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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Romance/Love · #214425
Lunch-Is this buisness or personal?
Working in the Twilight Zone

Chapter 4: Lunch with the boss

         As Annie arrived for work the next morning, she still had the same wide grin on her face that she’d had during the time with Jeff at her place the night before. “I like what we agreed on,” she thought as she turned her PC on for the day. “It’s a nice first step. I just hope it has a chance.”

         As she waited for that ever-so-slow PC of hers to come up, the things she and Jeff had agreed on ran over and over in her mind. She decided to recite them like a short list, making them easier to remember:

         “One. What we did (last night) was not a spur of the moment thing. We’d shared so many things with each other by then that it had meaning for both of us, and still does.”

         “Two. At the same time, we’ve only known each other one day, so there is a long way to go to see where this will lead. For that reason, there’s no commitment between us at this point.”

         “Three. Considering #1 and #2, each of us is free to date others if we choose, yet we have a special friendship that will always be there whether it grows into something more later on or not. And, we will also continue seeing each other to see if it does.”

         “I feel really good about that,” she thought, still grinning as she checked the attendance board on the wall. “Both Martins are here, Mr. Burnstein, Bob Jackson, Joe Franklin. No Heidi Watkins, the co-op student. Good - Jeff’s not here yet, either. I want to see what he’s showing on his face when he walks in. I know what’s on mine,” she laughed as she sat down at her desk.

         The office door opened. “Good morning, Annie,” said Heidi cheerfully.

         “Good morn…” Annie let her voice trail off. Jeff had just walked in, and he had a big smile on his face, too. And, he was walking her way.

         “Good morning, Miss Birthmark,” he said quietly, leaning over the front of her desk so he could say it low and still be heard. He winked at her.

         “Good morning, Mr. Zone,” she said just as quietly, winking back. As Jeff turned to go to his office, she added, “Have a good day, Jeff,” then watched as he turned toward her again and mouthed the words “You, too, Birthmark!”

         As part of her normal responsibilities in the office, Annie rang Jeff’s desk at 11:15. “Jeff, you have a lunch appointment with Ms. Martin in 15 minutes.”

         Jeff knew Annie was worried about that, even with no real commitment between them. Just because she was that much like his Annie had been. He knew he could help her deal with that feeling by using that special word. “Thanks, Birthmark!” He relaxed when he heard her chuckle on the other end.

         At 11:26, Ellen knocked on his office door. “Ready for lunch, Jeff?”

         He looked up from his drawing board to see Ellen standing before him, wearing a much more feminine-looking outfit than she’d worn the day before when they first met. The business suit was gone. In its place was a lightweight, light blue, skin tight pullover sweater that showed every contour of that smallish bust of hers that had caught his eye yesterday, and a nicely matched skirt that left no doubt about those hips he’d watched as she walked to her desk the day before. And that skirt was just short enough to give him a good view of her shapely, firm legs that he had been unable to see before. “They should do away with women’s business suits in her size,” he thought as he got up to greet her.

         She stepped up to him, gently put a finger under his chin and pushed upward, closing his mouth for him. “It’s nice to know I got your attention, Jeff,” she smiled. That I planned. But I never dreamed I’d leave you that speechless,” she smiled again. “It’s nice to know I did that, too, though!” She lowered her voice. “With the way you’re looking at me, we better stop in my office a minute so I can say something without being overheard,” she whispered with a twinkle in her eye. They walked back to her office, Jeff checking things out from alongside her as they went.

         Once in her office, Ellen closed the door and walked up to Jeff, stopping less than a foot from him. “Don’t feel embarrassed, Jeff, but it was openly obvious that you were checking me out. Especially since I had to close your mouth for you,” she smiled. "So I just thought, with both of us being architects, it might put your mind more at ease for lunch if you… um… knew all the… details. Listen carefully,” she said, that twinkle still in her eye. “I’m 27, 5’5” tall, and I weigh 120 lbs.” She put her hands at her sides, up by her chest. “34A,” she said as her hands slowly moved down her sides. Stopping them at her waist, she said, “25.” Then, lowering them to her hips, she said, “35. Are you right- or left-handed, Jeff?”

         “Um… right-handed,” he stammered, still trying to take in all the wonderful “details” his boss had just given him about… her… uh… “project”.

         She reached out, took his right hand, placed it briefly on her left breast, where she felt Jeff’s fingers gently squeeze for a moment, then ran it very slowly down to her waist, and over her left hip. Jeff started to pull back, thinking she was about to let go. “Wrong,” he said to himself silently as she slipped his hand beneath her skirt and up to her crotch.

         “One more thing you should know to have all the details, Jeff,” she said with a naughty look in her eye. Pressing his hand against her warm womanhood and holding it there, she said, a little seductively, “I’m a virgin.” She felt Jeff’s hand twitch at the words. “Yes, Jeff, it’s yours if you want it.” Pressing his hand against her one more time, she released it. He put his arms back at his sides as she reached up and put a hand behind his neck, gently leaning him forward and downward. “I’m going to close your mouth a different way this time.” With that, she placed her lips hard on his, and had no trouble starting a deeply searching, probing, wet kiss.

         Jeff felt nervous at first, but quickly relaxed. As they kissed, he remembered how he’d wondered about her being a bit forward to him yesterday. “That was just teasing compared to this,” he silently shouted as he found himself thoroughly enjoying the prolonged kiss. “I know she said her position makes it hard to find a husband, but I still don’t understand why. Especially now. Is it her long-standing sexual frustration that’s made her do this?” he wondered, ”or…”

         Ellen stopped the kiss. But now Jeff didn’t want that to happen. Not yet. He put his hand behind her neck and guided her lips to his for another try. Ellen smiled inside, knowingly, as she entered his mouth with her tongue in response to his request.

         Jeff slowly embraced her, slowly pulling her to him. Ellen pressed herself firmly, fully against him to let him know she liked being there, and pressed her mouth down harder over his in an effort to kiss him even more deeply. She shivered with delight as she felt Jeff’s hands running over her back, and up and down her sides.

         They held each other for a good five minutes before they ended that kiss. As they both worked to catch their breath, Ellen stole a look at her watch. “I… think we’d… better get… something to eat, don’t you?” she stammered through her still heavy breathing.

         “Uh… yeah, I think so,” Jeff responded, still playing catch-up with his oxygen level. After each had checked their appearance, they exited Ellen’s office in a fully businesslike manner and headed out the door.

         “We’ll take my car, Jeff,” Ellen said as they hit the parking lot. “Do you like Chinese?”

         “Yes, I do,” he said cheerfully.

         “God,” Ellen thought to herself as she drove. “I wanted to give him those ‘details’ about me, because I really like him and I wanted him to know exactly what he’d be getting with me. But I sure didn’t expect the rest of that at all. I’m certainly not knocking it, though,” she said, feeling a wide grin cross her face. “I’d better explain to him that I didn’t intend for that to happen. I only wanted it to get his attention; I don’t want him to think I’m throwing myself at him. I don’t want him thinking I’m that type, much less think I’m that desperate. There’s just something about him. I couldn’t help myself.”

         “Talk about ‘the Zone’!” Jeff silently shouted as he looked out the passenger window. “Last night, I figured my first reaction to Annie was because I hadn’t dated in eight years. But, here I am, feeling the same basic need with Ellen. I figured she was interested in me, but that word is so much of an understatement it doesn’t even fit anymore. All I know, now, is that I have to see her again, too. Even if it’s just to help me decide how I feel about this kind of relationship with my boss, or if there’s more to it than even that. I have to see her again, and outside the office!”

         A few short minutes later, Ellen pulled her BMW into the parking lot of a Chinese restaurant Jeff hadn’t seen before. “I love the food here much more than at those chain-type Chinese places, she said as they got out. Her statement was the first thing either of them had said since leaving he office, and they both knew it.

         Once they were seated, the awkward time began.

         “Uh… Ellen?”

         “Um... Jeff?”

         They’d started talking at the same time, and laughed at the spontaneity of it.

         “Ladies first,” said Jeff, still smiling.

         “Um… I… want to apologize for what happened back there in my… office, Jeff. I… meant to give you those ‘details’ about me, because… well, I’ve found that I really do like you, very much, actually, and I wanted to… satisfy any curiosity you might have had about… me in the … hope… well, I might as well admit it… in the hope that… well… something might develop later, but I never meant for it to… become what it did,” Ellen said nervously. “Please don’t think I’m that kind of woman. I’m… not, and I feel awful right now about letting it happen, and about what you must think of me.” She looked down at the table.

         Jeff loved her honesty, and her sensitivity. He felt good about knowing he’d been right about her having a sensitive side, and not just being the unemotional, all-business type of person. She couldn’t even look at him, so he knew she was serious, and genuinely concerned. But, he also knew how he felt about it.


         “Yes, Jeff?” she said, obviously upset or frightened about what he’d say.

         “Look at me.”

         “No. I… can’t. I’ve never been this embarrassed in my life. Please don’t tell my father. Please. I’ve… never done anything like this before.”

         Now he was even more sure about her sensitive side, and he liked what he saw. Both in the kind of person he’d like to work for, and on a personal level. “Ellen,” he began calmly, “if you’ll look at me, and listen to me, your embarrassment will be gone.”

         “Huh, what?” she said, looking up at him hesitantly.

         “Ellen, I really appreciate your honesty about this, and your sensitivity. I like those things about you. They just prove what you and I talked about yesterday - that you are a normal woman, with normal feelings, and needs. But that’s no reason to be embarrassed.”

         “How can you say that after the fool I made of myself, Jeff?” she asked, amazed, but also frightened.

         “Because I’m glad it happened, Ellen.” He saw her expression change from fear to wonder, and joy.

         “You… are?” she asked, risking a smile.

         “Yes, I am, and I’ll prove it to you,” he said, smiling.

         “How?” she asked, the curiosity starting to rid her of her fears.

         “By taking you to dinner tonight, if you’re free.”

         “Wait a minute… are you… asking me out?” The surprise on her face was obvious.

         “Yes, I am.” He smiled again.

         “After what I just did?”


         “I’d… love to!” she exclaimed.

         “But you have to promise me three things, Ellen,” he said smiling once again.

         “What things, Jeff? Not to make a fool of myself again?” she shot out, mostly at herself.          Then she saw his understanding smile and softened again. “Sorry. I… wouldn’t blame you if… that was one of them, though. Um… what do I have to promise you, Jeff?” She watched him with both curiosity and a little fear at what they could be.

         “One. You wear exactly the same outfit you have on now. Same pieces. I want the chance to check you out in it when I’m not so nervous,” he laughed.

         That blew the lid off Ellen’s fears and suspicions, and it felt good. She laughed with him, and that felt even better. “Okay, Jeff,” she smiled, “I promise. What else is a ‘requirement’ for this date, sir?” she laughed.

         “Two. That no one in the office -no one - know we’re dating. I don’t want us to lose our reputations because they figure I’m trying to sleep my way up the ladder,” he laughed, “or that you’re trying to seduce me,” he finished, laughing again.

         “I fully agree with that one, Jeff. If my dad found out he’d fire both of us!” she laughed. “What’s the last one?”

         “Three. You promise to just relax and enjoy yourself if it does happen again between us. Don’t feel hesitant, embarrassed, or anything else. Just enjoy yourself. Promise?” He grinned again.

         “Oh, god, Jeff,” she smiled sheepishly. I’ll … do the best I can. But… you… um… might have to help me… relax if that happens. Deal?”

         “Deal,” he said warmly.

         “Um… Jeff?”

         “Yes, Ellen?”

         “Do you… want it… to happen again?”

         He could tell her nervousness and hesitation were back, but his answer was honest, just the same. “Yes, Ellen, I think I do. What about you?” He saw her visibly relax.

         “Yes, Jeff, I have to admit I’d like that very much.”

         They both smiled.

         “Tonight?” he offered.


         Jeff liked that no-hesitation answer of hers.

         “I’m glad, Ellen. I think there are things we both need to find out here.”

         “I… agree,” she said, feeling a little less anxious.

         He suddenly realized they still hadn’t eaten, or even ordered yet. “Ellen, are you… ready to order?” he laughed.

         “Oh! Um… yeah. I think so,” she stammered. “God - I don’t believe the way this is all going. Do you?” she asked, a little embarrassed again, but liking the feeling this time.

         “The way the last 36 hours have gone for me, yes, Ellen, I do believe it,” he said, smiling. He was getting to like living in the Zone.

         “Huh?” she asked, puzzled.

         “Nothing, Ellen,” he said. “It’s just that it may seem strange to both of us right now, but I like what’s happening here,” he admitted.

         “I do, too,” she said, openly blushing now. But she realized that she likedthe way it felt this time.

         “And I like her smile, too,” Jeff said silently to himself. “Waiter!” he called. “We’re finally ready to order.”

         “Oh, Jeff?” Ellen suddenly remembered as they ate.

         “Yes, Ellen?”

         “The business part of this lunch I almost forgot,” she laughed.

         “I wonder why,” Jeff cut in. They both laughed.

         “Seriously. Can we get serious for one minute here?” she laughed again.

         “Sure, boss!” he smiled.

         “Geez. Now that we’ve relaxed there’s no stopping your sense of humor, is there?”

         “Yours either, I’ll bet!”

         “OK. Listen. You made one hell of a nice impression on dad yesterday. He’s…”

         “I did?” Jeff cut in. “Great. Thanks for letting me know. I was nervous as hell so I wasn’t sure.”

         “Let me put it this way, Jeff. He’s already told me to jump your salary an extra $1000 in addition to the raise he told you about when your trial period is over. Okay. Business meeting is done,” she smiled.

         “Thanks for letting me know, Ellen. That’s a good feeling. I was concerned about how things went yesterday.”

         “The other feelings we’ve shared are good feelings, too, aren’t they?” she teased. Silently, she suddenly thought, “I… can’t remember the last time I’ve smiled, laughed or joked like this. That means it’s been way too long. This feels good. Really good.”

         “Yep. Those are even better.”

         They got back to the office about 90 minutes from the time they’d left. As they walked in the door, Ellen said, ”Jeff, come to my office for a minute. I need to show you one more thing about that… project we discussed this morning and at lunch.”

         “Okay.” He followed her into her office.

         Ellen closed the door and stepped up to Jeff. “I’m… sorry, Jeff, I just have to do this,” she said as she took his hands and placed them squarely on her chest.

         Jeff began slowly massaging her breasts. “Don’t apologize, Ellen. I figure that maybe you just need to find out what it feels like for the first time, right?” Without giving her a chance to respond beyond the understanding smile on her face, he continued, “I’d been wondering what this would feel like with you myself after… this morning.” He stopped a minute or so later. “We can… get back to that tonight. I’d better get to work,” he grinned. “By the way - they feel wonderful in my hands,” he grinned again.



         “They’re… not too small?” she asked on nervous impulse.

         “No, Ellen, they’re perfect. I like them just the way they are. Honestly.”

         Ellen blushed, looking at the floor a moment. “Thank you, Jeff. I’ve… been concerned about that for… years. I always felt they… were part of the reason I… never had a… social life.”

         She took one of her business cards, wrote her home phone number on the back and tucked it into Jeff’s beltline. “Thanks, Jeff, for letting me find out for myself how good that really feels. I’ve wanted to know that for a long time.Too long. You... figured right." ”

         He did the same, slipping his card inside the neckline of her pullover sweater, intentionally putting it down between her breasts, and patting her chest. “No problem, Ellen. I happen to like the way it feels too, you know. You should leave them just as they are.”

         “Jeff,” she ventured nervously, “I’ll make you another promise. If they’re really just what you think they should be, just what you want them to be, I’ll never do anything to change them.”

         “I’m holding you to that promise, too, Ellen.” He smiled warmly.

         She smiled sheepishly, blushing a little. “That’s a promise, then. Okay if we do this the old fashioned way tonight? You drive? I’ll call you at your desk in a minute and give you directions to my place to pick me up. Say… about 8:00?”

         “Works for me, boss!” he chimed in as he turned to go to his office. “And I’ll see you at 8:00. Now don’t you dare forget any of those promises!” he warned, smiling.

         “I won’t, I promise,” she said smiling. “Especially the first, third and last ones.”

         It was then that Ellen fully realized how good it felt to be out of her shell. To not be hiding behind the business suit anymore. “How in the world am I ever going to be able to thank Jeff enough for getting me past my own fears?” she wondered. “And in only one day!” She stood there, alone in the middle of her office, pondering that very question. And it felt good to know that she no longer had to use her office as a place to hide from the world. Or from life. It even felt good to be openly nervous about tonight. Because she was finally free to really experience life. And she liked it that way.

         “Boy. I knew she was attractive when I saw her yesterday, Jeff thought silently as he walked down the hall. “But she has a lot more to offer a man than that suit let her show. And not just that great body. I’m talking about inside, too. The kind of person she really is. Warm, sensitive, caring. This started out because I was attracted to her. Now, not only am I more attracted to her, but it feels great to know that I’ve somehow brought that sensitive woman I saw within her yesterday out of hiding. Out from behind that desk, and definitely out of that business suit. I’ve brought both Annie and Ellen out into the daylight. God, that feels good. But… what’s next? In the Zone, you never know,” he laughed, remembering the series again. And he noticed, too, that there were two reasons for that laugh. It was partly because he was a little bit nervous at what the future could bring, but it was mostly because he was filled with happiness at both what he’d somehow managed to do for Annie and Ellen, and how wonderful it all had suddenly made him feel. “And, with the way these two do make me feel, I’ll take my chances, even here in the Zone, on what’s to come. It’s already worth it,” Jeff decided just as he reached his office.

To Be Continued...

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