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This is a short story about a man who has a disorderly mental state. |
This is the story of a man who was sleeping amongst a jungle of wild and heartless creature. This catastrophic principle is called life, in which he had no friends, family, or anyone to care for. He had no one to love or someone to love him. Through the eyes of a man who was too weak to ever imagine being strong; He was nothing more than a poor being. This led to the questioning: "Why would any God place me in a world like this? A world stripped of happiness. A world where we're prone to hate. A world full of emptiness, sorrow, and despair." The poor soul felt as if he shouldn't have existed in the first place. "Why the hell am I even here? This journey has been nothing but torture." The final stages of his pain occurred: He dove forward, falling off of a cliff where the sun didn't shine anymore and the wind didn't blow as it did in the days of his childhood. He figured he would make the Gods' work easier and seal his own fate. As he fell deeper into the core of the abyss, he began to hear voices. A voice that said "Why fall? Why fall any deeper than you already have?" The man questioned the voice, for it made no sense at all to him. "How deeper can one possibly fall that extends past the abyss," The voice continued. " Apparently you've been blind your entire suffering. Instead of going deeper into your feelings of sorrow, why not try ascending instead?" The man covered his ears in disbelief. " It's not true. It can't be true. Nothing in this world is that simple!" shouted the man swallowed up by his own hate. The voice continues: And whoever stated that life would be that simple? You've failed to gain control of your own emotions, which is the very reason your true nature is blocked". The man froze. The falling transformed into floating and the atmosphere became dense. " That is true, but why haven't i felt a true connection to nature?" said the man. The voice replied "The answer is that you have. Plenty of times in your case, you just don't recall them. Your desperation serves as your mental block so that you can live in your own fantasy built upon your own lies of who you truly are. We don't truly know ourselves until death, but until then we shall conform to our existence and develop intimacy with our lives". The man remained frozen in awe of the truth that he tried so vigorously to conceal. " Only YOU can control your mind. Only YOU know what you truly want from this world. Search deep within yourself for this and don't stop until you've found it. Once you do, this will be your existential purpose; Your meaning of life". The man's eyes started to widen intensely as the final words of the voice whisper "think about it..." Time abruptly began once again as he stood on the cliff, where the sun shone and the wind blew a new breeze full of life energy. |