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Fairies, elves and a tournament. Oh, and saving her home from her worst fear. Chapter One |
Rays of light penetrated the blue water. The surface rippled overhead only broken by the bubbles that floated out of her mouth and nose. Everywhere Andrasta looked was ocean - no fish, dolphins, whales or coral. She was alone in the calm waters. Pale light descended into velvet midnight, the clear waters stretching into the distance. Long tangles of purple hair drifted around her body, Andrasta looked down at her bare legs suspended below her. Suddenly, strong hands dragged her down and no matter how hard Andrasta kicked, they wouldn't let go. She struggled to reach the disappearing surface. Darkness surrounded her, silver bubbles the only thing she could see... Andrasta wrestled with the twisted blankets, sweat drenching her skin. A cool breeze drifted through the open window and she breathed it in, trying to calm her heart rate. It had been years since Andrasta had dreamed about drowning but about a month ago it had started again. They always went the same way: calm water with nothing around and then an overwhelming force drags her into the depths and just before the last light disappears she wakes up. Running a hand through her long hair, Andrasta got up and went to the bathroom. It was small and round and the walls were covered in carvings of kelpies and hippocamp. The main feature was the pool of water held in a polished wooden bowl and the tarnished mirror reflecting the dark surface. With soft footfalls, Andrasta walked over to the pool and washed her face, the cold water proving to her that she was awake. Looking in the mirror, she saw a young woman with pale almost white skin. Her hair had come out of its plait and hung around her naked body. Andrasta had never thought herself beautiful, that title was held by her sister, Branwen whose skin shone with opalescence. Walking back into her bedroom, Andrasta grabbed her favourite coat: long with a wide hood and made from the petals of a red poppy, and left through the window. The sky was dark and endless above the forest, the stars peeping out through invisible clouds. Bats and owls hunted, barely making a sound and moths flew as high as they could, before diving down into the safety of the leaves. Hedgehogs and badgers snuffled in the undergrowth and fox cubs pounced on each other. Andrasta wandered along the paths with the trees towering above her. Bioluminescent mushrooms bathed everything in a green glow and ferns bent over to shelter walkers from the rain. A large snail was resolutely climbing up a young cedar as Andrasta strode by, she was heading for her favourite place: a clearing not too far away. It was as near circular as it could be with daisies and dandelion growing at its centre. On a full moon, the whole place was bathed in light and it was used for parties and tournaments. Andrasta had won many a fight here and it was the only place she could be herself, so, whenever she felt down or had a nightmare, this is where she headed. All was quiet in the clearing when she got there. Not a blade of grass moved, nor even the leaves on the trees high above her. Andrasta sat down on a rock nearby, letting the red coat spread out around her, and tucked her hair behind her ears. Closing her eyes, she thought about her dream. She had never been to the ocean but had read about it, it had always seemed vast and empty, a terrifying place for a three-inch fairy to be. But her dreams always seemed to happen there, ever since... Andrasta opened her eyes, she had been a child when it happened. Her family had been entertaining some abatwas and whilst her mother and father were distracted, Andrasta's brother, Maponos, had led her away towards the stream. Maponos had taken a fallen leaf and fashioned it into a boat in which he and Andrasta bobbed on the water; he had been careful to tie a vine to a stick on the bank. She had loved it and laughed when he wobbled the boat but the fun didn't last long. A small trout had seen the movement from under the surface and had swum up under the boat, in one swift thrust, the fish had tipped the boat sending both children into the water. The adults heard the screaming and splashing and ran to rescue Andrasta but Maponos had disappeared into the water. For a year after the incident, Andrasta had had nightmares of drowning and some evil shadow watching her from underneath. The sky turned light blue as the sun rose, Andrasta raced home back along the path and passed the snail who had only gone an inch up the tree. The old oak that she called home, loomed ahead and, barely pausing to catch her breath, Andrasta climbed up the cracked bark to her bedroom, only just making it time. "Tut, tut, Andy. You haven't made the bed." Branwen observed in her silvery voice, "And your hair is a mess. Come sit down and I'll do it for you." She led Andrasta to the dressing table where she sat down on an obsidian chair and faced the mirror. Branwen picked up a comb and started to untangle the lilac strands. "Mother's invited Emrys and Silvanus to stay with us for the month." "Why? Oww!" Branwen had tugged too hard with the comb. "It seems stupid to invite people to stay when we all live in the same tree." "Because, number one: they live on the other side to us and therefore do not have the view of the sun rising. Number two: because they're to be our suitors - don't give me that look. And, number three: quit complaining; they're eligible, mother approves of them and they're gorgeous. Not that they'll take much notice of you if you keep wearing that old coat." responded Branwen. Andrasta looked at her sister in the mirror. Branwen was wearing a string of forget-me-nots around her chest and waist, the blue flowers gave her skin an almost translucent look, and her hair had been piled high in a snaking plait. She had put rouge on her lips and dusted her eyes with pink, leaving a strip across her face. Then she looked at herself, the petal coat had some tears and the bottom edge had gone brown. The blue dusting that had covered Andrasta's eyes now covered half her face and her lips were pale. Branwen finished combing her hair and started to gather and pin it to her head. "Emrys didn't look that gorgeous when I beat him in the fencing last tournament. And Silvanus thinks far too much of himself. Besides I thought you were with Ambrose?" said Andrasta raising an eyebrow at her sister. "Not at the moment." Branwen replied, taking the pin out of her mouth and securing a stray strand of hair, "He ignored me when we went to the theatre, but he should start paying more attention to me when he sees me on the arm of Emrys. Or Silvanus, I'm not picky." "You really are a forward thinker, Bran. Just think, if everyone followed your lead we'd have all the men under our thumbs." said Andrasta ducking as Branwen made to hit her. "Yeah, and if we all followed your lead, we would be single forever! I mean, what about Balder? He's got that natural, understated beauty, and everyone loves him, even mother." Branwen was now putting willow strips in Andrasta's hair. "He's just a friend." Andrasta sighed, "How many times do I have to say it? And a friend I trust and value which would just get ruined by a relationship." "See, this is why I don't talk to you about this stuff. You're just cynical about anything romantic." "I'm not cynical, I'm just not interested in any of that." replied Andrasta, adjusting some of twigs that were sticking into her skin. "And that's why you'll die alone." said Branwen running out the door with Andrasta just behind her. Ana scrutinized her face in the mirror, she was dusting her eyes with green and making sure the line was perfectly straight. Her huge, dark eyes gave her the look of a human doll and her body was beautifully smooth, her breast and rear were round and perfectly formed. The man she had been with came off the bed and wrapped his toned arms around her waist. He was her latest and very caring and handsome but had no concept of personal space. Ana turned her head and kissed his soft chestnut lips, running her hand through his hair while he held her closer and cupped her breast. "I have to get dressed and greet our guests." Ana mumbled against his face. "You could always say you were ill and spend all day in bed." he replied kissing her neck. "Mmm. Don't tempt me or I might just take you up on that offer." she smiled. Gently, Ana disentangled herself from him and went towards the high, painted wardrobe. Drawing her hair to the side, she reached in and pulled out a diaphanous gown. It was made from early morning mist, scattered about the skirt with dew drops and held together with unicorn hair. It slipped over her skin and hung from her shoulders, Ana's lover laced up the back, running a finger down her back and kissing her neck again. Ana turned around pulling him close to her and kissed his lips. He responded, holding her tightly. "I thought you had guests to greet." he said regrettably reminding Ana of her responsibilities. "No, I think you're right. I think I'm coming down with a cold and should stay in bed all day." she countered "As much as I would love that." he kissed her forehead. "I would be remiss if I didn't attend to my duties and help my Lady to do hers." Regrettably, and with one last lingering kiss, he watched Ana leave through skeleton leaf curtains. |