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Caleb and Maria had fled to Nagoya Japan. Now on the streets, how do they survive? |
Two Gods existed, Sol and Luna. They were exact opposites of each other. Day and night, sun and moon, life and death, creation and destruction. Yet against all odds they fell in love with each other, completely infatuated with one another. Together, they had created the world - including planet Earth. As years passed on, Sol had shown Luna his latest invention- Humans - he fell in love with them, watching them for years to come. Luna had grown jealous. So, he hatched a plan, with his powers of destruction he created a new species : Excis. Whose sole purpose was to eradicate the Human race, with their power they had killed more than half of the Humans. Sol had almost immediately noticed, yet pretended to feign ignorance. He knew it was Luna's doing, only when the Humans were on the brink of extinction did he finally step in and confronted the other God. "Luna," he said. Luna looked up at him, his violet eyes almost glowing. "Yes..?" He sang, a sweet smile graced his young face, tilting his head sideways, his snow white hair moved as his head did. "The mess on planet Earth, you did it, did you not?" Luna's eyes widened, his entire body tensed, his smile became forced and unnatural. "What do you mean?" "Do not feign ignorance at me." Luna's eyes were guarded, not even the slightest hint of emotions could possibly be seen, only a frown could possibly help to guess his emotion. It was obvious. Displeasure. "Luna, stop this madness," Sol said as Luna's expression bursted into life, anger. "Madness? MADNESS?!" He screeched, his eyes flared a strong purple as he let himself go. "You are only wasting your time, Humans die out at an incredibly fast rate. What is SO interesting about them?" "Even so, it does not give you the right to quicken their process of death." He was calm, neutral. It only made Luna to fume more. A dark energy surrounded him, if any one else was here they would have died instantly, but it was Sol, a fellow God. The horns on his head grew and curved even more, the small diamond shaped horn on the middle of his forehead grew while two more sprouted next to it on each side. His black nails grew longer, sharper and deadly, they didn't need the name 'nails' no, they were more like claws than anything. They fought that day - or was it night? Nonetheless, they had. Sol had created another race - Roria - he gave them the gift of fire. With this blessing, they had protected humanity from the creatures of the night, for their weakness was fire. This greatly enraged the God of night, he realised at this rate HIS creations would be the ones obliterated instead. As the war raged on, He appeared, giving the Excises a blessing, a gift of new found power. They grew horns, with these horns they were granted immense power, that was when they realised they finally stood a chance against the Rorians. Older generations were rumored to have even more power, their horns darker with more dormant power that was preserved for thousands of years. Later, the two Gods Sol and Luna had increasingly gotten more distance, their thrones in the God Realm 'Lumi' had started to stray away from each other, turning around so that their backs would face the other's. It signaled the split in Lumi. One of light, life and mercy while the other of darkness, death and brutality. "The God of death Luna swore vengeance on Human kind." With that, she closed the book. Young Rorians stared at her in disbelief. "That's so sad! Why would Luna betray Sol?" A girl bursted into tears, a huge pout on her face at the God's betrayal. She instantly placed her index finger to her lips, a small, sad smile on her face. "Shh.. You shouldn't address the God's so casually, nor should you assume." The young girl nodded her head viciously, a wide smile on her face. "Yes ma'am! I hope that Sol forgives me!" She raised her eyebrow, the little girl blinked then quickly realised her mistake and nervously rubbed her neck, a smile on her face. "Whoops.." "I'm sure that the God of sun would forgive you this one time. Try not to for now on, okay?" "Right." She nodded her head. "Maria!" She turned backwards towards the voice that called her name, her eyes widened when you saw the familiar figure sprinting towards her at an alarming speed. "Cale-" before she could even finish her word, their bodies collided, the children merely watched - most likely giggling at her suffering. "Sorry?" He nervously said, almost as though it was a question, a sheepish smile on his face. She only sighed, "may Lord of life always keep you safe from your idiotic ways." He pouted at this, standing up and dusting off imaginary dust from his shoulders. Offering his hand to the still-on-the-floor Maria. Maria rolled his eyes but took his hand anyway, with that he hoisted her up. "Think before you take action Caleb," she chided him. "I'm surprised you're not in the 'killed in action' category." "How harsh, stop exaggerating!" He whined while she merely sighed. "Brother Caleb!" A child yelled, delight clearly ringing in his voice, the group of children rushed around him. Maria smiled at the sight, "honestly, if you die all of us would be sad. So don'ot die," she muttered under her breath. "Oi, Maria we have to go, damn Cap'ain wants us." "Never say 'Cap'ain' again." She deadpan. "Nevermind that now, we've gotta go," she nodded this time. "Do you have to go?" The same young girl asked, who she knew as Alicia. "Don't be worried, we'll be back," she smiled softly, then, they left. "I see you've been telling stories of Sol and Luna," Maria instantly scolded him. "Don't address Them so casually, dimwit." Hitting his head rather hard. "Ow!" He winced. "The God of death would curse you to eternal death," she warned him, he would always shake his head and say 'but that's a mouthful.' This situation wasn't much different. That's what he has always said, she silently mused to herself. "Anyway, do you know what the Captain wants?" She asked but Caleb just shrugged his shoulders. "No freaking clue. You know she basically never tells us unless it's at the very last second, procrastination is the Captain's spirit animal." Maria snorted at this, she twirled and flicked his forehead. "You should keep your mouth sealed. If the Captain heard you you'd be dead meat." He only shrugged again, rubbing the spot she had 'hit' him while glaring at her. Before Caleb could come up with some 'awesome' come back, Maria had interrupted his train of thought. "We're here," sure enough, they were right outside of the Captain's office door. "Hey Cal-" much like a few minutes ago she was cut off by him again but this time by opening the door, it slammed hard on the other side. Maria muttered under her breath, what the hell is he thinking?! Striking orange eyes met hers, a tall female with her black hair tied back in a messy ponytail that laid on her left shoulder. Maria took note that she had her feet on her desk and her clothes were more formal than usual. "Meeting," she said simply, glancing at Maria with a smirk as Maria flushed in embarrassment as she realised that the Captain must have noticed her staying her down. "Hey, Liria, wha'da ya want?" Caleb asked, placing his hands behind his head. Maria elbowed him hard in the ribs, Caleb hunched over and visibly looked in pain. "What the hell Maria?!" He exclaimed, glaring at her from behind his fiery bangs. "You're of a lower rank than the Captain Liria. You will treat her as such," Maria lectured him, shaking her head. "Continue this and you will be arrested for disrespecting the even more higher ups - no offence Captain," Maria quickly added, giving a slight glance at her. "It doesn't help that you're disrespecting the Gods, especially God of death Luna. He will end you." She added quietly to herself. Liria coughed, drawing both of their attentions back to her. Maria flushed again, even redder than she already was. "Sorry, Captain." She quickly apologised while Liria only waved her hand dismissively. "No worries." "Anyway, you must be wondering why you're here." Liria began, pausing to look at her underlings' reactions, they didn't seem to have too dramatic of a reaction. They don't seem to be too surprised, she thought, quickly going back to speaking to avoid awkwardness. "Excises has recently started to appear in Tokyo Japan, we're currently unsure about their whereabouts so we've decided to send out some of our Rorians." Their eyes widened, in unison they exclaimed, "what? Why us?" "Who's going to take care of the children to?" Maria added at the end. "Don't worry about the kids, we'll have some people to take care of them. Two, we're currently low on members as the more capable members are already out on their own missions. You two are the only ones who could possibly be capable with this mission. And no, it can't be pushed back, this is compulsory. You'll be heading off nine am sharp in a helicopter for a twelve hour journey. No arguments, you two are dismissed." She quickly said, not letting any time for either to interrupt. Caleb and Maria blinked once, twice, thrice. "Wai-" now before Caleb could finish, Maria had grabbed his arm, pulled him out and softly closing the door behind her in one quick motion. "Lesson twenty eight, no talking back." "But what the hell is she thinking?!" He screeched, not failing to hear the faint sound that sounded awfully like laughter coming from the Captain's office. "I won't last long in a plane!" "Helicopter," she corrected him, he glared at her. "Shut up." "C'mon, let's go." They were right outside their room now, Caleb swung it open hard, directly going towards and flopping onto his bed. The bed gave out a slight creak noise because of the sudden weight that had been thrown onto it - literally. Feeling something hit the back of his head hard, he grumbled in annoyance, he could already hear her angry voice before it even came. "What was that act you pulled on? You can't keep doing that." "Will you just stop? You're not my mother, I can look after myself and I certainly don't need you're help." He snapped right back at her, silence filled the air. Uneasiness crept its way inside of his stomach, guilt wasn't present however, he was still a bit too mad to realise it. He heard her footsteps, a door opened, it closed, then footsteps again and another door closed. He thought she just went to go take a shower, and she'd change and go to sleep. Caleb was intent on getting some sleep in, he didn't really care that he hasn't showered or whatever, those were for the weak after all. Either way, he'll do that later. Loud bangs bursted to life, awakening Caleb from his rather peaceful dream of getting some romance - but that isn't necessary right now. Getting up, he ignored the pain in his back and neck that must have formed from his awkward sleeping position last night. "What is that?" He murmured quietly to no one in particular. He quickly grabbed his sheathed sword and attached it to his still-wearing-yesterdays-clothes pants. "Caleb," he turned to see Maria who was holding her right hand out, forming a miniature fire while the other was holding some bag. Probably clothes and other necessities. Smart girl. "We've gotta go, c'mon," she whispered, gesturing towards the door. He only nodded. They briskly walked through the dark hallways, the sound of their feet pounding on the ground unnerved them, making them stay on end. The only light source they had was coming from Maria's hand and if anything were to happen to it, they'd be trapped in Darkness's ice cold embrace. "Excises, have they enter the base?" It was a rhetorical question, Caleb knew and he knew that she wouldn't want to hear the answer to it. "You two!" Their body postures in an instant turned tense, Caleb slowly reached to his sheathed sword. "Kid no worries, it's me, Liria." Sure enough it was her, no one else had quite the same feral yet friendly orange eyes as her. "Captain!" Maria exclaimed, quickly moving towards her. Liria brushed her off, shaking her hands as if to loosen them. Opening her right hand a fiery axe materialised, first by fire then shaping itself in the general shape of her weapon and then extinguishing itself, leaving the weapon behind. Her axe had a leather hilt that had silver carved into it with rubies dotting all over the place. The rest was a burning white, covered in flames - it made burning white quite literal. "The kids, are they okay?" Liria looked into Maria's worried full face, a look unreadable appeared on Liria's face. "Unfortunately, it seems that they broke in from the orphanage. It is unclear the status of the children." Maria's face instantly fell. "I suggest you summon your weapon Maria, and Caleb I'm hoping you brought your sword..?" Liria said, trying to distract Maria from thinking about the orphans while Caleb nodded his head, looking down at his sheathed sword. Jealousy filled his heart. "Good, since a few Excises are almost here. A good dozen at least." Shadows loomed over them, they knew it wasn't theirs. No, there was literally hundreds of them appearing from different and every angle. Fortunately they could see better with not only Maria's fire but with an axe that practically acted as a giant torch. All at once, a couple dozen lunges towards Maria who was the closet, Maria instinctively closed her eyes to prepare for the pain, she knew she couldn't summon her weapon in the split second she was given. It was impossible. She felt no pain, opening her eyes she could see cracks in between her and the Excises, crackles of fire magic and howls of pure agony echoed through the empty hallways that made Maria shiver. No doubt it was Liria's doings. Her reaction time was supreme and her accuracy was deadly sharp. Is this the true power of a Captain? Caleb gape at her, shivering at the thoughts of the other Captains that were spread out through the continents. "Hurry up, we have to leave," she said, rushing forward with graceful yet sharp movements. This wasn't the time to play. As they ran, they had to strain their ears to hear her hushed voice. "You must've already guessed this was an Excise attack and now they're invading everywhere in the base. Those cowards.." She jerked her weapon hand backwards, Maria just barely missed being hit by it. "The hell ?" Caleb cursed under his breath, stopping as the rest did. Fiery, almost white fire rocketed forward in an ark. Briefly, very briefly both Caleb and Maria made out multiple silhouettes as the fire traveled. Sounds of howling and sizzling re-entered the hallway. "Stay on guard or else you'll be killed." She murmured the advice, she was always quite the blunt person. "Weapons out," she hurriedly added. Maria bit her right index finger with her suddenly elongated canine tooth, the blood flickered to life, fire danced then formed itself into something bigger, greater. Twirling the rod of fiery death, she swung it, all the fire that covered her weapon shot out into the attack, making the fireball unusually big. The weapon that was a scythe was made out of jet black metal that shone in the light Liria's axe provided. It was no where as intricate as Liria's axe but it was black with a red streak that glows, no hilt or anything, it just curved around her body. Her eyes morphed into the same as Liria's. Cool cat like orange eyes. Caleb merely unsheathed his sword, it looked like any other iron sword, the only somewhat remarkable thing about it was the ruby that was embedded in the blade. It didn't do anything. Familiar feelings filled his heart, anger, jealousy and he hated it, hated how he gave in to his envy. Luna be damned. Rorians were given the gift of fire by the God, Sol. They were able to conjure fire and even summon a weapon that could burst into powerful flames. Effectively injuring, fatally wounding or even death to an Excis. Yet when there comes great power comes some 'malfunctions,' some weren't born with these powers and they were called 'Deformities.' Caleb was one of those people. Yes, they were still seen as Rorians it's just that their general worth is greatly diminished, they obviously aren't the same level as Humans as Rorians' mentally and physically as well as their senses are naturally superior. Only in recent years they had created weapons for Deformities so that they could help protect Humans. The weapons were of course, weaker than really ones, their flames smaller, weaker and simply colder, they were only poor imitations of the real thing. But it didn't matter. Why couldn't I have it? He thought bitterly as he raised his sword to stand in a defensive stance, his grip on his sword painfully hard. How come it had to be me? Why not Maria? Or even the Captain? His eyes widened, mentally growling and smacking himself for his selfish thoughts. Shut up. "You're outmatched, come out!" Liria ordered, raising her axe above her head, ready to strike. "Or else..." She let that threat finish itself. Laughter echoed through the hallway, making both Caleb and Maria a bit uneasy. Stepping out of the shadows, someone that looked around their age had walked out. Blonde, poofy, curly shoulder length hair, blue eyes with cat like slits as pupils stared at them. Oh, and let's not forget the horns or the cocky smirk imprinted on his porcelain face. "You're young, judging by your horns." Kiria said. "Yeah," he agreed. His horns were quite small, only seeing a mere few inches because of his mop of hair, they were a pale blue, almost like crystals and probably would shatter like crystals. Waving his left hand, he summoned a long chain made of ice, grabbing hold of one end the other wrapped around him, it poised right above his head, the end looked sharp and was giving off the smoke that all Excises has, it seemed that his was purple. With a sudden jerk of his arm, the chain lunges towards the momentarily stunned Liria who threw down her axe into the ground. Ice met fire. The smoke subsided, Liria's axe still gripped in her hand while the chain was waving in an almost hypnotic elegance, like a snake. "Not bad for a Rorian." He said, a wide grin on his face. "No matter, I'll have your head in the end." Caleb's eyes widened. What the? An Excis's weapon should have sizzle and disappear, yet his hasn't. "You're far from home, Valor. Just what is one of you doing here?" He shrugged his shoulders casually, "brother sent me. Can't say no can I?" His grin grew impossibly wide as the purple smoke left his mouth. Lunar, a smoke or breath produced by Excises for means of procreation, defence or to attack. This purple smoke was absorbed by his weapon, making it spread everywhere and cover the chain, making it grow in size and length. His crazed eyes never faltering. "Run!" Liria yelled, turning her head to them, Caleb and Maria's eyes widened. "Bu-" "No buts! This is an order!" "How sickening. Do you underestimate me? Turning away from your enemy that's right in of you. We'll see when you're dead peasant," he spat, sending his chain hurling towards her. "Now!" She screeched, smashing her weapon again into the ground, fire and cracks erupting. Caleb nor Maria looked back. With the light Maria briefly conjured and the light Caleb willed his sword to make, they were able to get away with rather minor injuries. At the end it looked to be covered by ice, snow and frost. "What is this?" Caleb whispered, touching it with his hand. Instinctively he retracted his hand from it, it felt as though it was burning. "Idiot, that's made from an Excis's breath or otherwise smoke if that rings any bell, Lunar. Breathing it in or touching it for long periods of time could kill you. I'll take care of it." With a swing of her scythe, she cast a series of fire magic towards it. It didn't do too much so she continued bombarding it with more fire. From how quickly itt was destroyed, she had estimated it was clear that this was made from Excis lackeys. Together they rushed out. A helicopter stood there, it's propellers were frozen in place. "What are we going to do now?" Caleb asked in a panic. "I think I can fix it," Maria murmured. "Get in," she added, throwing her bag in and jumping on top of the helicopter. "Hey, Maria! What are you doing?" He asked as he entered inside the helicopter. "You know how to start a helicopter, right?" He scolded almost instantly, "of course I do!" "Good, start it up now." He complied to what she had said, slightly uneasy since she was STILL up there. A cold realisation hit him. "Don't worry, it's no Human helicopter, it knows where it's going. "Oh." He heard the faintest sound of a snort, almost completely blocked by the helicopter's noise. "Twelve hours, huh?" He let out a groan. |