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Rated: E · Poetry · Paranormal · #2140593
Long Ballad of Life
Natural life
Natural trife
Within all strife
Blight alike life

We hear a song about another in time
The thoughts so cool the thoughts sublime
They race in chaos between each line
Above beyond soar free in the crime

A wizard boils tempers and stares
He see’s his eye upon each glare
Third eye wide open prophecy
Is a all open affair

His staff wields circles boxes true
His anger is blue foam water dew
Each morn the grace staff will’s a few
The wheel time spells cold a new

This moment clear and moment bright
Alive to see the ocean trife
To all life open in the white
Hold tight to might in Samson’s blight

Two pillars broken one standing free of fall
Alone stands might within all tall
Roots deep loose sediment complete
Is an open door nature repeat

Open door to inner Styx breath
For dead do these words spell unleash death
Black forsaken shadows within a test
For all that is was alive and blest

Sorcery o words uttered in time
Circle wheel circle’s will within sublime
This frost is peachy white as the lime
That sour and dour upon the fold dime

Two sided nature balances virtue and vice
For caged all thoughts are like upon mice
Who search for cheese and thus he thrice
Is an open knowledge leading path of lice

Each bug a delusional self illusion
That promotes the tall exclusion
A time with one within seclusion
I am a filled with writing fusion

Seated on a throne I cast a spell
Open wide fountain; open sea-se-me
Reason a voice that can foretell
A prophetic instrument of dell
Computing the end of time’s hell

Unshackled and clean I tragic flaw
Within the ocean does my voice a maw
For I am the sceptre and the claw
That vices and virtues within hold a law

Twirls twists and anti kiss
Spell outline the birds and bliss
Untold the fold to subconscious tis
An open source of ocean midst

The ocean teams with life so white
For it shines outward in the deepest night
Sky bound and radiated is all a like
For photons grow on particles of light

Electron my select is on
Neutron I am stooped upon
A crackle pish wackle of long
Time stood still in silence bong

Clang rings the bell fro ma wizard spell
For untold are all prophecies of tell
The reason is silence the Delphi mediated hell
Chaos holds deep in roots so quelled

Natural selection is the spell crime
For evolved from disorder whence order aligns
For within light life is of time
Still motions beating forward in ocean sublime

The trance is in motion repeats silence
For begotten behoved was my inner sense
Betrayed and denied for innocence
Is an open alive wept minute whence

Now the tree of time was a tree crime
A state conditional of evil all line
The set in zero state conditional late
Behove the maiden who ate of the tree
She fell open to the dry root of land
Were upon now the fold a stands
The portal opened from a plane unseen
All all men became anew and clean
Alive within the scene tempted earth and grew
The knowledgeable test of change wise
Who written form Jove all set asides
The open ocean current that surprises
The dead log that opens the misery

Death is a spell that opens a new form
Ignorance or knowledge is the true de form
For within alive do we all adorn
To a time were scorch is unto scorn

And now I go into the Styx
That flow and grows above denial
Ocean a swept born in the wild
I smite at the point of defile

Ocean bound my will must climb
From within the branch within the vine
We are a grape that seeks divine
Pleasure a pursuit and not a goal
For alive it is our dooms to soul
Open fresh each morn awake is slept
For within in all our past a wept
Is a sound that seems so wet
A cry a great mourn that is defect
An infection that narrows deep in a crime
Knowledge forsook from a path straight line
For Leo the Sirius wolf will align
A past recalled of the fall once a blind
Bliss is heaven settled or established

Yet fires burn and earth whites
O they past we have lost
It is possible all was known once begot
Now we hear all and sense who one
We don’t know the tune-step we hear
But alive fear we all must bear

Within this ocean glare I see a tree
That stands tall in the team of me
A verse to be heard and to all for see
How the waves crash unto the beach
The rock is our fire within hearts desire
To be one with the ceremony of time
The time when beast of men
Alive within the earth’s dive pen
We all are asleep in awake the dream
What is is what it seams to beam
A light the photon radiates so fast
It moves beyond a state of blast
It moves from one point first to last
And continues in momentum of crash
The end is when reset is once
And we refresh and begin set lunch
A time that moves forward from the crunch
And lives in session without a fuss
Life is always and moves set forward
Innocence to charmer of time is insistence
This craft that floats within the sea
Is alive surround clear through all me
I hear the bell ring and earth sings
Time to cheer on chaos beginning

First to last is our existence past
We live each moment form first to last
At last we fall into to subjective self
And realize all matters for whence we need help
This dream state form we live past all
For uprooted tall the oak won’t fall
No madness only a eternity of answer bliss
For justice and virtue love has greed you a kiss
All pain and defection alive in the Styx
Floating dead sinking within the spell fist
Each year we hear the passing we have missed
A fleeting moment that settles all issues
Energy arises from the inert electron tissue
Yet so is energy found in all nature’s forms
A chi that enhances the invisible door
To a rainbow border that alive is no form
It floats freely in order conscious storm
A state of bravery is virtue plus one
For alive beneath the sun we are done
The beginning set on start until finish is fun
A heaven on earth earth between the heavens
Written in all is a glory tree tall
It flows through existence to a wed mind
Were stall, ocean knowledge is lost within the fall
For alive we all stand tree tall
Vir is virtue and a godly state tree
Men to their King who is omnipotent free
Written in past language is an almighty creed
We see with the head we write
For within our soul is but of a light
That shines out white into the blight
It screams over all that hears its take
The talk of spells and past present now
Is within the all I relate from hell

Chaos my split self the true test
To live alive in free bliss that’s blest
Time waits for no man so keeping writing set
For in the ocean I must love as wet

What is life upon the blight

It is the day of night saint white

Darkness only shines when light is out of line

A force sucking inward all a massed

The moon reflects all light win the path

That moves a star from first to last

Reality is a sensual perception

A dark scissor of inner infection

Open wide eye I can see all talk

For the deny their first fruit of walk

Different is a condition that states from one

For alive and radiant under Apollo sun

We are alive in the ocean done

Standing here on a beach I sit to think

With my will hanging in the brink

For all is renown and renown a twist

Ocean midst in spells that a list

Unlock the future with heaven’s key bliss

A timely spell of lightning tis

A lucid dream across the land

For within the fold we must stand

A time for glory to take the gland

That opens door to energy grande

Fire rages in heat and swims in ether

It moves back and forth from dendrite feature

The not that combusts from a fiery lust

To the ocean I seek my trust

Backwards is past our nothing all

The strong feeling of one set in tall

A tree fall within the swaying bush

Tropical land of fulfillment kush

This place of spells twists dares and toils

In its heat it boils and boils

Flaming fast frozen last in the calling

A blight of storm of weather falling

Produced is now a wizard man

Who lives in the would upon the land

He speaks in just realizing the must

To fulfill the need of voice lust

Our voices are a thought played in sense

O language taught in Babel defence

Order from disorder whence a test

To communicate will ions along the fence

The deepest crevice I live in;

Is where my dark Atlantis swims

Freely floating fleeting among all

Virtue’s and vices of justice grown tall

God exists in every atom of life

We are caught up in absolute strife

Disorder reason of order to I now relate

Justice is a martyrs soul on stake

We feel his pain but think of bliss gain

A scale concurrent to your heart’s mail

I feel like the atomic structure of many

DNA present found in the atoms energy

Kaizen the chi to witness through our fence

You may grow supple in majesty tree

Dendrites howled through win in roots deep

The chaos brings order unto my castle keep

Cunning and grace is a bucket list first

Alive from my hearth I survive on thirst

I read deep into my Atlantis lost field

O the potential energy I may yield

Like a sword cut through the sky

Open wide my all let deep reside

For a value that sits on the bend

Vice is unpopular and produces low trends

Suppliant to the invisible hand that when

Depression reduced by one thought of man

It opened up Nature to pull I can do

For verses and rhythm are a contagious flue

Although I stand tall among the all true

What is, is right a prophecy set blue

Nil is ni on ocean foam dew

Each morn I reflect upon a great clue

That all inspections points should fare

Along my all set first en snare

A lonely Odyssey for all to hear

Delight all lambs with rabid fear

You hold to deep to the ocean door dear

A blind delusional self of the queer

Propagated my all in time set free

All alive sing now all along breed

I bask in the ocean sun

Alive we live all alive were one

We hold a deep trace of thought

It was ponder thought lost ponder caught

Within the ocean swim my will twas brought

A steady search for an answer set lost

In the beginning was the word

A word written out in complete sense

One thing only, one silent pretence

It lived beyond all matter and

Floats hither whence, a rapid taping sound twist

The word then spoke its initial course

Alive to all restart each moment of art

Effort of virtue that is set apart

From the beginning and last moment start

Are not all thoughts but growth?

From the berth of disorder most

We dream what the effort apart set do

Heroic paintings shine clear as true

Apollo white set clear as morn dew

Sphericity set on balance by musical clue

A note set in time to circular you

Soul expanding through and through

A tree that harbours nature’s growing tall

Earth spoke to water and asked what to make

For wave and crust battle long did take

A frozen wave searching for a cove

To make a solid point within Jove

Love came betwixt those lost densities

From magma all of us commerced

Rock fire ore desire; the manipulation of self

Wind water forces caught here; are all on whelp

The fusion and clay produced a new spirit last

And continued on making furious hot white

The stores stood tall erect of fall

Early primates this wonder at works of gods

Breathed wind into life set a loose on the splice

We atoms change to words living

In between text the others coming

Walked this sprit upon the earth’s crust

For new life and order begunst is a must

Time to shape rock, break stocks and live

By a moral code of nature give

For all alive and well is no sin

We are glued into the system that’s win

For heaven rejoices with gates open fin

Lightium advoterum the lights shines advanced

Weak minded wheel clock of blackness surpassed

The need of my set still in creed

Is open flowing within the clear blue sea

Waves pound along my icer inner core

For alive the truth I must restore

Further into my soul we now bore

Flip the page or bend the envelope

For here in print is infant choke

A baby who hymns it as a flow

Alive and stand tall a tree a grows

Roots deep in our crust

A situational towards light must

Swayed logic by breath’s wind

Listen to the sound of our kin

The voice of past I listen to

All nature is expressed from morn dew

It reshades and grows like a infant leaf

Until at last it becomes first full rush

The waves run parallel to the branch

We evolved from carbon and new elements

Earth, water, fire and air mixed all

To permeate through time still stalled

Rapid way set in moment flash

Will the keeper unto is gods bash

The group forced open translate into one

To radiate disorder from the light and sun

Evolved from nothing the order chance done

Probability is chance of will destine one

Free choice is our voice to do what is right

For inside all honesty is a pore of light

Alive around in sound the heat

That hold on head or I must beat

Black shadow sun unleash my caged feet

For winter solace I must meet

The titans of rock stood first with man
Unleashed their magic upon the land
Cronos the absolute till hither he stood
A rock made denser than petrified wood
He stood over the lands and jumped from sense
For little big monster is a small pretence
They floated and carved the initial sea
Easter Islands are a prophetic glee
We learned the wheel from our choice will
Knowledge is set aside enforce and instil
Time is the universal seed of a plant
For magnified the giants looked a scant
They pleaded with men and set a true test
Who can realize all must surely be blest
We came from titans aim in long but lost quest
This is the perfect earth for test barrier
A convex bubble denying all gravity trouble
Is how their ship floats within the rubble
These men of old, unheard of untold
Set the force of consciousness to enwove
Joved blessed by Callisto the kife fold
Invisible hand to participants of gold
Gold, iron, metal, rock balanced system of restock
How gold their time tic tocs to a clock
For they are the giants made of rock

Chaos set in straight by all one King
Who shines radiated with beautiful wings
For arrows and bandits due south a fling
They hurt more than a needle’s sting

Rock form above the ocean storm
Was the old pretence of galaxy form
Unleashed is all from natural thorn
Thorns from the hammer of Thor
Who knocks down all forces at the door
No evil in titans for they a bore
A truthful self of help thats a core
Now in the firs the titan spoke
Six days we got to make clay toke
Breath life into clay to unsurp play
We must alive and set day
Nature expressed through nature a point
Reverse and forward blessing that joints
Two sided coin the evil and good persist
For all our life the wheel insists

Hammer bash clip the old set now
For ocean harmony is sea sky blue
Working with lava clay forms to mould
They old working matter of the fold
Then thus the man was created
A time lost forgotten and hardly propagated

Rest set in quick time for a God
For all his laws are a golden rod
The secret to life is how we exist
For alone and single I will persist
To relate the beginning fall of woman sin
Knowledge is second to what we must win
The Titan battle of tempest inner being
For alive and beyond we live in a scheme
That seems to match a theatre screen
Read all about our life in past dreams
Now visions tell about a far away land
Were reality is chosen upon the man
It holds its own and sets in store
An open portal planet jumping door

Evil was sprouted from a choice free will
Frozen still freezing the noose cooling chill
Purged into a noose of natural test
We must live until bliss is the quest
A quest for old timers to relate the past
From in the first row within they last
We walked unknown to a lamb fully grown
And game forms to the matter a sown
Named all names and search is found
For the river Styx lives deep underground
Perfidious deeds deem sacred glow
River recount worldly flow
Grain on grain the desert Atlantis drifts
Against the garden land of swift
Hedge well thy roses, head on stealth
Of ever-creeping land of health
A knight is the medium standard sight
Upon the blight sorcery is of night
It cools the lava boils and sets hot
Resting restless in ponder caught fought lost
Reason in old age diminished as from one
A star shining down until reset is won
The titans are the ordered picture first
A lens of time and a moon of bearth
In truth these creatures lie upon the land
Close to our land the lie still in way
They live in far off houses galaxies away
Close to our land the lie still in way
Their senses evolved in a particular day
They see greater and hear the respect of all
The force of lightning standing still and tall
Romancing and searching far within land
They sprouted from dendrites axiom gland
The thought of time matched them
Then open conscious matter apprehend them
The twists and snares that in time dare
The wealth fair to land past dare
Moving as giants across each planet jump
They left clue’s and interest to few amongst
The picture frame is clear and holds dear
To what they speak of what they fear
A chance to spark life
The beginning of all strife
Human a test of true life
Caught up within open kife

A secret code all that unlocks knowledge door

Inside our imagination of truth will be restored

Shelved in your castle deep within the moat

You hide your haven and destroy float

We are all a ship ocean bound

Limitless by innate spell twist

Is a way we can all exist

One movement of an idea Titan wise

We all exists in perishable demise

Uranium the power to build a space must

For final frontier of our soul is a lust

A Titan passion burning to cease lead

Water drunketh to all who a stand

Tree’s axiom forest from live to man

Stand upright with nature unto the sand

Ashes to axes dust bitten flea

That is how small we are to agree

Titans over time intellect passed divine

Is how order establishes your crime

Of life on the fold within the home

That keeps us alive into the matter grown

Now in the center of the fold

Is a Titan story that is untold

A living breath feeling of cold

It saturates all dates into road

Leaving all behind in the new de vine

Listen to the fable I again preach

The Titans are a race that existed all

The beginning closer through of them all

Hierarchy is a system that works tree tall

Above beyond below the changing matter

For this conditional is only a timer ladder

The sea crashing daily in the form of men

Grew alive and outspoken from chaos of when

Progressively they sit far from our reach

O the constellation human do I preach

The radiate the night sky for all to see

The momentary second elementary fee

Inspection are the roots of time

Running and swimming in the thought sea

A cool rush of wind reflects through me

Show grace and receive grace to balance fee

Emotions run rampart in castle fortress land

For inner truth is order at stand

Think lion wise the Titans follow the hero

Saxon night must contrite in the field

For through the ether I hear what I yield

Stones of frozen saturated form

How do you rise from the storm?

Your bliss is free from the state man

To far are thee away from our land

They may; be invisible to us

But survived in a thought a ringing gurst

They pierce through time a field of divine

It radiates throughout of spherical swine

Cattle on the lamb train to St.Climb

Above all matter is pure choice form

I can exist separate from my body self

Float free in essence is untested

Relive each moment that contested

A sound have heard by select few

Alive and well I sing my song to you

Moment through a third eye stare

I relive my atoms perfect glare

If only, when only man come to this

Lucid are his spell grows floating tis

A state out of mind of the bliss

Dreaming is order for the hammer fist

Ad infintium to the end of days

For madness is an acute sense trade

My mother is an inherent fade

Who lives life on the constant brave

The Titans made what and discerned when

Alive in this subjective matter den

They spoke in wise riddles between the fold

For prophecy of thought was beginning told

Here lies the ocean to bear all those

Who choice a choice in all blues

Blue project is a true project of men

Alive, alone, annoyed be likely a stand

Terra firma in the ground tree tall

All muses abilities work in the fall

Grown tall swayed by logics breathing wind

Is another Titan who along believes in fin

Men in this particular form is mandate

So we can be judged in our demand date

Time is of late so Titans sleep in wake

Their soul expressed on inner calm lake

A cloud in the summer fogs the will

Of what the wheel in time holds still

Still in this moment fleeting you

For within my lines my soul hides true

Nil is night from sky cloud blue

A trance of a knight searching lance

Medium must be seen from a balance state

Conditional to last along each line propagate

Restate now the early set times

Far beyond beneath the clock chimes

Is a planet seeking its place alive

This is part recycle choice of thyne

Reincarnation that seems so sublime

We are connected with plants aligned

To a single strand of star sea shine

Ocean wind calling time so thin

A particle of all situation skin

The Titan relapses into a form of a planet

For its safety net is time recycled

A system cycle that courts the man

For alone and just he must stand

Relate now the fall overtop that’s all

Apple redeem the ocean fruit supply

Open sea open wild in thy

The first domes were set in place

On different planets whence to trace

A man who amongst the human race

Inside my inner desire a true blessing

For I am the white power castle

That through chaos answer I exist

Fire heating inner coil serpentine wish

In the word was a fire

That is the heat of our hearts desire

Heated from an axiom point of up

Down grows the wave produced a muff

It soars through the waves as Titan praise

Unleashed in song for new land days

It is of the gay they may say

To be the master of my fate play

Alive all knowledge lives and stays

Tired is a state below the health lay

A order disorder perseverance law

Of the claw the fire draws a maw

Coals are the beginning of time

The thoughts that race of sublime

A reason tackled through a field

Of potential energy prison yield

Fire mixed with water to create desire

Yoga Kaizen that all particles know

For substructure complexity they a show

Rock forms that hold all thought of time

Left behind was their deaf less land

For man to preach of giants work

Herald disorder rate of order lark

Rust is the sensation of an old self

Coals are the end of time

Silence is the greatest Delphi and Dodona

The oracle of time the voice of Hosana

Always the fleeting moment set true

Destiny she speaks through time so blue

A rock fountain of elixir youth

An ocean crevice deep that keeps truth

Sink down to the formation of clay and water

The boundary exists due to father

Dendrites with axioms as roots and tree’s

Are the logic that sprouted first and old

Alive in nature all books of bold

Willing to be cut for our greed profession

To relate all out of depression

Deep holes in the soul run deep to bore

An ocean swimming ocean door

Heavens gate a trumpet sound more

The Leo of time trumpeting to the King

For the earth of matter he still brings

An ocean song through all silence swing

The hope for all the faith of fall

Vir is against all vices now

War with earth, water, air and fire

What Titan to control all the mire

All insisted one the governance should be one

Referred into a higher beg that sums

All the elements into the triad full

Between all atoms it wills a wows

The fluted time in vacuum to glows

This great being lived a live in all this

He rests silently like a silence mind

The Titan Brahma of all the land

Set forth into clay particle may

Titan the Jove a wrath battle

For our life we are all but cattle

The flame for our length and time here

O until our path is o set clear

To a precious substance you know dear

Split in head created in two

The depression singing lue

Now the spirit willed and choice enabled

Our fate upon the land thats stable

A conscious force grown form an order state

To become on again with yourself late

Clary speaks ot earth and creates rock

Our cove is a solid oak stock

Of vegetation on earth’s timely clock

Left flow the ambience energy song

Through time we hear all along

This hymn of Titan praise

Will most likely anew

A paramount liquid of evolved life

For nature is nature expressed through strife

Come around the beginning sound

That rings your rock core out of luck

Find the plastic way to heavens way

Tune into the dance of your eternal being

For you last longer than this scene

Eternity is your more that lasts

Restored row is a little of our past

That you serve me to this latitude

Thank-you silence in humble gratitude

Live your life as a Titan

For then you lose your might win

Wail’st thou art certain to my words and gone

As in thy conscience, which is always one

For Titans roam upon the word fun

A form theset rock unto all

Tree of life standing tall

My work is beside the point of lesson

For Titans roam upon the guests in

A time set for food of heaven

Open door to parallel eleven

The Elder Gods were great men sown

Form Gaia planet Uranus home

They filled the sky and star ether

A lucid dream of omnipotent feature

Golden year is golden cheer

Alas and live we are live here

Upon my dear the precious war mingles

Between heaven and hell my body tingles

The shiver spine chill that sets all a still

Will remember my will on the ocean bill

Oceanus was of the blue spirit form

He advanced all water sky tree’s and thorns

Living high in his temple above all the rest

He overseered the sky blue true test

Hypernium the hyper accelerated force

Moving the wind with a rustling recourse

Circles willed in form wind set chill

He works in southern barrier fill

Coves was the Titan of clue’s

Each morn the grass is of dew

Realizing water the Oceanus set form

Rising both working one above the norm

Cronus was the Father god

Who is the grass upon the sod

The golden harvest, grasshopper of waves

Golden rod sceptre of floating praise

Cirius was the cunning of all men

Alive in though the play horse pen

He worked as a force one

For alive we are disorder of the sun

Lapetus the lateral, who is passionate latter

The fixed points of martial law matter

Who is a three dimensional looking earth

Is splices put together from berth

Lapetus is the trigonometry relation of all

Now females stood tall in this first regiment

While clay man relates the sediment

She is the water of all planet’s and ice

She is a cold shiver river splice

Tethys is a rock of pure dazzlement

It shades the jewels precious adamant

Alive and well dazzling purple clouded sapphire

Grave desire our hearths love and desire

She rests on earth’s crust

Thein the garden plant of all that is

Vegetation underbrush that grows seeds a tis

A wondering lost forest that sits in this

A order ratio growing from bliss

Phoebe was the fast delivery of thought

All are one races out of her mind bought

She reads into destiny for our cause life

Learning who lives and is set in splice

Then the god Titan of time

Linear progression along a line

All will align this girl marred one

Now a virgin to our selective touch

Themis is the air that we breathe

Without life would falter at the breeze

The point of corruption of growing nature

Alive and well are eat chicken nature

The children of past time this verse fought

For their own poem of age past century start

This first state of order set apart

Driving away into the late dark

Uranus is the planet that set berth

To all things matter upon the earth

Silence the mantra of Gaia hearth

Tis revolutions that twist the fragile gerth

A deep crevice and severance that tree down

Into the deep hinged ocean set sound

In and around the heat burns senses

It is alive in thought so apprehensive

Wizard crackle light door time, open up light

Now how this accured was dear to me

The mother floating in the sea

It begonst a change and related this

Growing old from time matter confined

Until lost beginning was video

A captured rest in six days accured

A theatre to watch the show unfurl

Sphinx the silence of all thought at one

Hidden secret of Egypt knew logical hunch

This is a bunch of chaos in one prize

But I am just the freak on a leash

The war between heaven and hell exists

For black and white matter still persist

White speckled into millions color accrue

Black only absorbs like inward gravity

Oceanus how with his the blue question

Approached an answer without dejection

For all wills are power rejection

Humble foxes the power sword of edge

Close to fall off man kinds hedge

Yet floating in first waters a swirl

The river Styx that almighty holds

A whole portioned by disorder

For enlightened we can cress the border

To a rainbow filled land of all order

Perfect form of absolute star er’

Within the fold grow a heart untold

It burned with the ember of gold

A fire of heart that radiates start

Wheep the line of the over hill dark

Light shone through Titans in first day

They made their rocks upon the clay

They spelled and twisted all earthly elements

To create a spell that in life it fits

They shaped all animals in the void

For then the breath of wind gave choir

To sing the song of humanities fire

This Yoga is inner out heart

Now flow the river of Styx to me

Read all about our figuriance fee

Spells twirls and dells within my clause

Open door to root open more

The Titians fuelled their close family

For all was the beginning annually

Heard now is the story of old

The Titians of lost the Titians of bold

Before the sun they sat on moons

For they we a front of our brain

They lived with all senses that move us

That paints the sky for all to see

How momentarily is a happy glee

That set free subjective all can feel

Alive the sound so around the kneel

That bends over to be knighted in creed

To the law his heart only impedes

In the beginning the word made rock

Earth before air element of restock

Sun flowing it melted with the sea

It performed actions of tempest seed

Forms shaping from water and rock

Than air perfumed over this large stock

Fire burned inward and set the core

To open respiration to heaven’s door

All elements mixed as one

Under beneath alive true sun

We are all Yoga that is done

A Brahma that negates all elements

For we are fire, earth, sea and air

All elements to make a unisex dare

For how fair is all that holds true

Nil is ni in Ocean sky blue

Time a clicking bomb on the clock

Of the constant matter tic toc

We live as Titans in our own world

For alive and well the word set it stone

Day two the Titans decided rest

For completed was their mankind test

They wait in awe and reproduced

To kill them self upon a noose

Of rebirth the death along the quest

Matter of parentage matter of best

All matter is a new instance of now

It perm agates all a matter some how

Light forms from the inverse of black

So cease the night sky herald lark

Light above the air for hell is deep

Rooted in the mire of the keep

The castle holds true to all help time

For a rock Titian of earth is holds sunshine

Now all elements supported eachother

For united they all are brothers

A thought played in spoke and out toke

They live alive in snowy smoke

From the heated fire of inner gold

Our heart is density upon the fold

Valley mountains and the sea

They are a flowing part of me

All life the vita of vitality

Our heart’s pumping fatality

We are the branch true Titan growth

A vine of grapes admist the boat

That floats down the river to our lake

No mistake on things unforsaked

Titans on day three decided now

That trees we brains from nature how

Nature expressed through all the logic

Of what we call unso fall sick

We fell out of disorder; order whence

A pretence that fit all that was spent

Rebirth of knowledge so past our sense

Alive in nature’s homage tent

A house to live in a home to squall

For all most hear within the fall

An ocean current growing tall

The ripples and tires float to the sand

Alive and alone we must all stand

Tall as a tree that is our self

For heat of the truth will only whelp

You to me from far of you

Only this Titan will hold true

Vir is virtue upright in time

Titans are living essence of sublime

No crime did they commit before the fall

Of Eden tree unlikely human maul

Virtue is the greatest force

Above beyond all Eden tree course

We may fly fast as one

To remake the beginning fall that’s done

For we are all a form of rock

That sheeps its place among the flock

Now wherefore, this, by day and night

In rain in tempest and in snow

Do the soft sea winds a blow

They grow and grow among the glow

That seeds of time of will have sowed

Two circle wills of light will allow

A time in heaven a time in cloud

Rocks stood up against a mountain herth

For in the beginning thought was berthed

Titans of this castle land

Upon the spell upon the gland

The intervenes us with the truth

To save our life from above the noose

Hark now death of bless produced

Lonely Amazon answer truth

Now earth enroots all our lives as one

We are alone in matter day sum

Above we glow from roots so afro

Do the lines of consciousness flow

Stream down in paper the thoughts of men

For Titans still due Titans stand

Harmony the music one step complete

Two step melody for those who wheep

The walk of death due ignorance

Is shining light to knowledge blest

The rays hither this light in time

I am of cool and am of sublime

Titans reverent to sun thought align

Unspoken is heard with amongst lines

Reminiscence of structures solstice light

Stone hedge of rock true anthem white

Ceremonies through reverent time alike

Do these men of Easter Island pyshce

Time the universal seed of might

To a plant structure above the blight

Hither they stood in time bright

I was a steady flow of harmonic glow

I fell deep into my soul of sudden

Issue forth evil times of glutton

The magic keep twas hither stood

My knight in armour fell upon wood

Alive in all he somewhat stood

The lost Atlantis glory

Jump from iceberg to planet word

Were the Titans path between the walls

Portals, senses, vacuum dimensions supported

This group of rock that was deported

From the quarry of time

Flurry rock divine

Within all my wizard spell

Well no unleash the fire of hell

Torture chains of spliced atoms

Is the fall due to Adam

Think of a ball as an atom of self

Now billions your cells are of tense

Atoms trillionth cut up from your self

Only knowledge neh ignorance due the way

The one path death all Titans took

To be one with maker folk

Time now ended begunst a hope

Alive in mist I have will a spoke

A fog unclogged on paralyzing hope

Faith do repeat itself in a fate

To my beginning I now relate

Fathered by Cronus and death came at once

I fell soul first in to darker disorder

For whence my ignorant had no other

The Titans looked at me and in esprit suprise

They issued forth a destiny of growth set aside

Death knocking close to everything once

Is how I stop in minute pause

Silence the mistress of Gaia pleasant

For everything in thought is awful pleasant

Now Oceanus tore with wonderful law

Red in my blue sky tonight belittle be all

Herrenge the danger that sots forth trends

It wears no individual mesh set pretence

For alive in precious moments all a deer

True to my soul i stare home clear

Floating silence held but all still

Uranus to following forward chill

Close to time Titans call your name

Although begunst of all inane

A form emotion written in verse

Devout to all who set alive in curse

Alive to me dead to you I can see

How fleeting moments happily

Transfix us to all our hearts desire

For Yoga free Kaizen lighthouse spire

Is the parabola that is over fire

Over beneath set between ocean fair

Blue is true density changes blue air

To water and life set within the rocks

Colors were the beginning light evolve

The kept form to separate

Different densities that now relate

All primal hearths of initial burst

Were colors to shapes to primal earth first

Blue changed to water in this sense

Green became land were we sit yence

Red the blood the circulates hence

The beginning of light presumed whence

To the open world in its place

Titans of here Titans of power

Produced is your thought of the dome

Re istle the feeling lat

Re earth is a primal set date

Titans grow tall out of time

For they are the first words of align

Aligned all balls of sphericity

Standard of light electricity

Open wide to my inmost sea

Ocean alive swelling in me

Nature is a spell of wizardry

Spells crackle and unleash within the eye

Centered is our glineal surprise

All colors primal objective live

To see the theatre in Titan guise

The fold grow from water land demise

Formation of relation is dendrites point

Reverse and forward reactionary joint

Rocks forming with blue to promote true

Verse is rhyme of wizard kind.

Who can see the spell cast over the land

Greed and misfortune from the gland

Rocks were set berth, golden rising the sun

For alive we attest to golden heart one

What are the thoughts of mother Earth?

The initial set phase of her berth

A rock set growing outward

And formations of life from crystals sprout

True colors that changed amongst the forms

Until a living breath produced a norm

Tragic flow among the maw now the law

Society is small and above all

Growing outward evolution selective creed

Is all that never stops or impedes

Natural through Tethys sound in creed

Alive the border now receives

This change so quick beginning is rapid

For it was produced in acceleration habit

Life now lived and disorder grew

Until order reset among the crew

For man makes society from the fall

Reset now played out vital next date

Were a form of one was begunst late

Continued thus system all through time

Reason of us creature’s of sublime

Life evolves fast among the fold

For this story is done and finished retold

Crystals are density that cuts anything

And saves you molecule splice from the sling

Due south do arrows fling

For now we are all a living things
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