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Rated: E · Poetry · Children's · #2139513
A poem about a Princess and a frog, Disney Inspired.
True Love's Kiss

Once upon a time and many years ago, their lived a beautiful Princess in her tower and a lonely frog below.

She knew not of the frog or where he lived in the meadow, but he would sit and listen to her sing for hours; of tragic loss and sorrow, and the fear she held for tomorrow.

One christmas day she went down to the pond to gaze upon the snowflakes melting on the water, what she met instead was a lonely frog and thus he started to sing;

"Fair Princess I am but a lonely frog, not fierce, nor brave, not beautiful, nor clever, but this heart of mine you can have forever. I have watched over you all these long days and hear you sing of great sadness that keeps you awake at night, Such woes I feel too, family long gone, and distant memories of happiness too few, so let us bring in the warmth again dear one and thaw out our cold hearts.

It is on this special Christmas day, I came here to say; ..Sweet flower please grant me one wish, that we might share true loves first kiss and live on forever in immortal bliss".

The Princess was lost for words and fled back to her tower, under her bed she curled into a ball to hide away from winter's bite like a flower.

That day the Frog lost all pride and was struck an almighty blow, he fled to his mind in turmoil and woe, what the Princess must be feeling he will now never know.

All things grew very still and so did the frog, his body froze cold, his heart beat no more and his eyes they did finally close.

A great sadness swept over the world, no singing could be heard from tower or meadow, everything grew dark, even the sun was somber and mellow.

The Princess was not seen for a very long time, a sickness of guilt lay heavily on her mind.

Many months it did take for her begin to realise, the spirit who had sang her such a passionate song, had knew her best all along, for this she finally did know, that a love for the frog finally did grow.

On Christmas day, one year on, she ran to the pond to surprise the frog and tell him how spiteful she had been, she was met with a sight that took the wind from her lungs, frozen on his Lily pad, all alone the frog did sit, winter had done it's worst to him, but a fire the Princess he had in this moment magically lit.

With that she transformed into a frog, her clothes she shed but her tiara remained delicately upon her head.

She hopped to the frog and sweet whispers she did but utter, but he still lay dormant, a perfect statue of broken pride and ice, and thus she did start to sing;

"Fair Prince I am but a lonely frog, not fierce, nor brave, not beautiful, nor clever, but I give you my heart to hold forever. A year it has been since I shamefully ran from this here scene, But here I now stand with my love for you in my open hand, and this is what I would ask;

Sweet Frog please grant me one wish, that we might share true loves first kiss and live on forever in immortal bliss".

Their lips then joined and the Prince began to melt, so much love for each other they both now felt, the meadow would never again be a place of such cold, for a love had been born from a magical kiss, that will burn on for eternity like the nurtured flames of an endless furnace.
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