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Spiritual thoughts for everyone to enjoy |
I don't believe that we know how to believe in the holy word of God We too believe only in things seen and those not seen are like stories of fantasies written of old by those men in their time as they walked with God. We dig in caves and mountains seeking proof of His existence Going to holy lands trying to walk in his steps and perceive that we will be holy as he was at that time But do we believe in His coming or do we only perceive it as a tale of old Have the electronic devices and astronomers become more fathomable because we can see and hear them? Why do we not hear his voice alone and believe in his word alone that he is still able to do all things as he did thousands of years ago? He can still calm the raging waters and raise the dead and heal the sick. God is still able to call us into existence and bring life to a dying soul God can still open blinded eyes and make the lame walk. My god My god why have "We" forsaken him? God is not an image painted in the stained-glass windows of worship nor emblems worn around our necks: for He is God. We neither know how to believe in him nor talk to him. We listen to the preachers preach and soothe our souls through music played upon cymbals of brass and wind but we do not see that God is there waiting to give all that he desires for us. Our souls go rifling through the trash cans of life looking for a meal of satisfaction and combing the streets at night looking for a place of rest. When God almighty is the same as yesterday today and forevermore. Why has none seen the wisdom of Solomon or the visions of David and Paul? Why do we waste time on the very land that was made for Adam and Eve and all of gods apostles and disciples to walk upon and not spread the word of the gospel to even one soul in need? Have we gone into the homes of the diseased and those dying from Aids and given one word of consolation Yes, it is still required. That we work the works of Him that sent us while it is day for the night cometh when no man can work. There is work and, then there is work. One will give temporary pay. The other will give a lifetime of payment. Prayer must be edified it must be prayed it must be sought after like a payday and a phone call from a loved one. We must seek God and have the same desire to jump up at any time day or night as though it is a text from God almighty. Do we plan on going to heaven on need or deed? We must put down the things made of plastic and glass and seek to destroy the flesh and its inattentiveness. We have created our own gods and it is these entrapments that have destroyed his purpose for our lives. We are that generation of stiff necked people that are hard of hearing. His praise is not continually on our lips nor is there a song of praise in our hearts. We awaken to feel for the day and assume that Fridays are the only days looking forward too. But oh, fool we will soon see Gods wrath not only in the seasons but in our lives. Voracity Oh wealth where have you hidden your hand Hardly will the camera capture the Image of a fool |