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by nullus
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Drama · #2137487
a story between a boy and girl who meet over the internet
I begin to load up my gear putting my books, lunch, and computer into my bag. Then I throw on my favorite jacket which is a black hoodie with a fluffy interior lining and inner pockets to hide things from those who would chastise me for having them. Items I keep in here are my wallet for obvious reasons, my deck of magic the gathering cards, and a picture of Kubera. She gave it to me via mail when we tried to do a pen pal thing which fell through quickly because the constant upkeep of letters was a tedious act, and we both would rather text. But it was good while it lasted and now I have her photo on me at all times. I also grab my phone, keys, and headphones. I exit through the front door and lock it behind me then I begin my descent down into the dark abyss from my house’s perch on top of the hill. This walk is very representative of my mood from when I wake up I am at the peak of my mood which only goes up more because of talking to Kubera then I have to leave for school. Leaving for school is a very quick falling of my mood because not only am I not allowed to use my phone there which prevents me from talking to Kubera, I also have to talk to people which is a problem because I don’t do well in social situations. My social anxiety acts up and I never seem to say the right things plus the fact that I’m a scrawny 5 foot 10 inches doesn’t do me any favors. So I just sit in the back and watch everything going on around me because to interact means to leave yourself vulnerable to attack. I’m already vulnerable enough without putting myself out there more. Plus whenever I try something new like drawing, or dance, or drama someone comes in and harasses me for it calling me a sissy, or gay, or they bring up the fact that I’ve tried to hide that I have no friends at least no friends at school. I spend all my time alone when I’m at school; any meaningful connections I have tried to make falls apart quicker than a villain's plans in a video game. No matter how many times I’ve tried again and again I always fail. So I’m alone in a place I hate at the bottom of a hill with no friends and only pain and hatred to keep me company. I was so focused writing this that I didn’t notice that I was at school till someone shot me in the head with a rubber band I looked up and saw the building of hell public school 373 a number given to it not a name. I look around trying to find who shot me and I see them snickering in the corner it was the football team aka the kings of high school and me the one senior who just doesn’t submit to their reign. One of them who is a big hulking 6 foot something of a man walks up to me and I know that this won’t end well for me. He begins talking to me and honestly I don’t understand what he is saying. It isn’t that he has an accent or anything it’s just I don’t care enough to translate his words from football to English. So I ask him while taking out my headphones “sorry can you repeat that I don’t understand football” and that got him fuming. So like the idiot I am I lift up my phone and snap a pic of his face and send it to Kubera saying made the quarterback mad oops with the tongue sticking out emoji at the end. She starts laughing which makes me laugh while this meat head is standing there staring at me not faltering not even blinking just keeping his eyes glued on me. So I turn to walk away and he grabs me by the shoulder, makes me face him then he grabs my phone. He looks at my phone and starts scrolling through the text messages between me and Kubera and begins reading them out loud for the school to hear. People are laughing and making fun of me and I’m just standing there frozen taking everything around me in. Then he starts reading about how she cuts herself and starts laughing, laughing at her pain, laughing at our relationship and this is when I snapped. I started to smile all the barriers were released except one. I’m so close to smacking him across the face but still I try to keep my calm but it isn’t working I begin fuming. But the meat head isn’t done he sends her a message using my phone breaking any sacred contract that was there in the first place saying “ Hey B***h just off yourself already no one cares about you.” And he read it out loud then faced me asking “What are you going to do about it Nullus?” he bends down to get to eye level to taunt me even more but this is the point where I flash my toothy grin and the onlookers who were laughing felt it. That one smile changed the mood of the whole group. The people who were filming this from the beginning kept their cameras rolling because everyone was in shock when I finally snapped. I broke his nose before he even had time to react. Blood was flying everywhere and people were in shock as he fell to the ground. I shed my outer jacket -- the thing that makes me feel safe -- and people saw that I actually have muscles which I always hid beneath my jacket. I hate showing that I have strength but for years I’ve been lifting weights and walking multiple miles for training to keep myself and others safe. I walked over to him and stepped on his wrist twisting my foot to make it more painful for him till he let go of my phone. After I got my phone back, I started kicking him and yelling, “YOU F*&*ER!!!!” “I SWEAR TO WHATEVER GOD YOU BELIEVE IN YOU WILL PAY FOR THAT!” I pause kicking him for a moment and glare at the camera with the look that would scare trained members of the military out of their pants. It was so terrifying that people started to run. “ALL YOU WHO LAUGHED YOU’RE NEXT AFTER I’M DONE WITH THIS PIECE OF S**T.” An empty threat I know but I made them all shudder. The football team took me down immediately after and I was dragged to the principal’s office still foaming at the mouth I was pissed and now I got a reputation. The video went to Youtube and became viral. The world knew about the kid who took out a football player. I challenged the hierarchy and I didn’t even know it. But my next challenge was facing punishment for my actions because I just beat a guy unconscious.
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