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A A.I. robot tries to figure out his place in life, while trying to handle a relationship. |
Awakening Hiro POV: Loading...Loading...loading... Downloading basic information... Scanning... Scanning... old chamber. 'Hiro' scribbled on the chamber. Walking. Scanning... Scanning... Green house. Garden, fruit trees, vegetables, spices. Birch tree. Golden elm tree. tropical trees. palm trees. environment is based on a modern garden with some tropical trees, scenery is lush and green. it is day time. Fire place to the left side in front is a path leading to wooden stairs. Green house approximately an acre. Walking. Scanning... scanning... stairs. walking. basement entry to the side. small wooden porch with luxury furniture. Scanning... Scanning... door opens. Living room with luxury lounges and a luxury T.V. behind to the right is the dining room with a glass wall looking outside at the green house. Behind the lounge is a luxury kitchen with everything a human could ask for. To the left is the hallway. Scanning, Scanning. Two bedrooms one on the left the other at the end of the hall. Study room is on the right near the end. Toilet is next to the bedroom on the left. Bookshelf is on the right next to the study room. walking... walking. Scanning... Scanning... bedroom on the end contains a luxury double bed and ensuite with a walk-in robe and a T.V. on the wall in front of the bed. Looks in the mirror. scanning... scanning... Male, naked. "welcome," A monotone voice says after an ambient bell sound. "I'm A-max, I am here to help, please feel free to ask me any questions," "questions?" "yes questions, questions can be learning new things," "who am I?" "I don't know, who are you?" Hiro. That name. It fits well. I don't know why. I saw it on the chamber. "my name is Hiro," I tell A-max. "Well Hiro first do you know that everybody needs to keep closure, perhaps you can start getting in the habit," "closure?" I ask in wonder. "yes, like a garment, pyjamas, at least put on some boxers," A-max says. "OK," I turn to the mirror. I place my hand on it. my skin shines from the light. My skin shiny my eyes a blue light. I push the mirror to the side. I pull out a draw and take out some neatly folded boxers. They whisper against me as I slide them on. "OK that's better," A-max says calmly, "why don't you go and explore I shall let you have some time and space to explore and wander around. Just remember whenever you need help or have questions please feel free to ask." "OK," I look around. I walk into a black tiled room. Another mirror on the wall. A glass chamber. Behind the glass is a metal nob. I pull the nob up and water streams down misting the glass. The water hits my surface creating strange noises. "Sounds like rain on a veranda," Amax says as I watch the water stream down. It shines like my skin in the light. "what's a veranda? and what is rain?" I ask. "veranda is a shelter out the front that protects the porch from weather like rain. Rain is water that has been in a process, it gets evaporated from the sea and rises in to the air, with enough of this it soon creates heavy clouds that soon burst with the water thus causing rain, then the process happens all over again," "I don't really understand, but I do like the sound of the rain.," "would you like me to play some natural sounds of rain in the house," "yes," with that a slowdown pour of rain resonates in the house. The sound is. It is calming. I walk out into the hallway. I walk up to the bookcase illuminated by my eyes. I run my fingers along the spine of the books, dust coats my shiny fingers. I grab a book and wipe some dust of it. " The Enchanted Wood". I open the book and start reading it. I stop after the first chapter and close it so I can read it later. I scan the other books, some by Enid Blyton, others by Sarah Beth Durst, Christopher Paolini, Roahl Dahl, Dr Seuss, J.K. Rowling, H.G wells, Ray Bradbury, and Nancy Drew. I turn my attention to the Study. I
walk into the study room it is small and cosy. The rain added to the
peaceful atmosphere in the background. On the desk is scattered
papers and books. Just sitting there with dust. The study has another
bookcase. behind me is a picture on the wall. A picture of a beach on
a stormy day. The room smelled of pine needles. I look around this
anonymous place. Rejected.
No neglected.
I walk down the hallway to the sitting room. I place my new found
book on to the couch and pick up a black flat rectangle. The
rectangle has buttons on it one was red. I point it towards a sheet
of black glass. Trying to figure out how to use it I look to the
glass then back to the rectangle. I press a red button and the black
glass flickers on bursting with colour and noise. Startled I drop the
remote and scurry back. I quickly turn it off. "A screen, you can watch and multi task on it, for example watch a movie in the saved folder or a documentary, you can play games and do research plus many more. Scientists are on the brink of creating simulations or brain implants, which will be better than holographic tech and virtual reality. It will be a new dimension of experience," "Oh? I don't really understand," " That's OK. People are saying the world is going to change now that it's 2050," "Oh, then why now?" "now? I do not understand," "why am I awake now?" "The creator set you to wake up on November the twenty first twenty fifty-two," "OK so, where is he?" "I don't know," "what happened here? Should this tech stuff still work?" " Sorry Hiro I'm unable to answer that," " are you Like me," " no, you and I are completely different," "Ok, so I should not be scared of that screen thing," " yes Hiro, there is no logic in being scared, it is harmless to you and me," " thanks A-max," " anytime," Once calmed down I shuffle away to the kitchen. I open the fridge door. The fridge has a lot of things in it. I take out a bottle of white liquid. I open the cap and tip it. The liquid sloshes out and splashes on to the counter. Reflexes kick in and I stop pouring the liquid. Fascinated I stare at the liquid before I continue to walk aimlessly around unsure of what to do. I sit down on the couch and turn on the T.V. The program is about ecology and life. Life... Such a mystery. I turn to the book and read escaping into the writer's imaginary world. It was beautiful, romance, adventure, betrayal. It was love. The book made me learn new words, see a new perspective of life. I place the book down and watch water splatter on to the glass. Maybe there are answers outside. I get up and walk to the glass separating the inside from outside. I trace my finger down the trail of droplets. I gently push the glass door open and step outside onto the porch. The rain patters on the porch and the same strange noise when the rain splashes on to my skin. I feel a shiver roll down as the droplets slide down. I watched one droplet stick to one of my fingers before it slowly rolls off. I look up to the ceiling where the. The. Sprinklers. Where the sprinklers spray out water. The ceiling has these shafts where light streams down, kind of giving the garden a bit of an. An. Eerie. A bit of an eerie look. I can smell the damp soil. I walk down the stairs and along the path to the garden. I pick up some damp soil and feel the texture. It has this clay texture. I wipe the soil of my hands and continue looking around. I see lots of fruit and vegetable plants and some birches, golden elms and oaks. I continue walking down where there is a clearing. In this clearing is a fire pit, old rusty tool shed, and a cylinder chamber with my name on it. I turned to the tool shed and walked inside. I looked around, most of the equipment was covered with a yellow old sheet and some of the equipment is rusted. I walked over to a sheet covering something round like a ball, I pulled the sheet off. A shiny ball with two led lights was lying there. Forgotten. I pick it up and held it close like a teddy bear. For some reason I feel attached to it. Like I just found a missing piece of me. I carry it to the rusty fire pit and placed it down. I searched for some fire wood and found some near a wall of ivy. I pick up some logs and placed them on the fire pit. Across from the fire pit is a pond and fountain for fish. "A-max can you stop the rain and help me get a fire started, oh and turn on that fountain with the pond and fish please," I commanded politely. The sprinklers stopped and the fountain started. I turned to the spot with the ball but it moved. I stared at the ball which begins to shiver. The eyes light up with an ominous blue. And it jumped. It jumped two more times and hovered in mid-air. I watched it with curiosity as it zoomed to the ivy leaves. "A-max?" "Yes Hiro?" "Did you make that thing move?" " No," "Oh ok," The ball circled me twice then zoomed to the same spot. "I'm following it," " be careful Hiro," "I will," I walk up to the ivy leaves. I spot a handle just visible. I push the handle down and tried to open the door. The door didn't budge. With a shove the door burst open with an all mighty creek. It is dark inside. I walk in and Lights flicker on. The floor is grated metal, the room was racks and racks of plants and seeds. Near a door across the room was a bunch of tables cramped in the corner of the room. Testing and science equipment was sprawled on the tables with a couple of sheets of glass attached to the wall. there was a smaller version of the glass lying on the table coated in dust like the other equipment. I wipe my finger on the dusty table and looked at the dirt on my shiny finger. The orb was hovering in the middle of the room. I walked back to where the orb was and looked at the shelf it was in front of. Garden seeds. Carrots, Beetroots, basil, potato, tomatoes. there was a whole heap of variety. I grabbed a packet of Carrot seeds. The orb whizzed to the door near the tables and stuff. I followed the orb curiously and pushed the door open. Through the door was dark apart from a shaft of light near the back. The orb went to the shaft of light. I followed on. As soon as I reached the blinding shaft of light the orb floated up. I climbed up to the orb and found myself in a clearing inside a smaller dome. There was a source of water and gardening tools but that was all. There was another door across from me. I place the packet of carrots on a nearby rotting rusted table. The orb beeps twice then race's off to the door. I follow it wondering what it wants. There was a couple of weird looking dusty suits with a helmet attached to them. This door was different to other doors. It had a wheel and handle instead of just a handle. I turned the handle until I heard a clang then pushed the handle down with as much force as I could muster. Then again shoved the old weary metal door. I followed the orb in and shut the door till it was sealed shut. a yellow light was flashing and then a force of smoke sprayed onto me until the screen next to another door showed 'decontaminated'. Decontaminated. I wonder what that means. The other door swung open automatically and the orb whizzed out. Fresh morning air blew in making me shiver slightly. I walked into the fresh air and looked across the empty barren landscape. It wasn't to dark. The sky was a dull greyish blue. Shrubs dotted the place and the harsh ground turned into soft sand as I followed the orb. As I drew closer I spotted some sand dunes and shrubs with water expanding in the distance. The closer I drew to the water in the distance I began to hear the distant sloshing sounds. It was different from rain but just as entrancing. It was peaceful out here in the cool early morning breeze. A warm orange light begins too rise up from the water. It made the dull greyish blue smooth into a purple with a tinge of orange. It was entrancing. I notice that not much sign of life apart from the small critters that occasionally were seen. There was though a low hum. The sound of life stirring. Birds begun to chirp, and life begins to awaken from its deep slumber. The orb stopped at the banks of the sloshing water and seemed to be looking out into the distance. With the same curiosity as me. I sat down next to the floating orb on a warm sand dune. the breeze stopped me from getting to hot. I looked out into the distance. It was clam here. It was peaceful. Yet although it is all like this it feels to calm. This leaves me to wonder what has happened. What will happen. I lie down listening to the sloshing water and the low hum of life awakening. I close my eyes. For I will Awake to a new day with a new purpose. To discover. To rebuild life. To return a purpose to the hum of life. instead of this over powering empty calm. Awakening. EMOTIONS
I awake to a bright blue sky. The orb was close by. |