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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Horror/Scary · #2144473
A person gets invited to a game of chess...
Today was the day that everything would go my way! I hadn't really expected anything less, I woke up in a good mood (that never happens) and I had a full healthy breakfast (haven't had that pleasure in a while). Or at least that is how the day looked until he happened. It was after I had left my work at around 6pm but it could have been later, I was too busy doing my job or talking to my pleasurable co-workers. But then I met him!
         I was, as stated was before, walking home after work, when a figure came up to me. That is all it was, a figure, it was short in stature, so short that it could easily be confused for a child. But there was something about him that dismissed that notion entirely. It felt like I was staring at something older than I could possibly ever imagine. The short figure came walking, closer and closer until it stopped. I took in the figure's features. It was wearing a robe that seemed to both fit perfectly and look to big at the same time. The only thing other than a robe that was visible on the figure was his smile, I had never seen sharper teeth before, it scared me. The dark green colouring with a smudge of burgundy here or there. But the oddest thing about the teeth was the fact that despite how dark and well... creepy they were, they seemed to glow, which had made them so visible despite the fact that its face and any other part of its body were hidden by the robe
         "Hello there Cris," said the figure in a voice that was masculine in tone, it was foreboding but also had a sense of amusement in it. It continued "I was wondering if you were up... for a game of chess?" I stared at the figure, how had it known my name? And just what was it "all will be answered in due time Cris," if I didn't know any better the smile on his face had gotten wider which was a physically impossible feat, "now like I said..." with the snap of his fingers a table with two chairs appeared, on it was an interesting looking chess table. The figure sat down and finished his sentence with a tone that almost made me compelled to do whatever he asked, "are you up for a game of chess!"
         I did what any sensible person did, I ran away. I ran as fast as I could and as far as my legs could take me. After running for what felt like a good 5 minutes I had arrived in a forest of sort. It confused me as there were no forests around my town. I had no idea where I was and tried to re-trace me steps. It was then when something black caught my eyes. The figure from before was there still sitting in the same chair as before when we were in the middle of town, now here in the middle of the forest. Same chair, same chess table and same god damned figure. The figure laughed, "you think that you can outrun me? Heh, the moment I approached you, you were mine" the empty chair in front of me moved "now," the creature said "what about a game. Of. Chess?" I sat down, not really knowing what to expect, it was then we started playing.
"knight to B3" was uttered by the creature and the knight moved without being touched. The creature looked at me expectantly and I moved one of the pawns. Slowly pieces were moving and moving before finally I heard this from the creature "rook to A6 takes your pawn" and the rook slowly, slower than all other times it felt, moved towards the pawn until finally I closed my eyes and heard a smashing sound. Then there was pain, my arm was pulsing and pulsing and pulsing, I had never felt this kind of pain before, it felt like someone was blowing up my arm, fixing it and then blowing it up again, repeatedly, I wanted to scream, hell I did scream until it stopped.
"welcome to the game Cris," said the creature "a game of life and death, will you live or will you die, let's let the pieces decide" I angrily stood up and decided to get the fuck out of there, I was not putting my life on the line for a god darned Chess game. "oh, you give up?" the creature said and I could just feel its creepy smile growing "oh well if you think it is for the best" as I started walking away my heart started beating faster and faster, harder and harder. I felt every heartbeat. I don't think that was normal.I felt a small growing pain like someone slowly piercing your chest with a needle only to have the needle expand more and more. I wanted it to stop, it hurt so much. I almost fell down. "you know," the creature said, "by giving up the game, you are giving up the very thing that you are trying to save," the creature took my king "your life!" he began the motion of smashing it to the table before stopping. "unless you want die right now, I recommend sitting back down and fight for your pointless life!"
out of all things on my "do-not-want" list I think Dying is the only thing above playing killer chess against some random creature. So I sat back down, if I was off the joking sort I would probably remark the following game as the "best chess game in the world" or "the chess game of the centuries." But all I was focused on was survival, this was a kill or be killed situation, the only solace I had was the pain that I was inflicting the creature when killing one of his chess men.
The game went on and on, piece after piece was destroyed and I felt like I was at the verge of death, I had few pieces left but so did the creature. "rook to E5, check" the smile on my face couldn't be wider as I saw the creatures eyes widen, he moved his king as expected and then began a game of cat and mouse until I said the words that made me feel like the king of the world. "check mate" the creature howled and screamed after he lost. Death seemed to come slowly for the poor bugger, he wheezed in pain, I could see his eyes popping out before...
"kidding!" the creature stopped, his smile brighter then I had seen yet, like something good just happened for him. He reached his hand "what do you say good game?" I reluctantly shook his hand, but was wondering what was going on. Suddenly, I felt pain, a lot of pain. I shrunk in size or atleast that what I think is what happened as the room around began to feel bigger and my bones were cracking to fit this new body, it was a burning feeling, like I wanted to die what was happening to me? Then everything went black.
A few years have passed since that day, and I continue to live happily. oh what, do I see a person in front of me, oh joy. I walk up to them "hello there Ari" I say with a smile on my face. With the snap of my fingers a table and two chairs form "would you like to play a game of chess?"

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