Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/213848-Just--A-Summer-Fling
by Bex
Rated: GC · Fiction · Fanfiction · #213848
Roswell Fanfic.What if Michael and Maria didn't meet in Roswell?
Michael cast weary eyes over the floodlit pool. The water lay still and flawless, making an oval, glassy mirror. Michael’s skin felt scratchy and flushed under the starchy shirt and clingy black pants. God he hated this uniform. Rubbing his neck in frustration he turned to leave but, in afterthought, he turned back and began pulling off his clothes. Clawing at the fabric in eagerness to be free, several of the buttons shot off his shirt and sailed into the dark unknown of a lush, green tropical bush beside the pool but he paid no heed.

Finally he stood naked, savouring the fresh salty air pinching at his skin. This was why he had come out here. It wasn’t to think and it certainly wasn’t to work. It was to spend time living life, doing everything regular people didn’t do. He dived into the sheet of water, making a perfect arc. He surfaced and pushed his sun streaked hair out of his eyes, relishing the cold, bitter blanket that surrounded him. He started doing laps, his long, brawny arms sweeping smoothly through the water.

Three floors above him a pretty blonde watched his progress silently. She flicked her eyes around to where her friend lay in peaceful slumber. Liz’ chocolate hair fanned over the pillow and her lips were parted in soft shallow breathing. Maria turned her head back to the naked stranger in the pool. He was still doing laps but he had slowed to a steady rhythm. This guy was hot, hotter than anyone from her home town. Maybe holidaying with the Parkers wasn’t going to be so boring after all. This guy, whoever he was, was making this whole thing seem interesting.

Michael stopped by the edge of the pool and heaved himself out onto the blue tiles decorating the side. He had no towel so he wiped himself down with his shirt. Maria bit her lip at the thought of rubbing his body through the shirt, feeling every bump and curve. He was built to perfection, all muscle and tanned, toned flesh. Maria blushed slightly, she hated herself for having these thoughts. She always did this, fell head over heels in love with random guys and got her little heart broken when they showed no interest whatsoever.

Michael felt the tiny hairs on the back of his neck twitch and he whirled around, just catching a wispy curl of blonde hair flicking into the darkness of a third floor apartment. Number 31, best view of the pool. Suddenly feeling shame for his nakedness, Michael pulled his clothes into a hurried bundle and bolted into the staff block of flats. Whoever that was, they had got a good eyeful.


Maria dipped her spoon into the cereal and stirred the sugary flakes. Her mind fluttered back to the dead of the night, to the guy in the pool. She had been dying to tell Liz about him but she held back. If she told somebody it wouldn’t be hers anymore, her little fantasy. No, it had to be her little secret. No one could know, that guy would stay in her head and her head alone.

Maria dropped her spoon as she glanced up. How can the guy stay in your head alone, her brain whispered, if he’s walking over to the table right now.

Michael balanced the toast rack on his finger tips and carried the two menus with his free hand. This was the best part of his job- taking orders from two delicious looking girls. Sometimes he was too lucky. He set the rack onto the table and started his little speech. “Good morning ladies I hope you slept well. Today we have three special choices for you. Full cooked breakfast, porridge cooked to an age old recipe or perhaps pancakes dipped in syrup would be more to your liking. Hot and sweet. How can you resist?”

Maria choked as she tried to swallow her cereal. Hot and sweet. Felt familiar somehow. Michael glanced down at her and she felt her cheeks redden. She stared intently into her bowl as he frowned at her bowed head.

“Can I see your dining card please?” Liz handed him the cardboard rectangle and he punched a hold through it. Just as he was handing it back, he noticed their room number, emblazoned in black and white. Number 31. It was Michael’s turn to blush. ‘So that’s who saw me last night, the blonde from 31. Oh God I was naked. And swimming at half one in the morning. Great. She probably thinks I’m some sort of nut.’

“I’ll have pancakes I think. You make then sound so tempting,” Liz giggled, trying to ease the strange tension that had developed. Michael wrote her order shakily on the pad.

“And for, uh, you madam?”

Maria lifted her head, caught his eye and looked down. “Um coffee, black please, no sugar”. Michael nodded and scooted off. Liz turned to face Maria, who was trying to make herself look as small as possible

“What is with you two? Do I sense the sexual sparks or what? Going back on your promise that you wouldn’t have a holiday romance Maria?”

“No, I mean, he’s cute and all but no. I couldn’t.” While her mouth formed the negative answer her heart pounded out a positive one. YES YES YES.

Later in the day Maria was sprawling on a sunlounger beside the pool. Liz had got on a bus for a tour of the sites after breakfast and her parents had gone shopping but the only thing Maria planned to was soak up the sun and possibly read the book her English teacher had set for her during the summer.

She had just finished the first page, already bored to tears of Jane Austin, when a familiar voice said, “We had to read that in school”. Maria lowered her book and stared up at Mister Bathing-Naked.

“Did you?” she asked, not caring in the slightest, “How strange.” Mr BN sat down next to her and extended a hand.

“I’m Michael”.


Michael scratched his forehead as though he wanted to say something but didn’t know how. Maria knew just how he felt.

“Listen I just wanted to say, um, sorry for the little display I put on last night. I didn’t know anyone was watching.”

Maria felt her palms go clammy. Oh god he makes it sound like I was perving on him like some hormonal teenager. “I couldn’t sleep and I was taking some air. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to, uh, you know. See you. Swimming. Naked.”

Michael’s mouth curled into a smirk. She was so cute, the way her hair curled around her flushed face in tendrils. He had promised himself that chicks would not get in the way of him having a real wild time when he was out here. But she was intoxicating. Her blue string bikini hugged her hips, smoothed across every curve. Her skin was creamy white, unaccustomed to the garish sun. Michael longed to rub some lotion into her flesh, caressing it and massaging it until it was warm beneath his fingers....

Michael sat bolt upright and shook his head. He was a bachelor, he didn’t get mixed up with tourists. Born to walk alone and all that.

“Anyway I gotta go,” he said getting up, much to Maria’s annoyance, “I work in the bar across there at night and if I don’t help clear up after last night they’ll fire me for sure. But as long as we got all that cleared up?”

Maria smiled and nodded, pulling an orange bottle from beneath her lounger. “Everything’s fine. Have a good day at work, uh, Michael. Now I have to rub some cream on otherwise I’ll end up looking like that lobster I ate last night.”

Michael grinned and walked away, wishing with every step he was the one doing the rubbing. Damn that tourist girl- why did she have to be quite so tempting?

Later that evening

Liz picked through her seafood, not quite convinced it wasn’t still breathing. Across the table from her Maria looked equally bemused by her meal. Liz glanced around at the almost empty dining hall. Her parents had been really cool about giving the girls their space on this trip, they hadn’t once expected either of them to eat or go out with them. They had disappeared off somewhere for dinner, leaving the two friends alone for the evening.

“Are you sure live seafood isn’t a delicacy over here cos I swear this squid is givin me the eye?”

Liz laughed. “I know. But would you really have been happier with an omelette on a foreign holiday?”

“At least I know what’s in an omelette. Do we even know what sort of fish this is?”

“It’s octopus I think,” Liz grimaced and poked a tentacle-shaped slice with her fork.

“Ugh, that is it! No more.” Maria threw down her fork and gulped down the remaining water in her glass. “I wish I’d thought to bring supplies on this trip.”

Liz also set down her fork, deciding Maria had the right idea. “So what are we doin tonight cos we have a choice.”

“Hit me”.

“Well there’s the cabaret..”

“I am sick of that guy. The only song he knows is “Fly me to the moon”.”

“There’s always bingo in the foyer.”

“That old guy last night had heart palpitations when he got a full house, I don’t need a recreation of ER again.”

“What about late night shopping?”

“Now I could be interested in that but the mall is closing early tonight for the parade tomorrow. Hey, isn’t it so cool we got here just before the summer celebrations began? I love parades.”

Liz nodded enthusiastically. “Yeah me too. But that still doesn’t solve our problems about what to do tonight. There isn’t a lot to do at our age. I wish I was older. Or taller.”

Maria smiled and considered their options. Something in the back of her mind ticked but she couldn’t think why. Suddenly she had it.

“Well there’s a bar overlooking the pool. We could try that.”

“And how are we meant to get in Maria?”

“Hey don’t worry about it. We’ll just put on really high heels and pack on the blusher. Trust me.” Maria jumped out of her seat and pulled Liz to her feet. “Let’s go”.

An hour had past by the time they arrived at the swing doors leading into the bar. A longish queue snaked around the side of the building and Maria pulled a doubtful Liz into it.

“It’ll be fun, you’ll see,” she said, pulling at the tiny silver mini she wore over fishnets. She teetered above Liz in her four inch black suede boots, not able to do much more than shuffle along. Liz was a tad more modestly dressed, in a little red halter dress Maria had brought. The clothes she had packed didn’t cater for over 18 clubs so the whole outfit was Maria’s. But the dress fitted like it had been made just for her and as she followed the line to the doors, Liz smoothed the material over her hips, feeling quite perfect.

When they reached the doors the bouncer glanced down at the pair.

“And what age are you honey?” he said addressing Maria but keeping his eyes firmly on Liz. Or rather, her cleavage.

“Eighteen. Of course.” Maria never let her gaze falter, though her heart beat hard and rapidly.

“Of course.” The guy cocked his head to the side, almost certainly about to tell them where to go. But suddenly his face cracked into a huge smile. He seemed almost amused by their tremendous efforts with the heels and makeup. He pushed open the door and waved them through. “Have fun tonight ladies, and don’t let me see you back here again.”

The friends tottered through, trying to keep their cool. Once the door had swung behind them Maria let out a great whoop and grabbed Liz by the waist.

“Ah we are brilliant con artists Liz. I knew we would get in.”

Liz nodded slowly, well aware that it wasn’t as much Maria’s expertise with a blusher brush that had got them in but rather the whim of a bouncer who had had a little too much to drink. Bt she wasn’t going to think about that now.

The whole room was heaving, people littered everywhere. They sat in groups at tables or alone on bar stools, talking to the barmen many of them seemed to know by name. The music was loud and quick, strobe lighting flashing wildly in the dance area beneath them. Liz leant over the railings and gasped. Four metres beneath her feet the dancers were packed together like sardines, all moving and grooving to the beat. In that instant Liz was glad they had come. “We don’t have anything like this back home,” she whispered, almost spellbound by it all.

Meanwhile Maria was balancing on her toes, trying to see over the crowd to the bar. In desperation she stepped up onto the railings and swept her gaze over the barmen. Her eyes stopped and lit up as she saw him. Michael was bouncing a cocktail shaker around in his palms, chatting to another barman. He twisted the shaker beneath his fingers before pouring it’s gloopy red contents into a glass and serving it to a redhead in front of him. She bent across the bar and whispered something in his ear, squeezing the top of his arm. Maria saw Michael laugh and nod before turning to the next customer. ‘Oh, she thought vehemently, well if that’s the way it’s gonna be Miss Redhead, I suggest you watch out. Cos I’ve laid claims on that bartender and I’ll be damned if you’re gonna get him.’

Maria turned to Liz who was chatting and laughing with a local guy. She pulled her to one side.

“I was gonna apologise for leaving you to see some guy but it’s obvious you ditched me first sister.”

“Maria don't say that, we were just talking.”

“Well have a lovely time talking Liz and hey,” Maria shouted as she turned to go, “maybe he’ll teach you a bit of foreign tongue.” Liz covered her face in shame, glad her companion didn’t speak a lot of English.

The blonde pushed her way through the mass of people, making a beeline for the bar. After a lot of crafty movements and dirty looks, she managed to snag herself a stool near to where Michael was serving. She pulled out her little compact mirror and shook her flaxen mane. ‘It’s now or never girl’.

Tossing her hair over her shoulder, Maria turned back to the bar and leant her elbow elegantly on it. She glanced up at Michael, waiting for him to look her way. When he did she flicked her head around and gazed around the room, doing her best to seem aloof and mysterious.

“Fancy seeing you here,” he shouted over the music, glad she had put in an appearance.

Maria turned and flashed him a flirty smile. “Yeah well I thought since I had nothing to do tonight I may as well check this place out. Did you have fun cleaning up today?”

“Yeah. I had a whale of a time. Cleaning up someone else’s puke is the ideal way to spend a day.”

Maria laughed, tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear. Michael was sweating ever so slightly, his hair clung damply to his head. The buttons of his shirt had been haphazardly stitched on after last night’s swim and he had only fastened four, giving Maria another glimpse of his sizzling physique.

“So you want a drink or something?” Michael asked, noticing his boss glancing disapprovingly at him.

“Um yeah I’ll have, um, an orange juice please.”

Michael laughed knowingly. “Underage are you? All the nervous ones try orange juice first, before moving on to cocktails”.

Maria giggled, blushing at how see through she was.

“Well I won’t tell,” he breathed, leaning towards her, until their heads were almost touching, “Cross my heart.” He whipped a tall glass out of nowhere and poured her juice into it. With the other hand he pulled a lever nearby, filling a little plastic bowl with crushed ice which he proceeded to toss into the glass. He topped it off with a pink paper umbrella.

Maria laughed and accepted her drink. “This has to be the fanciest orange juice I’ve ever had.” She extended her hand which contained some money but he shook his head.

“I never take money from a lady. Consider this to be our first date.”

Maria’s heart fluttered and she allowed herself a confident smile.

“Well aren’t you just a charming gentleman. Maybe I’ll see you around later Michael.” And with that she jumped off the barstool and mingled in with the crowd. Michael waited until he couldn’t see her anymore and let out a huge sigh. That girl was a hottie there was no mistaking. Maybe he could break his rule just once. He definitely wanted to see what was under those skimpy clothes, although he could guess- that skirt didn’t leave a lot to the imagination. Which was just the way he liked it.

Maria spent most of the night sipping orange juice and talking to random people. Liz sat in the corner with her local guy, occasionally searching out Maria and begging her to come and sit with them.

“He really isn’t that interesting and all he talks about is suba diving.”

“Look you are having a fabulous time with Scuba Boy and I don’t want you feeling sorry for me okay? I am having a great time just mingling so get back to him before he forgets his fascinating scuba diving story”.

A few guys offered to buy her a drink but every time she considered letting them Maria remembered the lecture her mother had given her on date rape. Honestly, she thought crossly, her mom couldn’t be normal. She had to etch her warning into her daughter’s brain. Maria reached into her purse and pulled out the going away present her mother had stuffed into her hand as she left. An attack alarm. Not an extra twenty or even another bottle of lotion in case she got burnt. No it had to be an attack alarm. Very Amy.

As the hours flew past Maria patience with the noise and light and guys wore thin. Maybe it was just as well they didn’t have any of this in Roswell- one night was just fine. So the next time Liz came over she told her it was time to go.

“Okay, well let me say goodbye to whatsisname and we can go. Mom and dad will be back soon and they’ll kill us if we’re out late.” Maria nodded and watch Liz push her way back to Scuba Boy. She perched herself on the railings and thought about whether or not to say goodbye to Michael. He was still behind the bar but he hadn’t come over all night and Maria was starting to wonder if he actually liked her at all. Disappearing without saying anything would be mysterious but also rude and he could have been waiting for her to make her move.

Decisively Maria hopped off the railings, strode over to the bar and waited for Michael to come over. He was polishing glasses and it took him a while to clock her. When he did look up she feigned deep interest in something a drunk man was saying beside her.

Michael felt his heart leap when he saw her. He had wanted to get over to talk to her all night but his boss wasn’t exactly willing to play Cupid and let him. He had seen a couple of guys talking to her and considered going over and breaking them up but she hadn’t seemed all that keen- none of the conversations lasted more than five minutes. She was too cool for any of them anyway. He loped over and gave her his winning smirk. It seemed to melt the hearts of all the other tourist girls.

“Another orange or are you moving on to something a little stronger?”

Maria laughed and shook her head. “Actually we’re leaving.”

Michael felt a wave of disappointment wash over him. How the hell was he meant to impress her if she kept disappearing. Dammit this girl played it cool. But that made her all the more tempting.

“Oh right. Not really your scene or is all that male attention getting you down?”

Maria’s insides jumped. So he has noticed me. He must have been watching me and I didn’t realise. God I hope I wasn’t doing anything stupid. “Well it’s late and I really should be in bed, catching up on some beauty sleep”. She jumped down and picked up her purse when she saw Liz coming toward them. Michael sighed. Not even a hint that she liked him. This chick thing was more pain than it was worth.

“Oh and Michael,” she called back over her shoulder, “Male attention is always welcome, providing it’s the right male.” Michael’s eyes widened as he watched her leave, not looking back to see what effect she had had. No girl had ever had the guts to say something so openly flirtatious to him before. Maria was truly one of a kind.

Liz tossed in her sleep, her forgotten eyeshadow rubbing onto the crisp white pillowcase. It was the second night in a row Maria hadn’t been able to sleep. It was the heat and not being in her own bed with her own things around her. She rubbed her eyes and went over to the window. No sign of Michael tonight, although she had been up for an hour. The night air was soft and the sky was filled with a million stars, glinting like rhinestones. Maria listened, thinking she could hear the sea crashing over the shore but it was so quiet that she couldn’t be sure it wasn’t just her imagination.

She hadn’t stopped thinking about Michael since they had got back from the club. Liz cheerfully talked about Drake or whatever his name was and his diving and then listened as Maria droned on about Michael. Liz was great that way- she could talk and listen equally well- the perfect best friend. It’s just a shame I don’t have the perfect boyfriend to match, Maria thought sadly.

She glanced at the digital travel clock on the night stand. It was just after three. They were meant to be getting up in five hours for the parade. This heat was driving her mad. She itched the back of her neck for the fifth time, feeling grumpy and suffocated. Her eyes fell on the jeans she had hung over the chair the day before. Maybe what she needed was a walk, just of the hotel grounds. It was cool outside and it might help her sleep. Hadn’t she read somewhere that the coast breeze induced sleepiness?

She slipped on her jeans and pulled on the T-shirt Liz had bought for her from the tour she went on that morning. It read ‘Kiss me quick, hold me slow’ Maria smiled silently. Liz knew her too well. Putting the room key in her pocket she ran a comb through her hair and shut the door behind her. She rode the elevator to the ground floor and stepped into the reception. It was busier than she had expected. Late night arrivals sat in bunches, bleary eyed and drained from their flight. She smiled at an elderly couple who looked worn out but they were semi conscious and didn’t see her.

Maria sauntered out on the patio, where six or seven tables were scattered, each with four chairs tucked underneath. Lazily she walked to the pool and dipped her fingers in. Finding it surprisingly warm for the middle of the night she pulled off her trainers and sat on the edge, dangling her feet in the water and enjoying it’s thick warmth. Maria felt her body slow down at that point, while she sat and enjoyed the late night. It was as though a peace had come over her. This was where she wanted to be forever.

Although the night was still and silent Maria didn’t hear the tell tale footsteps behind her. So she jumped slightly when she felt gentle hands slip over her eyes.

“Guess who”. The tone was muffled and soft but the voice was unmistakable. Maria cupped her own hands around his and gently pulled them away.

“I didn’t think you’d be about at this time.”

“Yeah right like you weren’t waiting for me to come along.”

Maria gasped. “Of course not. A lady just wouldn’t do that sort of thing.”

“No a lady wouldn’t,” Michael smirked, pleased at this flirtatious sparring. Maria stood up and put her hands on her hips. Michael looked at her longingly. She was just so damn sexy, her flashing green eyes and that cute little pout. This was some serious infatuation he had going.

“Are you saying I’m not a lady, Mister Barman Michael?”

Michael grinned and snaked an arm around Maria’s waist, pulling her to him. “Don’t worry. I hate ladies. Give me a bad girl any day.” With that he put his lips to hers, relishing the electric spark he felt. Maria responded eagerly, pressing herself against him, feeling his heart race beneath her fingertips. His lips were soft and warm and tasted spicy, like Tobasco sauce. This was what foreign holidays were all about.

Wrapping both arms around Maria, Michael grasped her tighter, trying to merge them together, make her a part of him. She smelled like peaches and lavender and he kissed her neck, breathing her in. Running his fingers through her silky hair, Michael settled his hands around her neck and pulled her with him as he moved to the wall. He turned so Maria’s back was pressed against the stone and continued to deliver scorching kisses to her lips and skin.

Maria’s lips parted as she let out a strangled moan, wishing this could last forever. She had never felt like this before, never experienced this feral desire deep inside. She wasn’t even aware she had it within her. It felt like something grown up and forbidden, thoughts and wants that should be restricted to bedrooms and your own head. She was too young, too innocent and inexperienced to be feeling the way she did. But this was real, this was happening and what she was feeling had to be acted on, she would go mad if she didn’t do something about these emotions right now.

Michael ran his hands over her waist and down across the curve of her hips, savouring her feminine shape. Feeling drunk and adventurous because of this surprising interlude he moved his fingers to the hemline of her T-shirt, easing it up ever so slightly. Maria’s head screamed to her to stop this madness but she couldn’t. Everything her mother had said was banished to the back of her mind, something to consider when she had satisfied these urges. Maria nodded, begging him to continue.

Michael pulled the material up and over her head, wondering how anyone’s skin could be so soft and flawless. With his thumb he traced a swirly pattern on her skin, starting at the indentation between her collarbones and working his way down to her bare breasts with glacier-like speed. Maria’s head rocked back on her neck, so overcome by the pleasure his touch brought to her. His kiss was feathery soft, teasing her nipples to hardness. Maria had never felt such a feeling, verging between pleasure and pain. But she needed more. If she had any chance of stemming these urges he had to give her more.

She reached out, never allowing Michael’s mouth to leave her own, and deftly unbuttoned his shirt. She peeled it from his skin and let it drop to the ground, where it pooled around his feet. She ran urgent hands over his brown skin, touching every muscle the way she had longed to the night before. Her touch excited Michael. Being with Maria felt like it never had before. There had been other girls, lots of other girls, but he had never experienced such an electric force before, it was practically magnetic.

With his finger and thumb, Michael unfastened her jeans button and unzipped her fly. Taking his time he pushed the jeans over her hips and she stepped out of them. Maria stood before him naked, she hadn’t bothered with underwear, and she was without flaw.

Michael had visited an art exhibition once where the main theme was human sculpture. He spent the whole afternoon wondering where the artists found their models, they were all so beautifully formed, perfect in every possible way. Thirteen year old Michael had scoffed at the sculptures, the artists had to have changed the way the models looked to fit the ideal- there was no woman alive that looked that good, was that beautiful. And yet Michael had found one. A diamond in the dust, she was untouched and without fault. Completely irresistible.

Maria’s mind was racing. Michael’s eyes traced her outline as he considered her. He heart stopped beating as she waited for him to move, to do anything. What was he thinking? Is he impressed or revolted? Maybe he thinks I’m a ho for letting it get this far when we barely know each other. Oh god Michael speak to me.

Michael didn’t speak at all. He just kissed Maria hard on the mouth and guided her hand to his button and zip. She pulled at them eagerly, excited her body pleased him so. Soon there was nothing left between them but Michael’s boxer shorts. He buried his face in her hair, knowing he had to be responsible about this but wishing he didn’t.

“Are you sure you want to do this Ria? I won’t mind if you don’t want to go through with it. I don’t want you thinking you’re under pressure”, he whispered into her hair, half hoping she hadn’t heard him and he could just continue kissing this beautiful creature til his lips bled.

Maria took a deep breath and whispered back, “I have never been more sure of anything in my entire life.” She pulled away to face him and smiled. “This is what I want Michael, what I’ve been waiting for my whole life.”

Michael’s whole body relaxed. ‘She wants you, his head screamed, this heavenly girl, sent like some sort of angel, wants you.” Suddenly there was no need to wait, no need to torture himself anymore. Michael tore off his boxers and pulled Maria roughly to him. He cupped his hand behind her knee and she responded, curling her legs around him. Michael dropped to his knees, overcome by the sparks he felt as his skin brushed over hers. Cradling her face in both his hands he gently placed Maria onto the cool surface of the tiles and kissed her body. He covered every square inch, desperate not to miss any part out- he would have felt cheated otherwise. She smelled sugary sweet, like honeysuckle. Her scent filled his head and he felt his knees shake in reply, so overcome was he by the heady aroma of her skin.

Maria watched him with heavily lidded eyes. This was everything she had dreamed it would be and more. Her first time, with a guy built like a god beside a floodlit pool on holiday. Not her biggest stab at romance but it was a start. Besides this was more exciting that a bed in a motel, Maria’s heart sped at the thought of somebody catching them. It made everything all the more thrilling.

Suddenly something reminded her off the risk she was taking. She couldn’t get carried away and forget that this was an unknown guy in a foreign country. Maria stifled a giggle as she realised she was blushing. It was all so ridiculous. She was willing to have passionate, frenzied sex beside the pool with some guy she didn’t know from Adam but she felt embarrassed bringing up the subject of contraception. She was scared it would put him off, that he’d look at her as just another naïve tourist. But, she reasoned, would I rather be naïve or pregnant with a kid without a father? That decided it.

“Michael.” Maria’s feathery whisper broke the lengthy silence that had descended as Michael worked his way over her body. He looked up, his forehead wrinkled in concern. He prepared himself for rejection, for the “It just isn’t right” speech. With other girls this speech hadn’t bothered him, he had just gone out and picked up another one. But Maria was different. This was a girl he would be willing to fight for; she was special. She made him feel like he was important, when she looked into his eyes the only thing he could see was himself, he was all that mattered to her in that moment. No one had ever treated him like he was somebody.

“Do you have any………you know………protection?” He grinned in reply. Her eyes betrayed her fear of spoiling the moment and he realised she was just as nervous as he was. He reached across and pulled a little blue packet out of his trouser pocket. Maria smiled and kissed him, her fear dissolving.

Michael ran his hands over her face and tore the packet with his teeth. This was something he was never going to forget. Every other girl faded into distant memory as he looked at Maria, such mesmerising green eyes and angelic blonde hair. She was perfect in every way. Maria studied Michael, the way seemed to breathe her in, the way his eyes flickered to hers every few seconds. At that moment she had a strong feeling wash over her. As though she was somehow fulfilling destiny, like Fate had mapped this entire thing out. That made it seem better somehow.

They lay together afterward, their bodies radiating moist heat. They didn’t speak because there was nothing to say. They had just had the most intimate conversation two people can have, their bodies had spoken to one another, communicating in ways neither of them had ever dreamed of.

Maria brushed away a strand of hair from her eyes and pushed herself onto her elbows. She wanted to see Michael, to look into his eyes and see how he felt. Michael looked right back at her, their eyes locking. He reached over and brushed his lips against hers, so soft she couldn’t be sure it was real. She felt like she had to say something. Maria always felt like she had to say something. Silence was good but not good enough for her. She opened her mouth, trying to think of something appropriate for the moment. She didn’t want to sound childish, like a girl who had just had her first sexual adventure usually sounds. She wanted to say something passionate and mature, something that would make him want to be with her forever.

She needn’t have worried, for at that moment she heard an almighty roar. Looking up she saw what looked suspiciously like the hotel manager standing over them, his face red with fury and his mouth ready to spew a long line of words his mother would not approve of.

“Guerin you have had your last chance, “ he hollered, as Michael and Maria scrambled to their feet, “You disgusting little retch. I’ll kill you for this…”

He made a clumsy tackle at Michael who dodged, grabbing their clothes and Maria’s hand.

“Run!” So the pair ran, the manager lumbering behind. Fortunately he seemed to be a few gym visits short of fit because he slowed his pace and eventually stopped, screaming obscenities after them. Michael pulled Maria into the pool hut beside the back wall and slammed the door after them, breathing hard. Maria glanced briefly out of the grimy little window, noticing a crowd of guests hanging over their balconies and congregating around the pool. The hotel manager was out of sight, probably trying to make up a convincing story for wondering minds.

Michael pounded his fist against the wood and inhaled deeply. Maria, suddenly aware they were both naked, began pulling on her jeans and T-shirt. Michael took her lead and buttoned himself back into his bar uniform. She stood watching him until he was finished and then looked him straight in the eye, as though waiting for him to say something.

“I’m sorry about Jerry”, he started, “I guess I got a little carried away and didn’t remember he patrolled the grounds at night.”

Maria laughed, trying to ease a bit of the tension that had developed. “It’s okay. Takes two to…whatever.” Suddenly her hand flew to her mouth and she cursed. “Oh God the Parkers!” Michael gave her a look.

“The who?”

“The people I’m staying with. The manager probably woke them and they’ll be up looking for me. Oh God what the hell am I gonna do? I gotta go right now”. She straightened her hair and clothes and opened the door. From a distance the crowd seemed to have dispersed enough for her to sneak back into the hotel so she began to make a dash for it.

Michael ran out after her and grabbed her arm. “Wait a minute that’s it? No goodbye or thanks very much? I thought it was the guy who was meant to run after sex.”

Maria smiled and kissed Michael’s cheek. “It was really great. Sorry to treat you like a hooker but I have to dash. I’ll maybe see you tomorrow at the parade yeah?” Without waiting for a reply she jogged off into the hotel, keeping her head low in case she ran into Mr Irate Hotel Manager.

Michael pulled out a cigarette from his back pocket, lit it and took a long drag, blowing perfect smoke rings into the clammy night. That had to be the weirdest experience of his life. Never had a girl do that before, he mused, enjoying the rush of nicotine. He considered what had happened and tried to categorise it. Everything in Michael’s life had to be categorised, otherwise he would lose his marbles. Every event either went into the ‘Good Experiences’ pile or the ‘Bad Experiences’ pile and he couldn’t work out whether what had just happened was good or bad. She had left him, running off into the night. She didn’t make a proper date to see him again, just a casual ‘See you at the parade’ thing. Michael knew that casual date, he had invented that causal date and it did not bode well. Also she hadn’t said anything afterward. Nothing about how the earth moved for her or that she would never forget it. She didn’t seem to expect anything from him.

However it had been great, for him anyway. He had savoured every second, he would sell his soul to the devil himself to see her again. She had completely intoxicated him, he didn’t feel whole now that she was gone. Dammit, he thought, I’m only god damn falling in love with her. At this his face broke into a broad grin. This definitely went into the ‘Good Experiences’ pile.

The next morning

Liz slowly brushed her teeth, watching her reflection in the mirror. She glanced over her shoulder at Maria’s sleeping form and considered waking her. It was just after nine, breakfast was long gone and the parade was due to start in half an hour. No wonder she was so tired, she had disappeared at three and returned two hours later. Liz had feigned sleep and Maria didn’t appear to want her be awake anyway. She just stripped off her clothes and fell into bed, asleep within five minutes.

Rinsing her toothbrush Liz padded over to where Maria lay and sat gently next to her on the bed. She felt the urge to just grab her friend and shake her madly until she told her everything. She ached to ask Maria where those two hours were spent, what she was doing and whether it had anything to do with the commotion by the pool. Liz considered how best to broach the subject, resisting the urge to scream “Tell me!” She came to the conclusion that it would be best to wait for Maria to approach her. Sure the curiosity would probably kill her but she needed to feel Maria could trust her so she would bite her tongue and keep silent about the whole thing.

She began shaking Maria softly by the shoulder, whispering her name until Maria’s eyes opened.

“Ughhh? What time is it?”

“Ten past nine”.

“Oh god!” Jumping out of bed, Maria ran into the bathroom and started washing her face whilst also trying to master the art of putting paste onto her toothbrush with one hand. Scrubbing her cheeks with a face cloth and brushing her teeth with the other hand she stumbled out of the bathroom and gave Liz a pointed look as if to say ‘See what you have reduced me to?’

Liz put her palms up and giggled, “You looked so peaceful. Anyway I thought you might be tired.”

Maria’s head snapped round on her neck and she eyed Liz suspiciously. “Why would I be tired?”

“You said last you were and when you slept through the alarm I figured you should be left to sleep.” Maria nodded, almost satisfied, and finished her mad cleaning ritual. Clutching her head she walked over to the wardrobe and began sorting through her clothes.

“I suppose breakfast is out of the question?” she asked over her shoulder, hunting for her new sandals.

“I ate this morning with mom and dad but….” Liz reached into the bedside cabinet and pulled out a dish with two breakfast rolls and some little containers of jam and butter on it. Maria turned and almost cried.

“Liz I love you”, she exclaimed, kissing her friend on the head, “I. Am. Ravenous”. Tearing hungrily into one of the rolls, Maria turned her attentions back to the clothes situation. “That’s it, I have officially decided that I have nothing to wear.”

Liz gave her a look and took a look at the options. She pulled out a hanger and handed it to Maria. “You look gorgeous in this, now run along and change before I miss the parade”.

Maria grudgingly took the hanger and, putting on a childish voice, she teased, “Yes mother”. With a laugh she skipped into the bathroom to change. She reappeared ten minutes later, fully dressed and hair brushed. “Let’s go”.

The parade was just beginning when the two girls arrived by the roadside. People were dancing everywhere, dressed in sugar paper and tissue. Crowds of children were standing around eating sugary treats, their parents preoccupied with having a good time. Maria had never seen so many people having such a good time at this time of the morning. It was half nine for God’s sake, these people should be in bed or something. Not out here celebrating….well Maria couldn’t remember what it was they were celebrating but surely it couldn’t be this important.

The little shops that dotted the area had been open for hours, servicing the early comers with their every parade need. There were flags and balloons and hats in every possible colour. The noise was already overpowering, reaching startling new highs every minute. The parade was headed by some relatively tame marching bands and followed by the wilder, more colourful dancers and singers. It was as though the whole town was shaking itself from slumber and celebrating the gift of life.

The procession of floats began, advertising businesses and products. Smiling, waving beauties sat aboard tissue paper animals, dressed in peach and lavender satin and fat, balding men wearing tight open necked shirts drove the trucks attached to the floats.

Maria pulled her hair off her neck and clipped it up out of the way. It was nearly twelve as she and Liz began looking for somewhere to eat. The hot Mediterranean sun was reaching its scorching climax and Liz had already complained of heat exhaustion.

They walked for twenty minutes along the road, finding no sanitary places that weren’t already bustling with tourists and natives alike. Their hotel was situated at the bottom of a hill, around which spiralled the main road. At the top was a small town and most took a taxi or bus to the peak. Neither Maria or Liz had the luxury of money to spare for a taxi and no buses were running so they were forced to go by foot up the slope.

They had almost reached a quarter of the way up when they came across a smallish restaurant that seemed half sane. There was very few tables left but Maria managed to snag one in the corner and they ordered a spicy lamb dish with vegetables.

“Maybe lunch won’t be wriggling on the plate like dinner last night”, Liz grimaced, looking hopeful.

Maria cast her memory back to when they sat at the table, discussing their food and what they planned to do. It seemed such a long way away, like it had happened weeks ago. She had been a different person then, innocent, sweet Maria with nothing much on her mind but tans and clothes. Now all she could think about was Michael. She wanted to know where he was, what he was doing and how he felt about their late night adventure.

A mile up the road Michael sat on a float with his legs dangling over the side. Parades never did anything for him and the fact that he was even here disgusted him. He shuddered at how he had had to go cap in hand to Jerry to get his job back. It was nothing special but the money was decent and the work wasn’t taxing. Jerry had been extremely reluctant to give Michael his job and only agreed because Michael promised to ride the hotel float through town. His original deal had stipulated that Michael should wear a novelty hat and costume but Michael had firmly stated that was never going to happen so Jerry gave in and settled on a hot pink shirt, open but for two bottom buttons and Michael’s battered Levi’s.

He felt like a fool, trying to smile and wave at the cheering crowds but failing miserably. Jerry, who had been acting like the jolly innkeeper all day, nudged him roughly with his foot.

“Wake up you lazy American. Smile at the ladies and pretend to be interested. You are the pretty boy here, you’re the one that is gonna attract these girls to my bar. So unless you want to be dumped on your lazy ass I suggest you brighten up”.

Jerry went back to acting jolly and Michael shook himself. He had gotten into this so he may as well stick it out and make it as bearable as possible. Jerry was like a bear with a sore head when he was pissed and Michael wasn’t in the mood for a verbal bashing. Or job-hunting for that matter. He wished he were somewhere else, somewhere quiet and shady with Maria. Hell, he’d settle for noisy and hot if Maria was there. He took a sip from a bottle of water he had rested between his legs and thought about her. Thinking about her was what was going to get him through this. He could just sit back and smile and pretend he was with her.

The parade travelled slowly and steadily around the hill and the crowd watching never seemed to thin. It seemed to Michael as though the whole world was there, squashed next to each other beside the road, forming a curving, solid line. His head was thumping as they past Plazio’s restaurant. The smell of spices and sizzling meats wafted into his nostrils and he felt his stomach growl. He hadn’t eaten anything all day, he had gone first thing to see Jerry and had been dumped straight on the float.

He eyes flickered over the crowd, half interested, when he saw her. Fitted, sleeveless bodice that cut off just above her belly button and a long gypsy skirt, both in the palest turquoise. Flaxen hair clipped on top of her head and wide silver hoops in her ears. Framed by the native people of the town, all sweaty and brown, she looked out of place. Like a delicate china cup that had been accidentally put with the old tatty mugs you used every day. She didn’t see him, despite his intense staring. Her forehead was wrinkled in concentration as she tried to decipher the foreign words printed on a leaflet she had been given. He smiled and watched her, so completely unaware of his study.

He glanced up at Jerry, who was still smiling and wiping his moist brow with a handkerchief. Would he really miss Michael? Probably not, but he’d give him a hell of a shouting at just the same. Michael glanced back at Maria, the float had almost past her, and he had to decide what to do. One look at her told him she was worth it. ‘You could be dead tomorrow’ he reasoned and hopped off the float. Jerry looked down and hissed at him to get back on.

“I’ve gotta get something to eat Jerry, I’m gonna die soon. I’ll catch the float up later, I’ll be there in half an hour Jerry, really.” Amidst his bosses cursing and violent hand gestures Michael stepped onto the side walk and began pushing his way through the throng of people and back to Maria.

“Why can’t everyone just talk English Liz?” Maria questioned, still squinting at the leaflet, “It would make my life a lot easier.”

“So you’d prefer to lose thousands of years of historical languages and evolution in the way people speak as opposed to actually listening in Languages?” Maria screwed up her nose in reply. She hated that Liz always had an answer for everything. She was always right.

Michael stood a few feet behind her, watching her chewing her bottom lip and tucking hair behind her ears. She was enchanting. More beautiful and spirited than any girl he had ever met. He watched as Maria’s friend whispered something in her ear and then disappeared into the crowd where a tall dark guy, carrying a snorkel, was waving.

Smiling silently to himself Michael advanced on Maria. He considered how best to approach her. He could just tap her on the shoulder but, since it wasn’t her shoulder he wanted to touch, he scrapped that.

Placing his hands on the curve of her waist, he pressed his lips against her ear and whispered, “Morning beautiful”. Maria felt a shiver rush down her spine as she turned to face him. The hollows under his eyes were dark with lack of sleep but it gave him a sort of mysterious look- as if he was daring people to guess why he was so tired. She ran her fingers through his hair, tousling it up, and they were instantly transported back just a few hours when they held each other so close, almost scared to let go in case it all ended.

“Good morning Mister Barman”, she whispered back, “And how are you this morning? Sleep with any unsuitable girls last night?”

Michael grinned. “Just one. She was a real fire cracker. I think I’ll get rid of her though”.

“And why is that?”

“Well first of all she made me lose my job which I really need to support myself and then she runs off into the night, making me feel like a cheap street walker.”

Maria giggled and kissed him hard on the mouth. “I’m sure she didn’t mean it. She probably had a very good reason.”

Slinging a casual arm around Maria’s shoulder Michael pretended to pout. “Nothing is more important than me. Anyway, what you up to today?”

“Not a lot. Liz and I are meant to be watching the parade and doing fun, childish things like getting our faces painted, but it seems I’ve been dropped once again. Scuba boy is taking Liz diving or something. We’re meeting back here at four. If she doesn’t get sidetracked”

“Well,” Michael said, drawing it out like he was thinking, “I haven’t anything to do today so how about I become your surrogate girlfriend? I’ll even let you paint my nails if you’re lucky. Can’t promise I’ll be able to keep my hands off you though. You look positively irresistible.” He snuggled his nose into her neck and kissed the soft skin at the nape. Nuzzling the downy blonde hair there he murmuring something inaudible.

“What was that?” Maria rasped, her throat feeling suddenly thick and hoarse.

“I asked you what time it was”. Checking her watch, Maria informed him it was just before three. Michael chuckled and Maria closed her eyes, enjoying the warmth of his breath on her neck. “We’d have an hour…you know, before you had to meet Liz. If you wanted a little slice of last night’s action…”

Maria bit her lip and took seconds to make up her mind. Mutely, she took his hand and led him through the crowds. When they reached the hotel she picked up the room key and they rode the elevator to the third floor. Her hand trembling with excitement, Maria unlocked the door and let them both in. The minute it clicked shut there was a mad rush as they tore each other’s clothes off. Keeping eye contact the entire time, they shuffled over to the bed and fell on the sheets.

Maria pressed herself against Michael as he nibbled her shoulder, the skin pinkened by the sun. Her head felt heavy, flashes of light running through it. She kept getting snippets of pictures but she couldn’t make her nor tail of them. Small children, drunken beatings, black eyes. It didn’t make any sense. She thought about stopping, to try and think about what she was seeing but she didn’t want Michael’s lips to ever leave her skin. And she couldn’t be sure that she wasn’t just experiencing sunstroke.

They spent the full hour in bed, wrapped in each other’s arms and by the time they were ready to get up Maria had forgotten the unexplained images. They dressed lazily. Michael helped Maria back into her top and she buttoned up his shirt.

“You know that shade of pick really compliments your eyes”, she giggled, fingering the fabric.

Michael groaned. “Shut up and kiss me.” He lifted her off the floor and pressed her to him, their lips sealed together. Maria sighed softly, tasting herself on his mouth, wishing she didn’t have to leave.

They broke apart eventually and walked hand in hand to where Liz was waiting. They stopped a few metres from her and Michael kissed Maria on the cheek. “Catch you later Ria”. He ran a brief finger over her face and sauntered away.

Liz rushed over to her friend, who was standing gazing dreamily after him. “I cannot believe you Maria. The dishy waiter? You told me nothing was going on”. She paused for a moment, gathering a bit of courage and then added, “Is that who you were with last night?”

Maria stared at her, mouth slightly open. “You knew about that? Why didn’t you say anything? I’ve been trying to tell you all day.”

Liz laughed and hugged Maria quickly. “I thought you might want to tell me in your own time but it’s very clear what you two were up to last night. And this afternoon by the looks of it”. Maria had the grace to blush and, taking Liz’ arm, she began walking, filling her friend in on what had gone on.

The final few days of their holiday followed the same sort of routine. The two girls ate breakfast with Liz’ parents and then went off on their own. They would spend the morning shopping or sunbathing, stopping somewhere for lunch. Then the afternoon was devoted to men. Drake met Liz outside Plazio’s everyday at one and took her out on his boat, where they spent the day fishing or diving. His English left a lot to be desired but he made up for their lack of conversation in other, more important ways.

Maria was never sure where Michael was going to pop up. It was only when Jerry’s back was turned could Michael escape to be with her and he never knew when that was going to be. Usually Maria found him loitering outside the hotel gates at about two but other times he would be scoffing huge amounts of stew in Plazio’s or skulking around the stalls that lined the streets. Maria enjoyed the mystery of not knowing when she was going to see him, or where. It gave him a hint of ‘bad boy’, and who could resist a bad boy?

The day before they were due to leave, Maria found him by the pool, feet in the water, playing his guitar. She watched him for a brief moment, his fingers stroking the strings. He really was the most beautiful guy she had ever met. She walked over to where he sat and knelt next to him. He glanced up, smiled to acknowledge her, and then bent his head back to the guitar. He was humming some unknown tune and trying to get the notes to fit. After a few minutes of fruitless strumming he stopped and rested the instrument on his stomach.

“What’s happening angel?”

Maria adjusted the strap of her dress and stared into the water. “Not a lot. I’ve just finished packing, my case weighs a tonne”.

Michael leant over and kissed her forehead. He didn’t want to make a big deal out of her leaving, though he’d been thinking about it the whole night. He tried to reason everything out in his head, tried to make her departure seem like the best thing but he couldn’t. He didn’t want her to go. That was just typical of his life. The minute he had found something amazing he had to let it go again. He studied her pretty face, her eyes downcast and full mouth down turned. How could he bear to let her leave, it was going to kill him. He took a deep breath and tried to be practical. ‘You have the whole day, he thought, you can still make it special.’

Taking her hand, Michael stood Maria up and lead her around the pool and through the hotel. They stopped at a small, red door and he entered a security code into the computer lock. The door swung open and they ascended some stone steps. They ended up in a white corridor with ten or twelve doors leading off it. Michael brought Maria to the first one on the right and flicked a key in the lock. Pushing the resistant wooden barrier wide open Maria entered.

She found herself in a tiny, dim room, with a single, grubby window. When her eyes adjusted to the dark she assessed what she saw. A single bed, bedside cabinet, lamp, bookshelf, table. Michael walked across to the window and pulled up the flimsy shade. Light filled the room and cast out the shadows. The table was covered with sheets of paper with etchings on them. Maria picked them up and began leafing through them. Most were in pencil or pastel but a few were coloured. He had drawn landscapes, boats, people in the street. They were all exquisite but Maria couldn’t help feeling a little disappointed. There wasn’t any of her.

Michael joined her by the table and indicated the drawings. “They aren’t very good”, he said, almost apologetically, “I’ve never had any sort of professional training.”

“They’re amazing Michael. You’re very talented.” Maria smiled at his modesty and set the paper back down. Turning to him she looked into his big dark eyes. He was difficult to read and she couldn’t tell what he was thinking. She felt like crying at that moment but she didn’t want him to see that. He probably only saw her as a summer fling and if she started crying he would drop her faster than a hot potato. Instead she just looked at him, searching his eyes for something, anything, that would betray how he felt.

He looked back, equally interested in how she felt. For him, it wasn’t difficult to find out, Maria’s face was open and her expression unmistakable. He knew she loved him, he had known for a while, and it had made him the happiest he had ever been. But he still didn’t feel comfortable telling her how he felt. As a child he had been thrown from one foster home to another, never staying long enough to grow roots or make friends. He had been beaten countless times, mostly when his carer was drunk or angry, and he had never known what it was like to be loved like a son, like a part of the family. He had come here a year ago to have a good time and get a tan. Here he could pretend that he had something to go back to and forget that he didn’t. Michael linked his fingers with Maria’s and kissed each of her digits in turn. She watched him, knowing what was about to happen and feeling completely content with it.

When they finally lay down together it was different somehow. They took things slow, knowing this could be the last time they would have this sort of opportunity. Time seemed to slow down, stopping just for them, as if they were the only two lovers in the world. It felt like they were the first pair that had to say goodbye, like they were shedding the first tears for a lost love. Saying goodbye had never been more sweet, or more sorrowful and lying together, their limbs locked and eyes fixed on each other, both felt something materialise, a bond that would keep them together in spirit if not in person.

Much later, when the light had faded and darkness had fallen, they walked down to the beach. They sat side by side on the sand and gazed out onto the inky water. Maria drew patterns in the sand with her toe and tried not to think about leaving. Today had been so perfect, it shouldn’t have to end. Michael hadn’t said much since they had left his room and his eyes were distant and blank. Maria squeezed his hand for reassurance and his mouth broke into a smile. He curled an arm around her shoulder and pulled her close.

“Maria, my dear,” he whispered to her, “You have made me a very happy guy do you know that?” Maria tried to smile but found her face would much rather cry. Angrily she brushed away a tell-tale tear and turned away from Michael so he couldn’t see.

“You’ve made me happy too Michael,” she choked out, struggling to keep her voice level, “This holiday has been really special. I’m glad I came.” Crooking his finger under her chin he coaxed Maria’s face back round to him. He smudged another of her tears away and kissed her cheek lightly. Softly he pressed her head down onto his shoulder and rested his on top. The lapping of the waves provided gentle background music as they sat and contemplated the next day, each filled with a growing sense of anxiety and misery.

The following morning

Maria woke first, the fresh sea breeze rousing her from sleep. She disentangled herself from Michael’s embrace and stood up, wiping off the sand that had embedded itself in her leg. Her whole body ached, her muscles creaking in protest as she stretched. Michael’s mouth was open ever so slightly and his chest rose and dropped in a steady rhythm. She didn’t want to wake him, it would only present an embarrassing goodbye scene that neither of them really wanted. It was still early, she would have enough time to run back to the hotel and catch another two hours sleep before they had to get going. ‘The tide won’t be coming in for another while so Michael won’t drown just yet’, she thought to herself, as she gathered up her shoes and ran her fingers through her hair. She cast him one final look, dedicating every little feature to memory, before making her way up the beach and back to the hotel.

Liz didn’t wake when Maria let herself into the room using the maid’s key and she managed to sleep for an hour and a bit. She woke to the sound of Liz brushing her teeth and singing to herself. Groaning, she hauled herself out of bed and glanced in the mirror. Piggy eyes, a gaping mouth and a wild tangle of blonde hair looked back. Maria cringed and sat back down onto the bed, clutching her head. Liz came out of the bathroom and rested her body against the door frame.

“Rough night huh?” she asked, cocking her head to the side.

“We fell asleep on the beach, would you believe, and I only got in an hour ago. I am thoroughly wrecked”. Liz smiled in response and disappeared back into the bathroom. Maria heard her turn on the shower and dig out a bottle of shampoo from the toiletry bag.

She reappeared and nodded toward the shower saying, “I think you need it. Get yourself sorted out okay? The way you look now I fear not even Michael would be able to keep a straight face.” Maria grimaced and headed into the bathroom where a hot shower awaited.

When she came out ten minutes later, pink and brighter, Liz had tidied the room and locked up their suitcases. Shooting her a grateful glance, Maria pulled on her black corduroy trousers and orange Lipsy top. She pushed her hair into a high ponytail and wiped some lip stain over her lips. Now when she looked in the mirror she has something better looking back. Liz rested her head on Maria’s shoulder and raised her eyebrows.

“How’d it go last night? Hard saying goodbye huh?”

“Yeah well we knew we were going to have to do it sometime. Besides, I didn’t really give him the chance to say goodbye. He was still sleeping when I left.”



Liz frowned and clicked her tongue. “How could you do that? Just leave him there without saying anything. Lord only knows what he thought when he woke up.”

Maria thought about it. Maybe she had been a bit selfish, leaving just because she didn’t want to have to say goodbye. Michael was probably sitting somewhere right now thinking what a heartless bitch she was. Great. She stood up, glancing at her watch. “We should probably head down to the lobby, you know,” she said, reaching for her case, “The coach is going to be here soon”.

Liz nodded and picked up her stuff. They took a final look around the room before shutting the door. “Great holiday huh?” Liz smiled, thinking not so much about the holiday as the company.

“Yeah I guess.....Wait! You never told me what happened with Drake last night. Very sly Elizabeth, you almost caught me out.” Maria wagged her finger in her friend’s direction and Liz blushed.

“We didn’t do anything, we just sat........”

“Oh please like I haven’t used that old one. ‘Honestly mom we just sat’. Lizzy I practically invented that one so spill.”

Liz turned the key in the lock and pressed the lift button. “If I tell you you, have to promise not to breathe a word okay? I mean not to anyone”.

Maria crossed her hands over her heart. “Liz I am the soul of discretion. My lips are sealed.”

Liz nodded slowly, knowing Maria’s version of discretion was very different to her own, but also knowing she couldn’t keep this to herself. The lift pinged and they both got in. Liz pressed the ground floor button and said, “You will not believe what happened last night.....”

Three floors and two stops later Maria had heard the best parts of Liz’ night. Very romantic, candles, music, singing- not exactly her last night but then again she couldn’t really picture Michael as the romantic type. Liz’ face had broken into a huge smile and the apples of her cheeks were pink with pleasure as she recalled the events.

“It was amazing Maria, he said the sweetest things. It’s times like this I wish I lived here.”

Maria laughed, pleased her friend was so happy. They found Liz’ parents already waiting for them in the lobby, along with most of the people they had travelled from the US with. Hotel staff buzzed about, fussing around people and bringing drinks on trays. Both girls took a glass and sat together on an overstuffed cream couch near the terrace. The pool glistened in the sunlight as children ducked each other and serious swimmers did laps.

Maria breathed in, mulling over everything that had happened during what she had thought was going to be a time of nothing but bathing and eating. She suddenly realised she was going to get back onto that plane a different person. She had come as Maria, sweet school girl looking for something more than Roswell and she was leaving as Ria, holiday sex goddess, who spends her time taming very bad boys. Maria giggled as thought of herself in high heeled boots and carrying a whip, taming Michael. Was that really who she was? Or would everything go back to the way it had been before the holiday. She hoped it wouldn’t. She had always suspected there had to be more to life than what she saw of it and Michael had been like a whirlwind, breezing into her life and making everything topsy turvy. He had changed her whole perspective on life.

“Isn’t it funny that you can spend your whole life going from one experience to another, thinking you know what you want and yet all it takes is one person to make you want a whole different set of things?” She looked over at Liz who weighed it up.

“You know what I think?”


“I think that all this sun had gone to your head Maria de Luca. You are completely crazy”.

Maria laughed and gulped back the rest of her drink. Liz’ mom came over and announced that the coach was outside. Maria rose out of her seat and gathered everything together. Her case bulged, filled to bursting with a few too many impromptu purchases. She made silent promise that she would be extremely good with money from now on, only spending when she needed to. Maybe that way she would have money for the things that were really important. Like college or even the new Relish album.

She wheeled her case out to the bus and waited in line with Liz as the driver, a grumpy middle aged man with huge sweat marks under his arms, grudgingly threw luggage into a compartment under the vehicle. The glare from the sun dazzled her so she put on her sunglasses, orange tinted to match her outfit. They had just reached the top of the queue when something caught her eye. Standing by the hotel gates was Drake. And Michael. Her heart jumped in her chest and she grabbed Liz’ arm.

“What the..... oh!”

The world seemed to fall silent as Michael looked back at Maria, hands in pockets and hair falling into his eyes. It would have been the perfect scene had it not been for the coach driver who began shouting a tirade of abuse at Maria for holding up the queue. Thankfully it was foreign but by the look on his face he wasn’t congratulating her on finding the perfect guy.

Shuffling out if the queue Maria began to make her way over to the two guys, pulling Liz with her. Drake ran to Liz, embracing her warmly. Embarrassed by this display and sure her parents were witnessing the entire thing, she pulled him off her and took to holding his hands whilst exchanging whispers with him.

Michael didn’t move until Maria had walked right up to him. “What is it with you running off on me all the time. I’m beginning to think I smell or something. You left without even saying goodbye. Why?”

Maria tried a thin smile as way of apology. “Sorry Michael, I just didn’t think you’d want a big goodbye scene that’s all.”

Michael raised his eyebrows in disbelief. She actually thought he wouldn’t want to say goodbye to her. Her, the angel from above. The first thing to put light and life into him for years. He wrapped both his arms around her waist and pressed his face against hers. “You let me decide if I wanna say goodbye okay?” She nodded and he kissed her lightly, their lips connecting for only seconds. He stepped back, taking a long look at her. The tiniest breeze filtered through, ruffling her blonde hair and making her seem all the more beautiful. He traced her mouth with the tip of his finger, knowing how sweet it was to kiss it and wanting to kiss it forever.

Maria closed her eyes and blocked everything else out apart from the feeling of his touch on her lips. So gentle, so tender. She could stay standing here for entreaty. Opening her eyes, Maria reached over and pulled Michael into an embrace. Over his shoulder she could see Liz and Drake saying their final goodbye and she knew she had to go.

Releasing Michael she whispered, “Time to go”. Michael winced and put his hands back into his pockets. She readjusted her sunglasses and picked up her luggage. Mouthing ‘Goodbye’ at him, Maria turned and began walking back to the coach, where the now irate driver was standing. Liz joined her and waved at Drake who waved back sadly and then disappeared around the hotel gates.


Maria stopped and swivelled back to Michael, who was standing a few metres away.

“How could this be just be a summer fling?”

She smiled. It was amazing how he read her mind. “Maybe it isn’t. Maybe we’ll meet again”, she answered.

He smiled and nodded. “I hope so”. Then he turned and walked away. Maria stood watching his back until she could no longer see him. Liz took her arm and lead her back to the coach. They loaded their things into the compartment and took their seats. Maria rested her head against the window, enjoying the cool glass against her hot cheek.

The coach rumbled to life and they took off, out of the hotel grounds and onto the winding little streets, steaming in the heat. Maria scanned the crowds they past, wondering where he was. Everytime she thought she saw him, he morphed into an old man or, more scarily, a woman. Dejected she leant back into her seat. Remembering her had some gum in her jacket pocket she reached in and groped around for it. Her fingers clasped around a bit of paper. Thinking it was a receipt from one of her shopping excursions she pulled it out.

She found herself staring at herself. The tiny portrait was drawn in pencil with only three other colours present. Her hair was a straw colour and it framed her pronounced, rosy red lips and vibrant green eyes. Flipping the paper over in her fingers shhe read the back. 'Life isn't about the breaths we take but the moments that take our breath away. Michael x.’

Tucking the picture back into her pocket, Maria took a deep breath. Now, no matter what happened, she knew that he loved her. And that was the most important thing
© Copyright 2001 Bex (waterbaby275 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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