The mind is a chaotic thing. My mind has been
fractured., I fight against the darkness:. Fight against his wish to
release the right hand of the Bblood Emperor s. Soo that she may
start the process to free her beloved. However, in this world there
are so many who seek power. There is no one I can really trust, not
even my own mind. The few times my mind is free of Hhis influence; I
can sort out my chaotic thoughts. My mind is so fractured,. tThe few
times it is clear. I have no choice but to put my thoughts on to
paper. To fight the servant of the Bblood gGod, to prevent Hhis
release, I must use my knowledge to stop them. Ffrom ever finding out
how to do such a thing. I must find all the evidence that speaks of
Hhis beloved in this world and then find a way to destroy it. To keep
it hidden from my dark self-. Oonly allowing my clear mind to know.
This journal will help me when I have forgotten my role; it will aid
me to remember what the memory of my purpose is on this realm. Once
it has been done, I can finally rest. I
January 03/1813
This ancient castle hidden in the Alpine mountains
will serve my purpose. I will rebuild it using the powers of the Ice
Queen. Using science and the occult., I have shackled the Fae and can
now use her power as I see fit. Within these walls, I will construct
a device that will truly harness all of her might. The mountains have
the iron I need. The powers I have inherited from that cursed place,
will allow me to gather the rest. Time has no meaning for me. I will
never age,- a curse and a gift. This will give me time to build what
I need. In this place, I will discover where she slumbers. Once When
I do, I will destroy all I find will be destroyed and maybe by then,
I will have the knowledge to either destroy her sleeping body or find
a place outside of this reality, in which to trap her torpid form.
January 5/1817
All is complete, the powers of Mab is are now mine to
control. I have gone through the journal that was written by the Mage
scholar, which Dulac had in his possession. The memory of that place
and the knowledge I received from the creature. Hhas allowed me to
discover false information within those pages. I believe that
powerful occult mysticism has been use to hide the truth. However,
the scholar did manage to find some truth. The child and her name is
one such truth, but the year is off by close to 500,. tThe generals
and the creature have much truth. The story of the venture hasve
grains of truth. The hidden one is a misdirection. What I find
fascinating is that nothing is written on the Queen is written. Her
name is seared into my mind: Zianibelial Aknomsham Sukkalgir
Gal-shari. She who was born from the blood of the first Cainite, from
the land beyond the east. Her love,; a creature that has not walked
this earth in over 20 millennia. She is the key. How? I do not know.
All I know is that while my mind is still my own, I must focus it all
on finding her resting place. Then I must find some way to keep her
from ever walking this earth, again.
January 20/1817
Riddles and lies it is are all
I find. The truth is hidden. Even with the power of Mab I have a hard
time finding what I need. I must use my knowledge of science and the
occult. This alone may be the solution to this cursed mystery. I feel
Hhim trying to cloud my mind once again. I should be spending all my
time on my quest to find the qqueen. However, Hhis
never-endingnever-ending whispers wants me to worship her and free
her. He wants my love, this I cannot allow. She is so radiant it
makes my soul weep with joy. ENOUGH! I will use an art Hhe does not
comprehend,- that of science. My power lies in the knowledge I have
of the human body and mind. I have gathered so many specimens to test
on. Now I am finally starting to understand the workings of the
mind,. tThis I can use. Maybe I can use it to aid my master.....
March 28/1817
Africa, this is where my
research has led me. The black cursed continent, the so-called
Ccradle of Mman. Is this where Hhe came from,? nNo. Maybe this is
where hHe first subjugated hHis followers; so that they could aid
hHim, in bring the world under hHis rule. The knowledge toof her
location is hidden somewhere there. Still I hear hHis whispers, but
not for long. I have opened the minds of many;, studied their pulsing
brains,. Mmapped it them like a cartographer. Soon their secrets will
be mine. You hear that??. YOUR WHISPERS WILL NOT SWAY ME!!
June 4/1819
TOvert two years,. tTwo long
and arduours years of research and study,. cCarving and prodding the
minds of man, womaen, child and beast.. FFinally, I have come to
found a solution., a A way to keep his whispers at bay. His powers is
great., hHe is great and beautiful. However, I will finally keep Hhis
whispers away from my mind, for a time. Long enough at least. So that
I can to do what I must-. Tto destroy Hhis beloved and stop Hhim
from ever walking this earth once again.
August 15/1819
It is quiet now. His sweet
words are absent from Mmy mind is absent of his sweet words. My
experiment worked. In the end, I had to work on my own mind. Pierce
and prod it. Use both occult and scientific means of silencing him. I
happened to catch my own reflection. Those who once knew me would
have a hard time recognising me now. The experiment damaged much of
my flesh and bones. I have had to replace it, with that of other
beasts. My bones are no longer white and weaek, but hard and black.
They grind inside of me when I walk. However, I find the sound
soothing;. Ssomething to replace Hhis whispers,, which I find myself
missing. Now that hHe can no longer interfere., I will finally be
able to discover where she his hidden. Then I will do what I must.
July 21/1820
Egypt is where my research has
lead me. A land of sand and an unforgiving sun. By using the powers
of Mab., I have come across an ancient stone tablet. Wwritten in a
hieroglyphic language. After many nights of researchresearch, I
learned that it was Egyptian. I feel it in my iron bones, that this
ancient sand stone has contains a piece of the puzzle, which, which I
need to find the Queen. However, my knowledge in the Egyptian
language is lacking. I have however found out discovered that there
is an expert, one on ancient Egyptology in my old home, Paris. I will
travel there and invite Professor Jean-Franis
Champollion to my beautiful home.
September 26/1820
I spent quite some time in
Paris trying to convince the good professor to join me. During that
time, I had him look at the hieroglyphs that I discovered. He was
very interested in the ancient scripture, but he was not interested
in leaving Paris,. hHe was a man overly attached to his home. After a
month of trying to convince Jean-Francois and having him refuse me,.
I did not feel like I had time to continue this farce. Therefore, I
took him by force. I clouded his mind., Mmaking him believe that we
were only traveling within Paris. When I brought him out of the dream
-like state,, he started actingbecame hysterical., Sscreaming and
raving at me. I tried to quiet him and I accidentally crushed his
neck. As he was lying on the floor, trying to breathe through a
broken trachea. It was at this point, that, I realized that I could
gain his knowledge by consuming his mind. With the powers I possess
and the powers of Mab., I learned that if I consumed the brain I
would gain their knowledge. At first, it took me a few days to sort
out the useless memories, to from those I needed. Within a few days,
I had learned everything the professor knew about Egyptology. Now I
will study the ancient hieroglyphs. Maybe what I seek is hidden
within these ancient scriptures.
October 18/1820
Finally, I have discovered the
queen's last-known whereaboutsin what part of Egypt that the queen
was last known to be. It is: deep in in the deep south of the
Southern Sahara desert, f. Far from any other form of human
civilization. I have not narrowed it down further than that. However,
I have only deciphered half of the ancient Egyptian scripture. From
what I have managed to discovered so far, it seems that the Queen had
a following and that they builtd a temple for her and hid it by
occult means. A cult, those who worship her beauty and love.....
December 08/1820
In 1460 B.C., Hatshepsut, the
first female and most beloved ruler of Ancient Egypt started
construction in the far south of Egypt. It is rumoured that she was
building a temple to some unknown ancient creature. Could this be the
beloved queen of the bBlood Ggod? I must dig further into the life of
Hatshepsut. Maybe there will be more information somewhere in her
past. It is said that she died by mysterious means. It is quite
possible she never died, but left to be with her beloved Zianibelial.
As I suspected, a decade after
her death, a group of Ssetite elders used their influence over the
Ppharaoh Thutmose II. tTo send a massive army south. The army never
returned and of the four elder sSetites involved, only one had not
been destroyed two years after the army left for the south. I found
an ancient Egyptian parchment;. In it are the mad words of the
sSettite elder. He speaks of a great garden hidden by a circle of
mountains. In its centre, there is a massive pyramid, smooth as glass
and made of some kind of onyx. The temple seemed to have been formed
from a single piece. This masterwork could never have been formed by
the hand of man. Powerful arcane arts where used to construct this
unholy structure. He speaks of a jungle that surrounds the pyramid,
but it is completely without life. Standing within the ancient
forest, one feels likeas if one is being watched. The leaves do not
stir, the wind does not blow, there is not life within. Yet still the
Jungle is green and full of vigour. This I believe is the last known
resting place of the queen. Within I might find her sleeping form.
There is also talk of a hidden oasis. To find the temple, one has to
find the oasies. After having studied the history of Hatshepsut, I
have discovered where the secrets wheere hidden.: Wwith her high
priest. AThere is a rare carving was found of Hatshepsut and her high
priest Hapuseneb. I had to travel to London . Tto find the carving,
but once I did, I quickly figured out the answers. Like most things
ancient, the stars guided them.
January 28/1821
This obsidian pyramid is where
I must go. I have gathered a small expedition party. Using the power
that flow within my veins, I have cast an Illusion on myself. I have
Ggiven myself the appearance of Professor
Champollion. As him, I have announced this new expedition. It will
take some months of preparation for this trip. I have almost finished
deciphering the ancient stone tablet. It seems the starres will guide
me to where I will find the last piece of the puzzle: oin the
location of the Onyx temple of Zianibelial.
March 19/1821
I have finally arrived in Egypt. In two days, we are
to set out from Cairo, to find what I have spent the last century
trying to findsearching for. We must travel at night and rest during
the day,. iIf not, I will not be able to find the path to the lost
Ooasies. Maybe this will finally let allow me to find a way, to
release my soul from the shackles of the Bblood gGod. If not, then
perhapsmaybe I can destroy something that Hhe loves,; destroy the
only thing that can set Hhim free. HoweverOn
the other hand, maybe that is what I am meant to do, to free my
beloved Ggod andd. To allow hHis power ionto this world. NO! You will
not sway ME!!!!!
April 03/1821
For two weeks, we have travelled, always moving under
the cover of night. The night ais colder than I thought. However, the
skies are clear and the stars twinkle brightly in the darkness. This
has allowed me to guide use ever closer to the oasies. A few of the
locals, who were hired to carry our baggageed, have died. I made it
look likeappear as though they died from sickness, or exhaustion, and
one from the sting of a scorpion. So far, only four have perished.
The locals porters are whispering of a curse following this
expedition. I have started making a concoction that I will put in
their food and drink to. This will make them more docile and easier
to influence. I need them until we reach the oOasies, for I believe
that in order to find the ancient pyramid, I will need to sacrifice
many quiet a lot of them. After all, she is the queen to a blood god.
Her secrets can only be found, with the spilling of blood, the sweet
nectar of mortal life.
April 10/1821
Another local porter perished., tThe others
threreatened to leave. They started packing their belongings and when
one of mercenaries Ia brought with me tried to stop them, it sparked
a disturbancen anger. Things got a bit rough, and had I not
intervened I am sure that lives would have been lost, w. Which would
behave been a waste. My alchemical concoction worked and when I spoke
to them I used a trickle of my powers, just enough to soothe their
minds. Eventually they all calmed down, but. However, not before
looking to one man amongst them. I believe this to be their leader. I
must talk to him in private;, bind his will to mine so that there
will be no more interruptions on this trip.
April 20/1821
Finally! I have found it. After over a month of
travelling in this wasteland of blistering heat and bone chilling
cold,. I have discovered the oasies. Even with all the information I
had, we almost missed it. The oasies is hidden in a basin, surrounded
by sand stones. It was not until one of the mercenaries almost fell
in that we discovered it. The basin is manmade, and so, I believe, is
the oasies,. aA mixture of human ingenuity and occult means has made
this place possible. It has remained for over two thousand years. It
took us some time to figure out how to get down there., Tthe old path
having been worn away by sand, wind and time. Eventually I sent down
one my mercenaries with a rope. , wWhen the locals porters saw that
it was safe, they quickly started the construction of a lift, with
ropes and pulleys. We will spend some time here until I find the
answers I seek.
April 25/1821
This place is riddled with
secrets. So far, I have not found anything to indicate where I should
travel, or how to find the hidden temple. The good thing is that the
locals seemed to have relaxed. This place seems to have a soothing
effect on the mortals. This might be some kind of mystical trap,.
Mmaking the mortals lethargic. However, I have not found any remains
of other mortals, s. So I might be mistaken. Finding what I need
might take more time than I thoughtat first thought.
May 02/1821
After days of searching, I discovered a small tunnel
hidden by a brush and sand. At first there seemed to be nothing
significant inside. It looked like a storage area, where I found
broken pieces of pottery. However, uUpon a closer inspectioncloser
inspection, I noticed something odd about the walls. What at first
lookeds like scratches weare in fact ancient hieroglyphs, and along
with what could be ancient a Alchemymical symbols. I must study
theise. Hidden within could be the answers I am searching for.
May 16/1821

These symbols I believe these symbols are to be what
I have been looking for. I believePerhaps they are some kind of
formula for a concoction that will allow me to see the hidden temple.
There is also another verse from the poem that was found on the tomb.
It reads:
"My eyes were opened Once when I drank the elixir
of the queen,. my eyes where opened and hHer temple was revealled to
me after I had marched for another 14 nights safe in the safe palm of
I believe that once I have worked out the formula
that is spoken of, I must leave the oOasis. Then finally, I will find
the lost temple of my master's beloved queen. No! She is not
beloved, but a curse upon this world!!!
May 25/1821
Fascinating. This formula is something I must record
down in my notes. It lets allows one to see look into another world
of sorts,. It lets one see through the veil into a place hidden
between the umbra and this world.
The great thing is that the herbs and plants needed
to create this concoction isare located within the ohis Oasis. I
believe they were planted here for the followers of the queen. Why
was the formula carved into the tunnel walls? Madness perhaps?
June 11/1821
Amazing! As I stand here upon a mountain range in the
middle of the desert, looking I look down into a jungle. This is what
Egypt might have looked like before it turned into the desert it is
now:. Ggiant palm trees;, lush, green, tropical trees that I have
never seen before seen., pPlants and bushes in red, dark purples,
yellows and pinks dots the hidden jungle. In the middle of this lost
jungle, rising out of it for close to a hundred meters, is the lost
onyx pyramid. As I walk down and old woarn path that might have been
stairs carved into the rock, I notice that the jungle is completely
silent. The further in I walk, the more I notice the absences of
life. The only sounds I hear areis the slight rustle of the trees and
plants as the wind caresses them, and that of water,, most likely
from a river nearby. Of the 150 I men I brought with me on this trip,
only 40 remain. The other lives where well used. Those that are left
are loyal to me, mercenaries that I spend good coin on. Then aAs the
days and nights passed, I mixed my blood into their food, combining
that with the powers I now wield. They are as loyal to me as a hounds
to theirits master, or . Eeven more so. Tomorrow I will study the
black pyramid more closerly. I have a feeling that more blood must be
spilled, so that I might discover the secrets within.
June 13/1821
My assumption was confirmedAs I thought. aAfter a
long night of study, and with the help of the mystic powers that
course through my unnatural frame., I was able to learn of how to
gain entrance to the pyramid.: I need the blood of a mortal. I asked
one of the mercenaries to sacrifice himself for greatness. With
honeyed words and unnatural means, he agreed with a smile. I hung him
upside down from a tree and slit his throat, draining his blood into
a bucket. This I poured his lifeblood onto the pyramid's eeastern
side. The blood revealled a Babylonian inscription, ure. Aa language
in which I am well versed in. It spoke of the great Qqueen, and of
what one must do to enter this sacred place. One musthas to speak the
right words and PUT put pressure on the correct sequenceins of

These fFive of these speak of her beloved; pressing
them in the right sequence will open the gates of this dark place,
and. Where I will finally find what I seek.
July 14/1821
Over a month has passed,of searching and avoiding
deadly traps and spells hidden within. All those I brought with me
have given their lives. Had it not been for the unnatural strength
and resilience of my mind and body, I too would have perished.
Nevertheless, I have finally found her resting place, or where she
once did rest. Her sleeping form is not within the onyx and marble
sarcophagus. At first, I raged, tearing great chunks out of the walls
and shattering statues of ancient gods. However, when I calmed down
I realised that the coffin is carved in the shape of the ancient
queen. The image is that of a wingless anglel lying on a bed of
stars. Her body is carved in the purest snow white marble, lying atop
and onyx bed studded with diamonds. and Oon the sides are Sumerian
glyphs in gold, telling a story. The one, who carved this, could not
have been a mortal man, but something much more. The statue looks so
much alive, that at any moment I am expecting her to awaken. ,
wheneverAs I walk around the room, it feels like the head and eyes
are moving following my every step. Maybe a part of her was fused
within this masterful work of art. The closer I look, the more I
felel her embrace andto her pure angelic voice telling me how to free
my beloved master. Arrg! No my mind is my OWN!
I now know how to track her down. With this image, I
can use an ancient spell that I stole from the mind of an ancient
Tremere. With her image, I can finally track her movement.
September 10/1821
I tried to destroy as much as I could, but I could
not bring myself to the destroy that beautiful coffin. At least, not
at first. I think I might have forced myself to do it. I am not sure.
My mind has becaome more fractured a few days after I discovered her
sarcophagus. Something drove me away. No, I did destroy it. Ah, again
I can again hear hHis whispers, luring me into releasing her and
serving Hhim. I must get back to my stronghold. I must pierce my mind
with iIron and science. I must remove Hhim firrom my soul. Science,
mysticism, the occult, all of it I will use to quiet Hhis beautiful