be partners if you're okay with that.
         "Only if you promise not to blow me up when we mess with chemicals." She said as a sinister smile passed over her lips.
         "No promises but ill to my best." I was with a smile. I was drawing on my paper and not really paying that good of attention to anything around me until, Ashley slipped me a note. I opened the folded piece of paper and it read.
         "I know you are the Jasper Jones, the richest/ most famous kid in the world and a world famous drag racer but, are you ready to loose?" I was so shocked at the fact that she knew me that I completely disregarded the fact that she just basically said that she was going to beat me.
         "How did you figure out who I was?"
         "Are you kidding you are like en idle to me, I've seen every sing one of your races."
         "Why didn't you say anything until now?"
         "I didn't want to make a huge deal out of the fact."
         "Well, I really appreciate that."
         "Don't mention it, you're secret is safe with me, I promise."
         "Thank you, I hate being treated different just because I'm famous."
         "I bet it sucks, plus if I told anyone, Alexis might loose her crush and I might loose my new best friend."
         "Wait does Alexis really, like have a crush on me?"
         "Yeah, I can't believe you haven't noticed, she has been staring at you all day like you are some kind of god." I couldn't believe I was hearing this. Ever since I saw Alexis, a week ago I haven't been able to get out of my head for even a second.
         "So, and I want you to be perfectly honest with me while we are on the subject. I have a race in New Mexico this weekend, do you think if I asked her to go she would say yes?"
         "I know for a fact she will say yes, they only thing she did when you weren't around was talk about how amazing you are and how much she likes you."
         "Well, if she does say yes, would you like to go with us? I bet I can get you on the roster in order for you to race."
         "Oh my goodness, I would love to go! Only one problem."
         "And what is that one problem?"
         "I don't have a trailer my brother is using it to go pick up his new car from Jersey Thursday and he wont be back until Monday night some time."
         "I'll tell you what, if they do let you race, my trailer can hold two cars and that way we can also ride up together."
         "Would you really haul my car for me?"
         "Of course I would."
         Once the bell rang, I went to my locker to wait on Alexis to get out of class.

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