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A girl with a fatal hobby takes her math final. Giantess Vore |
This is a sequel to my previous story, A Day at the Theme Park. It takes place 5 months afterwards for those that care about continuity. Also, this will be my last upload here, I plan on maintaining a profile on aryion.com, as my writing interests are pretty much exclusively vore related, and this website has been dead since 2011 https://aryion.com/g4/user/Greg432 Kayla tapped her Ticonderoga pencil in a triad as her cerulean eyes flickered back and forth on the paper before her. “A… C… A… C…” she thought to herself as she incredulously moved the lead tip back forth between the two bubbles on the Scantron sheet. She flipped her shoulder length platinum blonde hair dramatically as she repeated the two letters to herself. Her fruitless internal debate was cut short by a low, deep gurgling from her stomach, the biological squelching cutting through the silence of the lecture hall like nails on a chalkboard. Several people shot glances her way, but she ignored them as she pressed her palm gently into the green cloth covering her pudgy midsection. “Come on, I just *bruhrrrup!* fed you before we came here!” she pleaded with her digestive tract. A nearby brunette girl whom Kayla was decently sure had never shown up to class before gave her a disgusted look, but the regulars ignored her gassy outburst for what was far from the first time. Kayla continued kneading her belly fat as a few more stale burps bubbled out of her. Frowning as she gathered the weight of her squishy pot belly in both hands, she lifted it slightly, and let it plop back down onto her upper thigh. While her abdomen was far from the near perfectly flat washboard she had during the summer, it wasn’t the first part of her body to expand alongside her appetite. Her breasts had grown to an even more ridiculous proportion, increasing from a d cup to a ddd. Each breast was larger then her head, jutting out a foot from her sternum, even when smushed into the green v neck she was wearing and the much needed sports bra beneath. But by far, the most dramatic change had come to her rear and thighs, the black latex of her yoga pants stretched to its limit by the tension of containing her 44 inch waist and the two massive hams attached. While still firm to the touch, her dancer's legs were hidden under almost 2 inches of her gluttony, the two cheeks spilling out of the uncomfortable college seat, threatening to engulf the stool like some sort of 1958 monster movie. However, it wasn’t the fullness of her body that made her frown, but rather the emptiness she was feeling from inside it. She had eaten over 4000 people, 1500 shrunken humans more then the 2500 she usually devoured for breakfast, before coming to take her precalculus final, figuring that it'd be enough food for her belly to play with during the hour and forty five minute test. But here she was, an hour and a half later, with a stomach as empty as a hunger striker’s, and a duodenum with a higher census count then the town she was born in. Wait. She checked the clock again. It had indeed been an hour and a half. She had fifteen minutes left. Her despair grew to meet her hunger as she flipped through the test booklet to discover that she was on question 34 of 75. She felt a stab of self disappointment as hot tears began to well in the corner of her eyes. She thought she had finally got it, that she was going to finally be done with math courses. But no, just like her pretest meal, she was underprepared. She should have studied more, she should have gone to a tutor… she should have ate the jar she and Nick had gotten from Worchester last week. 2500 inner city high schoolers, still dressed in a strange mismatch of caps, gowns, and jackets in preparation for their school's strange practice graduation held halfway through the school year. They would have kept her full and focused, when the other 4000 were nothing but intestinal paste and vomit stenched burps, she still would have had them to digest. Her hand autonomously resumed kneading her painfully empty stomach. In her mind's eye, she was stood in an Elysium agnate, fluffy white clouds on a baby blue sky. She was stood on a podium, in front of an army. A wave of unenthusiastically thrown caps rose and fell in a parabolic arc back into the crowd. “Why did you eat us?” a spectral voice called out from a lanky 17 year old with an awful moustache. “Why did you take us from our families?” another disconnected voice asked, originating from a tall, athletic ginger girl. The moaning chorus of the imagined grew louder in their emotionless wails. Kayla smiled to herself before she spoke, her soft tone drowning out the noises of the crowd before her without issue. “I took you from your families,” she said, making eye contact with the ginger ghost, “because I wanted you, ALL of you, to be mine. You don’t have a family. You have ME. Once I get back to my house, I’m going to eat all of you, and from then on, you are me. I’m going to digest you, absorb you, and shit you out. You'll be nothing but a speck of cushioning on my asscheek, one of a thousand corpses comprising a single turd in my septic tank, and a picture on a missing poster a hundred miles away from where you died.” The crowd remained silent. “And I ate you,” Kayla began speaking again as the ghost like figures began slowly drifting towards her, without any control of their direction. Their speed began increasing exponentially. Panic began as the phantasmagorical horde realized who they were being brought to. Kayla closed her eyes and opened her mouth. The first of the specters reached her. The phantom of a large football player, he grabbed for objects his hands passed through, begging and pleading before he was drawn into Kayla's maw, disappearing into her depths like smoke. After him, two more followed suit. They were a pair of athletic Asian girls who held each other in their arms as they slid down Kayla's throat without any resistance. Four more drifted up to her, but Kayla could only make out the athletic ginger from earlier before they too disappeared into her. Chuckling to herself, she swallowed deeply, drawing the rest of the crowd into her simultaneously like smoke through a fan. There was no bulge in her belly, but she could feel them all as their flesh melted and became her own. “I ate you,” she began speaking again, as her stomach began processing its supernatural feast. “Because you couldn’t stop me.” “Ten minutes remaining!” the professor called out as Kayla discovered that her pencil was literally inside her vagina. She removed it post haste, setting it on her booklet, leaving a thin black line of moisture on the paper. She looked around to see if she had been spotted, but it seemed like nobody had noticed… at least until she locked eyes with the same brunette girl she had seen for the first time today. Her face was twisted in disgust, maintaining eye contact for an awkward moment before grunting loudly and looking back down at her sheet. Kayla felt the temperature of her face shoot through the roof in response to her embarrassment. She put her head in her hands and huffed in frustration. She felt so hungry she couldn’t think straight. “I just want everyone in this room inside of my belly…” she whispered to herself as soft as she could. She pressed her palms harder into her face for a second, before her embarrassment turned into resolution. Her hands moved off her face and down to a small white backpack on the floor. She tried to be as quiet as she could, but the opening zipper still rang out across the hall. She reached both hands inside, a motion she had taken many times before, and emerged with an item in each hand. One was a simple handheld vacuum cleaner, over a foot long, black on red with a single 3 inch wide diameter hole at the end of it that was connected to a see through red plastic dust catcher, slightly wider then the suction hole attached to it. The other item was a bit more nondescript. It was a black rod, maybe 8 inches long and an inch wide. The far end had a glossy black glass tip, as the bottom appeared plain, save for a single button, the same color as the rest of the rod. She set down the vacuum before grabbing the rod with both hands, and twisting it below the button. After a second of unscrewing, the bottom inch slid off to reveal a sea of microchips and wires stretching across the length of the tube's interior, with 2 dials set into the rod's interior side. One only had two markings; the left end read “1 M” as the right read “327 M”. The other dial seemed to only move into one of 3 positions; beneath a line of text that read “Organic”, a line that read “Inorganic”, and a third that simply stated “Both”. Kayla looked around the room for a moment, and after a minute of rumination turned the dial on the left about a fifth of the way across. “60 meters sounds about right…” she thought to herself as she redid the back casing and suddenly stood, gathered her two tools, and made a b-line for the front corner. She felt eyes on her back and butt as she callously strolled past the bored professor's desk, stopping just short of the corner and turning around. “Young lady, what are you doing?” The blacked haired middle aged professor posed to her as she pointed her right arm straight out, grasping the rod. There wasn’t a soul in the 457 person lecture hall still focused on their work as the short, voluptuous Aryan dancer pressed down on the button. And then, it seemed like there wasn’t another soul in the lecture hall at all as every single desk suddenly became vacant. But Kayla knew better. She powered on the vacuum with a flick of her thumb and set herself to her work as the mechanical whirring grew in a crescendo. She had about thirty seconds before any of her victims came to their senses, and she had never once let any of her prey escape her hunger. She moved to the professor’s desk first. There, in the middle of the chair he lay, roughly half as tall as the length of her thumbnail, and completely disoriented. She brought the end of the vacuum cleaner to his body, and he vanished, pulled into the red plastic in her hand. She then began her approach to the sea of tiered desks. She saw the still speck on the first seat, and swiftly sucked it up, reaping the motion a second time, a third, a fourth… and after about a full minute, a 457th time.She admired the quarter-way-filled red plastic tank as she flipped the power switch back off. Half a thousand of her colleagues turned homunculi shouted and pleaded as they tried to crack the plastic in futility. Kayla licked her lips as she unaffixed the container from the vacuum cleaner. She took the unroofed circular prism in both hands. The panic from her captives grew more frantic as she simultaneously raised her hands and lowered her head. Nearly 500 people's world became an umbra as Kayla's small mouth stretched wide, and then wider as she completely fit the 4-inch-diameter tube inside her mouth. She focused on her throat muscles, opening them as if she had swallowed, only she managed to hold them apart, presenting a straight passage past her teeth, over her tongue, under her uvula, and 2 feet straight down her throat, into her already churning stomach. She held her captive audience this way for several seconds, trying to recall some of the faces she had sat next to for the past semester, but she could only seem to remember the brunette who had made the awful mistake of breaking her class skipping spree today. Her belly began to roar at her again, only for the noise to be cut short as she lifted her hands and tilted her head back. Simultaneously, the 457 person crowd fell as one mass, very few people even making contact with their devourer's body before they slapped painfully against the bottom of Kayla's stomach. Immediately a clear liquid began secreting from the glossy pink flesh around them as the biological sack convulsed and churned, flipping the crowd like an omelet. There were utterly no signs of the 4000 people Kayla had consumed less then two hours ago, their tiny bodies already processed meat being rapidly absorbed in the cannibal's greedy intestines. Kayla's throat closed as a soft “Ahhhh” emanated from her, only for it to open again as a hearty “BRUUUURRRRaaaaaaaaaaph” exploded out her mouth. She licked her lips after her burp, the first time she had actually tasted her most recent meal. She had better before, and her classmates had done a pitiful job of satisfying her still painfully groaning belly. She felt a pressure from her lower abdomen before leaning slightly forward. A long, very audible fart escaped from her ass, the sound resonating between her massive cheeks and then again through the now very empty hall, continuing for several seconds before she felt something a lot more solid beginning to crown, causing her to clench. She began to speed walk back to her desk, hastily dropping her items into her backpack before grabbing it and leaving the lecture hall for the final time. The rest of the building was practically empty, an airy burp emanating from Kayla and echoing down the hall, followed by the cacophony of a lavatory door being hastily opened and slammed shut preceded a return to silence. Inside the bathroom, Kayla wrestled her pants past her hips before pulling them to the floor. Her ass hanging off both sides of the toilet, she released her control on her sphincter as she exploded onto the porcelain beneath her. After nearly 2 minutes of uninterrupted defecation, she felt the pressure subside. Kayla stood and admired her handy work as she began cleaning herself. The bowl was completely full, fecal matter composed of the digested corpses of who knew how many thousands of people rising several inches above the water. Throwing an unsoiled wad of toilet paper that she had just ran across her o ring into the water, she hit the flushing lever. The mass spun, but didn’t move as the water level rose. Far from the first toilet she had clogged, Kayla pulled up her pants, washed her hands, and left the bathroom. “That’s a problem for the janitors.” she thought to herself, completely oblivious to the fact that she had eaten all of the janitors in this building the week prior. She started off towards the exit, mouth watering at the thought of the feast she was going to have when she got home. She rested a hand on her squishy, soft midsection, taking what pleasure she could from the drawn out belch that escaped past her pink lips. Several inches beneath her palm half a thousand living, breathing humans, all with lives as complicated and complex as her own, howled in inexpressible agony as their skin melted and the flesh sloughed off the white bone beneath. Doomed to be one of a dozen crowds to die horribly and be processed into Kayla's ass fat before the day had ended. “I may have failed the final,” Kayla mentally mused to herself as she threw open the door into the frigid New England winter, “But tomorrow morning I’ll pass the class.” She chuckled at her own pun as the empty gnawing in her stomach pushed extra purpose into her step. |