Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2138707-Sarah-goes-to-Fat-Camp
Rated: XGC · Fiction · Adult · #2138707
Sarah, a fat camp counselor, finds herself getting so much fatter when she gets back home.
When Sarah first came to Camp Polaris, she was surprised to see all the ice-cream. a weight loss camp, absolutely filled with soft-serve ice-cream machines. There was one in every cabin! How could anyone expect these happy campers to lose any weight when they spent every night gorging?

Of course, she soon realised that the ice-cream they were guzzling was a fat-free, sugar-free, super-low-calorie diet ice-cream. Naturally, the campers had to eat proper portions of healthy food at mealtimes, in the main dining hall. All of the ice-cream machines even had an automatic cut-off timer that stopped them from serving a half-hour before the daily swim.

The camp organiser, 'Chief Mike', explained that the campers were given free reign to the ice-cream machines so that there would be no feeling of 'forbidden temptations' about snacking and any snacking they do would be totally fat-free and very low-calorie, letting the campers feel full without ruining their diets.

Yes, the campers still spent most of their time supplementing their healthy meals with an impressive amount of ice-cream, but it was so nonfattening that only a week into the summer, she could see the campers getting slimmer. She could watch people sat around camp, stuffing their face with ice-cream for hours every night and still see their bellies shrink down and their double-chins disappear.

She had started to get curious, actually. She knew just how tasteless and bland fat-free food usually was. But clearly this ice-cream was popular. Were the campers honestly just so used to eating around the clock at home that they would eat anything they were given? Or were they happy to guzzle ice-cream because it really did taste like the "real thing", as Chief Mike claimed?

She finally tried the ice-cream. Suddenly she saw the appeal. This better than any other 'low-fat' ice-cream she'd ever eaten! It was amazing! No wonder the campers were happy to keep to their diets if they included unlimited ice-cream as nice as this! Even the most dedicated glutton would struggle to gain weight eating this, but it still had all the flavour of the full-fat version.

She indulged herself again after lunch. She was talking to a camper as they poured themselves a bowl and it seemed rude to say no when they offered to pour her one. It was a much larger serving than she had made for herself that morning, but it was low-fat, after all, and it seemed rude to get rid of some.

The next day, after lunch, she found herself considering a bowlful. Fat-free, she reminded herself. The amount she poured wasn't as big as the bowl that her camper had given her, last time. She didn't feel full like she had done. In fact, she felt another craving after dinner that night. She didn't pour another bowl. But, when she went to bed, she saw the machine in the cabin.

The cabins were large, with a small common room, a pair of single occupancy restrooms, six individual guest rooms and one counselor room. The common room was filled with armless sofas, a coffee-table and, on the far side, the ice-cream machine. Her six designated campers were all sat on their sofas, chatting away, eating heaping bowls of ice-cream. Her fat guests were all squashing up against each other, despite clearly having other sofas that they could be using, sharing the space intimately as they ate.

They didn't miss a beat when she poured out a bowl of ice-cream, even larger than the portion she'd been given yesterday, and squashed herself into place between the biggest girls in the cabin, Amanda and the only-slighty-less-rotund Rachel. The cabin talked and gossiped and ate until Amanda admitted, a few hours later, that the machine had run out of ice-cream for the night.

Sarah, suddenly aware of how sleepy she felt, wished them all a good night, going to bed with a comfortably full stomach. And she fell into a deep sleep, dreaming pleasant things that she wouldn't remember by the morning. She got up at the usual time and had her usual breakfast, going for her usual morning run.

After that night, Sarah made a habit of sitting with her cabin-mates at night, getting to know them. She learned that Amanda's father was a famous director and that her mother left when she and her twin sister were six. She learned that Rachel was a stripper at a plus-size strip-club, and she only wanted to lose enough weight to dance on the main stage, instead of being the club's 'special interest' lap-dancer. Sarah was surprised to notice that she lived in the same neighbourhood as Rachel lived and worked. She'd never paid any real attention to the strip club, so she'd not known that it specialised in big, beautiful women.

Each night, Sarah would join her fat, happy, campers to chat, to hang out, and to eat low-fat ice-cream until the machine runs out. Slowly, over the next five weeks, Sarah watched her campers shrink just a little more. Little by little, there seems to be a smaller mass of women in the cabin's ice-cream huddle. By the time the camp finishes, Sarah would be hard pressed to recognise Amanda as the same woman. She's still enormous, but nothing near as lumbering and huge as she had been to begin with. Elle was actually merely clinically obese now, actually out of the morbidly obese range. It was a kind of bittersweet end to the camp. Sarah had bonded with her cabin-mates so much, but now they were all going their separate ways. But, as they were leaving, they each promised to stay in touch with each other, trading contact details and giving congratulations on each other's weight. .

(Here, Sarah goes home and realises that, late at night, she craves ice-cream. She starts buying a pint of Ben & Jerry's every night, finishing it without even thinking, and not really thinking about how many calories she's consuming when she eats a pint of ice-cream every single day. Then she gets an idea to visit Rachel.)

She had a friend nearby, didn't she? Rachel was working just a few blocks away! Sure, it felt weird to visit any strip club, let alone a fetish club, but she was just stopping by to see a friend. Rachel introduces Sarah to a whole bunch of other BBWs and SSBBWs, all of whom are strippers or cocktail waitresses, most of who are feedees that wanted paid to be good-looking and get fat, and a few bouncers, most of whom are feeders and fat admirers. She befriends them all, ending up going out for food at a diner in the early morning several times a week. They generally order lots and lost of food, so she also ends up eating a bit. The more it goes on, the more often the guys and girls will prompt her to try something that they've ordered for themselves. Eventually, she stops simply ordering a salad and actually orders one of the meals that she's been told to try before, that she liked.

Shortly after she first goes to the diner with them, she ends up going back to eating the pint of Ben & Jerry's every night, only this time she eats it before going out to the strip club. She ends up habitually eating a pint of Ben & Jerry's every night. Then she visits the strip club in time to cheer for the last dancer of the night, which is usually the fattest girl working that night. Then she goes to the diner with the gang, being playfully teased about being the slimmest woman there, and not being 'womanly' enough. Then, they get to the diner and she eats what seems like a fairly typical meal, but it only seems that way compared with the sort of large, fattening meals that the rest of the gang eat, both the women trying to keep their weight up, and the men who burn it all off at the gym.

Then, because her and Rachel told the rest of the gang about the ice-cream gossip circle, the women all order ice-creams and everybody gossips. Some of the men also order ice-creams, but specifically for the women, to feed to their girlfriends. After a while, one of the bouncers simply starts ordering another ice-cream each for all of the women, and Sarah realises that she has been included in that. She's flattered enough to jokingly flirt with him for a while, but he half-jokingly reassures her that she is still far too slender to be attractive. She takes the ice-cream, and from then on, she always has two bowls of ice-cream after her meal, which is after her pint of Ben & Jerry's at home.

She has actually been getting a bit chubbier, slowly, but she simply hasn't managed to realise it, since she's constantly told that she's too skinny by far, and she's surrounded by SSBBWs, BBWs on the verge of becoming SSBBWs, and feeders who are used women that big. By comparison with Rachel, who weighs as much as several of Sarah, she feels like she's still absolutely slender. She finally does realise how big her potbelly really is, when she goes away to the beach with some of the gang and realises that she can't quite fit into the bikini that she wore four months ago at fat camp. She decides that she's never going to give up her new friends, so she definitely won't be going back to fat camp as a counselor.

She jokes to the gang that, if she's going back to camp at all, she'd better make it worth going to fat camp as a camper. Rachel cheers and the gang declare that it's about time she started getting some meat on those bones.They are actually sunbathing right outside a beach-side ice-cream parlor that Rachel had insisted on finding, not that anyone argued at all. The bouncer who usually pays for an extra ice-cream for every woman walks off, and the next thing Sarah knows, a waitress has come out with an ice-cream sundae. Thanking the bouncer, she tucks in and finishes it off, only for the waitress to replace it. She keeps on replacing the ice-cream until Sarah, her belly as full as it has ever felt, finally has to refuse and ask Rachel to finish off the bowl. Of course, she's managed to find room for another couple by lunchtime...

Watch out for the sequel, where Sarah gets back to camp as a BBW, alongside a Rachel who has gained back more weight than she lost and is only here to enjoy the company! Has Amanda kept the weight off? Will their 'only chubby' cabin-mates return, only to find Sarah is here as a camper now, and even fatter than them? Will Sarah get *individual* ice-cream machines for them and their cabin-mates? Will Sarah realise that expanding her stomach capacity on seemingly harmless 'no fat' ice-cream is what made her gorge herself on full-fat ice-cream back home? Will the fat camp owner ever admit that it was his plan all along, to try and fatten up 'fat camp' counselors? Find out next time!
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