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A teenage girl loses her mother, her best friend helps her. Until she is left all alone. |
The flowers died on Monday, I arrived late to school on Wednesday, and my mother departed this world on Friday. When I woke up on Saturday morning, I didn't know what I was to do. Am I to just go on with my daily routines? Am I to pretend my whole world didn't just change? How am I to continue? My mother was the last thing I had to a family. She was the only person I had. There was no one else. All that's left is me, myself, and I. I sit at the dining room table. My whole body is numbed. I feel absolutely nothing. I know I should eat something, but I just can't get myself to move. So, I just stare blankly at the table. The lines and details putting me in a trance that I can't escape. I don't need to look into a mirror to know I look bad. Ratted hair, stained pajamas, slippers that are too small, and dark circles under my eyes from lack of sleep. I haven't been able to sleep since the car accident on Wednesday. Wednesday. Just thinking about that day makes me shudder. I was late to school. I was about to leave my house when I got a call from the hospital. The conversation on the phone wasn't long. "Hello this is Clay Hospital. Is this Aveline?" "Yes" "You mother was brought in from a very bad accident. She is surgery, would you come down please.", "What? My mother is she okay? Is she hurt badly?", "She is in surgery. But we need you to come -", "Yeah, yeah, I heard you. I'm on my way.". I don't remember the car ride to the hospital. It was all a blur. The only thought going through my mind was me just praying that my mother was going to be okay, that she wasn't hurt. I arrive at the hospital fifteen minutes after leaving my house. I ran into the building, going up to the nurse's station I demanded to see my mother. I wanted to know where she was. I wanted to know she was okay. But more importantly I wanted to make sure she was going to come home. I felt like a little kid that was scared. They told me she was in surgery. She was in a pretty bad state when she arrived. I was told to sit in the waiting room. After a few hours, I got a phone call from the school. I updated them with the news and told them I would be there in ten minutes. What was the point in going to school when my mother needed me. But I knew she would want me to put my education first. So I go school, and patiently wait for the news that eventually would come six hours later. There's a knock at the door. Bring me out of my thoughts, I didn't move. I didn't want to move. There's a second knock. This time a little harder. I still don't gain the motivation to move. Instead of a third knock, there was a voice. "Aveline, I know you're in there. Please open up the door." The voice was my best friend, Oliver. I have known Oliver since I was four. His family moved in across the street almost thirteen years ago. My mother and I had baked three dozen cookies and took it over to the new neighbors. I told Oliver that the cookies would make him be able to see magical creatures, realize I was four at the time but still. Ever since that day and that plate full of cookies we were best friends. I get pulled out of memory lane from Oliver speaking again, this time more sympathetic, "Aveline, come on. You should not be alone. Please open the door." There's a pause. Maybe he finally gave up and left. "I have food." Damn. He knows that's my Achilles heel. I can never resist food. At last I get up from the chair. The old creaks reminding me of how long I actually sat there. I've been stuck in that seat since I came home last night after my mom past. I unlock the door and stare at Oliver. I know I probably looked like an abused puppy but I didn't care. Oliver stepped passed me and put the pizza he was holding down on the table. He came and embraced me. "Aveline, I'm so sorry." I couldn't hold it in anymore. Maybe it was because of the hug, maybe it was from the words, or maybe it was just because it was Oliver. Once the first tear fell, more came after. Then I couldn't breathe, I was drowning in my depression. There was no turning it off. It was the unwanted uncle that always came to visit and didn't leave until he was ready. "Hey, hey Aveline it's okay. Shhhh, I'm here now. You don't have to be alone." Oliver said as he stroked my hair. His voice cracking. He hated seeing me sad. That was the thing about Oliver, he always knew what to do and say to make my depression train start to leave. Like I said previously, we are just friends. He is the one and only friend that I have too. There is no one else. Just him and I. We both never been into seeing other people or bring other people into our dynamic duo. It wasn't like he couldn't get a girlfriend. He was hot, and I am not just saying that, he is extremely attractive. All the girls at school drooled over him. He was smart, kind, the star football player, song writer. Me on the other hand. Well, let's just say I am an average five-six, and super nerdy looking. My hair never laid perfectly straight, it was always knotted, even after I brushed it. I was the girl that always kept her nose in a book, not caring about the world around her. The fact being, I was a loser compared to Oliver. When the tears finally stopped, Oliver led me to the couch. I laid with my head in his lap, the sign for him to keep stroking my hair. From the couch, I could see the dying flowers. The ones that died on Monday. Ironic they are the same flowers my mother got me and died the same week she did. "What if those flowers were a sign" I blurt. Surprised my voice was still there. "Huh?" I knew Oliver wasn't expecting me to talk. "What flowers?" "The dead ones. On the table." I sit up and point. He follows my hand to where they sit in a vase. "My mom gave those to me. What if it was the universe telling me something bad was going to happen." "Aveline, you can't think like that. Your mom dying was something none of could see coming. She just couldn't pull through the second surgery. There was nothing you could do." Oliver says forcing me to look at him. He wipes the tears that were forcing their escape and looked into my eyes. What happened next, I was not expecting. Honestly the last thing I needed was another surprise. Oliver leaned in and kissed me. It felt like it lasted forever. His lips soft. Fireworks were exploding. The perfect love story, right? Sad depressed friend losing a parent and their best friend that they may have been secretly in loved with since freshman year finally makes it noticed that they liked them back. But the timing didn't feel right. None of it felt right. When Oliver pulled back he realized his mistake. "Aveline. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to..." He was lost for words. My face must have said exactly what I didn't want to say. He started to get up. He was going to leave. I didn't want him too. But I couldn't say the words to stop him either. He left without saying anything else. Leaving me all alone. Again. I didn't want to be. I didn't want to be alone with the sea of sadness. But I ruined it. Finally, I spoke the words into oblivion, only me to hear, "I love you Oliver." The tears escaping once again. |