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Framed for being a traitor Ashley Elon seeks revenge but what happens when her plan fails? |
"Elon you're banished from Heria and all Herian territory!" King Ryan yelled. Ashley's world fell apart. Everything she had worked so hard for is all gone and she couldn't do anything to stop it. "My king I did not do what I am accused of!" she yelled back. "Bite your tongue you're lucky I didn't sentence you to death thank your old Captain for that and I am no longer YOUR king I am Heria's king and you are no longer a Herian citizen. You have until sundown to leave." he responded and with that Ashley was dragged away from the throne room by two Herian guards. Ashley let a small tear fall as she realized she would probably never see her brother again... never see Levi her Captain, she would never see anyone she knew again. Triston, Ade, Daue, where were they when she needed them? Levi ran up to her and the guards, "I can take her from here you two continue on with your training." he said. The two nodded and handed Ashley over to him. "What is going to happen to Hugo?" she asked immediately. "I'll take care of him like I've been..." Levi sighed as he guided her back to his house, everyone gave Ashley dirty looks as if they were disgusted by her. "A traitor you think I am... a traitor I shall become..." she thought as Levi opened the door and untied the rope that bound her hands together. "Sorry Levi... but if they want a traitor they got one." Ashley sighed, immediately she turned and right-hooked the side of his face causing him to drop down unconscious. "ow..." she thought shaking her hand. Ashley ran up the stairs and took what she needed from her now "old" bedroom. Supplies being, her ruby long-sword, week worth of food, a sheath, and a blanket. A scream sounded from downstairs, "Martha." Ashley thought. "Why is she home now? She's usually not home till later!" Hearing Martha come up the stairs Ashley opened a window and jumped down onto the street she ran to the nearby river that ran through the city and underneath the city walls. Unlike most cities Heria didn't think to put bars under the water to keep un-wanted people out, thinking that the rivers currents were to strong, "With enough training anyone can swim through this current." Ashley sighed as she dove in following the current out once out of Heria's walls she floated on her back until she found a bank getting out she dried her hair as best as possible and wasn't bothered by her now soaking wet clothes. She began to run... she ran and ran until she could no longer, when she felt safer she took a rest and leaned against a tree. "Ashley? Ashley Elon?" a little boy asked, she looked down at the sweet werewolf boy. "Yes?" she said crouching down to his height. "My momma is in trouble can you help me?" he asked as he left ear twitched. Ashley bit her bottom lip lightly, but nodded, "Sure, I can help." she said following the werewolf boy. She heard growling to her right and looked sword drawn, but the boy ran in front of her and looked into the bushes. "Papa it's ok! She can help momma." he said. An older werewolf walked out his ears and tail showing, "weird... usually only pups show them..." she thought. "Aye, but this lass be a traitor." the father growled picking up his son. "I was framed but believe what you want. I'm leaving." she said turning and resheathing her sword. "Wait! You said you'd help my momma." the boy said. Ashley huffed, "Fine..." she mumbled returning. "Lead on pup." she said with a small smile remembering Hugo's and her own ears and tail sadly they could never show them their color was abnormal. The father took a deep breathe and stared at Ashley, "You're... You're a werewolf to?" he asked. Ashley nodded slightly but ran off with the boy. The pup shifted into a brown wolf and looked back at Ashley, she huffed and shifted into a much taller wolf navy blue coloring and white streaks. The pup shook and bowed, "Ultima!" he yipped. Ashley nuzzled the pup with her nose, "It's ok..." she whispered, "just show me where your momma is." she added. The pup bolted off Ashley on his tail (shhhhhhhh TOTALLY not a joke :P). The pup lead her to a giant house, they both stopped at the treeline and looked out. "Your momma is a slave..." she growled, A net flew out from the side tangling them both up together. A bow was drawn back at each of them, "Shift." they yelled. Ashley growled and snarled but the boy listened, "What kind of freak wolf are you? Must be some sort of dye." the first bowman said. "No... she's an Ultima!" the boy cried out. "Ultima? Aren't those the only wolves who out rank an Alpha or Luna?" the second bowman questioned. "Yeah... but they're rare... very, very rare." the first one snickered. "Oh I see where you're going with this... sell the she-wolf. I bet she's a pretty human." the second bow smiled. "Shift." he added. Ashley grew weaker and weaker by the second, "Wolf-bane Ultima..." the pup said. Ashley knew it, Wolf-bane always smelt like vinegar to her, an arrow shot into her right pay. With a whimper she shifted into human her right hand wounded but arrow still in the ground. "Now, ears and tail." the second bowman said. " |