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by if
Rated: E · Short Story · Mythology · #2137159
A new twist on Greek mythology. Hades and Persephone had daughters together, Cyra & Ayla.
The Muses
Long ago, the Greek gods Hades and Persephone had two children, twin girls, Cyra and Ayla.They were beautiful, with dark skin like their mother and sharp bone structures like their father. The twins were born during a solar eclipse, Ayla being born first as the sun was fully blocked by the moon and Cyra second, as the sun became visible again. We are here to introduce you to their story. The story of how the world almost lost the light.


October 22th, a long time ago


Mother came back today. I know Father has missed her. Cerberus has been slobbering all over her. It's always nice to have Mother back. The air just seems lighter and happier. The Overworld just started their fall season, so Demeter came down with Mother for a short break. This should be... Eventful, to say the least. What we need is a distraction, a good one. Maybe we should get Cerberus puppies! I've always wanted more hounds around the palace. I'll write more later; we're celebrating Mother's return and mourning Father's pleasant mood.
Ayla found a letter addressed to me from someone unknown. We were just talking about how I wanted a distraction and now I have one! It says;
Oh, what can I say, my dear? You are the stars in my sky. You are the flowers in my field. You light up my world like no other. In the middle of my chaos, there was you. I cannot get thoughts of us together out of my head. If nothing else, I know for certain that you are the goddess of my dreams, the goddess I want to spend the rest of eternity with. No matter what anyone says about Hades, your parents do not define you. I've heard the rumors that you are to be wed to another, and I cannot bear that thought. I can't bear to think that another has kissed you, has loved you the way I do. Let us run away together, my love. I can take you away from here, I can make you happy. Meet me by the Styx River a week from yesterday. I shall be waiting there at midnight. Until then, my love.
Forever yours,

I told Mother and Father and they just laughed it off as a joke. Mother certainly has gotten letters similar to this. Some have been threats or mocking, since she left Olympus for Father, but Demeter always tells Mother that if she hadn't of met Father, she wouldn't have "two amazing granddaughters", which are Ayla and I. This seems like something Apollo and Artemis would do to just to annoy me, but it doesn't seem like Apollo's writing style. He writes more haikus than anything. I'll have to have Ayla help me decode this. If it is Apollo messing with me, I'll have to curse him. Ayla has a list of curses we haven't used on him yet and I'm looking forward to using a new one. She really does not trust this, but I think she's just being paranoid. Worst case scenario, Apollo is playing a prank on me.

October 29, a long time ago

Tonight I meet my mystery admirer. I'm bringing my hellhounds, Tele and Sklir, with me. If it is Apollo, Tele knows that she's allowed to chase him. Biting is a no-no, but scaring him is her favorite thing. My puppers are the cutest things! Ayla was rather annoyed with me when I told her I wanted to meet this mystery person. I get more attention than she does from suitors, and she says it's because I'm the more 'favorable' of the two of us. Father is not known for his allure; being Hades he is more known for death. Ayla, bless her, is just like Father, and while that comes in handy in the long run, it's not amazing when you're trying to find a proper suitor. It's time for me to leave now, I'll be back later with news!



October 29, around the time Cyra left

Dear Diary,

My sister is a fool. She does not listen! I warned her against going to the River! She did listen. Something bad will happen, I can feel it in my soul. I'm waiting by the river to watch. If I could go in her place, I would. Sadly, even though we are twins, we do not resemble each other in the slightest. She is light, ethereal and mysterious and I'm the opposite. I'm dark, grim and mysterious, but no one wants to solve my mysteries. I'm too much like Father. The only way he got Mother to marry him is he tricked her. As the story goes, the real one, Hades requested a beautiful flower to lure Mother. Persephone was obviously lured in, and she ended up falling for Father. I don't want to have a love story like that. I want someone to look at me and say, "That's her. That's the one I want to spend the rest of my life with." Mother told me that she felt that when she met Father. She told me she knew she loved him when 'home' went from being a place to being a person. That's all I want. I want to someone to love me, wholly and truthfully. The only person who does is Cyra. I can't lose her yet. She's the only one who understands me. We are polar opposites but she loves me. Mother and Father love me, but they don't understand. I'm too like Father for Mother and I'm too like Mother for Father. Oh! Here comes our mystery man. The suspense is killing me. I know that this won't end well for her and I know that she doesn't care. Mother and Father just laughed it off. Everyone thinks this is just the twin hunters, Artemis and Apollo, playing a trick on Cyra. I must go now. Cyra is here and I must listen closely to their conversation. I'll write tomorrow, Diary, for by the time this meeting is done it shall be very late or very early, depending on how you want to look at it.



October 30, the wee hours of the morning, around 3 in the morning


I met my secret admirer! He was glamoured and I could not tell who he was. When he spoke, I could not tell if he was male or female, known or unknown. There is something off about him, but I can't help but feel intrigued. I want to know who he is. We spent hours talking, talking about life, about music, about art, about everything. I felt so safe with him. I felt like I've known him for so long, yet he feels so different than anyone or anything I've ever come into contact with. He read me poetry, all written about me. It was the most fun I've had in such a long time! We've made plans to meet again tomorrow evening. I could squeal, I'm so elated! I cannot wait to tell Ayla all that has happened! Tomorrow, though. It's late and I need to sleep. Goodnight, Journal.

November 8, later that day, around 9 in the evening


Oh, I just can't wait to really meet my admirer! I've been pacing around since supper. Mother came in and told me to settle down because she can hear me in her garden, which is right underneath my room. I told Ayla and she started acting very peculiar. I really hope that she isn't jealous or upset with me. I couldn't stand that. She's the only one who understands me. Tonight, since I'm meeting X again, I'm thinking of going alone. Tele and Sklir should stay home. I want it to be the two of us. I can't help but sense that we're soul mates. It's early but I already feel like I know him nearly as well as I know Ayla or myself. I must get ready, we're meeting in a couple of hours and it takes a while to walk to the Styx.

November 23, early morning


I cannot believe her! Ayla has been following me and spying on X and me through the trees! She glamoured herself into a black snake with a white dot on its head. I noticed her out of the corner of my eye earlier this month, but I thought nothing of it. She is my twin and I'm ashamed I didn't realize that it was her. Her glamour is the inverse of mine! And how many other snakes a) live here and b) are black with a white dot? Ridiculous. I made her swear to Zeus that she would never do that again. Ugh, sisters...

November 29, late evening/early morning

Dear Diary,

I was too late. Ye gods, why didn't I get there sooner?? I could have stopped him. Whoever Cyra has been meeting for the past week coerced her into leaving the Underworld. I felt her leave. I know she's in trouble. I'm packing as I speak. I enchanted my quill to write down what I say so I can accomplish what I need. I'm bringing Voheia, my giant white fox, with me. She looks intimidating, even though she's just a giant fluff ball. I left a note for Mother and Father; I hope they're not angry with me for leaving. If they're going to be angry at anyone, it should be Cyra. I tried to warn her as soon as she got that gods-forsaken letter. I'm so angry! I'm on my way out of the palace now. Hestia, my aunt, bless this journey. May I stay safe and rescue my sister. Bless my sister, may no harm come to her. Bless this night, may my parents not wake up until I am far away. Bless, my journey twice, may I track Cyra efficiently. Bless me, may I be powerful enough to curse the quisquilian bastard. Bless Voheia, may she be as swift as a coursing river. Thank you, Aunt. I have to go, I shall write more when I find my sister, Diary.

December 2, around noon

Dear Diary,

I found my dear, idiotic sister. The fool, gods bless her, was tricked into loving Hyperion, the Titan god of light and the cycles of day and night, sun and moon. My sister and I are goddesses of light and dark, Cyra literally meaning light and Ayla literally meaning dark. Hyperion, that bastard, spied upon my sister in the Elysian fields, a place here in my father's realm for the heroic souls to spend the rest of eternity. She takes care of the fields while Mother is away, and Father and his brothers allowed the Titans to rule over Elysium. The Overworld and Elysium overlap, in a place called the Bless Isles. The islands are not in the Overworld nor the Underworld, just out of reach of the mortals. They are hidden well and are nearly impossible to find. Hyperion took my dear, daft sister and attempted to keep her on the main island. Fortunately, Aunt Hestia blessed my quest. Her blessing destroyed all of the wards that Hyperion put up to make it impossible to find Cyra. Once I found her, it was quite easy to curse him. He wasn't expecting me to come; he wasn't expecting Cyra and me to have a bond. We can tell when the other is in trouble. I felt her leave my father's realm. What a fool Hyperion was. He really needs practice in kidnapping. Father wanted to have Zeus curse Hyperion as well, but I knew that Cyra would never forgive us. I placed wards on the Isles, making it so Hyperion won't be able to leave for another 30 years. Cyra is the only god, goddess, Titan, or mortal able to pass the wards. She is still asleep and the goddess of healing, my cousin Aceso, said that the effects of the drug Hyperion used on Cyra shall wear off in a few days. Until then, dear Diary.

To tos, agapitoanagnti
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