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by Orbby
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Adult · #2145412
Shawky's house!

Urban Oddballs: Two cheeks One boss

Edited by Thegreat_pretender

"She can't live here...can she?" Gaxi asked, finding herself standing before a rather average sized pink house. Just to make sure, she took her phone out and texted Shawky.

'Hey Shawky...um, you said 4270 N Widows right? I'm in front of this pink house but...I can't ring the doorbell...I'm too short :('
A few minutes later Gaxi was greeted by the protruding, pierced, and tatted belly of Shawky, who rubbed her stomach with care as she looked down at the green woman.
"Oh, Gaxi Girl, thanks for contacting me. That was a horrible thing that happened to you! Come in, please come in!"
The interior of Shawky's home was a sharp contrast to her eerie gothic appearance. The walls and furniture were mixtures of fluffy pinks and white. Stuffed animals sat in two's where they could, while a fluffy carpet sprawled over the majority of the living room coming off the house's foyer.
"Oh, oh wow, um, everything is so...pink..." Gaxi mumbled, stunned by her surroundings.
"Oh, Shawky, is this the little party leader you told me about?" Lisped a sultry voice attached to a figure emerging from the hall beyond the living room.
"Oh yeah, Gaxi, this is my familiar, Bizzy," Shawky said, introducing her. Gaxi stared on as a tall, slender woman emerged. She was a pink succubus.
"Woah, a demon lady! Though she looks just like you, apart from the...well, you know..." Gaxi said, taking in the form of the new woman.
"Oh, someone likes big tits, huh? Haha, you're cute!" Bizzy laughed. Shawky patted her familiar on the shoulder.
"Hey now, don't be so rude to our guest. But they are nice tits," she said before locking lips with her busty familiar, massaging her ripe, low-hanging fruit.
"Umm Shawky, Bizzy, I don't mean to interrupt but..." Gaxi began, watching them. Shawky stopped feeling her familiar up to slap her on her prominent rear.
"You're a bad girl for getting me hot and bothered like that!" She purred, grabbing her familiar's breasts. Her black fingernails digging into the soft pink flesh.
"Ahh...oh!" Bizzy moaned as her breasts expanded, tattoos now present on her belly and arm.
"Woah, what just happened?!" Gaxi gasped, dropping her duffle bag in amazement.
"Oh, ha-ha, well I mentioned that I was like a storage device, right? Well she's one too, but with less storage! Haha!" Shawky replied, jiggling her familiar's enlarged assets. Bizzy blushed.
"Mistress, maybe we should play after your leader is settled in?"
Shawky gave her a playful slap across her aching breasts and smiled.
"You're right, prepare our guest some soup while I show her to her room. Come with me, Gaxi Girl."
Gaxi followed Shawky while Bizzy followed. When they reached the kitchen Bizzy broke left and entered it, while the remaining two women headed further down to a room on the right.
"Okay, Gaxi Girl, here's where you'll be staying!" Shawky exclaimed, opening the door to a room covered in pink but not very decorated.
"Wow, it's so big! Is all this for me?" Gaxi asked in awe, having never had a room this big all to herself before.
"Oh, yeah , Gaxi Girl, this is all for you! You have your own bathroom too, so don't worry about privacy."
Gaxi dropped her duffle bag on the pink fluffy floor and gave her host a hug, though this amounted to her pressing her face and arms against Shawky's drum-tight belly. Shawky tussled her little friend's pink hair with a loving fondness before a figurative lightbulb shone above her head, an idea forming.
"Oh, by the way, I was thinking about what you told the party this afternoon about your weakness, and after some research I think I can help," Shawky said, stepping back to place her hands on her belly. Her tattoos glowed with a blue light as a blue will-o-wisp emerged from in between her thighs. The blue flame floated over to the little green woman, evaporating against her body.
"What was that?" Gaxi gasped, jumping back and rubbing the stricken spot with confusion.
"Hehe, you can think of it as virus protection for your mind. Now thanks to one of my little buddies no harm will come to you if someone tries to zap your chip with their phone," Shawky smiled, hands on her hips as her bulbous abdomen jutted out with pride. Gaxi embraced her again, now balling her eyes out.
"T-thank you so much! Y-you don't know how much this means to me..."
"We're party members, right? We have to look out for one another!" Shawky exclaimed, struggling to bend down to meet Gaxi at eye level.
"The soup is ready Mistress!" Bizzy called, her head poking through the door.
"Thanks love!" Shawky said, before turning her attention back to Gaxi and wiping her tears away.
"Okay now, it's okay..." She kissed Gaxi on the forehead as a mother would do to her child, staining her green skin with black lipstick. "Come on, let's get some food in you."
As the two made their way to the kitchen Gaxi noticed that while the rest of the house had a pink and white color scheme, white was this room's dominant color. The women sat down across from one another at a lengthy birch dining table.
"Whew, okay here we go," Gaxi said as she wiggled her compact body onto the chair.
"Are you okay? Don't hurt yourself, Gaxi Girl!" Shawky warned, watching her with a worried look.
"I'm fine, the rear is just weighing me down," Gaxi grunted as she hoisted her mass into the seat. The pillows attached gave her just enough lift to reach over the table to eat. She took a breather as a bowl of hot tomato soup was placed down in front of her. The aroma that filled her nostrils reminded her of home.
"Wow, this smells great Bizzy, thank you!" Gaxi said, diving in. Bizzy bowed to her before turning to Shawky.
"Mistress, it's pretty late, shall I prepare another bath for you?" She asked. Shawky shook her head.
"Nah I'm alright, but Gaxi Girl would like one, wouldn't you?"
Gaxi looked up from her voracious devouring to nod before continuing. Shawky laughed at her little friend, fanning Bizzy away to stand by and wait for Gaxi to finish.
"Well I'm glad you like the soup, but I've been meaning to ask you some things, if you don't mind," Shawky said, watching her friend. Gaxi looked up with a confused expression and nodded, her mouth full.
"Well, I know you're a Miblin, but...well, inside your body, is there like, a tunnel?" Shawky asked, embarrassed for asking something so personal. Gaxi swallowed and looked back at her.
"A tunnel?" She questioned, not sure what Shawky was asking.
"Um you know...like an onahole?" Shawky squeaked out, biting her black lip.
"Well...I'm not sure. I'm rubbery, but that's all I know. Why do you ask, do you know of any Miblins like that?" Gaxi asked. Shawky shook her head.
"Nope, I just heard a rumor is all," she replied, looking around the room and deciding to change the subject. "Well not to sound weird, and you can settle into things in your own time of course, but once you feel more comfortable living here, you don't have to wear anything around the house if you don't want to."
"Oh, are you coming on to me Miss Shawky?" Gaxi sneered, slurping her soup.
"Ha-ha, you're cute so I could be Gaxi Girl, but no. I'm just saying that we're all girls here, so there's no need to feel uncomfortable," Shawky said, resting her chin on top of her hand while looking at her guest with relaxed eyes.
After finishing dinner Bizzy guided Gaxi to the tub with bath supplies in hand.
"Okay I'll take your dirty clothes and put them in the wash, is there anything else you need?"
Gaxi shook her head, "No, no Bizzy you've been great but do I need the rubber ducky?"
Bizzy shrugged "Duckies soothe my Mistress, so maybe they will do the same for you."
Gaxi gave the demon a quizzical look before nodding "Well I've give it a shot, see you in a bit."
Gaxi stepped into the shower and took a seat in the tub, laying eyes on the rubber duck and the kindness that it entitled her mind began to drift.
'Well, here I am the leader of a party. Everyone is so nice, that stupid ass guy didn't know what he was talking about. It's barely been a day and I have a diverse group of friends that have my back. None of them, not even Annry, has judged me on being a Miblin and has taken me seriously. They've even trusted me with their secrets.They really are my friends. I have never had anyone take me seriously before. I mean this, house, this house is amazing, and I get to live in it, because Shawky likes me. And, and Bizzy is so nice.'
Gaxi began to ball a flood of tears into her little hands as the water bounced off of her rubbery skin. Taking those moments to cleanse herself of her hardship and to smile at her triumph, she began bathing. This was never an easy task for her to do, but Shawky seemed to be ahead of her as she had given her a luffa on a stick as her primary bathing tool.
"She hasn't known me but a few hours and yet she knew I had bathing issues." Gaxi's eyes began to well up with tears again, which were washed away by the shower's current.
Stepping out of the shower she laid eyes on Bizzy, "Um were you here the whole time?" Gaxi asked embarrassed.
Bizzy nodded "Yes, though I remained quiet because shower time is a special time for everyone one. Did Mr. Ducky help you relax at all?"
Gaxi sniffled nodding, "Yes, yes he did, may I have him every time I bathe?"
Bizzy nodded smiling with the satisfaction of a job well done.

Later in bed, Gaxi looked up at the ceiling of her new room. The pink of the ceiling brought her a great calm as it was illuminated by moonlight.
'I hope we all grow closer as friends, I don't want to lose anyone, Shawky most of all."
That morning Gaxi awoke to the smell of breakfast cooking.
"Oh boy, morning already! I'd better get the party together," she said to herself, climbing out of bed. Her tiny, three-toed feet graced the comforting embrace of the fluffy carpeting as she made her way out the door.
"Hello leader, sleeping in I see?" Annry asked, leaning against the bedroom door. The brown mouse girl was barefoot but still suited up in her leather armor, weapons sheathed but at the ready. Unbeknownst to her party leader, Annry very much enjoyed the carpeting of the hallway. So much so that she couldn't resist crouching down and gripping at clumps of it as she stood before Gaxi.
"Oh, hi Annry, um, what are you doing here?" Gaxi asked, confused and startled from being called lazy.
"Shawky told us that this will be the meeting spot from this point forward, since this is your residence as well now," Annry replied, folding her arms as she looked at the shorter woman with contempt.
"Us?" Gaxi questioned.
"Yeah, everyone's in the kitchen right now having breakfast. We were waiting on you to decide what our first mission should be," Annry said, raising her eyebrows.
"Oh, oh boy! Okay!" Gaxi giggled, rushing to the kitchen. The spare tire that was her ass jiggled with every frantic step.
"Gods, how does she reach behind herself with those stubby arms?" Annry muttered, following her.
When the two joined the rest of the group in the kitchen, everyone greeted their leader as she struggled to climb into her seat.
"Whew, okay, hold on a minute girls...hurf!" Gaxi groaned, slipping into a somewhat comfortable position.
"Alright, Gaxi, here's what we've been thinking about. We can either go tackle this drug dealer dragon guy, or there's a gaggle of geese that needs clearing in the park."
"Hmmm, beating up the dragon could be fun, is the reward nice?"
"Well its 900 bytes, compared to the geese mission which is only 320," Shawky interjected.
"Okay, Trustee, we're going to tackle that bad dragon! But first I've gotta get dressed," Gaxi smiled at her team, before realizing she had to fight her way out of her seat once again.

An hour and a dress change later the party approached the stronghold. Two guards manned the front entrance of the large apartment, both armed with guns. One was dressed in a yellow uniform while the others was blue. The party tucked away in an alley to converse among themselves and plan a way to handle the guards.
"I could just shoot them from here. You can't fire a gun when an arrow is in your skull," Annry suggested, shrugging.
"No no, we need something a bit subtler, Annry Girl," Shawky commented. "What do you think, Gaxi?"
"Um, well, maybe Zeba could put them to sleep?" Gaxi asked, struggling to come up with an idea.
"Uh, yeah I could. But how do I keep them from just filling me with holes?" Zeba asked, cupping her chest.
Gaxi had an idea. She rushed over to Zeba and unzipped her sweater vest, causing her huge breast to pop out.
"Um...what the fuck boss?" Zeba asked, looking down at the little green woman.
"Okay, so don't get weirded out, but maybe you could just walk up to them playing something to make them sleep while sashaying a bit. Your big boobies will distract them from shooting you and before you know it, wham! They'll be counting sheep," Gaxi grinned, emphasizing the end by punching her hand. Zeba scowled at her sheep comment.
"Was that a pun?"
"Yep!" Gaxi smiled.
"Well, here I go!" Zeba said, stripping her pants off to match. "This should work better."
The two guards were standing at the bottom of the apartment stairs, talking amongst themselves.
"You still seeing that pig girl, man?"
"Nah, she started talking shit so I took her to see Frank."
"Oh shit, she was a fat one. How much did that set you back?"
"Frank's an ass so it was 1500 bytes...wait a minute look at them tits!"
One of the guards pointed at Zeba as she approached, half naked and drawing their attention.
"Hi there, boys, would you like to listen to a little music?" She asked with a suggestive smirk, pressing a button on her wrist. Music began to play from the speakers on her shoulders and thighs. She smiled, expecting their leers of lust to dissipate into drowsiness. Instead they were inflamed by the luscious love-making like music pouring out of the speakers.
"Ah, shit." Zeba sighed, noticing the two guards pitching tents in their trousers. She couldn't stop them in time as they rushed her, wasting no time. They ripped off their pants and tackled her down, fighting to be the first to penetrate her.

"Ah man she fucked it up, I'm shooting them!" Annry whispered, readying her bow.
"Wait, no, she seems alright, look!" Shawky said, pointing at Zeba who was giving the party a thumbs up. Her pussy was being plundered by one of the guards and she seems to be enjoying it. In response, the party slipped past the orgy and entered the shabby apartment building through its heavy wooden doors.
"Oh shit!" Zeba exclaimed as one of the guards pinched the area under her arms where her arm latches were. The other guard hit the area where her leg latches were, causing her limbs to fall to the ground.
"This bitch is made for fucking!" One of the guards groaned, stuck in a lust-filled trance as he plunged his meat through Zeba's thick lips.
"Fuck yeah man, spit roasting time!" The other guard agreed, pressing his cock deeper into her pussy. Both of them thrust together as they held her up, using her for their own.
'Maybe this isn't as bad as I thought...as long as the girls can complete the mission, I can hold out. This is nothing compared to back then' Zeba thought, not able to stifle a moan as the guards had their way with her.
"Flip the sheep bitch over, I want to see that rack bounce!"

Inside the remainder of the party entered the foyer of the building. As they moved up the stairs they noticed a guard seated on a stool, still aloof to their presence.
"Oh, don't hit each other too hard girls..." he snickered, his eyes lighting up as he watched a video on his phone. "Hehe, gotta get me one of them..."
His stool tumbled to the floor as he fell backwards and hit the wall, an arrow sticking out through the back of his head.
"Oh, Annry Girl, did you have to kill him?" Shawky sighed as they emerged from their hiding place.
"Yep," Annry replied, stone faced. A door opened nearby and the girls ducked back down in the stairwell as another guard entered, looking around.
"What the hell was that? Duke? Duke, what are you doing laying..."
Annry's arrow shot through the air and the guard couldn't dodge it, looking down as it entered his gut. He fell to the ground, joining his friend.
"See girls, this is progress. We'll be at the boss in no time!" Annry said, climbing up the stairwell and going into the now open doorway. Gaxi and Shawky looked at each other before following her inside.
"Okay, there's no one here. Judging by the outside of the structure there should be one more floor," Annry whispered, approaching the stairwell.
"What do we have here? Seems we've got a rat problem!" A guard said, emerging from the shadows. Annry froze, looking up at him.
"Wait, what's that? No, get off of me you damn dog, no!" The guard cried as his attack was stopped by a skeletal dog. The dog dragged him to the ground, silencing him. Annry looked back to see Shawky smiling back at her, holding her belly.
"Gotta be more careful, Annry Girl."
"Hmm, thanks Shawky," Annry murmured, rolling her eyes a bit.

Back outside, the music continued to intoxicate the two guards as they pitted the brown satyr girl between their two rods.
'Fuck the blue one is digging deep...though it feels different from his ugly yellow buddy, he feels almost...sweet,' Zeba thought to herself as they had their way with her, filling her.
"Aw man quit fucking her like a punk, you're ruining it for me! Bitches like it when you fuck 'em like this!" The yellow guard growled, pulling Zeba's fluffy head further onto his crotch. The blue guard glared at him, taking out his gun.
"Get the fuck 'outta here before I shoot your ass!"
The yellow guard rolled his eyes, taking his cock out of Zeba's mouth.
"Fine, ya pussy, later!" he said, leaving the two of them.
"Now I have you all to myself," the blue guard said, a touch of care in his deep voice. He took her body in both of his large hands and slid her up and down along his shaft at an even pace.
"Uh, ahh! Zeba moaned, her large breasts swinging back and forth with the motions.
"Ah fuck, you're so tight!" The guard moaned, slowing his pace.
'Been a while since I've seen this much action, fucking without my attachments is kind of a turn on.'
Zeba's eye widened as she felt warm comfort filling her insides.
"Fuck!" She screamed out, letting the rush of lust fill her.
"Whew, boy, well time to go again!"
Zeba grinned, her eyes filled with excitement as her partner started up again.

Inside, the group proceeded up the stairs to the next landing. In front of them was a large door guarded by two boar men.
"Ah Carl, you're always cheating at this damn game," one of the boars said, tapping on his phone.
"Aw, ya whining like your sister did last night when I porked her!" The other snorted. Gaxi, full of gusto, nodded to Shawky and Annry.
"I got this one girls!"
"Both of them?" the two said in unison, sharing a look as their fearless leader ran up the stairs.
"Super Pear Blitzer!" Gaxi yelled, launching herself into the air and hitting one guard in the face.
"What the?" the other guard gasped, struggling to compose himself.
"Sour Bumper, followed by Shock Melon!" Gaxi cried as she assaulted the boar guard with her hip, stunning him. She continued the attack by launching into him ass first, sending him flying into the wall.
"Whew, did y'all see that? I knocked, em out, I knocked em out!" Gaxi cheered, out of breath.
"Wow, uh, bravo Gaxi?" Annry said, confused.
"Yes, well preformed Gaxi Girl!" Shawky smiled, giving her friend a hug.

"Well girls, come on. The big bad is right through these doors!" Gaxi said, her chest full of pride as she pushed open the wooden door in front of her.
Outside the stronghold, the guard grunted as he finished a second time, before stepping back and sitting on the sidewalk with Zeba. The music had stopped long ago, and he was no longer entranced by her music.
"Fuck girl, this is the fifth time, you're a strong one!" He exclaimed, wiping sweat from his forehead.
"You're not so bad yourself, big blue," Zeba smiled.
"Haha, well, ya know, I've got a lot of practice. So you're an amputee huh?" The blue guard asked, leaning in to lick his little lover's face. Zeba winced as his dog-like tongue touched her cheek.
"Well uh, yeah," she replied.
"So, little lamb girl, ready to go again?" The guard asked, getting up and teasing Zeba by tapping her face with the tip of his girth.
"Bring it on!" Zeba laughed, full of playful vigor.

Meanwhile inside the boss room, the group stood before a fat frog-like being in a hot tub. The man flicked away with his tongue, snickering to himself.
"Hah, all those chumps must've dropped out of the race when they saw how hard I was kicking their asses," he grinned, adjusting his black glasses. He was interrupted as the door flew open, revealing the three girls.
"Outters? Hmm, so I guess you're here to stop big bad me from running my business?" He asked, looking them over.
"Yes, we're here to stop you and all of this drug dealing you've been doing, you, you...drug peddler!"
The dragon looked at Gaxi with little concern, but as his eyes scanned the three women who opposed him, they landed on Annry.
"Oh, okay so is this a squash mission or something?"
"A squash mission?" Gaxi asked, confused.
"Yeah, I mean "Annry the Anti-member" is with you, so I assume you're both first-timers she's trying to squash," the man replied, looking at the mouse girl.
"What are you croaking about, froggie?" Gaxi sneered.
"You're a dumbass Miblin, of course you wouldn't know. Annry is a party crusher, meaning she infiltrates parties and abuses their weaknesses to sell them off into slavery," The dragon laughed. "Judging from the makeup of your group I'd say she's hit the jackpot, chubby Miblins and pregnant humans are always a hot commodity!"
He laughed at his comment, filling the room with his voice. An arrow flew through the air right at his face but he dodged it, ducking down into the water.
"He's just talking shit, come on girls!" Annry said, stepping forward.
"Yeah, right, squash mission or not you don't fire arrow at me. I'm Don Brine!" The fat dragon roared, jumping out of the tub to confront the party.
"Ah, yeah didn't think, I, whew, could jump out like that, did ya?" He asked, out of breath from his sudden feat of athleticism. The three girls shared a look.
"Now, whew, take this!" The dragon cried, sending a burst of flame out passed his frog-like lips. The party dodged it with slight difficulty, Gaxi falling over herself in the process. Shawky gained her footing enough to grab her belly and fling her head back, sending six will-o-wisps shooting out of her nether region.
"What...what the hell?" Don Brine burbled as six skeletal wolves materialized before him and latched onto his flabby arms.
"Ahh, get them off get them off!" He yelled as the ravenous undead hounds munched at his flesh.
"Now to finish him off!" Annry said, readying her bow.
"Green Missile!" Gaxi yelled, interrupting Annry as she slammed into Don Brine. The fat dragon fell back into his tub, defeated.
"Woo hoo, I did it, I did it! Take that stupid Minotaur guy, I beat my first! Woo!" Gaxi hooted and hollered, jumping around as the aforementioned boss lay unconscious in his tub.
"Well I guess it's time for us to take the group picture. Um, wait maybe we should go get Zeba first, she shouldn't miss this," Annry suggested as they all remembered the sheep satyr who took one for the team outside.
"I'll go get Zeba Girl," Shawky jiggled.
"Yeah, yeah go get Zeba, no one should miss this!" Gaxi cheered, still high on excitement.
Annry looked over Don Brine, his unconscious body floating in the hot tub.
"Well, it seems unkind to keep this hot tub going," She said, unplugging the bath from the wall. She then looked over at Gaxi and smiled.
'It's nice to see someone so happy about completing their first mission, even though that fat lizard almost blew my cover...I've gotta be more careful.'

"Oh...um, Zeba Girl, you're not looking too well," Shawky said rather bewildered by the sight she approached.
Zeba was being held like a teddy bear by the blue guard as the two slept together in the middle of the street. Hearing Shawky, she awoke.
"I'm fine, just a little stuck at the moment. Could you help me get my legs and arms?" She whispered to her friend.
"Haha of course!" Shawky giggled.
Once Zeba was assembled the group came together to take a picture in front of the unconscious dragon.
"Cheese!" Annry said as she snapped the picture. "How does it look everyone?"
"It looks great!" The others said, clapping and laughing as Annry held up the picture for them.
"Well then I'll upload it to "Quest Me". We'll take pictures of all the goons as we leave, they won't be worth as much as the boss but a few more bytes won't hurt, right?" She asked, putting away her phone.
"Um, can we not take a picture of Steven?" Zeba peeped. Annry looked back at her, confused.
"Who's that?"
"Oh, he's the blue guy with the curved horn sticking out of his forehead. He's not so bad, just misunderstood."
"Wait, the dude that was like a foot deep into you back at the entrance?" Annry questioned, still confused.
"Yeah, I mean he and his friend were a bit rough but at least he was nice, even though my music put him in a sexual frenzy," Zeba said, thinking back to the confrontation outside and how much it excited her.
"Ooh Zeba's got a boyfriend, Zeba's got a boyfriend!" Gaxi howled and clapped. Zeba blushed.
"I just hope he won't be too mad that we pinched his boss, he did ask me out to dinner..."
"You can't be serious. Okay, fine, we won't take a picture of him, but let's get going, I'd kind of like to get out of here," Annry said, shaking her head and crossing her arms.

Later, back at Shawky's house, the party was having a celebration. Everyone was seated around the birch dining table drinking champagne.
"Woah Annry you were right! Instead of 900 bytes, tagging the guard guys got us like, 50 bytes more!" Gaxi gasped, very excited as she gulped down champagne.
"Well yeah, that's always the case. You can even get a little bit for pets and beasts, compensation bytes are the best!" Annry agreed.
"You were so cool by the way, when you butt bombed that don dragon guy Gaxi Girl," Shawky giggled, twirling the liquid around in her glass.
"You weren't so bad yourself, I didn't know you could summon cool bone wolves!" Gaxi cheered.
"Well I'm glad it worked Gaxi Girl!" Shawky responded.
"So it's pretty late girls, I have to go home to my babies. But I'll be free again tomorrow!" Zeba said, downing her champagne and preparing to leave. Everyone said their goodbyes as their friend left.
"Perhaps I should get going as well, it's getting pretty late," Annry thought out loud as she began to get up from her chair.
"Wait up Annry Girl, I have some questions for you," Shawky said, her chin resting on her wrist.
"Uh, okay, what's up?" Annry asked, sitting back down and crossing her legs.
"What's with this whole 'Anti-member' business?" Shawky asked, her red eyes peering deep into Annry's brown ones.
"Okay, well things haven't always been entirely 'nice' for me..." Annry replied, keeping her tough demeanor and looking at Shawky with intense seriousness.
"Well, elaborate. We've all shared our weaknesses with you but all you did was show off your skills," Shawky said, arms folded. Gaxi nodded in agreement, her eyes darting back and forth between the two women.
'I hope they don't get too upset with each other,' she thought, taking a large sip of her drink.
"Okay, maybe I don't feel comfortable telling you two anything..." Annry glared.
"What do you mean you don't feel comfortable, we gave you the keys to our most inner most secrets because we trust you," Shawky glared back, challenging her.
"Look, just because you all spilled your guts to a stranger doesn't mean I should do the same," Annry retorted, rolling her eyes.
"You know what, that's fine. Something hurt you and you're still recovering from that hurt, but when you do feel ready to talk about it, Gaxi and Zeba Girl will be there to hear you out," Shawky offered. Annry rolled her eyes again and made her way to the door.
"Is she super mad?" Gaxi asked, shaken by the argument.
"No Gaxi Girl, she'll be alright, she's just a complicated soul, that's all," Shawky said, thinking about the confrontation.



© Copyright 2018 Orbby (orbmansuper at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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