Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2151347-Friday-the13th-story
Rated: E · Short Story · Writing · #2151347
It's Friday the 13th
Everyone knows the day of Friday the 13th the supposed
day of bad luck and others well I’m a believer thanks to
what happens to me on 2017 Friday the 13th.It all started
out normal, I got out of bed got my clothes on and
brushed my teeth and finally was off to work this is when
stuff got weird
As I walked down my street I started to feel something
strange on my arm.I stopped and looked at my arm to see
what it could have been maybe a bug but no something
not common or what makes no sense in no way, along
red mark.I then stood in shock trying to figure where it
could have come from, I came up with as well that I
rubbed against some corner in my house.I then was on my
way again and was halfway to work when it started to
storm, that’s weird I thought the weatherman said it
wouldn't I then did what person would do I gunned it
across the street almost getting hit by a car but he stopped
and flipped a bird at me but I continued to my business’
front door and I tried to open it but it didn’t budge, “Great
try to get here early and it’s locked and even better I ’m
stuck in the pouring rain”, I throw up my hands mad that I
couldn't get in the door but then heard like a door
opening, I look back at the door I just tried to open just a
sec ago and some person in a suit walked out that got me
furious so what I did next was probably the one thing I ’ll
ever regret I picked up a trashcan and hurled it at the well the next thing I know it sharted and myself
was in the back of a police cruiser and now typing my
story in jail what else is their to do.
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