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Rated: E · Chapter · Fanfiction · #2139918
This is a sorta rip of of Pokémon Mystery Dungeon, but with my added twist.
Chapter 2: Terrible Awakening
“Hello? Hello, you awake?” I heard someone calling for me, but who is it? I opened my eyes slowly to see...what am I seeing? I need to adjust my eyes to protect my eyes from the big light which I believe was the sun. I wiped my eyes with my arm…did I always had this much hair on my arm? Whatever, I just need to see who’s waking me- “Hey! Don’t l-let me b-burn you, I will!” Up…Well If he's going to burn me with that scared attitude, I might as well before he might. I opened my eyes again to see things still a bit blurry, but they don’t hurt. I looked around and see nothing but green blurs and a reddish-creamy coloured figure. I guess I’m in a forest but what’s in front of me? “Oh are you ok? Let me help you.” I see the figure putting out a hand, I think it’s a hand anyway, so I pull my hand out to the figure-. It felt pretty fluffy, and my arm is yellow. I was going to panic but my second I saw this but I just slide it off from me being too tired to think, that the sun's colour was on my hand from some illusion and that I got way too many things and little things in my tired mind at the same time. The main thing is I’m up and I can see who helped me was no other than… “What the hell is that!” I pointed at the weird creature with shock. I mean it’s not everyday you see of what’s seems to be a small Typhlosion in real life! It was smaller then I thought though. It look kinda like an adorable weasel, not to mention a bit slimmer then some I seen in…where did I see him? It’s something we look at everyday to research, and he was red, what’s a weasel and why would he…? What ever. I already got to many things in mind. “How dare you! I woke you up and this is what I get?” “I’m sorry it’s not everyday that people wear a clothing that looks like a red Typhlosion.” I recognised the clothing I’m talking about but I don’t remember what it’s called. “I’m sorry…what in the world did you just say?” “Oh sorry to be rude but you just look like a charac-“ “Hello? Do. You. Under, stand. Me?” I was furious with this…being.” “Yes! I! Do!” “Ok *sigh* so you if you understand me, nod your head.” Yep, he doesn’t understand me. I nodded to prove he can be heard by me. “Good…So, what are you doing?” This got me by surprise so I responded with “Oh-uh, I thought-“ Quilava then realised. “Oh that’s right…uh.” “Brodie.” “Wha?” I just hopes he understands, maybe if I point towards myself… “Brodie” I said it slowly so he might get it- “Body? Your sick, because if not then something happ-, oh! You have a nickname which is Body?” -or not. I shook my head and tried again “Bro. Dee” “Brodie?” YEEEEESSSS! If only I could just yell yes cause dam was it hard not to talk so I just nodded with excitement. “Is your nickname is Brodie, why is that?” He's close, that leaves one thing to do. I ran to the forest (not inside it of course) and try to grab the branches. But when I was going to…”AHHHH! What happened to my arm!?” “What’s wrong?” Of course he can’t tell but I looked all over my body I had a yellow tail with yellow arms, basically I yellow everywhere except my chest, from I could see was a snout and legs which were black. I couldn’t see my head but when I do I might need to wake up. I was in a colour of a Pikachu but was in a body of what seemed familiar but couldn’t place my han…paws on it. But right now, even if I’m still panicking my head off, I need to grab the twigs and branches to-wait… I got it. After a while (because I had three 'fingers' and no thumb) I placed the sticks to the ground and looked at the Typhlosio-oh, it’s a Quilava…stupid me, but now is not the time. I looked at it to see it staring at me in confusion. “Are you trying to spell something?” I nodded and arranged to sticks and twigs to spell B.E.A.C.H I know that people go there in the holidays. “…Do you…have your own language of spelling too?” Ffffrrreeeek! What do I do now? If only I knew their writing t- “Do you know how to write Unown?” No. Flipping. Way. I nodded my head so fast I might of looked like a…something, some kind of bird…Pikepek? No that’s a Pokémon…uh, that’s getting out of topic. I tried to arranged them yet again but in Unown… if only I had enough sticks. “Gosh Dammit!” “I may not know what you’re saying but I do know that you want to spell something.” I can only sigh and nod in agreement, to be followed by me rearranging to letters back to the B.E.A.C.H and had 1 last trick left. I moved my hands like water and pretend to swim, showing what I want. “Swimming, you want to go swimming?” I was going to nod slowly but what he said next is close enough. “The writing kinda looks like be-beach? You want to go swimming at the beach?” I nodded my head in agreement. “But why?” I ignore the question to arrange the sticks and twigs again to spell L.E.A.D. I know that leading was a thing most humans and I believe Pokémon do a lot, I’m not good at it. “L.E…Lead. You want me to lead you to the beach” I (what a shock) nodded my head again. “Uh, sure. Follow me. I started to follow him but also tried to hide near him, true he’s a stranger and I don’t trust strangers but he is leading me to where could be my help and there are a lot of strangers that see me. “I guess you don’t like being seen, huh?” I nodded and stayed close to him.
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