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Rated: E · Short Story · Cultural · #2141777
A Future Short Story

A Short Story

Do not Underestimate the Future

Tri Budhi Sastrio

Finally, the final word was obtained. Tomorrow afternoon, at Santi's house a discussion about the future seminar will be held. The committee is five, so with Santi who hosts all six. Initially, six people agreed to be the organizing committee of the seminar with the theme 'Past, Present and Future'. Because the sponsors get the coolest, the preparation should be more mature.
'It's not easy to get sponsors who want to pour out tens of millions for an unclear seminar for what and what's the result', Sawung made this comment after the certainty was gained. 'Therefore, we cannot play around.'
Playing around? Play your baldness. When do we ever play around? Kasidi did not say anything but his eyebrows frowned as if he echoes loudly his silent protest.
'But we're never playing around,' Kumantar answered straightforwardly. "We never play games, Wung. Well, do not let Mr. Ratno hear your stupid comments. If the flow of funds stops because your stupid tongue tells unclear thing such as to what and what the results of this seminar, are not we all also who will lose money?'
This is true. He he he ... this friend is okay. Sawung should say that later, and not like now. Not five yards out of Mr. Ratno's magnificent office, eh his stupid comment is uttered and makes the ears becoming red..
'Yes,' Sawung answered softly. Either was affected by Kumantar's rebuke, either because of another reason, but the volume dropped dramatically. 'Let's talk about a little bit of the implementation technique so Mr. Ratno will not give up if he is visited again sometime in the future for help.'
The four of us nodded. Himawan smiled broadly. Agrees. And so, the final decision was taken after Santi and Suwarno were contacted. Discussions will be held at Santi's house to establish all details of the required activities.


The next afternoon at Santi Guntara's house.
'We start with the big theme, ok,' Santi opened the conversation after the six of us sat comfortably on the living room sofa. Four types of wet cakes are on the table plus two peanut jars. Two large coca-cola bottles, six plastic cups with an ice-tube are also on the table. "No change, right?"
Kasidi slowly raised his hands. Santi watched as she stared slightly.
'I have a suggestion.'
'Yes ...'
'Do not be what yesterday imagined but it should be reversed.'
Three were silence. They did not respond. One looked up and one frowned as he goggled his eyes. This one was Santi.
'After reflecting on this theme all night, I felt something was wrong. It should be more fitting 'The Future, The Current and the Past.'
If you think it's the same, well you're wrong. Even the difference may be like earth and sky ...
'Why? Because it turns out to be that future is the most influential one. The present and the past are influenced by the future. Not the other way around. Without a definite future, then there is no present today and also is the past. So ... '
Now all the heads looked up and eyes widened. Santi's most rounded and most compelling eye. Well, Kasidi the bumpkin starts pretending like a scientist ... insolent, philosophy is okay but do not be ahead of us Di ... Di ...
Comments may be prolonged if Kasidi's voice does not cut off the silent protest.
'Yes ... yes ... I know you must be surprised, do not believe, refuse, or whatever the name. I know that, but this one is true, even very true. Thinking all night made me sure, and now that after all the sessions and sessions on this theme seized all the attention, I was even more convinced that ... 'Kasidi did not go on.
He he he ... you must be curious, right? If I fail to reverse things that have not been reversed in your brain, do not call me Kasidi this rascal village ...
'That what?' Kumantar shouted out loud. 'You are indeed sontoloyo. Everywhere is the past or the present that affects the future. Is your brain upside down?'
The others almost simultaneously tilted their lips. Not only your lips are tilted, your brain is also tilted not necessarily understand what I mean ...
'My brain is still okay. Not upside down and will never reverse. I am more and more convinced that my thinking is correct. It is the future that has the most powerful and greatest ability to affect many things including the present and the past. It is absurd that the present, especially the past, has such a big influence that it can influence or even change the future. The future has a decisive influence. Not the present. Not the past. '
He he he ... if it starts like this I'm sure your worm's brain, though played fast will not understand and probably will never understand ... your style can be urban but the brain will remain a fringe ...
'Di ... Kasidi ...,' Sawung spoke up.
Sawung's complete name was the most frivolous name. Either being possessed what his father used to be until his son was named Sawung Paling Galing. Bah ... if Sawunggaling is there, but Sawung Paling Galing, in the whole world just this one.
'What does not make sense is you. How can it be said that the future determines the present and the past? Heh ... how can that be? You are really not just an upside-down brain, Di, but also your soul, your heart, your conscience. Let's you explain this somewhat nonsense reverse idea.'
That is nonsense it's you, man. Inconsequential and incomprehensible. Inconsequential plus stupid and not smart. Well ...
'This is not an upside-down idea or an inconsequential one. It will definitely be explained but for fear you do not understand then the most appropriate way is not starting with explanation but starting with the example, then just the explanation. How? Agreed? Do not mind? If ... '
'Just a minute,' now Santi is cutting quickly. Her eyes were not wide-eyed but her tone of voice was even more stony. Not too hard but fierce feels pounding the comfortable room. Well, you'd better sit down and listen, honey. Your brain certainly cannot reach this problem. Frying eggs or cooking stir-fry high, you can, but interrupting the conversation about the future that determines all things, well ... how can ... this is related to the intelligence, sweetheart, and you do not have what we call the intelligence, if you have probably just a little ...
'You are not joking, or being outsmarting us, or practicing your madness, are you?' Santi continued in a rising tone. Her eyes were not already glaring but the glow of her eyes as sharp as a razor cut through Kasidi from right to left. What kind of a joke, lady? Of course not. I'm serious, and now it's very, very serious.
'Of course I'm not joking or trying to outsmart. I'm being very serious. It's an important issue, deep, complicated, and requires intelligent people to understand it. So how can I be joking. I know you may not be smart enough to understand his philosophical concepts but by using the tail-head-tail method, I'm sure you guys ... '
'Crazy indeed,' Sawung interrupted loudly. 'If the five of us are less intelligent, does that mean you are smarter than us? Bah, you are not just a brazen but also a bastard. If it's on the road now, I'll rob you.' Although the sound remained loud but there was a mischievous smile on Sawung's lips. Kasidi is well known, and probably more intelligent than the five, but it is clear Kasidi is not the smartest. There is still Himawan, there is still Santi, also himself. Is he less intelligent than the Kasidi? Seriously ...
Aha, you are being catched now. Your stupid brain can help me.
'That said not me but you,' Kasidi continued, smiling sweetly. 'The explanation will be put after the example. While the examples are so many even almost infinite, so you do not have to worry about lack of explanation.'
Sawung shook his head. Slowly but repetitive. How's asshole ...
'Even one of the greatness of the future is the ability to compel it to make absolutely no choice in the present and the past. So, once the future decides something, then it binds the present and the past. The bonds are so strong and powerful that there is absolutely no opportunity or choice for the present and the past except to carry out what the future dictates.'
Ha ha ha ... what's your small brains can follow my words? Just listen, it's safer. Do not pretend to discuss or argue. Your brain is too small even to digest a small part of this concept ...
'Well it seems more and more inconsequential. The future of determining the present and the past is obviously inconsequential and the determination is very binding and no choice. Well, Kasidi when he was recurring was like this ... '
Santi nods, others almost do the same.
Recurrent? Your crawling knee ... bastard ...
'Not at all inconsequential, not at all recurring, but you are not inconsequential either, even though saying something is inconsequential when something is obviously not inconsequential. You are not inconsiderate because you do not understand but if later after given the example plus explanation and still adamant with his opinion then at that time indecent label can be installed in their forehead. What do you think?'
All frowned. This is completely inconsequential and unclear. Like a tangled thread. Pulled here tangled, pulled there tangled. Silence wrinkled, drawn more wrinkled. Left still complicated, talk more complicated. Well if this goes on, not only the words of Kasidi that will make our minds tangled but also my living room must also be crumpled too. Action must be taken, but what kind of action? Like if it's like this, Kasidi can be stopped? To my knowledge it's hard to stop this one ...
'Now start with just one example. Reviewed, discussed, and then conclude whether or not it is true if the future - or something in the future - determines the present and the past plus a condition that must be accepted that the future has no choice in the present and the past. The decisive future and its provisions are almost absolute. Not negotiable. The present and the past can only be obedient, subservient and follow what is determined by the future. He he he ... what do you think? Ready to hear the explanations that long time ago only the gods and philosophers could hear?'
The five of them stared at each other. A mixture of annoyance and helplessness is evident. Kasidi may be a rural villager, or a desperate villager, but in terms of discussions and debates, perhaps the spirits of Plato and Socrates and Aristotle collaborate giving eternal and lasting energy to this one man to endure for hours and never run out of material for defend his opinion.
Let alone you guys who are a kind of these cockroaches, who belong to the experts can certainly be a brave if dare 'head to head' against the concept of future determinants of the present and past. Check out the cockroaches, tadpoles, ants, mosquitoes, bedbugs, check carefully ...
'This is the first and the most absurd and vague example. Other examples that are more cespleng more accurate and irrefutable are the number of warehouses. '
There was silence. Bloody blood flowing because the irritated brain tells the heart to pump more blood to fill the room. As if given a bell, a quick five heartbeats pitched clearly. Only Kasidi's heart beating normally seems even more relaxed. All waiting for an example to be given by Kasidi. An example that supposedly confirms that what is in the future becomes the determinant of the present and the past. Examples of it will be immediately blaring in this room. Wall clocks, tables, chairs, sofas, carpets, imitation paintings, lamps, food, and others are also waiting. They are annoyed but curious. They bo-hwat, they powerless, they run out of reason, but what else can be done besides waiting.
Then, the first example slid out of Kasidi's mouth.
'For in the future there is death then the present and the past have no other option - repeat: have no choice - except to bring life.'
He he he ... how are you cockroaches, tadpoles, ants, mosquitoes and bedbugs? Do not understand yet? Of course ...
'I repeat once again, yes. I see your face like a rhinoceros looking at a beautiful bikini woman in broad daylight. Because in the future there is death then the present and past have no other option - repeat: have no choice - except to bring life. '
He he he ... if phrases like male rhino see bikini beautiful woman in broad daylight, that's my composition, so do not bother to search for hidden meaning because it does not exist and may never exist. Then what is the relationship face young anda male rhino with a bikini woman with this discussion? Absolutely nothing, right? The rhino is not there, the bikini woman does not exist, so the rhinos' features of the face can be ascertained. There is only this discussion and of course the romance of your face.
'If in the future there is no death then the present and the past have absolutely no obligation to present life. Since death in the future exists and certainly exists, the present and the past have absolutely no choice but to present life. Death certainly existed in the future then the consequences of tying it to the present and the past must present life. It should be not. Must and should. '
Let's try to argue this, surely not, right? Your five levels are too far down. Can understand a little is good. How?
'So the present life turns out to be a logical consequence and a consequence of future death. If death does not exist, life has no obligation to be present at this time. Or in other words life now exists because in the future there is death. So it is irrefutable if the future determines the present and the past. '
The room was silent. Then silence. Then really quiet. Then really soundless. Then frozen. Then it frozed. Which sounds just the heartbeat of each. The rest does not exist. Kasidi's words were spinning three or four more times in the room before finally disappearing. Absorbed bu silence, absorbed by soundless, absorbed by the frozen air.
'Because in the future there is life, then in the past and in the present there must be a birth. There should be birth now and in the past because in the future it is certain there is life. How then does future life gain its legitimacy and authority if present and past births do not exist? So the conclusion is the future that has the determining authority.'
The silence grew quiet, the silence grew quieter. He he he ... it will silence you all the cockroaches, tadpoles, ants, mosquitoes and bedbugs ... let's try to argue this bumpkin but sounding argument ...
'Another more obvious and more expressive example, like this ...'
Kasidi stood, stepping toward the small yellow-painted chair in the corner.
'This yellow chair is there today and it will still be in the future. In the past, before painted yellow, this chair would have been there. Well, because in the future this seat will appear as a chair painted yellow, then the past did not have a choice, repeat: have no other choice, unless someone has to paint this chair with yellow. Not another color. Although the color choices are many, there are hundreds of colors, but for this seat can only be painted yellow and cannot be painted others, or at least in the end only and only painted yellow because in the future this seat should be there and will only be painted yellow.'
Then, just like a machine gun that kept the trigger pressed, Kasidi's explanation continued to slide. Hundreds of words, with the keywords of the future, the future, and the future, glide quietly but on and on and on and on. The spacious room was slowly but surely began to be filled with all the areas with the explanation of Kasidi. The most influential is the future. The future has the decisive authority. The future determines the past. The future is the most powerful. Et cetea. Et cetera. Do not stop. Not pause. Continue to slide, keep pounding.
The listener can only be silent. Do not know what to say. Too many and probably too complicated for them. The decisive future? Well how can it be? How does something that factually does not exist yet become a determinant for the past? What is clearly there is not necessarily a decisive binding authority, let alone a clear one yet. But Kasidi, smooth and without pause, slow but clear, complex but straightforward, at once pithy, continues to bombard their brains and minds with its concepts. The concept of the future. The defining concept lies in the things that are in the future. Not the present, let alone the past. Only the future, future and future.


Kasidi became the moderator. Not because he is great, but because he is a bumpkin, because he has a village's style. For this kind of theme, it takes a great man who is a plebeian, an intelligent man of despair, a rude but brilliant person, a man of staunch but rather charming, and a person like this is Kasidi's only, once the seminar committee agrees. Therefore, he is the moderator.
Banners behind the desk of three speakers, one professor and two doctors, showcased the main theme of the seminar 'FUTURE, FUTURE AND THE FUTURE'. From this theme it is clear who the winner who the loser, who head who tail, who determines who the supporters, who the draft who executor, in the discussion at Santi's house of the other day.
'Thus the exposure of our three sources. It was the turn of the participants to ask, express opinions, give opinions, argue, or whatever you wanted. Prior to that, as stated in the preamble, the central issue in this third-floor themed seminar is the future that determines all things in the present and the past. It is the future that has the authority that determines and binds what must be done in the present or in the past. Because in the future there is death then the present and the past have no choice but to provide life. Because in the future there is life, the present and the preceding period must not necessarily provide birth. '
The spacious seminar room was silent. The moderator's explanation either clarifies the problem or even more obscure, not yet clear. What is clear is the quiet room. Silent. There is rarely a seminar with a large room and the number of participants as much as it can be quiet and silent. If instead of the speaker and moderator is very great and fierce, then of course that is discussed complicated and complicated extraordinary, so that habit ngrumpi among fellow seminar participants just disappear. Or it could be because one Professor of Psychology, and one Applied Metaphysics Doctor and one Doctor of Quantum Physics managed to bewitch all the participants with their exposure. Or it could be because the four of them managed to make all the participants dizzy and did not understand what was actually being talked about. Or it could be because the village moderator and the bumpkin managed to do something extraordinary.
'For this first session, I give the five responders a chance. Say the name, the origin of the agency, and ask only one question, short and hit, do not ramble.'
If you have no questions, do not force yourself to ask questions. Seminars can be closed immediately, go home, sleep, and then reflect on the important points relating to the future as has been disclosed.
Apparently five people raised their hands. There are five questions and only one that catches Kasidi's attention. The third asker. This questioner's outfit is a bit elegant but looks plain and very clear so simple. Kasidi likes to look like this. This plebeian face is often the perfect mask for brilliant and brilliant minds, and this kind of mask is of course very easy to deceive.
'If if indeed the future is decisive and has authority so that the present and the past have no choice but to do what is determined, then how can it be known what is in the future? Is not the name of the future is limited to imagination, hope, shadow, or whatever his name, but the reality is not really there. This question I ask the Doctor Ardala and the Moderator. '
Insolent, why ask me?
'Just for a moment,' Kasidi interrupted quickly. 'The moderator's job to guide and help a little if there is an unintelligible exposure, but not to answer a tough question. Please submit to other resource persons. There is Professor Stump and Doctor Handoyo.'
'No sir, I still want to ask the moderator,' so the elegant person with this plebeian face insisted. After briefly exchanging glances with the speakers, Kasidi finally nods. Stubborn, stubborn bastard.
'Good, Sir. If you are insisted, and since the speakers themselves do not seem to mind, then okay, I'll answer this question with a note if Doctor Ardala who is an Applied Metaphysics expert has not bought up all the aspects of the answer pertaining to the future.'
Then there are still two questioners who continue to ask questions but inside Kasidi's head seems to be just a question from the owner of the face of the elegant outfit that dominates the arena. Others are short and not very good. Shit ...
Then as a moderator Kasidi uses his prerogative right to change the order. The question of the casual wear of the plebeian face lies most recently. Less important questions, at least according to Kasidi, were given an early turn. The room was quiet again when it was the turn of the Doctor Ardala to respond to questions that questioned the existence of the future.
'It is true that many things in the future that have not yet existed, but are also untrue and ridiculous if it says that in the future, with the present and past point of view, there is absolutely nothing. There's already a pack, and there's definitely a pack, and a lot, and maybe even everything. Example from Br. Moderator clearly shows this. Even when giving an introduction to a certain death in the future. The moderator cleverly summarizes all future concepts. Is not it certain, and absolutely certain, that in the future there is death for each individual, for each living being? Because death is certain to exist in the future, the present and the past have no choice but to give or provide or hold or whatever its name is called life.'
Then proceeded with a rather detailed explanation from the point of view of the science he was engaged in, Doctor Ardala went on to summarize a number of theories in Applied Metaphysics to respond to the questioner. Only then will the stage be given to Kasidi the moderator.
'Please sir.'
Then with the same persistent argument but with other examples, Kasidi assured the seminar participants that true is the future that determines the present and the past. Not the other way around.
'Because in the future there must be a 100-storey building then there is no other choice for the present and the past there should be an architect who draws the building. There must be a civil engineer working on it. There must be a workforce that builds it. There must be this. There has to be it. Et cetera. Et cetera. There must be this there must be it. Et cetera. Et cetera. And all this necessity, which can not but must, because in the future there is clearly a 100-story building.'
Explanation by explanation, sample by sample continued to slide rapidly and clearly from Kasidi's mouth, before the seminar finished, without a second session, then closed, then returned with a number of tangled threads on the heads of each participant. A FUTURE, FUTURE, AND FUTURE banner that remains majestic challenging in the background after the seminar finished seemed to be a silent witness how great the human mind is as a masterpiece of master engineering. Future engineers as well as reliable peers to ensure that in the future there are indeed all things that are the source of authority to bind the present and the past.

XZSS-27112017 - tribudhis@yahoo.com


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