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by mu/en
Rated: E · Other · Other · #2137184
Assorted midnight rhymes/flows. There's meaning, but it's eclipsed by entertainment.
Deep web ignored, pause/break yourself, don't ignore the cybershell on this psychokinetic elf
Stalkin' the tree (of life) sight free of death, I collect the dots
To operate, callsign ferio amor fati, sic semper not, comin' atcha with all that I got
Sapientia et eloquentia sought, not orbis unum, rememberin' omnes homines, omniae tares
Operari sequitures, overtaking your azeno mind, blind to the lies now outdated.


Signals lost after they entered the loft and came across a mysterious box
Inside of which was a faded splotch, three golf balls and a bottle of scotch
Did time take them in, give them shelter from the din? Or was a malevolent
Force present, with foul, ill intent, ready and waiting to steal from them, Eden?

Whatever happened,
I am still in too much shock to attest
So the rest is up to you.


Aphids eating my eyes, I let them, without my sight you have one less thing to hide behind
I deified your lies but let time pass me by, saw the truth light a fire brighter than any complacent sire
Now I strive to explode my soul higher until I can glide above this world scornful of desire


Be the beaten, take their place, feel their pain for once - Do you deserve the kid gloves?
Take what they've been given, swallow their fears for them - You're no more than them.
A lesson in love from someone who just wants a sum, pay the bill you bum.
Not with cash or a gun, just sit down and talk to someone who never won.


I envision my words as a rap, beating into your head with the power
Fierce power, of a fist to the face, cracking the mask
Shattered glass piercing my hand, I'll press the attack
Slamming into you again and again, till you're blood red
And I'm on the ground holding my head, fingers reaching
For the straps of my own mask, gotta take it off
Can't, destroyed what could with a left hook

I'm passionate, overflowing waves, someones gotta feel them. Drown more than I save, stuck in this rap-rave I see what I crave, a hand to hold mine as I keep on the move.
No god except who I speak to, it's you I seek to keep me from falling down, gotta climb back up this tree of life to live on my own two feet.

I say it all again and again in the same way with different words and expect it all to change just because I gave it a new coat of paint. That's insanity, welcome to the game I play.

Pillaging the Nex-10 star system, we came across an escape pod. Inside, a portal-device, letting us see nothing we had seen before, a whole word to explore; we entered a contest, who could wield the biggest sword. None of us won, weren't ready, still had fun. Left the world, back to ours, brought our discovery to everyone. Turned into a free-for-all, everyone feasting on what they called "Virtual Nones", the ones they weren't, couldn't be them, just data streamed from way back then.

*portal actually leads to memory, brought back device to let people see their memories as they want, they ate and ate on what they no longer were. they filled up on themselves and needed no one else. bad/dead end? but with who it started with, could it have been any other way?*

--Aside, from the 3rd Story--
Evening lines in the sky dictate to me the lives that lie around me, I see it all from my balcony. Coming and going, the will that leads them hides the knowing. For my part, I take a bow, let them watch me act it out; it's all fine, I'm not the one winning this fight. The belt belongs to many, champions already crowned and cowed, milked for their passionate souls.
**It's not entirely a negative thing, being milked. You're providing nutrients for others to grow, at the cost of yourself.

--Nothing like this happened--
Hyperactive mind detective, fighting myself for control of every directive, no direction until I'm asked a question: why? No 'cos, babe, I just don't know, all I gots this desire to grow and fuel is whatever I can find, hold to my mouth and drool all over; are you just some uncouth youth or truth-lost sweet-tooth having iconoclastic santa clause, I can't choose.

Traveling through the back streets, they came across some mean geeks. Push came to shove, now they spillin' blood, and I'm standing, watching from up above, yelling down at them to just shut up, let me sleep. They don't comply; one guy gets a knife through the eye, another runs and manages to hide, takes out a gun and fires blind - 3 hit, 2 on his side. At this point I've returned inside, ready to call the police but something inside, it calls....

I grab my umbrella, turn, run at my window, jump out and dive down, spearing a man lying on the ground, stand up, turn around, uppercut some punk and send him spinning around, dodge a kick by stepping left, and then it all blurs into a mess of shucks and jives the likes of which I've never accomplished since.

--Stitched Together Straylines, Ending Ephemeral--
Hedonistic desire to get ever hire I am fucking addicted to never having enough fire. Gotta burn, gotta burn, gonna burn you down.

Stray lines, connect them/And build a web, don't forget them
Catch them, hold them close, and remember/You never broke, you just forgot the road
Now saddle up and ride, it's time to bring it on home/You're more than a worn away river stone.
Staring back at me I see beginnings without ends, mad libs, a cry for it all to end. But I just begin again.
Sunset seen through the trees, wish you were here with me
Just want to show you what I see.

A symphony of colors to hide my soliloquy by the numbers, a truth still undiscovered.
Youth leave me before I again succumb to the dreams, leaving me as nothing more than a scream
What do I even mean?
With a dip and a dive I glide aloft to where I last left off, still lost.
Casting my lot in with the autumn winds, I'll spin the wheel again
Maybe this time I'll remember, it'll only end when I begin.


What we're meaning is just straight streaming, gleaming pure light cast off, remnants of a fight to blast off far away, outta sight but carrying the mind higher. I'd rather believe against it, but I'm never gone from myself for long. When I said it I meant it but now I'm too far gone to remember the intentions collected, sorted, selected, just the regret is left for you.

Doesn't have to rhyme but it's a sign of the times that a bygone era is defined by what it left behind instead of who experienced it, gave it their lives, the trials and tribulations forgotten but for those who we deified, let guide our life with their lies. No fault but our own, no one wants to be alone, rather you tell me where to stand or go, just remember, you're not being followed.

Led on a path, the truth is what you see, a lack of definite self - you are who you choose to be, everyone is free. If you hide away the key, no one can ever get inside, but you'll never leave.

See me in the trees, fallen down upon the ground, I am but a single sound. Drown me out with your screams and shout obscenities at who you perceive me to be - won't touch me, change me, I'm just some static that blended into the right combination of red, blue and green, ephemeral as all hell yet solid as a heavenly bell, ringing, ringing, stopped forever because you chose to sell it, not tell it like it is.


Stand up, stand up/Let the red flag fly
Cruising down the highway, never gonna say goodbye
Daunting skies, a new enterprise, love on your fingertips
Don't dally, cannonball right into the middle and ignite it,
The passion of life, cutting through the strife like a butter knife
Sharper than you know, cut me free from undertow
Where do I go, now? I don't want to know, now
I just got to let it grow, same body same mind
But now a perfect unified soul, ready to give in
And listen, to the flow within
With a dip and a dive I swiftly climb aloft to where I once was lost
Cast my lot in with the autumn winds, ready to spin the wheel again
Not realizing that it won't end, until I begin.

I'll get through this, my love, and come back to you, sweet turtle dove.
Just keep a watchful eye above, yet don't wait up, keep flying and shining
That deep crystal light, till I return to your side, no longer content to run, hide
Ready to fight for a light that enlightens life and frees it from strife.
Playing baseball with my heart, throw it as hard as I can
Who's that at bat? Me again, and I swing with a swiftness
Not ever thinking, "What if I miss?", or who it could hit.
In my baptismal fire I have but one desire,
To make you strive for ever higher.
Portal to - Unknown - A Test
World found, lifeless - Investigate
All in VR Pods, bodies lost long ago
Free flowing mind in the ethernet now
Trapped themselves, don't realize it
Are they? Either way, nothings changed
Controlled and dying in the information exchange
As I fell to Earth from a great height, I felt I could still fall faster
But then I saw them, as they danced around me
And the demon began to retreat, leaving me to be free.
Basics, that's what you break
Don't make a new mistake
She walks up to me and says, "Hello, knife to meet you!"
"No more mister knife guy!" I reply, and cry
As I've found my one true love, and stab her in the gut.


Take, take, take
Give, give, give
It's a balance no one's got

I see it all, want nothing at all
But because it exists, crave more
Before the fall, before the call

To arms! Strike, strike
First and last, back to back
Kill the Buddha should you meet him on the path

I wouldn't, I'd just say hello and let him pass


See him standing there, looking around
Who's he waiting for? Could just ask him

Walk up to him, pushing through the crowd
Hey, how's it going? Uh, fine, thanks

You looking for someone? Yeah, my partner
Oh, yeah? What's his name? It's En, why?

No reason, just curious. He late?
Yeah, very! Supposed to leave...ugh! Almost two hours ago!

What's he look like? Maybe I could help you find him
Thank you, but I don't even know where to start

You sure? Yes, thank you for the offer.
Alright. What's your name, by the way?

Mu. I'm Cyris, nice to meet you, Mu.
Ah, nice to meet you, too.

Heeeey! Mu! Sorry I'm late! But look!
Got you some poyonos! Your favorite!

Where have you been!? Our shuttles already left without us!
Hey, hey! I said I was sorry! But, since it's already gone...

Don't even! The Commander's hired a ship for us, which is coming out of YOUR paycheck, by the way. Now come on, we're late enough as is.

Fine, fine. You know, Mu, you should learn to relax a-
Come on! Oh, uh, sorry. Nice meeting you, but we've gotta go.

Alright, have a safe trip. Bye!


Can there be one? A golden sun, a glistening body of water, a world never before won
Cry havoc yet never heed the cry, lost behind your eyes, I wonder why?
But I know, deep down, it's a sold lottery, an anger left behind, discourse, undefined self right there waiting to be defined, not yours, mine. Want you beside me as I climb, climb that mountain, pass that time, amounting to nothing but what we've found. Loved you before, carried you never, want to watch us grow in the clear mists forever. But we can't, can't seperate, me, myself, and I, an unholy triumvirate. Sounds nothing like you? That's the clue. Can you find me? Bet you don't even want to. Do I?

No. Go home, you're missed.


Betrothed, beloved, begin again
Begging, buying, begin again
Bestial, binary, begin again
Binding, but, begin again
We came to a clearing, came closer to an understanding, forgot the meaning
But instead found life among the fleeting, bleating, ever-lasting freedom
Of a bygone era, or things to come
Something we lost, staring at the sun

Don't dally, it's gonna be OK.

Psst, got a secret to tell/Never before have I wanted to sell, but now it's a phantom I can't stop, can't quell/Don't mind the ghosts, the colorless fell phantoms of Self, mindless as they are they just can't escape the world they dwell/In, out, back around, upside down now/What more do you have to say? What more can I do, but sway?

Breezy, eazy, everlasting grief notwithstanding, I will cope with this pain. But won't make a cent.


Back to black as I take a step forward on the path
To nevermore and nothing I can see I lack
Please, take me back

Candlelight is wasted as memories are placed
And the things I've seen are nothing more than where I've been
Can I ever show you my dreams?

Ever ready to be nothing, never ready to stand up for something
Not me, I do all I can do to hold back my sting
Just want you to understand what more you could be, at least as I see

It's nothing more than knocking on heavens door, I know, I know
I'll be bored of it 'fore long, I know, I know
That I'll never tire of going on too long, I know you know

Get on the path, get off of what you lack and start asking questions
Will they take you back?
More than that, does it all just fade to black?

Like a curtain close at the end of a show
I hope they'll call for an encore, but no more
Please, no more, I've done all I can to stave off the nothing

Can't be anything more than nevermore, can't find the place I've been searching for
Holy ground, an open door, waiting arms, why won't you soar?
With me, up where we can ignore

All that I've seen is what came before, all that water
All gone, frozen under
The ground, as I crash down, explode in a wail

And jerk and flail, cradled in the arms of empty, windless sails
Can you see? Can you see? It's not you, it's me
Someone who could never be more than the mist seen

Through the trees, becoming harder yet clearer to see
Growling, yowling, hooting, hollering
The beasts wait for you and me.


It was just lying there, bobbing softly, shining brightly.
I didn't take it, or even touch it
Just watched it for a time, and then left.

Did anyone else come upon it? What did it show you?


Evening came, you made dinner, we sat on the couch, shared some
Chocolate, licked it off your lips, which you used to tell me the
Bluebird Story, your favorite, bout a little boy and his best friend, how'd it go again?
Ring, gave it to you and we gave in to the
Colors of Life, danced in the moonlight, a chance to
Synchronize, let our love sing through,
One for U, me, all who see the
Aurora, an aura too bright to ignore, no, need a better metaphor

Coffee Break, then I'm off on a trip to the
Crescent Moon like a
Tayutau, drunk off your light on this
Silent Night, let's take a trip through the
Animal Forest, follow the chorus and new
Times Fusion, and finally find absolution.

DJ Okawari - Diorama
Find anothers words, make your own story/Or was it an encoded intention?


Seeping through the cracks, the cracks
Nifty things, nothing to laugh at, at
Cycling the chamber, pulling back, attack!
Kill the dream before it strikes at you, punishes the throne of the one who made a vow
Sync lost, detractors circling with cloth, smothering loss of self-worth and a deeping cost
Destroy! Destroy! No more! Break it down, consume it all! Wipe it out, blot it out!
Crying the fiercest, byte-by-byte we're feeling, down and out before the sounding of the horns that signal the end of the Christ-riddlin' chorus of self-satisfying crisis work.

Breath. Breath. Breath. Lost it all again.

Cannibalize, trivialize, account for nothing but accept your demise and try again when you don't feel the vise, crushing, snapping your neck in half

Battleborn yet never ready I stand before you pure and steady.

Blue sky filling up what was a restless revolt
Candleabras shining bright, lighting up the pitch black moat
Heavy sighs, mourning, tears in rain, none of these followed
It was all we could do not to carry on, light the fires so shallow
Breaking off a piece, we passed it round, didn't understand it
Until that sound shattered our peace, brought us to the ground
Evening fell as the tables turned, and we screamed out our last
Hateful beings, hurtful words, healthful people
Nothing left but the heart that yearns
For more than anything, I drive on
To see the night turn to dawn
I care not, I just can't
Leave well enough alone
In silent repose, I cast the stone
And skip it across the memory hole
No more solace to be found
Not there, but perhaps around
Tis a folly, this thought
But I spin it, weave it
Cherish it, believe it
Hope for it to grow
Taller than I can see it
Heaven stirs, hell whispers
Can't you see he shivers
Cold, alone, restless
Adorned with colors
He never crested
Hesitates, one last stand
Another contender to to the crown of everyman
She crows so callous, so divine
But in the end, we'll fall to time
As we are more than dirt
But less than stars
We'll walk upon this rock of ours
Forever more and never again
I seek sweet oblivion
Yet stir once again
For the flame
Is calling
And who am I
To resist
Then again
Who am I
To give in?
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