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Story abouth a amazon bbw and a litle guy. Domination and explicit sex. Domination. |
The movie This story start with a night at the movies. We went to a night to watch star wars The last Jedi movie, i am a new and Young star wars fan, i have only 18 years old. The fact that i am an Star Wars fan didn’t have anything to do with the first terrible trilogy. In fact my love for that franchise have a conection with the girl i went to. Who show me the first three movies was my mother and her half brother (my uncle). They show me that movie togheter to change the concept of my cousin she was ten years older than me she had 18 at the time, and they did. We were at the grocery store to buy cheeper candys for the movies. We was having a lot of attention most because of our size diferences. I am a really small guy 5’7’’ and weight a litle more of 136 pounds. Her was a big girl, not just a bbw but a really tall girl 6’5’’and a litle more than 400 pounds. We did buy a lot o f candy most for her, i knew but she was paying for everytinhg, she was now a very succesful surgery doctor, head of surgery department with only 28 years old and she love to have pleasure from the food, specilly from sweet flavour. But she was kind and let me chose anything i want, but i was shy and get just a gum. She also get a big popcorn and a very large soda for the movie but i knew it would not take 15 minutes. Again she offer me to take anything i wanted, this time i take a very large soda and a big popcorn, not for me tough, i knew she would “need” more for the film. She bought us the lounge couple chairs for a “best experience”. She take a lot of the chair of her and a a litle bit of mine, maybe on pourpouse. At the 15 minutes of movie she was finished with her groceries and she realized i still had gum and she reached the gum with her hand from behind my head, hugging me and wishpering on my ear i will make up for you, and blink for me. She did it until the end of my gums, wich didn’t take long. After that she finished her soda and start to ate her popcorn, and we stay quiet for a litle bit as i did ate my share of popcorn. As soon as she finished her popcorn as axpected she went for my bag, and wishper again “another thing to make up”. She grap a few popcorns from my hand a few times, reminding me that She was bigger and strongger than me and she didn’t need to “compensate” anything. When “we” finished our last popcorn bag she make a move to let it clear her intentions. My soda was almost full and she ask me “are you tirsty?” without let me answer she bend over me leting her weight press me on the chair and reach the soda witout efford, “i am very, that popcorn was soo salty” and with that she start to suck all the soda, releasing me from her weight as while she suck all the soda, as her finished she look at me and wisper on my ear “Oooo you needed some, you should force me give you” and than she came back on my pressing me on the chair and add “oh you can’t”. As soon as the movie over she hold my hand to stay sit until the end of the credits. It was not for any scene post credits she was just waiting for the movie theater go empty. After that happen and we be the last ones on the mall paking lot she grab me and kiss me passionatly. I was wondering why she did it that moment, Than she tell me. After my promotion i need to have a proper celebration, and you cousin is all i Always want. Since i was your baby-sitter when you was in your fifteen and spend long days at my home studing and watching my legs on my shorts or my pijamas, i Always knew you want them. Let’s go to my home. Now we arrived to her house and i folowed her from the car to the lift watching her ass shake at each step she take. When we reached the elevator she pressed me agains the wall as soon as the door open. I just had time to turn my head sideways and i heard she pressing the button to her floor and talking to me, “i like to take control of things, specialy sexual, and i know your phisic is what i love most, and i know you remamber how tired my sexual partners end the night, you sure see my litle, last boyfriend looking for water in the midle of the night”. Ding, the elevator reach the floor and she relase me from the pressure but had my hand hold on her big one dragging me inside her apartment. Once inside she lock the door and said “i could fuck you at everywere arrownd the apartment but i will do in a special place, and is not on my bedroom yet, first i will see if you earn it. I will fuck you in your room here, my guest room that you are atteched and fells safe, from now on you will be Always wondering if i will come over and fuck your brains out like i will do now”. With that she hold me of the air and walk like i was nothing to her, at this moment i was just enjoying the touch of her skin, soft and Strong grapping. I was quiet and stand still, she noted i wasn’t fight back and coment “i like my toys obedients buta t the sex i like a fight back too”. Now i knew she wasn’t go easy with me at my first time. She trown me on the single bed that have in the bedroom and riped of my shirt and almost riped of my legs, i was fast to unbotton it. She start to strip herself Always looking at me with a starving face and said “I Always rip the wrap of my presents” She sathat just to reforce that i was there for her pleasure. Than she added a few details and comands that i should do “Cousin, i will ride you and that single bed, and when i wrap you in my arms againts my body i want to fell your squirm until i release you from it, if you don’t i will press you soo hard that you will have to, and be vocal, i want to hear your suffering from underneath me” With that she ripo f my underwear as expected (i didn’t tkae of cause i was astonishing by her demands. Than she stradle the bed and start to bend slowly just to tease me. When she reach my coch and let the weight rest on me she let out a litle but noticeble wishper of pleasure she enjoy that position for a briefing moment and Said “get ready, i want an awsome ride” then she land her body right on me with my coch inside her yet. I just had time to turn my head to the side to breath a litle. A let the air run out fast o f me, she notice and press her vagina and inside muscles right after that. I heard it very mufled by her fat and bed, but was good to know what she wanted. With that i start to fight to get her of me, as i has been told. All my effort just work to give her the pleasure that she was wishing. She let out a sadistic laugh and hold me in my positiong effortlessly. At this point i was tottaly crushed and had my strenght fastly being drained, my cousin was laughing the entire time, and she noted that i was losing my strength couse between the loughing she said “you better have more energy keeped couse i am enjoying that soooo much, come on push it harder!!!! Come on!!”. Me in the other end was trying to hold up my strengts, trying to cach a breath when she let me ocasionatly, trying to keep the move as minimum as possible to save energy but not make her angry. And she was making it more and more dificult couse she was playing with me first making a pattern of ridding so i can get used to the time to breathe, and sunddely she brake it to feel me desperate under her, than she relase me and let me cach my breath enjoying my heavy breathe. Then after an hour (give or take) she start to MOAN really loud, her speed start to increese and she was ridding harder, that moment i felt kind of desperate couse i know she would not stop until she cum, then i get all the strength i had, hopping that was enough, and start to fight back, and let out loud moans by myself, remamber what she tell me at the beggining............... than she came with a loud Moan of pleasure, hold me for a few seconds and let me breath final. I have no idea how long it take to her cum and release me the pressure but i sure felt desperate until she relase me, i almost lost my strength at the end, i did remamber tap out vainly, couse she take all out of me. At the end we were all sweat, breathing hard (me harder), she had one arm ando ne leg over me, i was almost falling from the bed, she hold me not to, taking the most of the bed. She hold my dick and said “Now you are mine, and i am hungry, i will go to my bedroom and you will get me some food and cach your breath, when i finish i have a last task for you tonight”. |