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Young boys fucking men. [If you can think of a title, I'd love suggestions] |
Adrian smiled when he saw me. I couldn't help but grin back as I knelt to meet him. "Tim!" he leapt into my arms. I nuzzled his hair. "Missed you." I murmured. "You're squishing me!" Adrian giggled. I released him and looked him over. He was wearing a black T-Shirt and those shorts I loved oh so much. They were cut just below his hips and barely had room to fit a piece of paper into the waistband. The shorts showed off his long creamy legs. And his impressive bulge. It always amazed me how he could get away with wearing them. For an eight year old Adrian had a nice sized dick. I'd worked for his father almost five years. I'd known the boy most of his life. And hoped to know him the rest of mine. I'd been setting up a new branch of the company out of state and hadn't seen Adrian in almost ten months. I lifted him onto my shoulders and walked towards the end of the block. I refused to park in the loading zone because all the cars and running children made me nervous. I held onto his his legs as I listened to him chatter above me. I could feel his dick pressed to the back of my head and it was all I could do to keep my own cock from tenting my pants. I stroked his legs. Loving the way my skin contrasted his. Mine mahogany and his ash. We reached the car and I lifted him off and placed him in the car. "So, daddy says no ice cream before dinner. So, let's grab something to eat and then we can go for ice cream, yeah?" Adrian cheered as I put the car in gear. We got burgers from Griff's and then ice cream from Braum's the entire time I enjoyed the sound of Adrian's voice as he filled me in on what happened while I was away. When we go home I gave his dad the ice cream cone we'd picked up for him. "I swear you spoil him way too much." He said rolling his eyes. I just grinned cheekily. "It's my right." Adrian and I followed our routine, I helped him undress and bathed with him. When we were done we went on the the back patio to bask in the moonlight while the warm breeze dried us. Next we massaged each other with lotion and I carried Adrian to bed. I tucked him in and read him a story from the Iliad. We'd always shared a love of Greek epics. I'd found a children's version on amazon and we'd read through it more times than I bothered to count. I let my voice fade out as I noticed Adrian had fallen asleep. I leaned down and kissed his forehead before creeping out. "I was sure you'd do it tonight Tim." "Come on Nathan. I'm a gentleman. I'm starting tomorrow morning. I've got a full day planned. You wanna watch or just use the nanny cams?" I said. "I'll use the cams. It'll be more fun that way." Nathan said. "Suit yourself." I shrugged before heading to bed. The next morning was Saturday. I woke up early and made breakfast. Nathan and Adrian came in at the same time. We chattered over the food before Nathan said he'd be in his study all day. Made up something about needing to get some work done for the new branch. The study was in a shed out back. Detached from the house and, unknown to Adrian, had a wall of monitors that showed every room of the house. I smiled and he winked as he left the house. I cleaned up while Adrian went to watch TV. We were both still naked. It was rare any of us wore clothes around the house. Usually only when company was around. When the dishwasher was running, I went to the living room and knelt in front of Adrian. He gave me a funny look before going back to watching TV. I took one of his feet and massaged it. Adrian sighed as i worked the soles of his feet. "I've got a brand new game. I'll show you a new parts over the course of the day. I promise you'll like it." "Is this part of it? Because I rally like this part." Adrian smiled. "Yes." I said kissing the ball of his foot before moving to the other one. "it's called foot worship. And I love worshiping your little feet." I massaged his foot and then brought it to my mouth. I kissed his foot and then ran my tongue through the spaces between his toes before taking them into my mouth. i sucked them gently, running my tongue all over. Adrian giggled and offered his other foot. I gave it the same treatment and then pressed the soles together and licked between them. I spent more than twenty minutes working his small feet over with my fingers lips and tongues. I even gently bit his little soles causing him to flinch and goggle. When I was done I laid Adrian on the couch and cuddled behind him. "What did you think?" I asked . "I like foot worship. What's next Tim?" "Patience Dear Heart. I'll be happy to tell you when the time comes. Right now we can just cuddle." Adrian was more than happy to do so. I lay there and basked in the feel of his creamy skin against me. He was so perfect. There were so many things I wanted to teach him. I loved his innocence but I knew he would have to forfeit some of it to become what I needed him to be. It was selfish, but I deserved to be selfish at times. It was one of the reasons I did the things I did. He was to be mine. But I was already his. Everything he wanted within my power, he would have. I also knew I'd never force him. Though I wanted him so badly I could hardly stand the thought of rejection I knew should he decide that he didn't like any of the things I wanted to teach him, I would discontinue them. I knew should he come to hate me and order me to leave, I would. I could deny him nothing He owned me and was unaware of it. One day he would be though. And I hoped he'd use the fact to his full advantage. I lost myself in thought quickly. when I felt Adrian shift, I didn't think much of it. Figuring he had to pee or something. I flinched when I felt teeth gently nip at my toe. Adrian grinned up at me and, not breaking eye contact, ran his pink little tongue along the sole of my foot. I closed my eyes in pleasure as Adrian set to the task of imitating all the wondrous things I'd don to his little feet. My cock responded quickly, snapping to attention in nothing flat. Adrian didn't spend as much time as I did but it was wondrous none the less. When he was finished I opened my eyes and looked down into his wide brown eyes and opened my arms to him. Adrian clambered on top of me and I we shared a kiss. We'd done it time and time again. Little kisses for my sweet little boy. "I guess it's time for lesson number two. We're in the perfect position for it. You like kissing right?" "Yea! I love kissing you Tim." Adrian chirped. "And I love kissing you too. But, there's a better way to do it. It's called making out. Wanna learn how to do it?" Adrian grinned and nodded his head enthusiastically. I slowly brought my lips to his and we kissed again, though this time I let the time extend. After a few seconds, I wiggled my tongue between Adrian's lips. He giggled a little but got the message and allowed me inside. I explored his mouth a moment mapping every part of it before I coaxed his tongue into movement. Adrian was hesitant at first but soon he was moving his tongue along with mine. Brilliant boy that he was Adrian picked up the skill without much trouble. When I was satisfied he had it down I slowly withdrew my tongue and to my delight Adrian's followed. He couldn't reach as deeply as I had but he explored what he could reach. All too soon though, we both needed to breathe. Adrian panted when we parted his cheeks stained pink. "That was Awesome Tim!" "It was Dear Heart. Everything is awesome when I do it with you." I kissed his forehead and then his lips and then his throat. "Next lesson is gonna feel a little weird. I'm gonna show you all the parts of your body that can feel good. You already know your feet and mouth can feel really nice but..." I ran my hands up his inner thigh, stopping short of his little balls. "Did you know it felt good to touch here?" Adrian's face had scrunched slightly. "It feels weird Tim. Not in a bad way though. Just weird." I chuckled softly. "That's because it's new. It always feels weird in the beginning. Remember when I first started playing with your feet? That felt weird at first too right?" Adrian nodded. "So trust me. You know I'd never do anything bad to you right?" Adrian nodded again and I flipped our positions. Adrian smiled up at me as I caressed his cheeks and then moved down his neck, massaging his pulse points gently. Adrian closed his eyes, his brows knitting slightly. He didn't seem uncomfortable so I continued down, caressing his tiny torso and then rubbing and pinching his nipples. His lips fell open then as his cock, which had been hard from the moment we started making out, twitched it's appreciation for my efforts. I rubbed my way down his belly, squeezing his sides a bit making him giggle. i let my hands skate down his sides and lifted on leg, massaging his thigh and then his calf before switching to the other leg. Adrian's breathing had become a little faster as he enjoyed the stimulation I was feeding him. It was hard not to focus too long on any one body part, but I was mostly gauging reactions to see where worked best for the future sex God beneath me. I quickly flipped Adrian over wondering if he'd noticed I skipped over his cock. He probably had, but wouldn't think much of it. Yet anyway. When I showed him how good his cock could make him feel... I shook my head clearing the thought. My hands moved up the backs of Adrian's legs over the slopes of his ass cheeks and then up his spine. I massaged his shoulders gently and then his back. I knew this wouldn't get much reaction since he was used to my hands on his back. He was a bit surprised though when my hands landed on his plump little cheeks and massaged them. The little intake of breath was music to my ears as I felt him up and then gently urged his cheeks apart with my thumbs. I knew Adrian must have thought this was weird, but he wasn't complaining so far. I gently ran a finger down his crease and smiled when he flinched as my finger grazed his tender pink hole. "Get up on your knees babe. But keep your chest on the couch, yea just like that." I smiled as Adrian unknowingly presented himself to me. "Get comfy. You're gonna be like that for a while." "OK." Adrian said simply moving his arms to cradle his head and shifting around a bit. I leaned over him and gently bit his left shoulder. Adrian flinched and gasped. I'd noticed it seemed to be a bit more sensitive than his right. Next I planted kisses and licks down his spine feeling him shiver below me. I got to his ass and kissed each cheek. Adrian giggled again, making me smile despite myself. "The next thing is called oral. There are two types. The first I'll teach you is called rimming." I kissed his perky little butt cheeks again before spreading them apart. Adrian lifted up a little and looked back at me. From the look on his face he had an idea what I was about to do, and couldn't believe it. Without further ado, I leaned in and kissed Adrian's hole. The boy flinched and then moaned as I wormed my tongue inside of his tight back door. I Frenched Adrian's ass like there was no tomorrow, pushing saliva into his ass only to suck it back out and start all over again. Adrian was moaning and groaning all the while his little hips wagging from side to side and pushing back at times to get more of my tongue inside of him. "Tim! This feels so... ugh! It feels so good!" I smiled but kept going at it. Soon my jaw tired but I pushed through it until it became simply unbearable. I nipped at Adrian's cheeks then not really ready to leave such a meal. I gently pulled at Adrian's legs until He was laying flat on the couch again. He was panting and moving his hips lightly back and forth. I smiled realizing that my boy was humping the cushion. Though I was sure he didn't realize it or if he did, he wasn't really sure why. When he came down Adrian rolled over and beamed at me. "You taste delicious." I said licking my lips. Adrian smiled. "That was really cool. My body feels all tingly!" I wondered if Adrian had an orgasm while I was eating out his cute little butt. "What's the other kind of...... oral?" "Yes Dear Heart, it's called oral. And I'll get to that. Right now, though it's cuddle time again. I don't want to go too fast. I want you to take time and enjoy each part of this OK?" Adrian seemed a little disappointed but said. "OK. I like cuddling too. Can I do rimming on you?" "You ask: 'can I rim you' or 'can I eat you out'" I said. "And yes if you want to you can. I'd like it a lot but it's totally up to you. We'll only play these games when you want to and how you want to. After I teach you all the ways to play we can play any of them whenever you want." Adrian smiled and I brought him back to my chest and we settled in for cuddle session number two. I could hear gears whirring in his little head as he processed the sensations. I wanted badly to move on but I didn't want to assail him with too much at once. And if I was being honest with myself, stripping away Adrian's innocence layer by layer was hot in it's own way. |