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by Orbby
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Adult · #2145411
modern-day Goblin girl sets out be to an adventurer
Urban Oddballs: Bred to be a Bimbo

Edited by Zoomie69, Thegreat_pretender, Bhorny

The Minotaur massaged his brow as he stared at the profile on his phone. He looked up at the little green woman that sat before him and back at his phone again.

"Okay, Miss...Gaxi. Is this a prank?"

The little green woman looked at the frustrated bull with a confused expression, shaking her head at his question.

"Whew, okay, we're playing the long game then. Tell me, miss, do you know what you are?" He asked.

"I'm a Miblin, is there something wrong with that?" She asked, tilting her head to the side. The Minotaur's tired eyes widened.

"Hahaha, is there something wrong with that, she says. Look, Gaxi, if that's what we're going to call you...Miblins are among the livestock races, which means they're commodities that are custom bred to meet the sexual desires of others. So, long story short, you're a sex toy."

"Look here you mean ass beef head, I want to be an Outter! All of my stats meet the basic requirements!" Gaxi cried, her big brown eyes looking at the Minotaur with an angry gaze of embarrassment.

"Okay, okay, do you know what happens when someone like you applies to be an Outter?"

Gaxi opened her mouth to respond, but the Minotaur continued.

"Of course you don't, you're a Miblin, so let me explain it to you! So, if I mark your stolen smart phone..."

She looked at him with wide astonished eyes. He furrowed his brow at her, continuing.

"Yes I know it's stolen, so when I mark your STOLEN phone with the Outter's badge, you'll go home to your hobble and start searching for a party on "Quest Me". Then, when you get no party members, you'll be all fed up and go out on your own. Do you know what happens then?"

Gaxi stared on, doing her best to hold back the tears welling up in her eyes.

"My apologies, of course you don't. I'll tell you. Some street punk with a modded phone is going to hack the chip in your body, and then all that...spunk...you got goes right out the window. You'll spend the rest of your days doing what you ran away from, sucking dick. So, do you still want to be an Outter?"

"You don't know where my path lies! If you approve me, I'll show you how wrong you are!" She said, clenching her fists in defiance.

The Minotaur just rolled his eyes and adjusted his tie.

"Okay, that's nice, now where is it?"

"Where's what?" She asked.

"Your chip, I would like to scan it," he replied in a matter of fact tone.

"Wait, what?"

"Don't get excited, my phone doesn't have the mod that can wipe your head, I would just like to know your actual information."

"I'm not telling!"

"Alright, so you do have one...but of course you do, all Miblins have them. So, where is it?"

Gaxi turned her head and shoved her hands into the pockets of her sweatpants.

"Okay, is it latched to your nape, or is it in your lower back?" He asked. She continued to ignore him.

"Look, this isn't going to go anywhere, so just tell me where it is."

Gaxi, seeing no other way out, stood up and pulled down her pants to reveal the small of her back.

"Alright, lower back then?"

She nodded, embarrassed by the whole state of affairs. The Minotaur stood up and walked around from his desk. He stood before Gaxi, towering over her 3-foot frame.

"Well you've got a silly figure, don't you?" He chuckled as he turned on the black light function in his phone. When he did so, a barcode appeared on Gaxi's lower back. Within a few minutes, a 'boop' could be heard as the phone read the info in her chip. The Minotaur sat back down.

"Alright, well, everything in the profile you've given me beforehand seems to be a lie."

Gaxi rolled her eyes, fed up with this guy's attitude.

"Ah! There's that spunk again, 23-B," he grinned. Gaxi sucked her lips at the sound of her real name being spoken.

"Yeah you're definitely what I thought you were. According to the info here, you were bred to be a sex toy, which isn't too much of a surprise for a Miblin, I mean look at your figure!" He said, looking her over. She sat back in her seat, defeated and embarrassed.

"Okay, okay, look I'll let you hang yourself with the rope of your own ambition, but you're going to have to do a little something for me first," he continued.

"Let me guess, you want me to suck your dick?" She asked, rolling her eyes at him.

"Haha, well that low intelligence stat does you no justice, you catch on quick!"

Gaxi sighed, wiggling out of her chair to stand before his desk.

"Would you like to be standing or sitting for this favor?" She asked, sneering at him with utter disgust. The Minotaur took a moment to stroke his goatee.

"I'd prefer to sit in this lovely easy chair, though I appreciate your professionalism," he chuckled.

Gaxi, obliging her "customer" unzipped his pants. This in itself was a hard task to do, considering how large the zipper was in contrast to the size of the little woman's hands.

"Could you help me out a little bit?" She asked, looking up at him.

The Minotaur laughed. "Looks like someone doesn't want to be an Outter as bad as I thought they did."

Sneers turned into grunts as she managed to pull down the gargantuan zipper of the khaki trousers. Though she still opposed the effort it took to unfasten the zipper, the phallus approached with haste.

"Ahh, um...so...am I sucking all of this or just the tip?" She asked timidity in her voice, her eyes watering as the pungent odor of the Minotaur's loins began to sting.

"Is that a rhetorical question, or are you really trying to pull the virgin maiden thing with me right now?"

Gaxi looked up at her oppressor with a watery wince of horror. The fleshy dome in front of her eyes was bigger than her face! Her glossy orange lips puckered as the spout winked at her.

"It's impolite to have a staring contest with something that has one eye, so could you get on with it?"

Stricken with fear and disgust, she gave the meaty head of the massive dick a quick kiss. This left a cute little orange mark on the tip of the member's bulbous head. Though the light stimulus was enough to relax the member, causing the folds of the foreskin to reveal the terrifying substance that lied just beneath the crease.

"Ugh, oh, oh gods what is that?"

"This is taking too long, Miblin!"

The Minotaur, tired of waiting, pushed Gaxi's little head against his girth with his huge forefinger.

"Oh, ugh...," She muffled as her mouth encapsulated the spout of the one-eyed monster, her gloss smeared lips stretching around it like a glittery rubber band.

"Gotta love that Miblin selective breeding! Little rubbery bodies built to satisfy any size," he grinned, laughing as he inched her body further and further along his shaft. "Hell, I've heard rumors about the upper crust having Miblins stretched around their dicks 24/7, then again you've probably seen that in person, haha!"

Tears ran down Gaxi's face as her little elastic form wrapped around a dick that was just as long as she was tall. The crying intensified when she felt him pinching down on her ass, using it as an anchor point to slide her taut flesh to and fro.

Flicking the green mound of jelly that now gave him a grip on his new flesh-light, he laughed.

"Well if being an Outter doesn't work out, you can always find work as a mousepad, this ass is ridiculous!"

There were a few more pleas from Gaxi, but they fell on deaf ears as the stroking continued. Seeing that resisting would only make the moment last longer, she stopped flailing about and succumbed to being a green sheath of flesh.

"I think it's time to let go...," The Minotaur let out a deep grunt as copious amount of seed flooded the rubbery body that housed his dick. Like a running facet to a balloon, Gaxi's body collected every drop of semen, bulging her stretched stomach into a teardrop like droop.

'I'm going to bust open like a bad condom', she thought as the river of cum didn't seem to have an end, though neither did her stomach's elasticity. It rested as a bulbous mass on the floor, while the rest of her body remained hoisted.

"Whew, alright, I've had my fill," The Minotaur sighed as he pushed Gaxi's form away from his groin to the tip of his dick.

Reaching the end of the tower of meat, she disengaged from it with a wet 'pop', her form snapping to the anvil that was now her cum filled abdomen.

"Well, little Miblin, you're going to be an Outter!"

Gaxi gave the Minotaur a weak thumbs up as she tried her best to get to her feet, but the weight of her cum-filled belly pinned her to the ground.

"Oh, haha, I did a number on you huh? Here, let me help you out!"

With two strong fingers he pressed on the little green woman's back, causing her to spit up the majority of the semen from her gut. Woozy but mobile, she got to her feet.

"T-thank you s-so m-much," she mumbled as she retrieved her shoes.

"Haha, thanks for the fuck little Miblin, don't get mind wiped out there!"

Holding her aching belly, Gaxi waddled out of the office and headed for home.


Gaxi sat on her dingy bed kicking her feet in anticipation as she stared down at her phone. It had now been a full day since yesterday's debacle at the registration office and she'd enjoyed a relaxing day at home, now free of cum but still a bit sore.

"Oh come on, please don't let what that asshole at the registration office said be true!" She said to herself. She was now on the phone app known as "Quest Me", where registered Outters are able to find party members as well as available quests from locals. An Outters ID is automatically linked to the app upon download so that everyone knows the Outter's face, stats, and class. Gaxi's post for party members went as follows:

'Hi, hi everyone, new Outter here, looking for some party members.

Preferably females only though, my disposition, leads to a lot of unwanted male gazes >.>

Any class is fine though, I'm a brawler, so anything that's...well not that would be cool.

Um...I am a Miblin, but please don't judge, I'm capable, smart, and loyal!'

After several hours of waiting and rolling around in her bed, a pleasant ding rang out through her one-room apartment.

"Oh, my gods, oh my gods"

A picture of a dangerous looking woman popped up on the screen, with a message below.

'Hello there,

I saw your post this morning and from your picture, you do seem like an honest person.

I would love to meet up with you soon. Oh, and this really is my face, no worries here.

Send me the location of the meet-up spot when you get a chance.

Love, Shawky'

"Oh my gods, she looks so cool! I knew that jerk was full of bullshit...hehe, bullshit," Gaxi giggled, shaking her head as she tapped Shawky's picture and wrote down the location of her apartment. Afterwards, the race was on to make her tiny hole in the wall presentable enough for a party.

"Okay...um, well first some sweeping than some dusting...though it's just that one table and a chair...no matter, I'll just fold my bed back into the wall, and presto!"

About an hour later there was a knock on the door.

"Coming, coming!" Gaxi called, skipped and humming as she made her way over to the doorway.

She opened the door to the same dangerous face that she saw in the profile pic...but below that was something not so dangerous. The dangerous looking Shawky appeared to be pregnant with twins, her pregnant belly protruding out of an unzipped black cotton hoodie.

"Um...may I come in?"

Gaxi, embarrassed from staring, nodded and stepped aside.

"Nice place you have here, Gaxi Girl, so where are the other members of your party?" Shawky asked, looking around.

As soon as the words left her mouth the phone beeped twice.

Gaxi, ecstatic, scrambled to her desk and sent both interested persons coordinates to her home.

"They will be arriving shortly!" She cheered. Shawky looked on, blushing at the little woman as she stood near the west wall's window.

"Well I guess I'll save my introduction and what not for when everyone gets here. Is this going to be our headquarters?"

Gaxi looked around her apartment. "Well, um...yeah?"

"Oh good, I like things tight and cozy!" Shawky said, the two sharing a laugh. They were soon interrupted by a knock at the door.

"Coming!" Gaxi chimed, dancing to the door once more.

"Hey, what's popping, you Gaxi right?"

Gaxi nodded to the dark-skinned female satyr before her, or rather her breasts, as she was eye level with her chest.

"Oh, super cool! I'm Zeba, pleased to meet you!" The woman said, holding out her hand. When Gaxi grabbed it with her little three-finger hand, she noticed that the hand grabbing back was cold and plastic-like.

Noticing her confusion, Zeba gave her a comforting smile before stepping inside.

"I'll explain a little later," she whispered.

Zeba paid her regards to Shawky and the two began to chat each other up as there was another knock at the door.

Gaxi answered with the same amount of enthusiasm as before, opening the door to a very serious looking mouse girl. They met eye to eye, and Gaxi held out her hand to greet the guest, unable able to hide her excitement. In return, the mouse girl completed the exchange by giving the green woman a stern handshake.

"My name is Annry, pleased to meet you. I hope this meeting will blossom into a successful partnership."

"Me too, me too. Come in, come in!" Gaxi replied, grinning from ear to ear. The Mouse girl entered the small domicile and sat on the floor in the middle of the room.

"This seems like a full enough party, don't you agree, leader?"

Gaxi blushed, having never been addressed with such a high title before. "Umm, yes you're right, let me just close down the app and we can begin!"

After the immediate business was taken care of, everyone was called to sit together in a circle. Annry pulled out her phone and scanned everyone in the room, getting a feel of where her party members stood stat-wise.

"Um, alright guys, well, first of all, thank you all for coming, I truly appreciate it. Um, but now let's set some rules down. If this is going to work, we'll need to know everything about one another. I don't have too much experience at this, I know, but maybe if we know each other's weaknesses and strengths we can come to together as a tighter team. For example, I'll go first."

"My name is Gaxi, I'm 21, I am a brawler, my weapon of choice is the good old back fat baby," She said, slapping her huge rear much to the enjoyment of the party. "My strength is high for my size, and yes I am, or rather was, an owned Miblin, so naturally there is a recall chip in my lower back. I have found out recently that there are bad guys that can wipe my mind if they have a modded phone, so I put my life in you all's hands," she said, tearing up a bit as she completed her introduction by feigning a brave face. "So, who's next to share?"

Shawky spoke up next. "Well hi, I'm Shawky, I'm 19, I am a Necromancer...and no I know what you all are thinking, I'm not pregnant."

To prove this, Shawky stood and disrobed, revealing her naked body to the rest of the party.

"The contact that bounds me to my class allows me to house the spirits I choose within my body. They have chosen to take residence within my womb, thus explaining my appearance. The various tattoos that decorate my body are marks that the spirits leave as proof of their residence within my body."

Gaxi raised her hand.

"Oh, yeah Gaxi-Girl?"

"Umm, forgive me for asking this, but why nothing but a hoodie? Don't you get a little embarrassed by being naked all the time?"

"Oh, well, the spirits seem to like when I am close to the earth I walk on and have a few reservations as possible, therefore I don't wear shoes or pants of any sort. I allow this hoodie for aesthetic purposes. Oh, and as for weaknesses, think of me as a storage device. If you want new files in an already full storage device you have to let some old files go. With that being said, I cannot store more than what I have on me right now without letting some spirits go first. This is a vital part of my contract, and if it is violated then I will become a resident of my own body. I share our leader's fear of having her mind lost to her on a whim. I too leave my life in the hands of the party," she finished, sitting back down but putting her hoodie under herself, not seeing a need to robe herself again.

"Well I guess it's my turn to go," Zeba said as she played with her afro. "Okay where to start off...I'm a mother of six little girls, I'm 32, a little older than everyone else here I'm sure. I'm a bard and my mixtapes have various properties against my foes. They play off my phone and come out of the speakers in my limbs which, as most of you can tell, are artificial. I guess I should elaborate a little bit seeing as how everyone is sharing very sensitive information today. So, livestock races as you know aren't treated very fairly. As you might know, things have shifted over the past ten years, but back in the day things were much worse. Animal girls that share similarities with animals targeted for consumption also get targeted in the same way, especially the females. So, my original limbs became shanks on some fat diplomate's plate, and that's my weakness. My limbs are removable and without them, I guess you could say that I'd be a literal rack of lamb."

The party laughed as Zeba juggled her large breasts, making a play off the word 'rack'.

"Haha, needless to say, I leave my life in the hands of the party."

Annry followed, standing to greet the group.

"Hello all, I am the ranger known as Annry. I seem to be the most experienced Outter here and that's alright, everyone needs to start somewhere. Though after checking everyone's stats I'm a little worried about our groups standing. Most of us here are either very slow or very fragile. However, I shall do my best to contribute so that these negatives are covered as much as possible."

"Naturally from the quiver and bow on my back, you all can see that my specialty is marksmanship."

She got up and walked over to the open window to demonstrate.

"I think that there are much creativity and marrying that can be had if we combine our skills," Annry added, drawing her bow and preparing an arrow. "Everyone here is skilled in their own way and with my experience..."

Annry shot the arrow, hitting a passing bird dead center.

"...we can become a great party of Outters."

"Oh no, poor birdie!" Zeba gasped.

Annry winced. "Wait wha?"

"You didn't have to shoot the birdie!" Zeba cried.

"Come on Zeba its okay, it's just a bird," Gaxi said trying to diffuse the situation.

Shawky got up and left the room.

"See, look! You've upset her too with your 'too cool for school' attitude!" Zeba said, watching Shawky leave.

'Um, whew this is not going how I hoped, um', Annry thought, twiddling her thumbs

"Chirp, chirp!"

"What's that?" Zeba gasped.

The group looked up to see the bird that Annry had shot landing on the window sill, paying the party a visit.

"Whew, these stairs suck!" Shawky said as she returned from the street below, holding something. "Oh here's your arrow Annry Girl."

"What happened?" Everyone said at once.

"Oh, I healed mister Birdie," Shawky smiled.

Gaxi cheered. "That's amazing! But I didn't know Necromancers could heal!"

"Well I don't know about other necromancers, but my contract allows for that. I can even heal mortal wounds if I'm there within an hour from when the wound was caused. "

Annry folded her arms, looking at the naked pregnant woman with a newfound respect.

"Good job Shawky, I apologize for my over-zealousness earlier. Please forgive me."

Zeba nodded. "It's alright, I know you were just trying to show us that you're the real deal and I understand that."

"Well thank you for understanding. Now if that's all cleared up we should register our group on "Quest Me". That way we'll be alerted about missions and each of us will receive equal pay when one is completed," Annry pointed out as she took it upon herself to send everyone a friend request to a yet to be named group.

"Hmm...so what should we call our group, Gaxi Girl?" Shawky chimed, rubbing her belly in small circles.

Gaxi got up off the floor and paced a bit, thinking hard. This was her first real decision as group leader. She studied her party, eyes darting from person to person with an intense fervor. Going over the small amount of conversation she had with each one of them, she blurted out: "How about Trustee?"

"Trustee? Why Trustee?" Questioned Zeba.

"Well we each told each other something detrimental about ourselves and designated each person in the party as a trustee of that secret," Gaxi replied.

"Good job Gaxi Girl, that's very clever!" Shawky declared giving her hair a congratulatory tussle.

Annry wiggled her mousy nose and shrugged. "Alright, that works for me. I'll enter it in."

Zeba nodded, her artificial finger pressing against her plump blue lips. "Yeah that makes sense for the most part anyway."

"Yea! Trustee it is then, I can't wait to start going on missions with you all!" Gaxi cheered, jumping up and down making her rear smack against her thighs.

"Well, shouldn't we start as soon as possible?" Annry asked, glaring at Gaxi.

"No, no, I think we all should get a good night's rest and meet back up here tomorrow!"

Everyone agreed and wished Gaxi goodbye as they left her home.

"Well hmm, what should I do now? Maybe the bath downstairs is free since it's still pretty early in the afternoon," Gaxi said to herself, waddling over to her closet and taking out her showering items. She headed out of her apartment and down the stairs to the basement of the apartment complex, the floorboards creaking under her weight as she traversed downward. Peering figures that shared this building with her snickered out of earshot as they watched her stout pear-shaped body waddle down the wooden steps.

"So she's the Miblin you talked about?" one figure said, staring down from the floor above where Gaxi was walking. The figure next to him nodded as they licked their lips in anticipation.

"Yeah bruv, would take a gander at her ass. No way she wasn't bred, someone like that ordered like one of them fancy pets to service them high ranking types."

"So how is she in the run down shit box with types like us?" The first figure asked, scratching at his floppy ears.

"She's probably a run-away, some of them Miblin get all uppity and run away from their masters to find new lives here in the city, though slum lords usually sop them up like biscuits to gravy."

"Wait, don't them things got chips you can hack with your phone?"

The floppy-eared figured nodded. "Yes, but I don't have that mod on my phone, and by the piece of shit you got in your pocket I assume you don't have it either."

The long-nosed figured scowled at his associate. "Ah, fuck you man, I'm gonna go pop that fat ass, and she's using the shower so it won't be that hard."

The floppy-eared figured shrugged. "Be my guest mate, I'm going to go watch some shit on the telly."

Gaxi entered the shower room, her tiny feet pitter-pattering against the cold floor as she approached a shower stall. Both the floors and walls were lined with blue porcelain tiles. She hung her towel on the outside of the stall door and stepped inside. She turned the knobs and was greeted with the stuttering downpour of rusty cold water.

"Too cold, too cold!" she murmured, adjusting the hot water valve. As the rush of warm water washed over her body, a prying eye took in her form from a peephole on the side of the stall.

"Oh she looks even better wet!" The long-nosed figured giggled as he gazed at the miniature woman. With his great height and long limbs, he reached over the door of the shower stall and released the hatch. The tall, long-nosed figured stood behind the little green woman now, though she wasn't aware of his presence.

Deep purple hands grasped Gaxi's little green shoulders, as a long blue tongue graced her ear.

"Hello little gumdrop, time to sample them sugars!"

Gaxi gasped, swinging her large rear at her foe. This was enough to push her attacker back, though looking to finish him off quickly she got down on all fours and leaped backward.

"Shock Melon!" She yelled as her huge ass-headed towards her lithe attacker. With hands outstretched the tall adversary caught Gaxi in midair, then with a great slam he shoved his dick into her tight feminine hole.

"Stupid green bimbo, did you think your fat little ass could be used as a weapon?" He mocked her, pumping his impressive length into her tight hole.

Gaxi squirmed as her attacker laid pump after pump into her greedy hole.

"You, big stupid asshole let me gooooo!"

Her pleas fell on deaf ears as the assailant continued his onslaught of furious pumps, leading poor Gaxi to go limp with exhaustion. Though unresponsive, the long-nosed attacker was far from done, taking this opportunity to finish his business with her in the privacy of the shower stall.

Gaxi awoke, hours later in the stall, now wet, sticky, and with a bloated belly full of cum.

"This can't go on!" she cried, pressing the semen out of her body. Now fed up she rinsed herself off and headed back to her small room.

"I'm getting out of this shit hole place, but where should I go?" She asked herself, laying on her bed thinking about her next destination. "Wait, I know!"

© Copyright 2018 Orbby (orbmansuper at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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