Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2147518-Escape
Rated: E · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #2147518
A young man's life is changed forever after a series of lights appear in the sky.
There he was standing in the door way, hairy and scary. I started running but in about 5 minutes of running I started getting dizzy, very dizzy and the blackness consumed me and I passed out.I woke up in, I think still in New York, but something was different, big buildings, men in black floating cars, not human people. I mean I could’ve sworn it was 2017 yesterday... I wait ...yesterday? What happened, I can't remember anything... well what do I do now? I walked up to a store and it was a super market gas station but get this you could type something in and it would just teleport it to you, no money needed. So I ordered my favorite a nice Chipotle with all my favorite ingrediants so after that eating my Chipoltle I decided to find my way back home. Slowly I realized something.. where were the houses? Seeing an elderly gentleman walking his dog I walked up tp him and asked "sir were are the houses?"

He looked at me and "uSDIFGUGIOUGdfogogoAFGoufgougsdfuodsfu" which was a whole other language, it was like alien so I kept walking and 30 mins later I found it, but no where near where it should have been. I looked through the window and there was this nice family that wasn’t mine and after that I didn’t know were to go what to do. I just sat there until something weird happened. I saw this weird thing fly by with a banner behind it and on it was written happy 4000. What the heck? So now I’m really freaken' out and the door opens, I’m guessing the mom of that family came out and said "what are you doing its freezing out here?"

I didn’t really mind it but she took me into my or their house and it was weird. White everywhere as well as one of those magical food stations and a bunch of other futuristic stuff. "Are you hungry?" she asked. "You look hungry, what can I get you?" I asked for fries and !ping! there they were. She handed them to me and asked "What is your name?" As i ate my fried I answered "Tony."

"Hello Tony, my name is Shirley." As she handed me barbque sauce and ketchup she asked "Where are you?"
"Uhmm here, New York" I answered.
She looked at me funny "Here?"
"Yep, I mean Yes Ma'am." I said as I licked the sauce off my fingers. "Yesterday it was 2017 but something really odd went down and I cant remember anything, but here I am."
She looked at me confused and then she said "Tony follow me please" and she took me to a room across from the kitchen while I was stuffing fries in my mouth. "See these pictures, these are the people who have lived here, anyone of these are young alpha adults."

I stared, very confused she said "like parents but that’s not a word or term we use anymore." I looked down the huge row of pictures Hmmmmmmmmm I thought, it was like seeing my family on the wall, but how could this be? If it was the year 4000 how are these pictures so new I wondered.
"Shirley, those are my parents, my family, how did you get a picture of them when its 4000?"
"Oh, those came from the id book." she said.
I started to ask what that was but then I heard footsteps and a huge huff. This huge man came into the room, he must have been 6 foot 5, he was Huggggggge! "Shirley why is this boy here? He could be bad?"
"Andrew, honey, its ok, he is nice and I think he is just, uhmmm, lost."
"Well Shirley, I don't like it one bit, last night there were those strange lights again, you remember like before?"
"Shhh Andrew, we don't know it will be like last time..." Shirley said while walking Andrew and herself out the door leaving Tony to look at the pictures.

Like before Tony thought? What happened before? I remember the night before seeing all those flashing lights across the sky and waking up the next day, the air had a feeling of electricity to it. I was walking to school and thought someone may have been following me, just, you know, one of those feelings. I kept turning but could never seem to see anyone. It wasn't until I was passing the old abandoned church on 7th street, that I caught a glimpse of something large and, well, furry, but walking upright moving between the alley and the church. I shook my head a few times thinking that was, well, not right. Just then I heard a crash of trash cans from up the road, so I quickly ducked down a side street, starting to run as soon as I was around the corner, trying to glance back even as I started to hear other sounds, like barks. No that isn't quite right, howls, like a wolf on animal planet. I darted down the next alley, picking up a burst of speed, wanting to get clear of the area. I ran fast and hard, thinking I was going to make it, but it wasn't until I saw the werewolf, big, hairy and scary that I realized that I had been herded to this area. The werewolf moved his hand, no his claw, toward me, like he was throwing a curve ball, and that was when the feeling hit me, making me dizzy and ... Tony shook his head again, remember no more until he woke up.

I've got to get back home Tony thought, well not just home, but in the right freakin' year. Tony reached up and grabbed the photo of his parents, and stuffed it in backpack and crossed out of the room, out the front door, and down the stairs.

"Tony, wait." Shirley called.
"I can't Ma'am, I need to get home" Tony answered, pausing at the street. Shirley sprang quickly down the stairs, definately not as old as she looked and handed him a small cherry finished box with inlays of gold.
"Take this Tony, you know where we are, at least for now, if you need anything, or ever make it back to this time and realm again." Shirley squeezed his hands around the box and kissed his forehead. "Be safe Tony."
Before Tony could say anything, Shirley was up the stairs, locking the door behind her.

Tony put the box in his backpack and thought, well, what now?

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