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Rated: E · Monologue · Relationship · #2138627
Reflecting on the kids' visit
Both kids were home from College this weekend....and all 4 of us were together at the same time, at home, since mid August (2 months). 

I worry sometimes about how they get along and how their relationship is developing as they become adults. I haven't fared all that well with my siblings, and I hope they find that sweet spot where they can tolerate each other, their significant others, and stand to share oxygen. They rode home together....which was one of the "rules" my wife and I made when both cars were taken to campus. Only one car comes home........you pick. 

They popped the front door open, together, at about 7:30 Friday night. About the time we expected them.......and they were both smiling, happy, it seemed to be home, and none the worse for wear after being couped up together for 3 1/2 hours. They both sat for a few minutes, chatted, hugged the dog, hugged us.......laughed and smiled. Son eventually went back out to the car, no announcement, just hopped up and went.........came back up the basement steps carrying heavy boots and 2 bags. One I presumed was his "overnight" bag, and I wasn't sure about the other for a little bit.......until I realized it was his sister's bag. The small things.....make you smile. He had gone back out to the car to get his gear, and when he realized she hadn't brought her's in either, did so with no fuss, no prompting......I know......it seems so insignificant and so petty, but it's STILL an unselfish gesture and an acknowledgement for doing a "good thing".

They both stayed for a good bit Friday evening. We shared some dinner........not much, burgers on the grill, and both had "plans" for the evening. Son had a party at a lifelong friend's house to celebrate his friend's birthday and daughter had a "date" with the boyfriend. They did share their trip home and chatted a good bit about College life, complaining about this, poking fun at that, commenting on the other. It was good.....it felt good, and happy. I think they were glad to be home.

The rest of the weekend was mostly uneventful. Son a bit moody as he would normally be. Daughter doing her thing with the boyfriend. They were both in and out, but both made efforts to spend time in, and talk, and have some conversation.

The strange thing happened on Sunday afternoon as they were prepping to leave. Son was in a down mood......grumpy, anti social.....which he's prone to do, and daughter worried about the trip back to school with him. They packed up and we sat on the front porch to see them off. Neither looked up as they drove off......maybe they couldn't or may they just didn't, I don't know.

About 10 minutes later, I get a text from daughter. "Son tossed an envelope into your truck window".

"Uh, oh"........was my immediate thought. He and I have been kinda butting heads, struggling to find each other.

So.....I walk out to the truck, very apprehensive as to what's been left for me to digest, to find a folded up piece of note book paper with "Dad" handwritten across the page. 

You have taught me some very important lessons, and we've made a connection through baseball. One of them is taking advantage of the first fastball strike you see......but there were more important non baseball lessons you taught through baseball. You once made a comment regarding a statue being built for a local baseball legend that we shouldn't wait until he passes to build the statue, that we should thank him now, when he can know that we feel thankful. Dad, I can't build you a statue, but I can take this lesson to heart and say thank you for all that you do for me and our family. I appreciate it. 

Love, Son"

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