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I started this 3 months ago on my Phone while traveling with my Dad. Here is the Prolouge. |
Prologue On a far off planet somewhere in the galaxy a planet orbited around it's sun. It was not very different as far as the atmosphere was concerned from Earth but it's population was drastically different. Everyone had different colors and body types, all had tails and some even had spikes growing from their bodies. All fall under the same species name, Frost Demons. That is not to say they are all related to Demons or are all Cold Hearted individuals. Most of the population are downright cheery and friendly types. They gained the name from their Warriors. The strongest among them were like Mutants even among their own race. One of them even more Alien to his own Family. He looked around in the University he was studying in hoping his Brother was nowhere nearby. His brother, by the name of King Cold, was a very tormenting type and on top of it he was one of the Mutant Warriors. The Frost Demons eyes were as red as Blood all around though he did have pupils and sclera they too were red. His father had said it was due to his heritage. His Brother always tormented him about it calling him a mongrel and THE Absolute Zero. That was his name as well given to him by his unknown Mother, Absolute Zero. Though Absolute Zero was by no means a Slouch when it came to fighting his Brother was stronger and his Father said his Brother wanted to make sure he was not going soft. Absolute Zero was sure his Brother merely wanted to torment him. Though when he fought back his Brother seemed to be happy about Absolute Zero fighting back. “Think fast Zero!” Shouted a male voice. As the voice shouted out The second word Absolute Zero grabbed a fist that was thrusting toward his gut. That fist belonged to a large Frost Demon whose body type was very similar to that of a jock. Two large black horns protruded from his head and a smile crossed his purple lips. Absolute Zero smirks as his tail swung around and the tip glowed white a mist forming around the white tip. “Hyoga Rei!” Absolute Zero said with a light hearted tone. His voice was masculine as any. As he finished with the attack name a white beam hit King Cold and encased him from the neck down in Ice. The Ice was a Green and Silver sheen encasing a Purple, Cerulean and Pink Frost Demon. “There now Brother how are my reflexes?” “Ha! Your reflexes are better than I thought Zero! I see you’ve…” He shivered in his ice prison. He noticed his body wouldn’t respond to him from the sudden onset of the cold in his muscles. His Body’s muscles, other than his neck and up, had nearly completely stopped in sheer shock. “Perfected your Ice Technique… this non-lethal streak you have could be the death of you brother.” “Maybe it will but on Campus one must remind others that killing on Campus is extremely frowned upon dear Cold. Using a Non-Lethal method of attack to incapacitate one's opponent is highly appreciated by the Dean after all.” he chuckles. “While it is not a good way to pull favor with the Teachers and Dean it does inspire loyalty and fear in your fellow students brother. Also staying in your First form is not a good way to inspire fear either.” Cold said. King Cold was more often found in what People assumed his more physical Second Form but Absolute Zero knew better. Cold was always in his final form and as it has such brute strength to it his body looked that much beefier as a result. Absolute Zero prefered his First Form as he couldn't control his others well enough but his First Form handled combat quite well. Even his Brother couldn't deny how well he fought in it. It was more complimenting as Absolute Zero knew his Brother was actually in his Final Form having mastered its power quickly through what humans might call Puberty. Cold and Zero were opposites when it came to combat. Zero preferred studying and researching where Cold prefered to apply and terrorize. Cold flexes a few times under the ice cracking it but not shattering. Cold seemed a little impressed as usually the Hyoga Rei could not otherwise hold him this well. There was something encouraging to be said about his Brother's method of Research and Development. Cold flexed a bit more and a bit more forcefully and the ice soon shattered. He noticed a numbing sensation through most of his body from the cold and it wasn’t like his body had gone to sleep. His Brother was clever and a weaker Frost Demon might have been killed from the onset of body wide Frostbite should they not be able to break the encasement Cold was subjected to. “Wow Zero that was quite an improvement over your normal Hyoga Rei. I must say I am impressed. Such an attack is able to hold me long enough for a finishing strike. Also such cold Temperatures would eventually kill weaker opponents.” Cold pats his Brother on the back and leaves him be for now. “I look forward to your continued efforts as they have bested me this day! Should you had wished to kill me I would have been dead.” With that King Cold walked away from his Brother an evil grin on his face. Cold could not help but be proud, frightened and begin conspiratorially planning against his brother. He could use what his Brother was doing as long as he continued to encourage him. His Brothers soft heart would eventually get him killed though. There would be a chapter of his Brother and the help he provided Cold in his conquest. Cold might be evil but he wasn't so much a monster he didn't think his Brother deserved SOMETHING. ● ● ● About Twenty Years later Absolute Zero had gone from College Student to the Leading Professor of Ki Physics and Leader of the same Department at the University on his Home Planet. His protege and favorite student was his own Nephew, King Cold extraordinary son, Freeza who was learning at an incredible rate. Absolute Zero and Freeza are currently working on an odd device shaped like a Cylinder. Hoses protrude from one place and enter another showing some form of power transfer. “Uncle I still don't understand why you are working on a Ki Blaster like this one. The focus lens we have are not working properly.” Freeza was beginning to show his frustration with the device. “Freeza you wanted in on my pet project. It was your idea to use a buffer for the person's Ki Energy to produce a significant amount of power.” Absolute Zero chuckles. “Remember the resulting explosion? It worked but now we have to focus that power.” “Yes but the Lenses are so crude and unclean.” Freeza sighs. He was rather proud of his Uncle and all he had accomplished. So sad the plan his Father had in mind would go into action once this device went into production. Freeza really did enjoy his Uncle's company. Their minds thought similarly in most respects except for Power and how it should be used. As far as training went Freeza was lazy as he was stronger than even his Father and he was barely 18 by human standards. “Uncle why the crudeness of the lens?” “Alright my studious Nephew. I’ll tell you!” Absolute Zero beamed. “The crudeness of the device’s lens is to prove it can be done! If you love something you must learn to accept it in It’s most bitter form!” Freeza then nodded his head dumbfounded but also shocked. Putting his father’s plans into action would be even harder now. Absolute Zero picked up the device and adjusted a dial on the side. He slid it on his arm and aimed it at a Target nearby. “Test number 8,682. Ready with that fire extinguisher Freeza…” Absolute Zero leveled the device as Freeza readied a finger that glowed white. “Firing in 3… 2… 1…” Absolute pulled the trigger and a sphere of Ki Energy erupted from the Focus Lens of the weapon hitting the Target and practically disintegrating it. The barrel smoked though and Absolute Zero took it off after powering it down. He then looked into the barrel to the lens. “Damn it… the lens Melted. Though if the Fighter is in a last ditch situation the immense power the crude lenses provide would give them the element of surprise and a burst of power that might at least injure their foe enough…” he explained. “To either kill or prevent pursuit! Uncle that is perfect! You’ve done it! A Crude Lens CAN work!” Freeza seemed absolutely ecstatic! “Yes my young Protege I dare say it CAN work. The council will be pleased.” he smiles looking at his Creation optimistically. Absolute Zero and Freeza then gripped their hands together as if they were going to arm wrestle. It was a family handshake that Absolute Zero’s father called a ‘Warrior's Handshake’ and doing this made Freeza a bit apprehensive about the plan his own Father had in mind. Freeza didn’t show it though as even he, like his Uncle, was soft hearted in comparison to his Father and Brother. ● ● ● Five more years have passed and Absolute Zero’s Blaster has been in production for the last Three Years as a self defense weapon for those not as proficient in Ki Manipulation. Absolute Zero was at the family manor enjoying his success with the device he and Freeza had been working on. Things had been going well and his Father even had the papers filed so Absolute Zero would take over as the Head of the Clan when he died due to his success. His father had just given him the news and they laid back in the living room. “Father I hope you know I didn't make the blaster to carry favor with you. I made it to improve the lives of others.” Absolute Zero looked to his Father. “I know son but your feat was something I could not ignore very easily. Plus your brother is too much of a Brute and the family should be respected not feared.” His Father explained. It was then that Cold, Freeza and Cooler had walked into the room. Cooler, Freeza’s older brother, had a white and purple coloration and was always in his Final Form just like his father. Cold and Zero’s father greeted the trio and all three of the newcomers the grinned. Cold held out a hand which gathered Ki with a Purple Hue. “Cold? Put the Ki sphere away and we can talk about this.” The Frost Demon looked rather scared. “Is this because I named your brother as my heir?” “Shut your ugly hole that you call a face father!” Cold growls and looks to Absolute Zero. “This is a hostile takeover…” “Cold? Have you gone mad? Brother if you want control of the family I’ll relinquish control. I never wanted control in the first place! You know me better than that…” Absolute Zero had just gotten up and began to walk to his Brother when Freeza and Cooler got between them. “Cooler? Out of my way… and Freeza… I expected better from you… my cherished protege…” With that Freeza looked away in what looked like shame and Cooler scoffed in both disgust and pride. Cooler then kneed Absolute Zero in the stomach suddenly. Absolute Zero grunted and fell to his knees merely from the blow. Cooler smiled used his tail to lift his Uncle into the air. “Since Freeza has no backbone from spending so much time with you I’ll have to take care of you and then punish Freeza for being so spineless!” Cooler laughs. “I am not spineless you imbecile! I merely think our Uncle should be kept to improve the Blasters design or in case he has some plan in place to make them unusable should he disappear.” Freeza spoke up. “It matters not my son as we have stockpiled enough of them for several Armies!” Cold laughs. “Cold? You're the Shadow Investor?” Absolute Zero coughs a bit as he looks to his Brother in surprise. “I can't believe you want to use my weapon for conquest… I thought you changed!” “You’re a fool brother! Always have been. You’re also too weak to stop us! We’ll kill you both and then take over the Company and Clan!” Cold grinned. With that something seemed to snap in Absolute Zero’s mind. He stood up slowly and held both his hands out blasting extremely cold air into the room and ice encrusted the three assailants. When the room cleared Absolute Zero had vanished without a trace except the front door being open. King Cold looked extremely pissed off and when he tried to move he found his feet frozen to the floor. “You idiots! Go get him and Kill him!” Cold shouted. “I must keep this soft hearted Patriarch from going after you!” Cooler flew off after his Uncle and a reluctant Freeza followed after. Absolute Zero was no slouch when it came to speed. Speed was the only thing he had against his Brother. Unfortunately Cooler and Freeza took more after their Uncle when it came to combat. They were upon him within mere minutes but they had traveled pretty far as well. They were over a large Wasteland and Absolute Zero turned around. He knew he would have to fight but he assumed it would be his Brother. There was no need for words anymore. As members of a Clan of Warriors Absolute Zero, Freeza and Cooler knew this was a defining moment in their clan history. Absolute Zero began first firing off several different Cold Energy attacks. His Hyoga Rei was among them. Freeza and Cooler dodged them easily and they rushed their Uncle. What they didn't expect was Absolute Zero dodging their blows. Absolute Zero was a slippery Frost Demon who took his name seriously and in combat he employed a personal field of Sub Zero energy which slows a person’s movement speed and to lose the power of the blow by causing their muscles to weaken slightly. It took a bit for the two brothers to adjust and by that time Absolute Zero had gotten in quite a few blows on both the brothers. Once the brothers adjusted they connected a blow on Absolute Zero. He didn't look surprised but he did smile. Absolute Zero vanished and appeared a distance away. “You two seem more capable than your father. I guess I should take this to another level…” the area began to shake as Absolute Zero raise his Ki. As he did so the area got colder. That wasn't his passive Sub Zero Aura either. Absolute Zero’s Ki had dropped the Area’s Temperature about 30 Degrees. Suddenly Absolute Zero’s body transformed. “I hope you two are ready… only your Grandfather has ever seen this form.” Absolute Zero’s form changed as his blue tail was covered by a black sleeve. The silvery coloration on his torso and his head was growing on his shins and forearms. It was already there but it seemed to grow like protective plating. His shoulder plates also grew it and he grew a skirting that had additional Silvery plating. Absolute Zero had learned that his plates were the source of his Arctic Aura. The more he had the stronger it became both in Range and Potency. A mouth guard formed over Absolute Zero’s lips to protect his jaw. This was Absolute Zero’s second form of his Nightmare Transformation which he still couldn’t control fully. “I hope you two are ready? I won't be going easy on you anymore and I plan on making you work for your kill!” Absolute Zero took the pose that would be Freeza’s signature later on in his life. “Come at me Nephew’s and I’ll show you the project of my secretive research.” Cooler and Freeza looked astonished having thought their Uncle was already in his Final Form. However, if Absolute Zero were to take any of his other forms he might not be able to control his power. It was then that Absolute Zero released his constrained Aura. The Brothers looked even more astonished as they shivered. This would take a while to get use to compared to the previous intensity. In this form Absolute Zero’s aura was cold enough to make it snow in a small area and steal the moisture from the area as it did so to make it snow. The problem lied in that he couldn’t control his energy output in this form or his later forms. Cooler was the first to attack followed close by Freeza but as they got closer ice encrusted their forms. Absolute Zero watched as they came closer and then they were floating blocks of ice with their heads exposed. Absolute Zero’s hands began to spark and with electricity. He lifted his hands and held them out to the two brothers. “Sorry you two but your father lead you astray. I do have ONE technique that is lethal that he had no knowledge of! Too bad for you two I can't control it very well yet.” The Lightning’s chirping sounding much like thousands of birds chirping and still increasing! The two Frost Demons actually looked frightened for once as Absolute Zero’s eyes widened. “SANDAGAN!” The energy in his hands launched forth in an eruption of power and destructive energy. With a sound much like a crack of Thunder Absolute Zero had unleashed his strongest and only lethal attack. Too bad he couldn't control it properly as the power of it fluctuated as wildly as the destructive force it called upon. It’s fuel was a constant having drawn its fuel from the drastic change in temperature. Two figures fell from the smoke and landed on the snow covered ground. The snow had fallen from Absolute Zero’s own unrestrained Arctic Aura. Absolute Zero descended upon the two fallen figures. Freeza had to take his Final Form and even bring it to 100%. Cooler, made of tougher stuff, took the hit solidly. Both figures were heavily injured and looked to be barely conscious. Absolute Zero had his arms crossed covering his hands. The force of the impact on him was severe enough that his hands would need healing to continue. “Like a shot from a Crude Lens eh Nephew?” He smirks. Absolute Zero might have been modest but he did have his families streak of arrogance while he looked to be ahead. The two Frost Demons got to one knee and looked up at their Uncle. “How far this…” Absolute Zero would have continued but a hand protruded from his chest from behind him. There stood his proud brother King Cold with a look of… was that Pride? Indeed it was pride which changed to disgust upon looking at his sons. He shook his head in disappointment but not at the boys. “Brother I am so surprised with you… had I known you were THAT powerful I would have given you proper honors to fight me and not my children. I am disappointed in myself, something I will never admit to again.” he looked back to his sons. “You two fell for your Uncle's little act of meekness which I admit was a good act. His hands are broken though so you may now finish him off… Freeza.” “Father let ME finish our Uncle off! Freeza is too spineless!” Cooler protested. Freeza, shocked momentarily by his Father's request, gathered himself and gave Cooler a look of disgust and anger. He approached Absolute Zero as his Father threw him off the arm Cold had pierced him with. Absolute Zero stared up at Freeza the pain almost overwhelming. Freeza put a hand up shaking a little more from sadness than the attack his Uncle unleashed. Absolute Zero looking up at his Nephew with a smile which caused Freeza to stop a moment before he continued. “Freeza… don't be sad… you are a powerful Frost Demon… one worthy of my respect and admiration not fear and distrust.” Absolute Zero said wheezing. Freeza froze looking at his Uncle in Horror. Despite the pain there was a warmth in Absolute Zero’s eyes a kindness… a love… “Even had I known this outcome I wouldn't change it my dear Nephew… I should have spent more time with you and for that I am sorry…” “N-No… don't you dare! Uncle please…” Freeza’s voice cracked. “Don't you dare say it!” “Freeza… I forgive you… I still love you…” he then passed out. Freeza stood there his hand still outstretched ready to blast him Uncle but so shaky he was unable to bring himself to do so. Then something unexpected happened, Freeza began to shed tears of sorrow and frustration. Cooler then stepped forward. “I knew you were too spineless to be trusted with this!” Cooler pushed past Freeza and began to kick Absolute Zero’s side as Freeza looked away in what looked to be horror and disgust. “I will kill him!” Cooler raised a hand that formed an Orb of red and orange energy. He went to throw it when a Purple furred sharp nailed hand grabbed Coolers Arm firmly and Cooler shouted in pain. All three looked to the figure the arm belonged to and seemed to lose their confidence instantly. Standing behind Cooler was a Purple Egyptian Hairless Cat Humanoid wearing Egyptian Attire and a humanoid with blue skin, white hair and a staff that held a green globe with a light blue ring around the orb. “That will be enough. This display of appalling madness and torture ends here Cold, Cooler…” he looked to Freeza who was still turned away from Absolute Zero’s body. “Freeza? You look shaken. Still you did nothing to help your Uncle.” “L-Lord Beerus!” They all shouted in terror. “What are you doing here Lord Beerus!?” King Cold exclaimed. “I had heard of the weapon your Brother made. I was impressed with the ingenuity and genius it took to make such a weapon of Destruction.” he said looking perturbed. “So I came to congratulate him only to find his Father dead, a sudden temperature drop and a crack of Thunder from a clear sky.” “The Temperature drop and Thunder was from my Uncle…” Freeza smiled rather prideful. “I must say I am proud to call him my Uncle for catching us off guard.” “Then I happened upon this disgusting sight of Torture and Brutality… For Shame You three. I should Destroy you right now…” Beerus began to charge a Sphere of Destruction, a ball of pure energy that can eliminate the existence of anything in the universe given the proper time. “Unless you have no qualms with me taking your Brother Cold.” “N-No Lord Beerus please take him! He’s your’s!” Cold smiled pleadingly. “Just don't destroy us and the Planet!” “Whis… grab Absolute Zero. We are leaving.” Beerus explained as he made the sphere in his hand disappear. He kept his eye on the Three Frost Demons “Very well Lord Beerus.” Whis smiled as he picked up the limp Frost Demon. “I might be the God of Destruction… it doesn't mean I enjoy cruelty and this Frost Demon looks like he has a few more surprises left in him.” Beerus mentioned. “I am very interested in seeing just how many surprises he has left to show us all.” Absolute Zero had reverted back to his first form. With that Beerus, putting his hand on Whis’ Shoulder, and Whis took off to Beerus’s planet to heal Absolute Zero. Whis began the process of looking after Absolute Zero as they landed at a shack that was built for Guests like another God of Destruction or the Grand Priest. “He has many broken ribs and bruises all over. His muscles are all torn up on the inside and his tail is broken in 3 places. His Frost Demon Anatomy makes him Highly resilient.” Whis explains. “He will recover under my abilities though Lord Beerus.” “That Cold and his Family… they are so arrogant and brutal. I cannot believe my own Universe has such people. This is just a disgrace to us. I should have destroyed them all. Freeza felt off though for some reason. As if he was just as Disgusted as I was…” Berrus contemplated. “Perhaps Absolute Zero had an influence on him? He isn’t suppose to be here after all Lord Beerus. You and I both know that. That is why he is here with us.” Whis had already begun to heal him beginning with the broken ribs as the muscles were less of a threat to the Frost Demon’s life. “He should regain consciousness soon.” Soon enough, Absolute Zero woke up and looked around without getting up seeing the Blue Humanoid standing over him with a Green Orbed staff. He merely blinked not wanted to make any sudden movements. Then everything came rushing back to him and he noticed the figure wasn’t pointing it threateningly, if anything he was feeling better as the orb glowed at him. He figured he was being healed and slowly sat up. “L-Lord Whis? Where am I? Where is Cold and the rest of my family?” Absolute Zero asked. “Your Father is dead Absolute Zero… Cold, your brother, killed him in Cold Blood.” Beerus explained as he stood nearby. “L-LORD BEERUS?! Did I do something wrong?” Absolute Zero backed up a bit defensively. “No of course not Absolute Zero. In fact I am quite impressed with your accomplishment in creating that Blaster. A way of leveling the playing fielding against Ki wielding Bandits I heard.” Beerus explained. “Y-yes Lord Beerus. I was merely hoping that I could…” Absolute Zero began. “You’re family is going to use it to raise an Army of Thugs to take over the Universe…” Beerus explained. “NO! That isn’t what the machine is for!” Absolute Zero shouted in rage then winced as his muscles protest from his involuntary tensing. “Relax Absolute Zero or your Body is going to tear itself apart. You took a hell of a beating…” Beerus began. “Lord Beerus these wounds are self inflicted… the muscular ones anyway.” Whis informs the God. “Absolute Zero explain… why did you hurt yourself so badly?” Beerus asked. “S-sandagan Lord Beerus… it’s my only Lethal attack… it relies on the pure energy of nature itself to fire a blast of charged atmospheric energy at the enemy. However I cannot control how much energy I channel and it has a tendency to fire too much energy and it can backfire as bad if not worse than what it gives to my enemy but it was all I could do against my Nephews… they are much stronger than I am even given I have my family’s mutated genes…” Absolute Zero explains. “Well I must say I am impressed by your resourcefulness but disappointed in your recklessness. However I think you have much potential and I am willing to train you in how to defend yourself and even fight back… on one condition…” Beerus explained. “I’ll do anything Lord Beerus… it’s not everyday you are offered to train with the God of Destruction.” Absolute Zero nodded. “You must promise to become the next God of Destruction should I die, Retire or be forced to step down.” Beerus explains. “Y-yes… Master Beerus… I shall be your apprentice… the candidate for the next God of Destruction…” Absolute Zero said after a bit of thought on the subject. He wasn’t sure he could do it but he would sure as hell try to live up to Beerus’ expectations. “I will try not to disappoint you… either of you.” “Lord Beerus are you sure this is wise? You might have been around for thousands of years but to already name someone as your potential replacement seems a bit sneaky.” Whis explains. “Whis you are always asking strong fighters if they want to be my replacement for later… This is no different than that other than he said yes compared to all the No’s you’ve gotten. Now we shall start your training tomorrow Absolute Zero to give you time to recover and rest from your scuffle with your family.” Beerus explains. “Y-yes Master Beerus! I shall strive to become stronger in hopes that you ever feel safe to consider me a suitable replacement!” He nods respectfully. “Being the God of Destruction doesn’t just mean power Absolute Zero. It is also a matter of knowledge of the Universes and their own Gods as well as the respective properties of each Universe. Some Universes are powerful in other respects, such as Intellect or Speed rather than Power. Others are powerful because of how Corrupt they are.” Whis explained. “For that we will teach you of your own Universe first and the Gods who reside here other than myself and Beerus such as the Kaioshin. Being a God of Destruction means you understand your role in the cosmos as well. Being one also offers you a substantial Power Boost as well since you must be strong enough to take on your Universe’s fighters to keep them in line if you must.” Absolute Zero nodded and took a bit to process this. To be a God of Destruction you needed so many qualities it seemed. Not just strength but also intellect. This was going to be a hell of a time trying to become a God of Destruction. In turn he might be able to become strong enough to put down his family’s empire they seem to want to build. |