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We often hear that Christ is the reason for the season or is Christmas about economics? |
I remember when I LOVED Christmas! I understood it and its origin and I loved it anyway! Today, Christmas has become MORE than it's origin -- it has become a walking, living, commercial to ensure and increase the economic bottom line! That is how it is promoted. That is what it is, and that is just about all that it is. Families go into HIGH debt to buy things to place under the Christmas tree. Some families are still paying off last Christmas' debt. Other families are feeling depressed and sad that they do not have the money, the credit card(s) or other means to buy things to place under the Christmas tree. To encourage spending, we have "BLACK FRIDAY," "CYBER MONDAY," and let us not forget "ONLINE" shopping. Don't get me wrong, there are those out there who remember the reason for the season, but honestly, I can't tell the difference for they too are buying and buying and buying. Their trees are getting bigger and bigger. Their presents are getting more costly every day. When I look around at those who say they believe as I do, i.e., in the birth of a child so many years ago, who walked this earth preaching the good news of the gospel, I see little difference in them than those that are in the world. NO NO NO! I am definitely not judging. Just making an observation, and in my own way explaining why "I" no longer "love" Christmas as it is presented today. I remember Christmas growing up. We were taught the meaning of Christmas. We were guided to Christ through the teachings of grandparents, parents, neighbors, friends, and yes, the pastors,deacons, laypersons, and almost everyone else in the community. Today, a conversation about the reason for this season will not occur on the street, in the mall, on the bus, or any other place "outside" of the church We as Christians are not bold in our relationship with Christ and we certainly are not bold in sharing our wonderful story about the birth of Christ. Yes, Christmas is a wonderful time of the year to share with family and friends. It is an awesome time to show that love through gifts and giving, but I believe that it is a better time to share the real reason for the season -- the birth of Christ is only a small portion of that reason -- the big story is that He went on to live and die for me and you. This season signifies the beginning of a journey to a most horrible and terrible death on a cross where Jesus was spit upon, pierced in the side, nailed to a cross and died. But the story did NOT end there. HE ROSE UP from the grave and later ascended into heaven where He sits on the right hand of God interceding every single day on our behalf. WOW, what a story -- what a reason for this season -- why this season should be a LOT more than a time of shopping, buying, depression, anger, and frustration. THIS SHOULD BE THE SEASON of REJOICING. No one really knows when Jesus was born, but we know that He was born, died, rose, and ascended into heaven. THAT my friends, is a reason for amazement, happiness, and HOPE! If you have read all of this, thank you. If you read all of this and understand that if you do not spend a dime for Christmas, but shared this good news with everyone you meet, YOU WILL HAVE the BEST CHRISTMAS OF YOUR LIFE! Here is what I know. Someone will not receive a gift on Christmas day. Someone will be hungry. Someone will be homeless. Someone will die. Someone will go blind. Someone will lose a loved one. Someone will go to the hospital. This list could go on and on and on, AND if none of these are you, then you are blessed beyond compare, and Christmas day should be a day of thanksgiving for you and yours. As I write this, I know the reason for the season. I understand the glitter, the draw, the competition, the jealousy, and the greed that has brought us to this time in history. We have been fed a constant diet of it and each day, the reason for the season takes a hit -- God out of the schools; In God we trust off of the court wall; ..under God in the Pledge of Allegiance; and the list goes on. Many years ago, I learned that I must stand for something or I would fall for anything. This Christmas season, I choose to stand for the reason for the season -- the birth of Jesus, His life on earth, His death on the cross, His ascension into heaven, and my entire belief that He is sitting on the right side of God waiting to judge me on my life and my eternity. Where do you stand? Peace and blessings always. |