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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · War · #2138612
Just a short story I made for my English class. Enjoy.
3 October 2034, 22:36 GMT.

South London, Sector 23, nicknamed 'Sniper Junction'

Team status - Clear

"Steel-Blade, Steel-Blade, this is Hades, do you copy?"

Michael Barrett's voice crackled over the sound of radio static and the bitter howling winds.

"I can hear you Hades, no enemy activity to report."

Ben glanced at his two squad mates as he said this; Mason Fisher, an experienced veteran of this war and long-time friend to Ben was to the right keeping a careful lookout for trouble. Owen Roberts, the not so experienced new guy was to his left watching the faint flickering of flames in the distance with a devilish grin slapped across his face.

"Nice job clearing out the enemy weapons cache back there. Sector 25 scouts saw the explosion from over the Thames!"

His commander spoke again, this time the old man's voice was serious.

"Look Ben, I know you and your guys are tired but this ones too good of an opportunity to miss: A person-of-interest is being held captive at a known enemy outpost due east of you. His name's Oren Miles. Get him out of the place, quietly. Sending you the co-ordinates now."

"But sir?" He interjected "we're low on-"

"I don't care. If we lose track of this guy 14 months of hard work gone. Just like that, so just do your job Sergeant. That's an order. Hades over and out."

Ben was furious - last mission nearly had his team blown up... now they wanted him to sneak in a known death trap and get some kid?

"What's the plan Sergeant, we finally getting to sleep?" Asked Owen.

"No." Ben replied, "You aren't going to like this..."

4 October 2034, 00:02 GMT

"You were right sarge, I Definitely do not like this," Owen whispered.

They waited on guard in deathly silence until finally, Mason spoke.

"Three guys outside patrolling," he said lowering his standard issue binoculars, "each equipped with assault rifles. Too dark to tell for sure but it appears there is snipers up on the rooftops. They have the place pretty well lit up too. It's best we don't pick any fights. Now, our guy is being held here," he pointed to the top floor of the bigger buildings. "This won't be easy-"

"Yeah, no kidding." added Owen, "we still have some of that explosive leftover?" he grinned.

Mason ignored this and looked to his sergeant, his face full of concern. "... you know," his voice quavered, "intelligence better be right about this."

They were merely a weapon to commander 'Hades' - his 'Steel-Blade'.

Ben was considering giving up when he saw the base. The place was a fortress! They needed a plan, and a lot of luck if they were going to survive this.

"Here's what we do," Ben briefed his team, "See the fence on the eastern side? Owen prime all leftover explosives we have there.


"We meet along the western fence in the shadows. Stay out of sight. On my command Mason you cut the fence, I'll blow the explosives; we'll use the distraction as cover for us to move in and out. If anything goes wrong we come out the way we came in. Got it?"

"Got it."

00:24 GMT

"You alright brother?" Ben called out to Owen

"Yeah, I'm good..." he cursed, crouching down into the shadows with his rifle drawn. "One of 'em nearly caught me."

"You'll be fine, Mason: Fence cutters."

The three waited for what seemed like an eternity until Mason had cut through the rusted iron fence

"Is everybody ready?" The sergeant asked

"Ready" Mason grunted.

"Let's do this" Said Owen

"Three. Two. One." There was a click of the detonator, followed by an almighty BANG. The explosion sent tremors through the ground and shockwaves through the air. "Let's move"

As you can imagine when your high security, the unbreakable fortress is blown up - you aren't going to let that slide. Sirens blared out and armed men rushed out from every nook and cranny of the place expecting an assault from the east. Our three heroes moved into the buildings (from the west,) in a tight organized fashion. Training had paid off. Each man watched the other's back and every movement no matter how tiny, was deliberate. They reached the door to the main building.

"Get ready to-"


Oh no. No, no, no... They'd been spotted. Shot's zipped in their direction. Mason cursed as they took cover. Owen was trembling.

"Sergeant, we gotta make a move for it!" Mason shouted above the choir of gunshots.

They now had the whole area trying to kill them. The place was a kill zone - should've never listened to Commander Michael Barret.

"To the fence! MOVE!"

Both of them fled back to the fence when they heard wrenching screaming close behind.

"Owens hit!"

Mason ran back and dragged an incapacitated Owen to the safety behind the fence as Ben exchanged shots with the rebels.

"This is sergeant Ben Coleman, we are pinned down in sector 24 co-ordinates 311 634 requesting immediate support and we have wounded!" There was no reply. He took his hand away from the radio. "Let's take a look at Owen." Oh jesus.

Both Owen's hands clung limply to an angry red hole in his chest. Blood shot out and his voice was hoarse.

"Just a scratch." He spat bloody spit "Just go! " He coughed, "go!"

"Nah we ain't leaving you, brother," Mason Reassured him. That's when another shot zipped past penetrating Owen's skull. He let out a final breath then his body stopped moving. He had been killed.

Mason was seething with anger. "Ben, get the hell out of here... I'll make sure they pay"

Ben saw at least 5 rebels coming his way. He turned his heels and ran. And ran. He didn't look back. He heard shouting, and gunshots, and an explosion. Then an awful unwelcome silence. Owen was dead, Mason... was dead. He couldn't believe it.

"Sorry, all units are unable to assist at the moment." A female administrator of Hades cracked through the radio.

"All members of team Steel-Blade are dead." He looked deep into the wispy cloud covered sky as his voice took a darker tone. "You can tell your commander, he'd better watch his back. 'Zeus' over and out."
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