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Rated: E · Short Story · Romance/Love · #2148937
The story of how life and death met
Long ago there were 2 beings. One was named Muktasha the Goddess of Life with her touch all the islands of the Halu Archipelago were filled with living breathing things, trees, grass, animals, she brought them all into this world. But everywhere the Goddess went followed a second being. Kayren Daemon of Death.

Muktasha hated Kayren with a burning passion for he would not leave her alone. Everywhere she went he would follow her, without end he stalked her. And that wasn’t even the worst part, no the worst was that he would touch her beautiful creations, and his corrupted touch would turn her children to dust. And he would steal their life essence and hide it away.

One day Muktasha had created a beautiful bird made of fire and gold and ruby. She said to him “Oh my child, I name thee Pheonix, and I must ask you to make a sacrifice for me. Soon a vile Daemon will step out of the shadows of the forest. He will chase you and when he catches you, you will perish. But I made you so maybe he will burn his hands when he goes to touch you and he will leave the rest of my creations alone. Please Pheonix do this for me.”

The Phoenix Honorably accepted his fate “Yes my mother, I will help chase away this Daemon. I will try my hardest to scare him off before he catches me.” and so the Phoenix stayed waiting for Kayren to arrive.

It didn’t take long before Kayren approached. And soon he laid eyes on this newest creation. Fascination in his eyes. You see Kayren didn’t hate Muktasha, he didn’t hate living things. He loved them with all his heart and just wanted to see them closer, to feel them. But as a Daemon he is a force of Destruction, he cannot create only destroy and the entropy of death follows him.

“What a beautiful bird. Made of the prettiest stones and of fire. The colors flow so perfectly, as only one of Muktashas creations could”

Kayren says as he aproaches. The Phoenix prepares to act, spreading its wings, it will not go straight for the Daemon, no he will fly close over and over until he gives up, burning him with each pass.

“Come here Boy, I just want to see you don’t worry” but the bird had already taken off. He flew back and forth Kayren unable to touch him, burning him. Kayren cried in pain for he didn’t think It would hurt him. He fell to his knees to catch his breath. He had never exerted himself this much before. But the bird began to fly away, Kayren filled with curiosity still took off after him, following him.

“Can you speak? Please tell me why you would do this? What did I do?” Cried Kayren. “You vile Daemon. I refuse, you deserve every burn. I would say I hope you die, but you can’t! Your death itself. How does it feel to have everything you touch wither away? Unable to create anything. Pathetic”

“It feels like the most lonely thing in the world. I am just so curious about Muktasha and her animals. I just want to see them, hold them, touch them. But they can’t stand my touch! I know I deserve every burn. Im selfish for not locking myself up. I am selfish for coninously chasing every one of them. But I think I have a right too! A right to live my life and expierance new things. Im bonded to Muktasha I feel it! And I wish to talk to her so we can sort this out I know its possible! But im scared, I dont know what to do.”

“Haha coward!” Cries Phoenix. But kayrens words hit his heart. Kayren chased th bird for years. This time allowed Muktasha to finally spread life on her island in peace, trees grew and animals flourished. But she knew Kayren would return one day so she made Giant Behomoths to fight him, ones filled with ancient life and wonder that would not die at his touch so easy. The Dinosaurs were born as guardians of Muktasha.

Over the years Kayren and Phoenix became something like friends. Playfully bantering but always in constant chase. But Phoenix was getting tired, something didn’t feel right anymore. Like he shouldn’t keep going. His muscles heavy, his heart weary.

“Kayren what will you do if I stop?” “
I'm sorry but I would touch you. It needs to happen. Some part of me knows that I have to, it is my duty. Imagine if life was aloud to grow unrestricted. Everything would be gone in a second. Nothing we left, Muktasha’s energ would slowly deplete and the world couldn’t handle it. I am not evil Phoenix, none of us Daemon are, we are forces of destruction, because the world cannot just have endless creation.There must be a counter to it all. And yes if you stop I will take your soul. But if you wanted I could keep your eternal essence for all eternity, your soul could live with me in death, at least until you are ready.” Death said to Phoenix.

Phoenix thinks about this for a moment. And honestly he is okay with that. Kayren is the only thing he has ever really interacted with. “You said until i am ready. What happens when I am ready?” Inquired Phoenix.

“Well… I haven't done it yet but I would give your soul,your life force, back to Muktasha so she could rebuild you. You would not remember anything but the most primal of familiarities and the vaguest of senses. Recycling your soul to be remade into new life. However I must talk to her for this to happen. I just… I don’t know how…”

To be continued
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