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just a rant.... |
Why Bother? Why is it every possible achievable thing on this planet seems so unappealing? I mean it can't just be me, right? Can I tell you something? We all are going to die. We could hop into our four wheeled automobiles and crash while answering our "friends" texts. I put friends in quotations because those animals you call you friends will turn and leave you soon enough, you will see, that is why you should call them by another name, perhaps acquaintance? Anyway back to hypothetical deaths: car accident, walking across a street and being hit by a drunk driver, choking on Chinese food, heart attack while trying to get your cardio on at the gym, anaphylactic shock, shark attack, okay I better pace myself. But you get the point; we all have limited days in this vicious world. If you ask any basic human being who does not have a philosophical bone in their body: why bother trying? They will probably answer with some clichphrase: "it's ok" or "everything will be fine, hang in there" or if they are a little more advanced "the good things are life are worth it for all these bad times" but the scholar will answer truthfully doubt founded with the million dollar question and reply with "I don't know." In college, you're asked to pick a major before your frontal lobe is fully developed (most of the time unless you got a late start, in which case I commend you) blissfully ignoring the fact that our brains can take until we are twenty-five to fully develop. So my question: why ignore science? Why do we have to be institutionalized for decades in order to obtain a degree that costs thousands and thousands of dollars for us to work a miserable job with no passion just to be in debt from those goddamn subsided loans? WHY! Who the hell makes these expectancies? Why can't we promote expression, creativity, the thrill is gone! As the man BB King acclaims. My friends, when will we be able to live life with purpose? Les Brown says "find something you love and get paid for it" I am paraphrasing here. I read both his books and listened to his motivational speeches, along with Jim Rohn, Tony Robbins, and Lisa Nichols. I've read the "Power of Now" and the classics of philosophy by Friedrich Nietschze and Socrates. Guess what? I'm still at a loss for why this world sucks so damn badly? Poor people in third world undeveloped nations bathing in their own feces and starving to death, then in America we have people eating too much and dying of heart disease. We have the wealthy doctors, lawyers, celebrities, the damn president; you name it, all committing sins up to Mount Everest. In order to achieve money? Seriously? I have faith that there is a God and let me tell you I do not want the riches of this world just to be Satan's chew toy in hell. That leaves me with this complex: How do I achieve happiness, and find a way in life when I am so miserable and I know the outcome of every situation? Is there a place for me in this world? |