Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2139537-Over-Load-Chapter-2
Rated: E · Fiction · Fantasy · #2139537
Can this young Elemental learn to control her powers? With the odds stacked against her?
Chapter 2

"Nadia! I'm so glad you are finally here!" My new roommate yelled when I walked into my room. She ran up and threw her arms around me. "I'm Sam, water born, it's so great to finally meet you!

"You too," I tried to act excited. Honestly, I hated to be touched. She looked like the girls on the front of the brochures. Uniform perfect with not even a hair out of place.

"This year has been so boring living by myself!" She sat back down on her bed. "I got so excited when they told me that a new girl was moving in with me."

"Well, I am happy to be here." I cleared a spot on my bed to sit down. It was still covered in clothes I had procrastinated putting away. "So, anything I should know about this place before classes tomorrow?"

"Oh, you have so much to learn!" She told me about which groups to avoid and what guys she thought were cute. I told her about my old school and the guy I was seeing before we moved. "Oh, he sounds dreamy! How did he feel about you moving?"

"He didn’t take it well." I pulled out my phone and showed her a few pictures of us. "It killed me to leave. But it was best. He promised to call me every night. Try and do things long distance and see each other on the holidays. But I haven't heard from him since the day I left California."

"Awe! Well, there are tons of cute guys here! Just stay away from Exaver, he has a crazy storm born girlfriend. She freaks out on any girl that goes near him. Staci is one girl you do not want to cross. Her parents are furious that she is dating a fire born. But that hasn’t seemed to stop her.” Sam seemed afraid of her. Water and storm borns normally got along. Their powers mashed well together.

"You will have to point her out tomorrow. I'm not that worried, I was top of my class it Coran. I don’t think a crazy little storm born can hurt me." I started folding the clothes on my bed. I needed a place to sleep and at that moment I couldn’t find my pillow.

"You say that now Nadia, but she is insanely powerful. There was talk about her being a chosen one a few years back, but those rumors disappeared for some reason."

I wondered to myself why she had failed out of being a chosen. That isn’t a thing you can fake or just sort of be. There are signs then there is proof. No in-betweeners. I wanted to know more about her. I already hated her, but I wanted to know how she was “almost” a chosen one.

“There was probably a reason for that.” I started throwing my clothes in the armor; not feeling up to putting them away properly at that moment. “I think I’m gonna go for a run. I feel like I haven’t worked out in days."

“The track is just on the other side of the Power building.” Sam said sounding exhausted all of a sudden. She leaned back on her bed and put her hands behind her head.

“What, don’t want to join?” I laughed. Most of my water born friends back home never wanted to run either. Each element had their own way of working out.

“Next time you feel like swimming laps, let me know,” she giggled and threw a pillow at me as I came out of the bathroom.

“Deal.” I grabbed my iPod and headed to the track. It was almost 10. I figured I would have the track to myself. But, to my despair, there was someone else on the back side of the track. I could see streaks of red glowing from his hair.

As he rounded his way towards me I could make out his face. It was Ace. I wonder if he normally takes late night runs? I asked to myself as I began to stretch out. He didn’t even seem to notice me as he ran by. I couldn’t help but notice his perfectly toned legs. I waited until he was back on the other side of the track before I began my first lap. The instant feel of relief washed over me as I tuned out the world. My playlist of Breaking Benjamin and Theory of A Deadman pushed every thought out of head. I stopped thinking about my new classes starting in just a few hours. And how I would be behind from the start due to transferring in the middle of the semester.

I ran until I felt like my legs were going to fall off. My tracker said a little over five miles. I frowned. I used to be able to go eight before feeling tired. The last few weeks of packing and moving seemed to have taken its tole on me. It upset me but I headed back to my dorm anyway for a quick shower before I crashed for the night.
© Copyright 2017 Guin Snow (babygizmo at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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