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Rated: E · Non-fiction · Contest Entry · #2144776
How Doubt keep people from Salvation in Christ
Doubt is one thing that keeps most people from enjoying the wonderful life Christ planned for us and died on the cross to give us. If only they knew how easy it would be to change from doubt to faith, they would change in a heartbeat.

Fear plays a big part in keeping people from winning the benefits of salvation. Below are a few of the misconception that hinder believing in Christ.

1) Many doubt that the Bible is true. Even though God’s Word has been proven true over and over again, people believe what doubters have expressed over the years. Yet, most people have never read the Bible from cover to cover, therefore, basing their belief on hearsay only. I myself seldom went to church or had been around Christians in my early years. Yet when I began reading the Word, it suddenly became alive, so to speak, to me and I couldn’t help believe. I know now that it was the prompting of the Holy Spirit that helped me believe.

It is similar to tasting food for the first time. It you have never tried it, you will never know if it tastes good or not. If you have never read the Word, how will you know it is not true? If you have not accepted the prompting of the Holy Spirit, how will you know that He is not real? The bible says taste and sees that the Lord is good. Don’t be deceived into thinking He is not real until you try believing.

2) Many doubt that the Christian life can be better than the one they are living now. They look at Christians who have given up drinking and wild parties and wonder what kind of fun they would have as a Christian themselves. They see Christians as living a dull life of boredom.

The truth is the Christian life is very enjoyable. As a person makes Christ a personal friend, He is always there to talk to, laugh with, and help with every need. Worship becomes a joy instead of a chore because you know the Person you are worshiping.

3) Many doubt that they can live up to the Christian life that they have conceived in their own mind. They think that becoming a Christian means they have to become perfect. That is why many Christians are judged unfairly because people see they are not living the life of perfection.

The truth is, a Christian is someone who has faith in God and Christ who died on the cross for them. No Christian is perfect and never will be. The moment you believe in Christ, you are a Christian, that’s it. You don’t have to change a bit. Of course, you will want to change from that moment on and throughout your lifetime. However, a Christian is simply one who has faith in God

Don’t let doubt keep you from the love of God and the salvation He has for you. Try reading the Word. Try believing in Christ. You will never regret it. As William Shakespeare said, “Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win, by fearing to attempt.”
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