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High school senior wants to make friends with a less enthusiastic classmate. |
Chapter 1 The sky was raining cupcakes and the ground was made out of cookies. Cinnamon felt like his day couldn't get any better. He could feel his hands reaching up into the sky to grab a monstrous cupcake when it suddenly turned into a raging beast that wouldn't stop screaming. Cinnamon began to flail at the atrocious noise. His eyes clenched shut and he reached his arm out to the side and pounded down on his alarm. He sat up and groaned. Time for school. Cinnamon rubbed his eyes and pulled himself out of bed. It was the end of the first month of his senior year and Cinnamon was struggling to become friends with that one specific person in his class. The one who ignored everyone. He stumbled over to his closet and grabbed a t-shirt and a pair of faded gray pants. As he slipped into his clothes, Cinnamon felt himself wobbling due to standing on one foot. Once he pulled his pants on, he yanked the plain, white shirt over his head and headed to down to the main dining hall. "Ah, there you are. Hurry up and eat. You don't want to be late for school." A low voice resonated from the table. Cinnamon rubbed his eyes as his father spoke. "I know," he mumbled. As Cinnamon sat down, he looked around the table to see the usual seating arrangement. His parents, Azriel and Jigoku, whom everyone just called Kitty, sat across from him, sitting side by side. Two of his uncles sat on opposite sides of the table. Tav, Azriel's younger brother, sat to his left. Arsenic, Kitty's older brother, sat to his right, at the head of the main table. Cinnamon's family was a strange one to say the least, as they were all either demons or angels. Ghosts, hundreds of years old, ran as housekeepers throughout the house. Azriel's family were angels, with many of them living among humans. Kitty could say the same about his family, regarding them as demons rather than angels. Cinnamon was a half-breed and was often disregarded by the two family's elite members. Azriel and Arsenic worked in large establishments, Arsenic being the CEO to an elite company. Tav worked in a well-known bakery and Kitty was a stay at home parent, mostly since he was extremely lazy. Cinnamon's favorite person, though, was the butler, Alistair. Like many of the maids and servants around the house, Alistair was a centuries old ghost, but very kind. Since his family made a large income and was given a large inheritance, Cinnamon lived the "rich-kid" life. He attended a public school since his parents wanted him to understand how others lived, but was still quite popular due to his cheerful and kind personality. Cinnamon quickly downed his breakfast of eggs and toast before returning upstairs. He entered his bathroom, ready to brush his teeth and hair. He looked into the mirror and stared at himself. His left eye was the color of spring grass, while his right eye was a bright summer blue. His hair didn't do much for his strange appearance either. The top of his hair was blond on the right and white on the left, while the bottom was jet black. Cinnamon combed his hair while trying to brush his teeth at the same time, nearly sticking the toothbrush in his hair. After a quick, but slightly messy, grooming, he threw on his signature green sweatshirt and grabbed his backpack. As he hopped down the stairs while simultaneously trying to put his shoes on, he tripped, sending himself tumbling down. "My goodness! Are you alright?" Cinnamon looked up to see Tav looking at him through his large glasses, worry plastered across his face. Cinnamon quickly stood up, dusting himself, and smiling his big, goofy smile. "Yep! Perfectly fine. I'm just a bit clumsy." He fixed his clothes and headed to the front door. "I'm on my way out!" His parents and Tav waved goodbye, while Arsenic grunted in acknowledgement. Alistair stepped next to him, his hand placed on Cinnamon's shoulder. "Are you sure you wouldn't like me to give you a ride to school?" Cinnamon smiled. "It's good. I enjoy walking to school." With one more wave, he stepped outside, as Alistair closed the large, front door behind him. Cinnamon began to skip down the sidewalk on his way to school when he caught sight of one of his classmates. It was Makoto, the one person in his class he was so desperate to become friends with. "Hey! Mako-chan!" Makoto glanced behind his shoulder, his eyes widening in surprise. Cinnamon ran to catch up to Makoto, while the other tried his best to ignore to oncoming person. "Morning Mako-chan." Makoto turned his head slightly to see that Cinnamon had caught up to him. He grumbled. "Yeah. Morning." "So, Mako-chan, you ready for school?" "Honestly, I'd rather be in bed. And why do you keep calling me Mako-chan?" Cinnamon cocked his head. "What do you mean? Mako-chan suits you. It's cute." Makoto stared at him, huge bags under his cherry colored eyes. "Who are you calling cute?" Cinnamon laughed, his whole body shaking. "You are. Especially when you're grumpy." Makoto huffed and turned his head. "Why are you talking to me?" Makoto was the one students in class who was hated by everyone due to his harsh personality and his constancy of pushing others away from him. He purposely made himself hard to approach by having half of his hair close shaved and the other half dyed bright pink. He wore a loose, pink sweater with torn jeans, and dark turquoise earring. He tried to give himself a slight delinquent-like look. Makoto made himself as unapproachable as possible to prevent the possibility of rejection. His parents had been killed in a car accident when he was very young and it had caused him to develop an insensitivity to people. "I want to be your friend." Makoto blinked in confusion. "What?" "You asked why I was talking to you. It's because I want to be your friend." Makoto began walking faster. "Be friends with someone else. There's plenty of other kids in the class who like you, so befriend them." Cinnamon let out a deep sign. "They're all nice, but you NEED a friend. You're so distant from everyone else." Makoto snickered. "Do you think I want to be friends with you? NO! You know why?" Cinnamon gulped in anticipation and worry. "Why?" Makoto stopped walking and turned to Cinnamon, shoving his hand against his chest. "Because you are the type of person I hate the most. You have a family, money, friends, and popularity. Everything I can't have!! Your presence annoys me so much!" Cinnamon stepped back. "Hey! These are things that just happened." Makoto grumbled and turned back to the sidewalk. "Whatever. We just need to get to school." He reached into one of his backpack's pockets and pulled out a pair of headphones. He plugged them into his phone and placed them on his head, eager for anything that would block out Cinnamon's voice. Cinnamon sighed and continued walking next to Makoto, determined to make him his friend at all costs. As his feet pattered across the sidewalk, Cinnamon noticed that Makoto's feet stepped in a rhythm, probably from the music he was listening to. As he approached Rosemary Prep Academy, an all-boys school, Cinnamon began to notice more and more classmates. "Cinnamon!" One of his friends, Phillip, was calling to him. Cinnamon glanced at Makoto to see he had still not taken notice of him. His face drooped before returning back to its cheerful state. "Coming!" He pat Makoto on the shoulder before running up to catch up with Phillip. "So, how was your weekend?" Phillip asked as Cinnamon reached him. Cinnamon pursed his lips as he looked up at the sky. "Hmm. I went sightseeing in LA and did some shopping. What about you?" Phillip giggled. "Well, unlike you, I didn't leave San Francisco. I mostly just stayed home or went to the library." Cinnamon laughed. "Are your parents ever home?" he teased. Phillip held his hand over his chest as if playfully offended. "Of course. Though it's mostly just me and my older brother, Arthur." As they walked into the school, Cinnamon turned his head to see Makoto glaring at him. He waved at him, only for him to turn away as if wasn't looking at Cinnamon in the first place. "I saw you walking with Makoto." Cinnamon turned back to Phillip. "What?" "Well, I was wondering if you were talking to him, or something." Cinnamon shook his head, glancing at Makoto, before turning back. "I was trying to, but he just yelled at me and then ignored me." He then hit the side of a fist against his hand. "Still, I'm determined to become friends with him." Phillip turned to Cinnamon. "Why? He seems fine on his own." "No. If he outcasts himself, he's going to struggle outside of high school." As they enter the classroom, they see that half the class has already arrived, most of them talking in different groups. They all turn as Cinnamon as he walks through the door. "Cinnamon, you're here." "I heard that you walked to school with Makoto. Is that true?" "How was your weekend? What did you do?" Cinnamon stepped back from the barrage of questions. "Oi. Let the kid sit down first." Everyone turned to see a disgruntled Makoto walk through the door and sit down. He propped his feet on his desk and gazed at Cinnamon. "For someone so set on becoming my friend, you sure left quickly." Cinnamon stamped his foot and returned the gaze. "Well, there's no point in talking to someone who's going to ignore me." Makoto huffed and turned away, staring out the classroom window. Cinnamon stuttered from the rejection before pouting and taking his seat next to Makoto, waving at Phillip as he took his own seat. Without even looking at Cinnamon, Makoto griped. "Why do you have to sit next to me?" Cinnamon's patience was beginning to run low. "The teacher put me here, now stop complaining or I'm going to move my desk closer to yours." Makoto shut his mouth, not needing to be told twice. When the bell rang for class to start, everyone quickly took their seats. The teacher stepped into the classroom, lesson plans in his arms. "Alright class. I'm going to take roll, then we'll begin." One by one he began to call off the names of the students. Once the teacher finished roll he walked back to his desk and turned on the computer. He opened the presentation for the notes of the day's lessons. "Alright, today's history lesson is going to be on the Renaissance." As the teacher began the lesson, Cinnamon noticed Makoto on his phone, with his phone under his desk. Cinnamon wondered whether or not to tell the teacher. 'If I tell the teacher, I'm a good student; however, Makoto will never be my friend. If I don't tell the teacher, I might be the one to get in trouble, but Makoto might befriend me for not telling the teacher.' Cinnamon decided that he wouldn't tell the teacher, and if he was questioned, he would say he was too busy taking notes to notice. By lunch, Cinnamon had already thought of five ways to become Makoto's friend. First he have a conversation with Makoto. If that didn't work, he would follow him, followed by bribing, blackmail, and stalking. It wasn't the best, but hopefully he wouldn't have to do all the steps. "Mako-chan!" Cinnamon walked up to Makoto as he sat down for lunch. "What?" Makoto spoke in a growled, unfriendly voice. "I want to sit with you." Makoto looked at Cinnamon with a puzzled face, wondering why anyone would want to sit with him. "Whatever." "So, Mako-chan. I was wondering if I could come to your place." Makoto gave a dry laugh. "Ha! Compared to you, you'd probably think I lived in an old shed." Cinnamon shut his mouth, choosing his next words carefully. "I wouldn't think that. I'm just really determined to be your friend and I want to know all about you." Makoto gave Cinnamon a skeptical look, but sighed, regardless. "Fine. You want to know about me. My birthday is May 4th, so I'm a Taurus. My favorite color is black, but I wear a lot of pink. My parents were killed when I was 8, and I don't want friends. Happy?" Cinnamon stared at his lunch. "I'm sorry for asking. I didn't mean to make you upset." Makoto shrugged his shoulders. "I don't really care. As for coming over. I don't mind as long as you keep your mouth shut." Cinnamon nodded, ecstatic. He opened his lunch box and pulled out the usual. A peanut butter sandwich, sliced fruit, a milkshake, and a dessert. Today's dessert was a vanilla cupcake with raspberry frosting. Cinnamon picked out his sandwich and began taking generous bites, finishing within a couple minutes. He wiped the crumbs off his face with his sleeve, then wiped his sleeve on his pants. Makoto looked at him with disgust. "Don't you have a napkin?" Cinnamon rummaged in his lunchbox and pulled out a soft, green cloth. "Here it is." Makoto grumbled. "Then USE it, not your sleeve or your pant leg." Cinnamon giggled and bit in to an apple slice. "What are you? My mother." Makoto's face turned red as he tried to cover up for himself. "N-no. I just feel bad for whoever does your clothes. They're probably tired of finding food stains on your clothes every day." Cinnamon cocked his head as he shoved the rest of the piece of fruit into his mouth. "My clothes are fine. Besides, there are so many people in my family, I don't think the housekeepers notice a little bit of smudge." Makoto stared at Cinnamon, his mouth open. "Did you just say housekeepers?" "Yeah. What's wrong with that?" Makoto rubbed his forehead and sighed. "Never mind." Cinnamon blinked in confusion, but kept stuffing food into his mouth. "Where's your lunch?" Cinnamon questioned, gesturing to the empty area in front of Makoto. "Oh, I'm not hungry. I'll eat when I get home." Cinnamon shrugged and picked up his cupcake. He quickly unwrapped it and took a large bite, smearing his face with the raspberry frosting. Dropping crumbs all over the table, Cinnamon stuffed the remaining cupcake into his mouth and reached for his napkin. He wiped his face to prevent Makoto from scolding him a second time. After one more swipe of the napkin, Cinnamon grabbed the milkshake, finishing it in less than a couple minutes. He shoved his wrappers and containers back into his lunchbox, then closed the lid. "So, Mako-chan, where can I meet you after school?" "What?" Cinnamon stood up, ready to look for Phillip. "If I'm going to go to your house after school, I need to meet you somewhere. I want to walk with you." Makoto gave an irritated sigh. "Just meet me by the front doors. Okay?" Cinnamon smiled. "Sure." After a quick wave good-bye, Cinnamon picked up his lunchbox and walked over to where Phillip was sitting. "Hey-o, Philly-chan." Phillip looked up from his lunch to see that Cinnamon had seated himself across from him. "Oh, hi Cinnamon. I saw you eating lunch with Makoto." Cinnamon looked at the empty table he and Makoto had been sitting at. "I wouldn't really call it eating with him. It was more me eating and him watching me." Phillip giggled quietly as he closed his own lunchbox. "So, would you like to come over after school?" Cinnamon shook his head. "I already told Mako-chan that I'd go over to his house today." Phillip's eyes widened in bewilderment. "What? I didn't even know he lived in a house." Cinnamon reached across the table and smacked Phillip on the top of his head. "That was rude. He has to have a house to have invited me to it. Besides, I'm eager to see what his house looks like." Phillip shook his head and gave out a soft chuckle. "You've always been weird. Well, you do what you do." Cinnamon let out a large, cheerful smile. As he stood up, the bell rang for the next class. Cinnamon shoved his lunchbox into his backpack and headed to class, Phillip right behind him. As he slipped into the classroom, he found that many of the students were already there, Makoto not being one of them. 'Where's Mako-chan?' Cinnamon wondered to himself. When the bell rang for class to start, Makoto had still not arrived. Cinnamon began to think that he'd left early so he wouldn't have to walk home with him. Five minutes after class had started, Makoto walked in and handed a note to the teacher. "Sorry, I was called down to the office." Cinnamon sighed with relief, happy that Makoto hadn't decided to leave. As Makoto walked to his seat, he lightly kicked Cinnamon desk. "What are ya starin' at me for?" Cinnamon turned away, embarrassed. "You didn't think I left, did you? I'm not that rude." Makoto scoffed before taking his seat and pulling his binder out, placing it on his desk. Cinnamon was beginning to think that befriending Makoto was going to be even harder than it seemed, and it was already pretty difficult. He sighed and stared at the notes on his paper. Maybe he could try sweet talking Makoto, or maybe try sticking to him all the time. 'Maybe if I'm with him long enough, Mako-chan will start being with my friend.' "Cinnamon!" Cinnamon's head shot up as he heard his name being said. He looked at the teacher. "Y-yes?" The teacher sighed and rubbed his head. "Please... pay attention." Cinnamon blushed as the other students started snickering. He then turned his head when he heard a low snort behind him. As he glanced over his shoulder, Cinnamon found Makoto's face red from trying to hold in laughter. He huffed internally, turned back, and went back to taking notes. The time seemed to fly quickly while waiting for the end of the school day to arrive because before Cinnamon realized, the last bell of the day rang for school to get out. Cinnamon quickly grabbed his stuff and hurried to the front doors, waving at Phillip on his way out. Since Makoto was one of the first people out of the classroom, he was already waiting by the doors when Cinnamon arrived. "Hey there Mako-chan." Cinnamon pat Makoto on the shoulder, smiling. "Are we going?" Makoto grumbled and nodded. "Yeah. Yeah. We're going." He heaved himself off the wall and opened the door, not holding it open for Cinnamon. The door flung shut, nearly whacking Cinnamon in the face as he walked out. "Hey! You almost hit me!" Makoto turned back as Cinnamon huffed defiantly. "Oh? Did I? My bad." Makoto spoke in a voice thick with sarcasm and continued walking down the sidewalk. Paying no attention to Cinnamon, he followed the path from the school to the main sidewalk. Cinnamon picked up his pace and hurried to catch up to Makoto. "So, what kind of place do you live in?" Cinnamon decided to try and make small talk, to which Makoto didn't care much for. "You'll see, so stop asking." With an indignant huff, Cinnamon turned to the path in front of him. 'What kind of house does he live in that would make him so defensive?' Cinnamon followed Makoto as he turned the corner into a long alleyway. After a couple minutes, he stopped in front of a large, shed-like building. The building was rusted and broken with duct tape and wood over many of the windows. "Alright we're here." Cinnamon stood dumbstruck as Makoto opened the peeling door and stepped inside. He followed him in to find the inside looked much nicer than the outside, although that wasn't saying much. It was a one room building and there was a hammock hanging from the ceiling. Books, dishes, and clothes were strewn on the floor, and there was paper scattered on a small desk in the back corner of the room. Cinnamon was having trouble forming words. "You live HERE?" Makoto's head whipped around with furrowed eyebrows. "If you don't like it, you can leave." Cinnamon held his hands up and waved frantically. "That's not what I meant." Makoto raised an eyebrow. "Then what DID you mean?" Cinnamon gulped. "I was just surprised that's all. I was expecting a nicer place, one that better fit you." Makoto grumbled and sat down on the chair in front of the desk. "Well sorry if my circumstances don't fit your expectations." Cinnamon looked down at the floor. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say anything to offend you." His eyes then lit up. "I know. Why don't you stay with me for a little while? I can show you my house." Makoto looked at Cinnamon as if he had worms growing out of him. "Your house?" Cinnamon nodded. "Sure. I'm sure my family would love to meet you." He thought to himself before speaking again. "Although, my family is very special and you wouldn't be allowed to tell anyone what you saw." Makoto scrunched his face up in confusion. "What?" Cinnamon let out a deep sigh. "My family isn't... normal, so what you'd call humans aren't really allowed in the house. But if you promise not to tell anyone else what you saw, I suppose I can let you in." Makoto rubbed his temple. "I don't know anyone to tell. Not that anyone would believe me anyways." "Is that a yes?" Makoto nodded. "Uh, yes." Cinnamon jumped. "Yay!" He pulled his phone from his pants pocket and began texting. "I need to let Alistair know I'll be bringing one of you home." Makoto held his hand against his chest, offended. "One of me?" Cinnamon nodded as he texted. "A human." Makoto gulped, unsure of what to make of that. "Alright. He knows you're coming so we can go whenever you want." "Uh huh..." Makoto nodded. "Well there's not much to do here so I don't care when we go." Cinnamon smiled. "Great. Then can we leave now." Makoto rolled his eyes, but raised himself off his chair. "I mean we just got here, but okay. It's not like I have anything better to do." |