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Working revision of the original play I wrote in 1995 and was performed by the school. |
Cast of Character NARRATOR: A storyteller who loves to tell stories and is passionate about the stories that is told. Robert LeRoy Parker: Young boy who is a hard worker. But he finds himself getting in trouble with the law. Butch Cassidy’s real name. Mike Cassidy: Fast with a gun and good with a rope. LeRoy’s mentor. Butch Cassidy: Famous Outlaw who was known in the West as "The Robin Hood of the West." He robbed trains and banks from western United States as well as up into Canada and down into Mexico and even into South America. Best known for as the leader of the "Hole in the Wall Gang." Pat Ryan: Owner of the Ranch where LeRoy worked. Sheriff of Milford: Just doing his job at the Ryan Ranch. Mr. Miller: Harsh store owner of the Miller Store. Matt Warner: Butch’s partner. Tom McCarty: Matt’s brother-in-law Mr. Bennion: Teller at the telluride bank. Sheriff Wasson: Hash Sheriff that is chasing Butch. Possee: Group of men that are always with the Sheriff chasing Butch. Customers: People in the stores, banks, and on the trains. ACT 1 SCENE 1 (Curtain is closed between center-stage and downstage. Stage lights are brought up to 20%. Spotlight on the Miller Store at 50%. Mr. Miller is in the store helping a customers. As each customer is helped they exit the store. Narrator enters the stage and another spot is on him at 100%. He slowly walks towards the store. There i a post office center stage that is passed with the American flag over the door way. As He walks, Mr. Miller is cleaning up his store.) NARRATOR: I’ve always been fascinated by the stories of Butch Cassidy. And I’m sure that many of you have been too. But, did you know that his real name wasn’t really Butch Cassidy? This is the story of a bold, young cowboy from Circleville, Utah. His real name was Robert LeRoy Parker and he was born in 1866. (Sits down on the pickle barrel near the door of the Miller Store.) LeRoy later changed his name to Butch Cassidy, and then put together the longest string of successful bank and train robberies in the history of the American West. Our story begins when he was just a boy. (Mr. Miller walks through the door. Spotlight on the Miller Store is lowered to 10%. Mr. Miller then turns the sign from ’Open’ to ’Closed’ and then exits. The stage is now empty except for the Narrator.) NARRATOR: LeRoy had been saving his money that he earned the Ryan ranch for weeks. He was finally going to get him a new pair of overalls. After riding all the way into town. He finds that Mr. Miller’s store is closed. (Hears the sound of a horse trotting. Narrator stands up and exits behind the store. LeRoy enters. Spotlight on Narrator fades as the Spotlight on LeRoy is brought up. LeRoy brushes off his holey overalls and walks over to the store.) LEROY: Closed! It can’t be closed. I need them overalls bad. Why I’m showin’ parts of me ain’t used to seein’ daylight. Why does the store have to be closed today? I wonder if maybe the back door is unlocked. Someone might be in there stockin’ shelves or cleanin’ up. (Runs around behind the store. Then walks back shaking his head down low in disappointment.) Ah shucks! That one’s locked too. Maybe the window’s open. (Runs to the window and climbs through it.) Imagine that, ol’ man Miller leavin’ his window open, lucky for him I ain’t no thief. (Searches through the overalls) Now, I can get me them overalls. (walks over to the overalls and holds them up to his self to see which ones fit. He takes off his old pair and puts on the new pair. LeRoy has a pair of long john underwear on under his overalls.) This pair fits rather smartly. (Looks around for a price.) I wonder how much these cost! It don’t say. I don’t know how much to leave. I’ll go ahead and leave a note for Mr. Miller. (Picks up a piece of paper and pencil that is laying next to the cash register. LeRoy reads as he rights.) I.O.U. for one pair of overalls... Robert LeRoy Parker. I am working at the Ryan Ranch and will pay for them next time I am in town. (Carefully places the note on top of the cash register. LeRoy climbs out of the window, carefully closing it behind him and exits the same way he entered with a big grin on his face. Spotlight on LeRoy fades as he exits as the Spotlight on the Miller store is brought up to 50%. Mr. Miller enters from behind the store and unlocks the store. Then he enters and the spotlight goes to 100%. Mr. Miller turns the sign from ’Closed’ to ’Open’. Then walks over to the cash register, picks up the note, and reads it.) MR. MILLER: I.O.U. for one pair of overalls... Robert LeRoy Parker. I am working at the Ryan Ranch and will pay for them next time I am in town. (Angrily throws down the note and picks up the phone under the cash register desk.) Sheriff, I would like to report a crime. This boy Parker broke into my store and stole a pair of overalls. LIGHTS FADE ACT 1 SCENE 2 (Stage lights are brought up to 30%. Mr. Ryan is setting on a log at center stage with a bridle in his hand. Spotlight is brought up on Narrator, at 100%, who enters stage right crossing over to the hay wagon that is setting center-right. Grabbing the whip that is leaning against the back of the wheel giving it a huge crack.) NARRATOR: The next day, Roy went to work for Mr. Ryan at his ranch in Hay Springs. (Puts the whip back down next to the wagon wheel.) But found himself confronted by a situation he never expected. (Cross to center stage next to Mr. Ryan and pats Mr. Ryan on the back.) For he had meant no wrong in taking the overalls. (Narrator walks towards the wagon passing the Sheriff and Mr. Miller, tipping his hat and exiting. Spotlight fades and the stage lights are brought up to 70%. as the Narrator passes the Sheriff. The curtain opens to reveal a barn stage left and a stack of hay center stage behind Mr. Ryan. There is also a gate behind the wagon. The Sheriff and Mr. Ryan stand at the hay wagon.) MR. RYAN: Here’s that bridle, Roy. (Throws the bridle to Roy who is behind the wagon working.) Will you also get them two mares hitched to the hay wagon? LEROY: Sure thing, Mr. Ryan! (Mr. Ryan looks over towards the hay wagon and notices the Sheriff and Mr. Miller standing there. Mr. Ryan stands and walks over to the Sheriff.) SHERIFF OF MILFORD: Are you Mr. Ryan? MR. RYAN: Yes sir, what can I do for you sheriff? MR. MILLER: He’s here! He said he would be. SHERIFF OF MILFORD: Shut up Miller! Does a Robert LeRoy Parker work for you? MR. RYAN: He does! Want me to get him for you? SHERIFF OF MILFORD: Yes! (Mr. Ryan exits behind the wagon.) MR. RYAN: Roy, the Sheriff is here to see you. LEROY: Oh, okay! Will you finish getting those ready to be hitched for me? MR. RYAN: Sure! (LeRoy steps out from behind the wagon and walks over to the Sheriff.) SHERIFF OF MILFORD: Are you Robert LeRoy Parker? LEROY: That’s me! (Mr. Ryan walks from behind the wagon and walks back over to the log and sits down.) SHERIFF OF MILDFORD: Looks like you’ve got on some new overalls! Mr. Miller here says you broke into his store and took them and didn’t pay for them either. That’s stealin’. LEROY: I didn’t break into his store! I climbed through an open window. I didn’t steal’em overalls neither. I left a note sayin’ I’d pay for them later. If I was gonna steal’em would I leave a note with my name on it sayin’ I took’em? MR. MILLER: That’s not the way we do business around here. Especially not with strangers and children. SHERIFF OF MILFORD: (to Mr. Miller) Shut up Miller! (to LeRoy) Can you pay for the overalls? (Mike Cassidy steps out from behind the barn and watches LeRoy, the Sheriff, and Mr. Miller.) LEROY: How much? MR. MILLER: Two dollars! (LeRoy reaches into his pocket and pulls out two silver dollars, gives it to the Sheriff, who gives it to Mr. Miller.) LEROY: Can I go now? SHERIFF OF MILFORD: Are you now satisfied Mr. Miller? MR. MILLER: The boy has to be taught a lesson. He can’t just go around takin’ people’s property. SHERIFF OF MILFORD: What do you think I ought to do, arrest the kid? You got your money, don’t you? MR. MILLER: The boy should spend a night in jail. SHERIFF OF MILFORD: How old are you boy? LEROY: Thirteen! SHERIFF OF MILFORD: Look Miller, the boy’s paid for the overalls. As far as I am concerned, this matter is finished. MR. MILLER: Well, it ain’t finished for me. That’s not quite good enough. SHERIFF OF MILFORD: I’m not locking up a kid. SHERIFF OF MILFORD: Not when he’s paid for what he took. MR. MILLER: How about givin’ him a lickin’? He at least deserves that don’t he? SHERIFF OF MILFORD: I’m not givin’ the kid a lickin’. MR. MILLER: If you won’t, then I will. (Mr. Miller picks up the whip as Roy looks over at Mike Cassidy.) SHERIFF OF MILFORD: Turn around and grab that wheel boy. Let him have a couple of licks, then this whole thing will be over. LEROY: I didn’t steal the overalls. I will not be whipped for something I didn’t do. MR. MILLER: We’ll just see about that. (Mr. Miller brings the whip back as Mike Cassidy aims his gun at the whip and shoots it out of Mr. Miller’s hand landing behind him. Everyone looks at Mike Cassidy.) SHERIFF OF MILFORD: Who are you? MIKE CASSIDY: (walks toward the Sheriff) Cassidy, Mike Cassidy! Sheriff, I’d like to report a crime, a theft. Mr. Miller here stole four bits from my friend, Roy. MR. MILLER: I did not! SHERIFF OF MILFORD: What are you talking about? MIKE CASSIDY: I was in Miller’s store a few days ago. He said I could have any pair of overalls in the place for just a dollar and a half. He just took two dollars from Roy, and didn’t give the boy any change. Four bits is a lot of money to a kid. Stealin’ from a kid is still stealin’. I demand you arrest Miller for stealin’. It’d do him good to spend a night in jail. SHERIFF OF MILFOD: I can’t do that! MIKE CASSIDY: Then maybe we ought to give the fat man a thrashin’. (Mr. Miller takes off running towards the barn. Mike whips out his rope, twirls it over his head and lasso’s Miller as he is almost to the barn. Mike then drags him back and pulls out his Cult .44 and points it straight at Miller.) MIKE CASSIDY: (to Miller) Now Miller, turn around and place both hands on the top of that wagon wheel. (to LeRoy) Now Roy, go get me that whip. SHERIFF OF MILFORD: Stay right where you are boy. SHERIFF OF MILFORD: Miller, give me four bits. MR. MILLER: I aint... SHERIFF OF MILFORD: Shut up, and just give me the money. (Mr. Miller reaches into his pocket and hands four bits to the Sheriff who then hands it to LeRoy. LeRoy has a big grin on his face.) SHERIFF OF MILFORD: As far as I am concerned, this matter is finished. I’m getting on my horse and riding back to town. You can come along Miller, or you can stay here and take your chances with Cassidy. (Mr. Miller runs offstage.) SHERIFF OF MILFORD: Cowboy, I’ve heard about your shooting, and it’s just a matter of time until you get into trouble with that gun of yours. I’d just as soon it didn’t happen around here. MIKE CASSIDY: I’ll behave myself Sheriff. SHERIFF OF MILFORD: Why don’t you behave yourself somewhere else? (Sheriff turns and exits. Hear to horses galloping off. Mike starts talking to himself.) MIKE CASSIDY: Always wanted to see the country east of Beaver. Maybe I’ll take the man’s counsel and move on. LEROY: Can I go with you? My family has a homestead in Circle Valley. I want to go home. MIKE CASSIDY: Then we’ll ride together. I’ll take you home. We’ll leave in the morning. (Mike, LeRoy and Mr. Ryan walk towards the barn as the curtain closes) LIGHTS FADE ACT 1 SCENE 3 (Some bones and a skull of a bull lie on left side of the stage. Center stage are some logs for a fire. On the left are some trees. Narrator enters from the right. Stage lights up 20%. Full spotlight on Narrator.) NARRATOR: The next morning Mike and LeRoy set off towards Beaver, Utah. After Mike treated LeRoy to a nice steak dinner they headed towards the mountains. (Walks over towards the logs and starts a fire.) They become great friends, enjoying each others company so much that Mike began to teach LeRoy so that he would be able to get along in the West. (Narrator exits to the left behind some trees as Mike and LeRoy enter in front of the trees carrying there bags and the spotlight fades.) LEROY: Why did we head into the mountains? MIKE CASSIDY: We need to get you a saddle. LEROY: There are no saddles in the mountains. MIKE CASSIDY: No, but there is means to get a saddle! LEROY: I don’t know what you mean. MIKE CASSIDY: Mavericking! (Mike and LeRoy cross to the fire and each grab a log to sit on.) MIKE CASSIDY: It’s been a long ride, you hungry? LEROY: Yea! MIKE CASSIDY: Throw me that bag then. (LeRoy throws the bag to Mike who then pulls out two nice big slabs of meat rapped in some hide. Then throws them on a metal plat and then onto the fire.) LEROY: Why is that meat wrapped in hide? MIKE CASSIDY: It helps to keep it cold and fresh. That should be a good breakfast. Can you throw a rope? LEROY: A little! (Mike looks over at the skull of a the bull and walks over to it. He props the skull up right about 10 to 15 paces from LeRoy.) MIKE CASSIDY: Grab that other lasso and come here Roy. (LeRoy picks up the spare lasso and walks over to Mike.) MIKE CASSIDY: Lets start by making a loop. (LeRoy starts making a loop but it is a bit sloppy.) MIKE CASSIDY: Wait! Like this. (LeRoy eagerly watches.) MIKE CASSIDY: Lets make a loop. Extend the hondo about two feet from the hand holding the loop. LEROY: Excuse me sir. What is the hondo? MIKE CASSIDY: Well boy, it’s the eye through which the rope passes. Now you try! (LeRoy makes a loop in his rope.) MIKE CASSIDY: Good! Ok now take your loop and swing it around in a few full circles. This is to take out all the kinks. (LeRoy swings his loop about 5 times.) MIKE CASSIDY: Now start swinging the loop over your head. (Demonstrates as Mike talks.) MIKE CASSIDY: See how I turn my hand upside down as the loop passes over the left shoulder? LEROY: Yes Sir! MIKE CASSIDY: Most beginners use too much wrist in a short jerking motion. But to be a good roper, you use the entire arm plus the wrist. (LeRoy practices swinging the rope over his head. Mike watches LeRoy as he swings the rope.) MIKE CASSIDY: That’s good! Remember, use the entire arm. Turn that hand when you pass your shoulder. Good, good! Okay, lets move on. (LeRoy stops swinging his rope. Mike continues to demonstrate. He starts to swing his rope over head.) MIKE CASSIDY: When you throw your rope, do it as if you’re trying to reach out and touch that critter. I’m going for the horns. (throws rope and lasso’s the horns.) LEROY: Wow! That’s pretty good sir. (Mike starts to gather his rope.) MIKE CASSIDY: With me teaching you Roy, you’ll be good too. I want you to throw one hundred loops every morning, and another hundred every night. In a week you’ll be pretty good with a rope. In a month, with me teaching you, you’ll be as good as anyone in these parts. LEROY: Then can you teach me to shoot? MIKE CASSIDY: Once you master the rope then we will think about a gun. (LeRoy swings his rope over his head and throws it. He misses. Gathers up his rope and tries again and gets closer. He tries again and almost gets the horns. Stage lights lower to 10% as LeRoy continues to practice. Then fades for 2 minutes. Stage lights are brought up to 50% as LeRoy is still practicing but there are four more skulls and Mike is standing next to LeRoy watching him. LeRoy is getting everything he lasso’s. He lasso’s what ever one Mike tells him to get.) MIKE CASSIDY: Far right! Good! Far left! Wonderful! Middle left! Great! (Mike walks over to his bag that is next to the fire and pulls out his spare Cult .44 and then walks back over to LeRoy.) MIKE CASSIDY: Roy, go ahead and put down the rope. You have done a great job. You are ready to move on the a gun. This is a cult .44. (Hands the gun to LeRoy who then looks at it with excitement.) LIGHTS FADE |