Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2140536-Banishment
Rated: E · Fiction · Fantasy · #2140536
Long live the king.
I could hear the siren song as it was carried on the wind. Although I knew I would not be able to see it, my head involuntarily turned toward the ocean. In my mind's eye I could see the rolling waves, the sandy shores, and the mermaids that would be lifting their heads to sing their mournful song.

"I'm here," I whispered.

I had learned long ago that they could not hear my song, much less my cries for help. Even if I could catch their attention, I knew that they would be helpless to aid me.

As their songs washed over me, I closed my eyes and remembered again how my brother had betrayed me.

"We'll have no truck with you," Phin had said, "until you learn to control your temper. Too many ships have been destroyed due to your ire."

He promised he would rule the Seven Seas firmly, but with love, until I proved myself and returned. And then he shot me with a tryptophan​ dart.

When I woke, I'd found myself trapped on a secluded mountain, the trees creating a canopy that prevented me from seeing my beloved home and kingdom.

At first, rage had consumed me. But as the years passed, I found my anger abating. Now, I just wanted to go home. Yet, what could a mere man do so far from the powerful salt waters?

My tail slapped against the surface of the lake as I dove into the dark, freshwater. I sighed as I sank to the bottom and waited for the day my brother deemed me worthy to rule again.

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