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Rated: ASR · Short Story · Animal · #2142911
Jeremy gets more than he wished for when he has a slight hop in personality
Jeremy is a lovely school boy at Colorado state high school. On his way ho,e from school he finds a rabbit on the street, seeing that he loves bunny’s he takes it home. On the way home the rabbit bites him. He takes it pretty normally and goes to sleep. The next day he feels sick so the mother takes him to the doctor , the doctor says it’s just the flu so they go home. Over the next month he does some strange stuff like craving for carrots, hoping around the place, bounding,thumping his feet on the ground and becoming the fastest runner in school. Because of him now being the fastest runner he has a girlfriend called Rachel the mos popular girl and most beautiful girl in school, she has blonde hair and a pink dress. One night they both go out to the forest and kiss while looking at the full moon. Isn’t it beautiful. Said Rachel. Yeah,ouch I feel weird. Suddleny Jeremy fell to the ground screaming, his two front teeth were protrounding out. His nose got smaller and pinker. He couldn’t hear but then his ear moves to the top of his head and popped out as floppy rabbit ears. Then his hands got bigger and pink digits appeared. Fur spread and became itchy so Jeremy took his clothes of, as a big fluffy cottontail popped out of his butt while his penis was disappearing. Soon Jeremy’s feet started stretching out and Jeremy became tip toed on his feet.He howled to the moon as the transformation was complete and Jeremy was now an anphormorphitc bunny rabbit. Rachel wasn’t shocked by this at all. She said, that’s cute. She then explained that she was the one that bit Jeremy because she already had a crush on him and she was scared of her rabbit form becoming visible so she bit him to make him the same and she apologised. Jeremy accepted the apology saying that he actually loves the rabbit form and loves Rachel even more for transforming him into a bunny. Rachel then explains how she turned into a rabbit. Long ago there was a tribe called the Kahoolawe tribe. They always used to hunt for rabbits and eat their skin and they would grow carrots to eat. Once the Rabbit Zodiac Godess found out she cursed the tribe to turn into rabbits forever luckily I escaped but gained some powers at the same time, I wasn’t going to turn into one but I got their powers including eternal life. Sadly the zodiac goddess found me and turned me into one but she thought I changed a lot so she only made it so I would turn into a rabbit only once every full moon and I had the power to change at will and also change between an anthromorphic and a normal small rabbit. So Rachel asked Jeremy if he understood and he said yes. Jeremy and Rachel continued to be boyfriend and girlfriend and became the most popular couple in school. And once every week the transformed into their forms and bounded away.
The End
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