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I'm currently working on. Thought I would just drop it to see if I want to "Drop-It" /: |
The Man Inside Of Her A Short Story By: Nikkibeast Kisha has always been a protector. As the oldest and the fearless, she was never afraid to get her hands dirty. Raised by her strict mother, she wasn't allowed to listen to exploitive music. Watch movies or videos that contained filth. Never allowed to leave the yard. She learned about the ghetto at school. School work was completed early. Learning quick was an unexplained gift, which gave her time to study. Not her books, the other preteens. With insulting mouths and naughty games. Speaking of things she didn't understand or did not learn in class. Like smoking weed, juicing boys, dancing nasty on each other, who liked who, who had a crush on the teacher, who the teacher had a crush on, people fighting after school, who cheated on their work, got whoopings at home etc…. None of these had applied to her. They were into rap, violent tv, jokes that were cruel and degrading. She was into Celine Dion, gospel, sci-fi tv, books, art, and loving nature. She noticed the cute girls. Tall with long hair and boobs. They were allowed to perm and curl their hair. Uniform blouses fitted, skirts to short. Her hair was thick, coarse with “Color Purple” braids. Her height was average, skirts almost to her calves, huge oversized shirts, to cover her flat chest. She didn't think she was ugly but the boys didn't pay her attention and the girls never invited her to slumber parties and such. During recess she played games with them all but in her own way. ‘Catch a girl-Kiss a girl’ was ‘Catch me and You get beat down’. ‘House’ was ‘Mother divorce-Dad is a Bum’. You get the picture. The girls enjoyed getting ‘free feels’ and asked to do gross things. If a boy did touch her, with invisible strength, he was slammed to the floor then beat. Keisha never liked double-dutch, hopscotch, cheerleading, or dolls. She would rather wrestle or race. Play softball. Later down the line, her first kiss was from a pretty girl. Mixed, light skinned, long, soft hair. Christine was more advanced in affection. Kisha was advanced in what she wanted. They both got in trouble. They got caught by a teacher but that was one punishment she never regretted. Kisha grew to like boys. Christine’s mom must've gave it to her good because she wasn't as friendly anymore. Kisha could tell Christine still liked her but she was afraid of something. Kisha’s feelings was hurt. She felt bad but not for the kiss but how the kiss made her lose a friend. It took a couple years before she decided to kiss a boy. It was aggressive, sloppy. He drooled so much she was disgusted. She regretted that. She was pretty wanted love not sex. She was so picky she still covered herself but now more like a soft stud. Girls were attracted to her but they were or became her friends. She didn't want to lead them on. She knew they would want something more. Plus they had sex with men gross. Feeling trapped by her moms strictness and lack of understanding she became rebellious. She hated to ask her mom for anything, guys loved her quick witted, serious, confident, outspoken, personality. She started selling dope. Making more money than most men because guys practically gave the dope to her so could sell the best for less. If it was crap, users still bought them respecting her hustle. So here come the girls. Loving her being soft and beautiful. Strong and respectful. Hood rich and generous. Speaking with authority and sincerity. Kisha still a girl herself knew what a girl wanted. So instead she pimped em…..to be cont. |