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A young man who find his soul and memories to inhabit the body of a male fairy. m/m Micro |
[Hello everyone to "Fate: 1/10th} A Male Fairy's Macro World". This will be a multi-anime world jumping story that sets the setting in the fantasy of RE: Monster with included elements of Fate Zero/ All Around Fate. Note: All Worlds are deadlocked, meaning they are unable to interact with each other. The focus of this fantasy world-jumping tale is a young man who find his soul and memories to inhabit the body of a male fairy in a world of fiction from his old life. However, not everything is as expected for the main character, as even with his fantastic new powers, he learns he only gets a maxium of two days before he is focefully shoved into another world once the first of his Servents are summoned. And though he has the power to go back to any world he's been before, he still has a two day maxium until being forcefully put into either a new world or one he's been to already. Alright, end of the story's first author's note. Have fun reading.] My heart was pumping in my chest so fast that it hurt. I had to hurry, there was no time to look back or hide. My life was so very close to ending. It's breath, hot and horrible, bushed against the back of my neck as I flew through the night air. A moment ago I had been getting my summoning ritual ready. And it had been going so well. I had already drawn out the circle in the blood of three One-Horned Rabbits that I killed. It had taken all morning to hunt each one down and then kill them with a sneak attack from above. There was no way that a low ranking fairy such as myself could slay them in an even match. It sucked, but in a forest of monsters, One-Horned Rabbits were the food source of higher ranking preditors. They were weak by nature and barely counted as an intimidating monster species. But I would still die if I tried to attack one head-on. That was how weak my monster class turned out to be. I had been reborn into this monster-filled world as a Male Fairy. They were the weakest species because there was no reason for them to exist. A simple truth. Fairies were all female in gender. Born out of direct sunlight hitting a flower, and other magical know-how I didn't care about, fairies had no purpose for the male sex. So after I died in my old world - by getting hit by good old truck-kun - I ended up being reborn as a fairy. And then, only to find out my new life had taken another plunge to some unwelcoming abyss. The good thing I was still male. But because of that, I was immediately kicked out of the fairy village that lived in the forest. It turned out fairy kind were a tad more gender biased than I thought a race of all female creatures would be. I learned of that after a few lessons from the teacher who introduced new fairies to the general workings of the world. Although it turned out to be my saving grace, if only because the fairies had no real concept of sexual preference. They did not have sex, it was a foreign concept that was treated as a taboo. And in an all-female society, it was pointless to even think of such actions. They were like greek Amazons. Untrustworthy of a man, let alone a teen with the first ever dick amongst them. The fairies kicked me out for being a male. Although, I may have been a tad too harsh for their way of life. The problem was that the whole reason I ended up alone in the forest chopped up to being too forward. Some, probably most, had taken offense. At least I learned a little before I acted like an idiot. The society was that of kingdoms, ownership of others, rather than the freedom of owning land that couldn't be taken away unless you committed a crime. I wouldn't have to live by the standard of the real world as much. Of course, that didn't mean I'd plan to become a sociopath that hurt others. My personal goals after I found out I had been transported to a fantasy world were to survive and seek pleasure. And none of those two objectives included becoming a horrible person. Perhaps a person who got what he wanted through their own means, as the law of the jungle implied one must attempt to survive, but I didn't want to be the of kind of guy who hurt the innocent. Instead, I wanted to seek my own pleasures in life. Though it may have been greedy, that was the option my new life could grant me. But it was high-risk for a large reward kind of world. It was lucky for me that my kind tended to be born as teenagers and not as babies like most other monster species. I could use my wings instinctively, and they were helping me stay alive at the moment. >>(Damage: -25HP) Another hit. I narrowly dodged a second swipe from the monster trying to kill me. "Show HP!" >>(HP: 50/100) God, I was down to half a bar of health. Two more hits and I'd be dead. "Quit flying away you little shit! I wanna eat you!" I didn't even respond to the little green goblin. My wings just beat faster in my own panic to get away. "Get to the circle. Get to the circle. Come on!" "Got you!" "I won't die today!" I passed the outer ring of my summing circle at the same time the goblin clawed at my back. The pain that followed told me it severed my right wing. >>(Damage: -25HP) Twenty-five HP left. I was still kicking you piece of filth monster. "Activate Summoning!!" I shouted. There was no time for a formal chant. I prayed it still worked. There was a flash of light, blinding me for a quick second. No longer than a half second later I flew into something soft. I needed only that sudden contact to prove I done it. "Kill the goblin!" There was a brief shout of surprise from the monster. I grabbed onto whatever I could and got my footing before I looked behind me. The goblin never had a chance before a red blur pierced it through the chest. It was too fast for me to follow. Except for when my summoned savior paused and then pulled his weapon out of the corpse. It was a human hand holding a blood red spear. "Master?" Well, whoever I summoned was male. I was glad, after the girl fairies kicked me out I didn't want to talk to the opposite sex for a while. "Down here," I breathed. It was then that I realized I had been looking up to see the person's weapon. Which led to the question of where I was. I looked around me and realized the stuff I'd been holding on to was skin. No, worse than that, I was clinging to something a lot longer and wider than my whole body. The guy's penis was bigger than me. "Ah, Master, I did not expect, um-" "That I'm a fairy? Or that I'm clinging to your dick?" "...Both, my Master." My servant had his head down to look at me. It took a single glance at his face and I got excited. I managed to summon a legit Heroic Spirit! And him being Diarmuid Ua Duibhne was even cooler! I had not expected that at all! When I was planning the summoning it never crossed my mind that it would summon a Heroic Spirit. My guess had been a type of monster. Despite the nearly unthinkable amount of luck it'd take to summon one with no Holy Grail War happening, to my knowledge, I could sense some sort of pulse if only for a moment; that was the strangest feeling- as if I could go another round. However, I pushed that to the back of my mind. Diarmuid was looking at me with a slightly growing blush in the uncomfortable silence. "There's no way I'm able to fly right now," I pointed to my damaged wing. It stun like the dickens. "Could you sit? I... we have a lot to talk about." "That we do. Though I have no qualms with you as my Master, the... oddness of it..." It seemed he was quite embarrassed to be butt naked when summoned. "Yeah, well... I didn't plan for a Goblin to attack." Diarmuid lowered himself to the ground. There were only little movements of his dick, but they still equally felt like a mountain shifting. No matter how much I pressed up against the skin or dug my feet into it, the downward movement made my grip lose. He reached the ground and I let go of his shaft. I hopped onto the top his balls as Diarmuid crossed his legs on the solid ground, and then climbed downward by making use of the area between his two ball sacks. I was on solid ground again when Diarmuid bowed in what I assumed to be a knight's greeting. "In accordance to the summon, I present myself- Servant Lancer of Black. My fate shall be with you, and my sword shall be as your sword. So I ask of you as your loyal knight. What may your name be, Master?" "... Cody. And yes I am. I guess my last name isn't important. Not anymore..." In an unknown world full of danger why should I keep my family name? There was no point to focusing on the past when stalking in my shadow was a patient hand of death. And I did not intend to die. With or without a Servant, I'd make sure I survived. "Very well. It pleases me that you would accept this lowly Servant's loyalty." Saying that, Lancer materialized the two weapons that qualified him the for the class of spearmen. Both spears appeared from blue motes of light, raking across the lengths of the weapons to reveal two different spears. One was longer, and the same one that he used to kill the goblin with. The other spear was shorter and yellow in color. These were the same two Noble Phantasms that he used in the anime Fate Zero. I was silently being a fanboy on the inside. "Lancer, I'm impressed an all, but to be frank I screwed up the summoning because I had no idea what to expect. There wasn't any time and because of that, you got summoned with a handicap. Did you need clothes as part of your Noble Phantasm?" I knew that Diarmuid usually wore a skin-tight, dark green outfit, but I had no idea if it helped increase his power or speed. A knight was defined by his armor and sword, so it was likely anything that manifested with a Heroic Spirit was just as important. "No, what I wore had no greater purpose other than what a normal uniform would be used for in battle. But it appears I no longer have a cloth that would hide the view of my two spears from recognition upon a glace- if the enemy had some knowledge of my legend beforehand, of course." Lancer sounded embarrassed. As if it was his fault and not mine for having been summoned naked. Then again, he was a famous legend of a loyal knight getting cursed by a power to attract women without fail at a glance, putting aside his already handsome face: his love spot, a cursed mole he had at his birth got him into a lot of trouble, made it so any problem was easily blamed on him. "Well, that sucks," I shrugged. We had just lost the element of surprise. Added to that, Lancer would've looked good in dark, forest green. "But not worth crying about. Hey, Lancer, did the Holy Grail give you any knowledge on the Black Faction? Because we should probably get us some clothes before we met any other members." "Only that you will serve as the lone Master of us Servants of Black. While the Red Faction will be as its normally done." As he said that he scanned the forest around us, before his face set into one of determination. "There's an enemy Servant heading towards us isn't there?" One just didn't get the sudden look of steel without cause. Lancer nodded. I had to have the worst fucking luck. I stood up and felt my cheeks redden. An idea had already popped into my mind about my current dilemma. Lancer had glanced down to me, looking for orders, and the enemy was coming. I felt like my heart got stuck in my throat. I couldn't afford to tell Lancer to fight and leave me behind. I was too fragile in a forest full of monsters let alone being on the sideline of a battle between Servants. How easy would it be to get caught in a sweeping or long range attack? Or die by a falling tree? "Lancer. There isn't another way to go about this. So I'll just say it. Shove me in your cock." "... What?" "If you don't I might get pulverized into next week. I'd be a stain on the ground. Just do it. And it's not like I can't talk to you. We've got a Master/Servant bond that includes mental communication." It seemed that Lancer had taken my reasoning seriously. There was little time before my face met his cock head. It's slit - easily larger than I was - engulfed my head and quickly made my short brown hair on the top of my head brush against its ceiling. A pressure on my naked ass and bare feet - probably his fingers - shoved me the rest of the way in. When I was fully engulfed I closed my mouth and tried to breathe through my nose. Even if he was a Servant, a Heroic Spirit was human, and the soft, somewhat hot and sticky flesh felt real. As a monster class, I could see well in the dark, or at least better than a human's eyesight. The inside of Lancer's penis led in quite a ways in the near dark until it bent. It was angled upward as a penis normally would be. There was also no immediate reaction after Lancer shoved me inside his dick. It seemed he could will his body to keep his cock down. Although he was human and could get aroused, I suspected Lancer had more self-control than myself. "And now I'm hard," I said. "Get it together idiot. No time to be getting off in here. I can do it when I reached his balls but I need to start moving." "I don't think you should be pausing," a new voice, a recognizable one, sounded from behind me. {Master, he was-] {Lancer, what the fuck?} I yelled through the mental link. {He came up to me right after I shoved you in Master. He was begging me for safety.} I took in a long breath and sighed. Looking over my shoulder, I could see a red colored slime moving forward and glancing back and forth between the fleshy walls. He was totally freaked out of his mind... which was understandable. He had two large golden eyes and that was it since slimes were... well slimes. "Got a name?" I asked as I crawled forward on my hands and knees. I hoped the voice I recognized wasn't who my mind was leaning towards. "Shirou Emiya." Before I could express my shock at him being caught up in this mess, the tunnel around us shifted into a ninety-degree free fall. We were both woefully unprepared, and the two of us got caught in an uncontrolled tumble, slipping along the walls of flesh. The fall was short, though, and my hands were soon wet with liquid after I landed on my ass. I couldn't distinguish up and down from how everything was spinning, so I leaned back to steady myself. I wasn't sure at first, but it seemed we had fallen in a ball sack. There was a rubbing sensation against my crotch, and I looked down to find Shirou had been splattered into bits. Out of the many pieces of the slime scattered about, only one showed signs of life. The little glob was covering the head of my cock, and it didn't take long to figure out that he was stuck on there by his tugging movements. Shirou had been around the size of a basketball compared to me but was now barely bigger than a golfball. It looked like I landed on top of him which caused him to lose a lot of body mass. What an interesting ability. I guessed it had something to do with him being a slime. "Need some help?" I put as much sarcastic tone in that as I possibly could. I put a thumb along the top of my dick and guided it toward him until I easily popped him off into my other hand. I placed the red slime on my right shoulder, and he mumbled a thank you. Though he was much smaller now, he still had a pair of golden eyes that were frantically looking around the chamber. And despite his slime form, I could still feel his body shaking against my shoulder. "Hey, are you alright?" "No. I remember getting killed by a guy with a red spear. He got me right in the chest at school. Then I woke up in this crazy forest, got attacked by a bunch of different monsters, and then find out I get smaller as more pieces of me are ripped away. Oh, and add getting shoved into a man's balls on my list of the worst day of my life." Shirou grumbled the last part in embarrassment. I tenderly touched my finger to the top of his body and patted him. Shirou just confirmed that he was from a Fifth Holy Grail War that never gave him the chance to be with Saber or do any future action he would have taken. He must be so confused about what was going on around him that I think he was having a small panic attack. Though my own body wasn't shaking I still felt my heart pounding against my ribcage. "I know a lot about what's going on. But at the same time very little. After... after we deal with the incoming threat, we'll get a breather to talk. Sound good?" "Yeah. But what's coming after us? Is it why the guy shoved me in here?" I nodded sourly in affirmation. What had happened just now left me wondering on Diarmuid's status. I decided to contact my Servant. {Lancer, some info would be greatly appreciated. The slime and I just dropped into one of your balls rather suddenly."} Hopefully, I didn't distract him mid-battle. There was a silence. {Apologies, my Master. I thought it best to hurry the process before the Servant arrived. Ah, he's arrived. Um... it seems the enemy is a woman with a knight's armor.} Diarmuid probably won't get information on the enemy just by looking at her. That was why I needed to see for myself. I was tense, ready to order my Servant to retreat if I happened to know that she was stronger or it turned out to be a Servant I didn't know of. {Servants can share senses with their Masters right? Can you link me up?} I blinked, then startled that the very scenario I had not thought to be likely if only because the chance of it happening for a second time was pushing into disbelief. Diarmuid seemed to be standing at the ready with his two spears, eyes clashing with shining green. {This doesn't look good. That's Artoria Pendragon. She's Servant Saber and is like, a badass in speed and power. Great. A heavy hitter already.} They were in the same spot as the ritual circle with Saber on the fringe of the forest's trees, backed by foliage which surrounded the area. At my Servant's feet was the corpse of the goblin. Saber was walking toward Lancer with her sword in hand. I knew she was Arthur, the King of Knights, and so the blade would be Excalibur. The holy blade was truly invisible. Of course, it would make sense that viewers of Fate Zero could see it as a light distortion in the shape of a sword. Take that away and I was left seeing the nothing that she was holding. Saber had blond hair that was tied in a bun of some braided style. The color theme going for her was blue and silver, her dress and covering armor respectively. More than her slender build and young face, if it could be called young, was her elegance. She wore a look of a knight that was also a king by how she moved into view. And then somehow that elegance was gone when her face turned beet red. "Servant!? What manner of lewd act have I stumbled into?" "Not so, my enemy. As a loyal Servant and knight, I was following the orders of my Master," said Diarmuid. "Ah, I see. A prana transfer then. I am not one to judge how a fellow Heroic Spirit gets there prana as long as innocents are not involved." While Saber came to that conclusion I noticed that the corpse had a knife lying beside it. The reason why a goblin would have a human knife was unimportant. Though it probably belonged to a now-dead guy the goblin stole from. The importance of it was the opportunity it could give. We needed a way to force Saber to retreat. I was confident that Diarmuid could put up a good battle against her. The knight had two anti-personal Noble Phantasms that was guaranteed to get past her defense. Saber had lost the use of wielding her weapon two-handed in Fate Zero, so the same encounter should happen again. Keyword 'should' happen again. This time around Saber didn't have the excuse of releasing her sword beam and thus killing thousands. She could go all out the moment she's feeling too much pressure. I doubt she cares about wiping out the tribe of goblins that live in the northern mountain cave or any of the monstrous forest creatures. Really, I had two options. Either I give my Servant a boost of prana by pouring what I had into my body fluids and blowing a load into the chamber we were in, making it as Saber said: a prana transfer. Or use my prana to summon a Servant. I visualized it, the outcome of boosing my Servant, and I realized that the situation wasn't ideal to takedown Saber on our own. The other enemy Servants remain unknown and could come assist Saber if her master saw that she needed help. It would not be strange to think the Red faction sent Saber as a probe to get first blood. And then a second great idea popped into my head. {... There is something special I need you to do, Lancer. Take the goblin's knife and carve out the name, Jack the Ripper, on the side of the blade. Then place it next to the circle. After that, make sure you keep Saber at bay. Oh! And we will need some of her blood later.} {Very well. I have a feeling I will be in for quite a surprise in hearing of your future plans if the present ones are this creative.} As a Master, I was glad I could mentally look up my Servant's abilities. Diarmuid had the skill Knight Tactics which allowed him to set up a failure for his opponent. It is used through his observation of a battle to set a trap. My plan hinged on him pulling it off. Diarmuid readied his spears, rotating them. If I hadn't just told him our plan I would have missed the way his weapons nicked the dagger on the ground. Already I could guess he started carving out the first few letters of the name while not giving anything away. "Saber of Red. My Master wishes for you to spill blood. Ready yourself, for here I come." "Naked as the day you were born, Lancer of Black? I have never thought a knight would be so crass. But very well. May the best knight win." The two Heroic Spirits clashed. A complex dance of death by two warriors beyond any to human. In truth, it was extremely hard for me to follow the battle. Lancer's spear-work, which incorporated his second weapon, had a natural flow that made it seem that in every thrust he did not switch spears or focus on single thrusting. Yet he did so with ease and met Saber at each barrage of her sword. The tempo of their movements oscillated between high-speed blurs only Servants could follow and normal maneuvering that still looked it'd be hard to doge for a human. Diarmuid then took a step back. He once more nicked at the knife with the smallest possible indication, then dropped his yellow spear on the ground. However, that let him focus on only using his red spear. "I commend you, Saber. Truly a knight at heart." Diarmuid had spread his feet and aimed the tip of the spear at Saber. "Your skills are also impressive. Though lack of armor will be your downfall," spoke Saber. After that brief exchange, they move at one another once again. {Now Master!} "Ahh!" I wasn't expecting Diarmuid to be done so soon. It surprised me. "You screamed all of the sudden. What's going on out there?" Shirou asked from my shoulder. "Progress," I responded. "Now everything's in place." With Diarmuid's launch at Saber, he had expertly kicked the completed knife at the edge of the summoning circle. Now was not the time for fuck ups. I first tugged on my prana, drawing it forth to fill the glass I was about to fill. My Servant should give me enough time to finish it. So I uttered the first word and let my prana surge outward. "Let silver and steel be the essence. Let stone and the archduke of contracts be the foundation. Let black be the color I pay tribute to. Let rise a wall against the wind that shall fall. Let the four cardinal gates close. Let the three-forked road from the crown reaching unto the Kingdom rotate. Let it be declared now; your flesh shall serve under me, and my fate shall be with your sword. Submit to the beckoning of the Holy Grail. The answer, if you would submit to this will and this truth. An oath shall be sworn here. I shall attain all virtues of all of Heaven; I shall have dominion over all evils of all of Hell. Yet you shall serve with your eyes clouded by chaos. For you would be one caged in madness. I shall wield your chains. From the Seventh Heaven, attended to by three great words of power, come forth from the ring of restraint, protector of the holy balance!" I was beginning to feel dizzy. I felt another drain connected to me, taking my prana. It had worked. {... I am Berserker of Black. Are you my Master?} A person's voice came through the mental link. I couldn't tell if it was male or female, young or old, or if it was once a person. It sounded human in the way that I understood every meaning behind the words. However, at the same time, there was a missing part of it for the voice to be genuinely human. {Yes. My name is Cody. Please, assist Lancer of Black in acquiring a sample of Saber of Red's blood. After that make a retreat toward civilization. I'm gonna pass out, I think.} {Alright, Master. Though I think you need to explain to me why you sitting in a shallow pool of cum inside one of your Servants. I honestly have no idea as to the reason for such a bizarre action.} I switched to Diarmuid's vision to see Saber with a bleeding side and a glowing sword being swiped at my Servant. My heart rate tripled as I saw what could only be a near miss thanks to Diarmuid's higher speed stat. Everything behind him still got hit with a partial use of a beam sword though. There was nothing left of the summing circle, the dead goblin, or anything at all but gorged dirt. It continued a smoking path into the forest for about the length of a football field and the width of a two-lane highway. {There's your fucking reason, Berserker.} {... Ah.} That stumped acceptance was that last thing I heard before I passed out. |