Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2143761-The-Spirit-of-the-Season-Ch-1
Rated: GC · Chapter · Romance/Love · #2143761
One choice can change everything.
Chapter One: Home For Christmas

Christmas music poured out of the conference rooms and lounge as everyone mulled around chatting and laughing. From her desk in the back, Lara sat in front of her computer. Her forehead furrowed as her fingers flew across the keys, hurrying to finish yet another last minute assignment. After a few moments Lara sighed and leaned back in her chair, stretching her hands as she re-read the massive article.
Suddenly, someone came and sat on the side of her desk.

"You look like you could use a night off, sweetcake."

Lara turned and shot the man an evil look, hoping it would drive him away from her desk. When he continued to stare at her with that stupid grin, Lara pushed back from her computer.

"What I could use, Dan, is for you to get off my desk so I can get back to work."

Dan smiled back at her, clearly unfazed. "See that's your problem babe. You're always so serious."
Dan leaned closer, the smell of eggnog and cheap rum heavy on his breath. "I can help with that."

Lara folded her arms across her chest and locked eyes with Dan, trying to decide what was the best course of action. Normally, Lara wouldn't even give Dan the time of day. He was the office jerk, after all, and all the girls in Editing knew to stay as far away as possible. This arproach usually worked for Lara but not today.

Pulling her glasses off, Lara rubbed in between her eyes. "Dan, please. I have a ton of work to do before I leave tomorrow. Just go."

"Work!" Dan huffs, sliding a little closer to Lara. "It's a party. Time to cut loose and have a little fun."

"I have at least eight re-writes and I don't even know how many emails I haven't even looked at yet. I wish I could but I can't, sorry."

Scowling down at her, Dan jumped from her desk. "Well, I guess you can just keep being the office loser then. Not like anyone cares."

He laughed as he made his way back into the party, not once turning to look at her. Lara could feel the heat in her cheeks but refused to let Dan get to her. Who cared if he was rude, she was going to be the youngest editor in chief in the history of ITnow magazine. And that's all that mattered. Turning back to her computer, Lara was determined to get through as much as she could before the guard kicked her out. But after another hour, Lara had to admit defeat. She packed up her stuff and made her way home to her loft apartment.

Turning the key, Lara was surprised to see the light was on in her kitchen. That's strange, she thought. I don't remember leaving the light on. As she made her way inside, an voice called out to her.

"Muffin, is that you?"


Lara dropped her purse and bag as she ran into the kitchen to find her mother, Nora, happily working away. Running to her, Lara pulled her mother into a big hug.

"What are you doing here?" Lara asked.

"I can't come see my favorite daughter when I'm in the city?"

Something about this didn't feel right. She was many things, but Nora was always polite. And polite people called before showing up on your doorstep.

"You didn't call Mom. Something's up."

Nora returned to her cooking with a laugh. "Nothing's up! I just thought I'd stop by and help you pack, that's all."

"Mom, I'm not moving back home." Lara snapped, folding her arms defensively across her chest. "We've talked about this."

"Oh hush! I know that Lara Marie, so don't get cross with me."

Lara instantly felt terrible. Here her mother had driven nine hours to do something nice for her and she was to busy trying to find an ulterior motive to be thankful.

"I'm sorry mom, it's just been a really long day and you kinda freaked me out a little. I mean, you didn't call or anything and then I come home to someone in my apartment."

Her mother's face softened, "Oh honey, I'm sorry too! I knew I should have called but I just wanted it to be a surprise."

"Well, you certainly pulled off the surprise part." Lara laughed, giving her mother a quick kiss on the cheek. "I'm just gonna hop in the shower and I'll be back out to help, okay?"

"No hurry, I've got this handled. You just go get yourself cleaned up. You do look a little run down."

"Thanks mom." Lara rolled her eyes. "Comes with the job or so they keep telling me."

Lara put her coat on the hook and went into the small space she had sectioned off as her bedroom. After grabbing some comfortable clothes that may or may not have been clean, Lara heading into her closet of a bathroom. After a quick shower, she wiped her hand across the fogged mirror, looking at herself for the first time in a long while. She did look tried, she didn't remember those dark circles under her eyes before or the tiny winkles around her eyes. Leaning in closer, Lara was stunned to see that she had faint creases in her forehead. Oh sweet Jesus, I'm starting to look like Pop. Fumbling through her medicine cabinet, Lara searched for one of the many anti-aging creams her Aunt Judy had sent her every year since she turned twenty.
When she couldn't find anything useful, Lara sighed and gave up. She'd just have to look old. Pulling her sweater on over her tank, Lara opened the bathroom door but stopped short when she heard a man laughing. What the hell? Peeping around the door frame, she could just see her mom standing in the kitchen. She was having a good laugh with someone but Lara couldn't see who.

"I didn't hear the buzzer." she whispered to herself. "Who could it be?"

Moving slowly, Lara crept between her dresser and the bed, trying not to make a sound. Finally, she couldn't go any farther without being seen. Crouched down in a small ball, Lara leaned out, holding on to the drawer for support. She still couldn't see the man's face but she could see that he was tall and well dressed, with dark brown hair and authoritative voice. But his laugh was warm and familiar, it stirred something deep inside Lara.

"Well if I never!" Nora laugh, blushing all the way to her ears.

"Forgive me, Ma'am. I just can't help but be straightforward and honest. It's an occupational hazard, I'm afraid."

He's voice sounded familiar but Lara couldn't place it. She certainly didn't have any idea way this strange man was in her apartment, happily chatting away with her mother.

"So what was it you needed to speak to my daughter about, Mr. Wolff?" Nora asked as she refilled his coffee with a smile.

Mr. Wolff, Lara thought digging through her memory for the name. Why does that sound so familiar?

"Well, I hate to impose but I really need Lara's help with a few things. I have a deadline to meet and frankly, I don't think I have anything to print."

Draven Wolff!? Here?

Lara was so intent on listening in that she didn't realize how far she was leaning. The drawer started to move and before Lara could stop herself, she tumbled out onto the floor. Both her mom and Mr. Wolff stood with stunned looks on their faces, neither one making a sound. Lara blushed as she sat sprawled on the floor. After a few seconds of uncomfortable silence, Draven burst into uncontrollable laughter. He leaned on the counter, clutching his side, gasping for air. At first Lara just stared at him, to embarrassed to do anything. Then suddenly, Nora joins in, her laugh mixing with Dravens until Lara can't help but giggle. She must look ridiculous.

Easing from his barstool, Draven reached out his hand. "Let me help you."

Lara looked up sheepishly. Seeing the twinkle in his eyes, Lara took his out stretched hand. He never took his eyes off hers as he helped Lara to her feet. For a split second, he held on to her hand. Then he quickly pulled his hand from hers, running it through his thick hair.

"I'm sorry to drop in on you like this, Miss. Wyatt. But I've got a problem."

"You might have heard that Mr. Wolff here is looking for a new article for the magizine." Her mother says with a wink.


"What?" Nora laughed as she grabbed her cup. "I'll be on the patio if you need me honey. Mr. Wolff, it was a pleasure."

"Please, Nora." Draven flashed her a devastating smile. "The pleasure was entirely mine."

"Well, now that we're alone..."Lara looked at Draven, then quickly looked away. She wasn't sure why she was acting like this. Sure this was her boss's boss. But hadn't he come here to see her? Still, that didn't stop the uneasy feeling she had.

"Yes." Draven cleared his throat. "As your mother said, I need a new story. Something different. Something that hasn't been done to death."

He started pacing the floor, "I've spent the last three weeks reading every single article and editorial that has been sent to the magizine in the last year."

Lara wasn't sure what was going on, "Umm, Mr. Wolff?"

"I can't keep being a third rate rag anymore. It may have been enough for my father but it damn sure isn't going to be enough for me. I have to find the story. The one that makes a career! The one that changes society as we know it!"

"Mr. Wolff..."

"It has to have purpose! It has to be dangerous, it has to reveal the darkest of truths! It has to..."


He stops so quickly, his shoes make a shhhhish sound on the title floor. The look on his face is unreadable. Taking a deep breath, Lara places her hands on her hips, "I can't help you if I don't know what the problem is, Mr. Wolff. Now would you please calm down and explain to me why you are here?"

He stared at her for a moment and Lara stared right back. She didn't want him to think he could psych her out in her own home. Draven Wolff wasn't a figure at ITnow , in fact, Lara wasn't sure she had even seen him there in the three and half years she had been working there. She'd heard about him from the girls around the office and the internet tabloids. They said he was good looking. Well, he certainly was. He was tall and well built, with high cheekbones and bright green eyes. Even in his current state, he was a very, very handsome man.

"Quite." Draven reached down and lifted a large box off the floor. As he sat it on the counter, he opened the lid and pulled out the first stack of papers. He handed them to Lara with a sigh. "Look I know it's Christmas and all, but I really need someone I can trust to look these over. I can't just trust anyone with this. It could mean the life of ITnow as we know it."

"You make it sound so dire." Lara was reading the first few lines on the page in her hand. "Is this all of them?"

"These are the winners from my first three cuts. I started out with over six thousand. There's only four hundred and twenty seven in here."

Lara stood with her mouth open, completely overwhelmed. "Did you say four hundred and twenty seven? Are you serious?"

"I'm always serious," Draven said, clearly taken back. "It's kind of my thing."

"But how am I supposed to get through all of these and spend Christmas with my family. It's not like here. We kind of go all out for the holidays."

Draven ran his hand through his hair again, messing it up even more. "I know it's a lot to ask of you." He turned to face her. "But I don't have anyone else I know I can trust."

"What make you think you can trust me? You don't even know me."

"True. But I know your work and it's good work. Damn good. And don't think I haven't notice how much better Dan's articles have become lately either. When you moved to Editing, things really improved."

Lara could feel her cheeks burning, "Oh, well...thank you Mr. Wolff. I'm glad that my work has been up to par."

"Yes, but don't let it go to your head. It's all about being better than the next guy in this game."

Just like that, the mood changed. What happened? Lara thought but she decide to let it go. It wasn't her place and besides, why would Draven Wolff be flirting with her?

"Of course, sir. So I'll get this to you before the first of the year." Lara put on her business voice and squared her shoulders. She wasn't going to let him know that she was acting like a silly teenager.

"That's the thing, Miss. Wyatt. I need that before Christmas Eve if I'm going to have it ready for print in the January addition."

"Well, Mr. Wolff I don't see how that's possible. I can't possible read all of these in three days. I'm sorry but I'm not going to ruin the first Christmas I get to spend with my family in three years because your editors can't find you the right story."

Lara instantly slammed her hand across her mouth, horrified. She tried to say more but Draven held up his hand and she fell silent.

"Miss Wyatt...Lara, I understand I'm asking a lot of you. But... Well I can't.... You see it's...."

"Let me guess, it's complicated."

Draven looked stern for a while, then a smile crept across his face. Lara was amazed at how that simple thing changed the way he looked so much. He seemed so serious and a little intense but when he smiled he face would light up, as if a weight was taken from him. And when he laughed...oh good Lord how his eyes sparkled as he laughed. Lara returned his smile, secretly tickled by the thoughts dancing around in her mind.

"Lara, I'd really be grateful if you could work your magic."

"Okay, but we're going to have a problem." Lara laughed at the look on his face.

"What kind of problem?"

"I'm still going home for Christmas."


"I take it you don't know where I'm from, do you?" Lara tensed playfully.

"Don't tell me your from Alaska!" Draven's eyes go wide with fear.

"No!" Lara chuckled, trying to hide her grin. "But it might as well be."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Draven snapped at Lara. "Speak English woman."

Lara folded her arms, "I'm from Lakedale, it's a small little town close to the border."

"Oh, you're Canadian." Draven used his fingers to air quote Canadian.

"Actually, no. I'm not. I'm an American. My father is Canadian."

Draven raised his eyebrow at her, as if to say oh really. Lara glared at Draven, daring him to say something more. Who did he think he was, making fun of her just because he can? Just then, Lara's mother came inside.

"Sorry to interrupt but I'm out of coffee."

"That's okay mom, Mr. Wolff was just leaving." Lara shot Draven a go-to-hell look and then turned to face her mother. "What's for dinner, it smells great."

Nora looked from Lara to Draven, then back to Lara, knowing that something was happening. "It's your favorite, peasant stew."

"I should be going.." Draven moved towards the door but Nora stopped him.

"Nonsense. I always cook for an army and with just me and Muffin here, there's going to be plenty left over."

Lara gritted her teeth, "Mother..."

"Hush! Come now, when was the last time you had a good, home cooked meal?"

Draven rubbed the back of his neck, giving Nora timid look. "Well, if I'm being honest Nora...I can't even remember."

Nora gasped, "Well, that changes tonight young man. You just sit yourself down and have a nice dinner with us. You two can discuss work after."

Lara could do nothing but stare in horror as your mother manhandle her boss away from the door and into a chair at the table. Before he was able to even say anything in his defense, Nora already had a heaping bowl of stew sitting in front of him. Draven looked from Nora to Lara then to the steaming bowl in front of him.

"Go on now," Nora urged, an eager smile on her face. "It's my mother-in-law's recipe."

Draven gave a weak smile as he dipped his spoon into the stew. Lifting it to his mouth, he closed his eyes as he ate.


Nora beamed at the praise, "See, nothing fixes a worrisome mind like a bowl of home made stew."

Soon all three sat together, eating and laughing as if they were all old friends. They talked about Lara's plans for the holidays and Nora's new rose garden. Draven told them about how he spent his childhood in boarding school and how he cause trouble in college. By the time Lara helped her mom clear the dishes away, it was late into the night. Standing in the kitchen with her mom, Lara washed the dish as Nora dried, while Draven had gone out onto the patio to take a business call. As she handed her mother the last bowl, Lara sighed.

"Did you really have to do that?" She asked as she ran water around the sink. "You could have just let him leave."

"And let you to part with such bad energy, I think not."

"Mom, this isn't one of your novels. You can't make me fall in love with my boss, it's not okay."

Nora stacked the bowl she was drying in the cabinet and tossed her towel down. "I wasn't trying to make you fall in love, all I'm saying is there is something between you two. I saw it the moment you fell on the floor."

"Oh my God mom..." Lara sat down and put her head in her hands. "Don't remind me that I made a fool of myself in front of my boss, please."

"I don't know about fool but you certainly do know how to make an entrance."

"You're so not helping."

"Why don't you go see if our guest needs anything before we close the kitchen down." Nora pecked her daughter on the cheek and picked up her towel.

"Now you sound like Dad." Lara laughed as she filled two cups with fresh coffee and headed for the patio.

Her small apartment came with one bright spot, her very own patio. It was big but it was large enough for Lara to have set up a few comfortable chair and her plants. She loved this place. It was her own private space in a city the was always in your face. Draven stood by the railing, looking out at the city lights. Standing beside him, Lara offered him a cup.

"It's cold tonight, thought you'd like something to warm you up."

"Thanks," Draven took a long drink of the hot coffee before returning to gaze out over the city. "You've got quite the view up here."

"Yeah," Lara ginned, sipping her own coffee. "It's what sold me on this place to begin with. I figured I could put up with the small space if I had the whole skyline as my night lite."

Draven turned to look at Lara as she gazed out at the city, taking in her face in the moonlight. He hadn't real spent much time with Lara, or any of the other assistant editors for that matter, but there was something about her that had enchanted him. Her name was always coming across his desk and she had a talent for putting a human voice to otherwise stale words. When he had found himself on the edge of a total breakdown, the only person he could think of to fall back on was Lara Wyatt, junior assistant editor.

He was so lost in thought that Draven didn't notice that Lara was staring at him, a joking smile on her pretty face.

"Do I have something on my face?"

"I'm sorry," Draven could feel his face flush, even though he was able to keep his face neutral. "I was just thinking how odd it is that I found myself here."

"Do you want to tell me why?"

"I'm sorry?" Draven asked, confused by the question.

Lara rolled her eyes and put her cup down on the rail. "Look, Mr. Wolff.."

"Draven, please."

"...okay...Draven, I'm flattered that you thought of me for such an important assignment. However, I have to ask why you, of all people, would choose me to do this. And why you would personally show up at my house at 10:30 at night to hand deliver these to me. It's just really...well...weird." Lara nervously stuffed her hands into her pockets, shaking a little as she did so.

"Are you cold?" He was pretty sure he had only thought the words but they spilled out of his mouth before he could stop them.

She smiled weakly up at him. She was so small standing next to him and Draven found himself with the surprising desire to wrap her up in his arms and hold her close to him. The thought astonished Draven, coming out of nowhere. He was so confused with his own thoughts that he almost didn't hear her answer. "Maybe a little. Guess I didn't think I'd be out here this long."

"I'm sorry to have kept you. I'll let you get some rest." He turned to go inside, feeling like his head was going to explode.

"Why are you always saying you're sorry?" Lara called out to him, stopping Draven on a dime. He considered it for a moment, then turned to see Lara looking back towards the city.

Letting out a long sigh, Draven tried to explain. "I'm sorry because I know I have no right to be here. I showed up without warning and threw this impossible tasks at you when you should be enjoying your time with your family. I know you haven't taken a vacation in three years and ... seeing you here tonight, meeting your mother and you two sharing your meal with me, I've just never met any one in the world like you."

Draven walked to where Lara stood. "I don't really know why I came here tonight Lara. To tell you the truth, I've been locked in my office since two this afternoon, possibly having a series of major heart attacks, all because I can't handle the weight of the responsibilities I have on my shoulders. When I finally left the office, I started driving home. But I ended up here, at your door."

She shots him a wicked smile that sends his heart rate roaring. Draven looked around apprehensively, alarmed by what she was doing to him. Get it together man. Clearing his throat, Draven grinned back. "What's that look for?"

She laughed, her voice echoing off the building and filling the night air. "You showed up here because you panicked? Just what every girl wants to hear her hot boss say."

Draven openly laughs, acting as if he has no idea what she's talking about. "So you think I'm hot?"

Lara slams her hand against her forehead, going completely red in the face. "I didn't mean to say that."

"Oh, so that would be a no?" He pulls his best, puppy-dog eyes. She burst into hysterical giggles then playfully punches him in the arm.

"I didn't mean it like that!" She insits, blushing to her ears. Draven didn't know that someone could have pretty ears, but Lara's where.

Stop it! Draven scolded himself. Taking off his coat, Draven reached out, holding it open for her. "Here, take this."

At first, he thought she wouldn't take it. And the moments it took for her to smile and nod felt like a lifetime. When she did, Draven gently laid his coats across her shoulders. Lara smiled up at him, the lights from the city catching in her eyes like stars. "Thank you."

"You are welcome. Here let me get these." Draven took her empty cup from her hand and turned to go inside. Lara opened her mouth to say something but when nothing came out she closed it again.

What the heck is going on? Lara wondered as she stood on her patio, freezing to death yet unable to move from the spot. Realizing she still had her hand out, as if her cup still rested there, Lara rubbed her arms instead. Did I just tell my boss that he's hott?! Her mind whirled around the conversation and how she had managed to be such an idiot. But she couldn't help but melt a little as the warmth from his coat spread over her. Snuggling into the heavy coat, Lara inhaled, taking in Dravens smell. It smelled like warm leather and sandalwood, with something else Lara couldn't name...something that just screamed pure male.

"I do believe your boss is gone muffin."

"Huh?" Lara fell hard from the cloud she didn't know she'd been floating on and right back into cold reality. "Mom, what?"

Nora smiled at her daughter, a knowing look in her eye. "I said Mr. Wolff left dear. He said to tell you that he enjoyed himself but he had a sudden business matter to see to."

"Oh," Lara's face fell. "I..I see. Well, that's fine. We have to get up early anyway if we're going to be home before dark tomorrow."

© Copyright 2017 Catherine DuBose (ladyinthemoon at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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