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A socially inept scientist shrinks down to minature size and crawls under the wrong door. |
by ebonyboy . Hearing the faint thumping in the distance, it grew louder until i am blanketed by a huge shadow. Ms. Cheyenne Eww! What's that on my floor?! Ms. Cheyenne looks down carefully at me then decides to reaches down and0picks me up. Ms. Cheyenne What the f$#@! It's a little, teeny black boy! Where'd you come from?! Watching me cower from the sonic blast of her voice Ms. Cheyenne smirks Ms. Cheyenne Well. let me put you back down before my voice blows you away. Ms. Cheyenne lowers me what feels like hundreds of feet back down to the floor then slowly stands to her full altitude with her hands on her mighty hips. Ms. Cheyenne [scoffs] you're so teeny and weak Ii saw her now imposing feet on either side of me; joining to her muscular alabaster legs soaring endlessly above. AS though she read my mind she said: Ms. Cheyenne I must be a GIANT to you, and so empirically superior to you, nigger, huh?!
She seems to relish the feeling of power. Ms. Cheyenne Wow! The little monkey is smart enough to make himself shrink, just to be near my feet; but too dumb to realize how tiny you are. Ms. Cheyenne I could just SQUASH you when I walk by and never even notice; all I'd see is a little nasty grease spot on the bottom of my shoe that used to be you, you little puissant. What do you think about that?! Ii yelled as loud as possible in a puny shrill voice; ii then threw myself at her feet... Ms. Cheyenne grins evilly while casually steps directly over me... Ms. Cheyenne (sigh) Never mind, I can't hear you way down there, anyway. She gracefully sits in a Colossal chair, and lens forward looking down at me. Ms. Cheyenne Wouldn't you rather you finish your life as my puny, foot licking chimp? She says slipping off her pump. She holds it to her nose Ms. Cheyenne Ugh... that's bad smell. Wanna sniff? Ms. Cheyenne presents him with the well pedicured, slightly sweaty, yet Jurassic bare toes wiggling teasingly. He cautiously approaches; feels the intense heat and is overwhelmed by the mix of perspiration and leather wafting when she moves her lovely toes. Ms. Cheyenne I can't imagine how my feet must smell to someone your size...but isn't this what you dream about puny nigger/ being mere inches tall around White Women's superior feet? She laughs. Ms. Cheyenne Do you wanna smell my foot? He is expected to say yes. He nods, Ms. Cheyenne Good. Go ahead then. Smell my giant foot, no sniff the funk from off my feet, niggerboy. I do as ordered. Sniffing all over her ginormous bare foot, inhaling the heavy bouquet of Ms. Cheyenne's feet and leather from a long day. I athen stand where Ms. Cheyenne can see me. Ms. Cheyenne Ok... now, kiss my foot nigger; let me see how low and inferior you are. That's it, grovel, you puny niglet. He then moves out to where she can see him. Then Ms. Cheyenne looks down at him. Ms. Cheyenne You done? He nods Ms. Cheyenne Good, get on your knees, little coon. As he does, he watches in awe as Ms. Cheyenne slowly stands. Towering so far above him she places her hands on her mighty hips Ms. Cheyenne No, get on your belly, like a worm, your puny nigger. He does as order fearing he'd end up squashed beneath her foot. Ms. Cheyenne's voice booms as she speaks down to him. Ms. Cheyenne Ok, teeny nigger, wanna be my pet? ... Good! You'll stay in my (sandal/shoe?) and you're gonna have to shine the rest of my shoes. I don't have any itty-bitty rags for you, so you'll have to use your clothes m'kay? He stood, and tries to say something, but is interrupted when Ms. Cheyenne reaches for him with her toes. Ms. Cheyenne Hee hee. I can pick you up with my toes... Come here nigger. In you go. Fade to black Up next: Surrender2: The revolution won't be televised |